The Candace Owens Vs Ben Shapiro dust up:

Why the brackets and parentheses? Democrats cant even figure out what side of this equation they stand on. Stand with Israel OR Muslim/Iranian/ Gaza.
Democrats do not give a damn about either the muslims or the Ukrainians. They only care about power.
While true one could say the same about republicans
Not the same thing. Democrats want power as dictators want power. Republicans want power to return the usa to a founders form of government.
Sorry dude. I know you felt the need to say “something “ but “Nooooo you do…” is fucking childish
So you see how my response was just like yours are. But you hate it. Tough. You should watch what you type.
So you see how my response was just like yours are. But you hate it. Tough. You should watch what you type.
Dude… I know you claim to be 80 but the Peewee Herman act is just lame
  • Denies Ukraine bans Orthodox Churches

The Rise of Religious Messaging in Putin’s Re-making of Russian State Identity

Throughout the nine centuries that followed, the Russian Orthodox Church enjoyed a close relationship with the Russian state, becoming “fully part of the structure of the government.”


Since taking power in 1999, President Putin has regularly professed and used religious connections to the Orthodox Church for political gain. In doing so, he has re-crafted Russian society and placed himself at the center of a newly established Russian theological identity; one professing a traditional set of conservative values standing in contrast to the West, which functions to bolster domestic cohesion and support claims of Russian leadership and authority over its neighbors.

Ukraine orders Russian-aligned Orthodox church to leave Kyiv monastery

You simply cannot allow an organ of the KGB thug's police state to function as a hostile foreign agent when you are under attack.


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