The candidates for president couldn't be more different.


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
One difference a lot of people don't talk about much is the different views D elites have compared to the Republicans, and esp to Trump.

I've had a negative view of the UN for a long time, and this article explains how the Obummer and Bribum/Harris administration differed widely in their UN policies. Basically, Trump distrusts certain agencies in the UN, as many Americans do and not without reason. As per usual, the dims have a very different attitude than most Americans
(sane ones).

Democrats are corrupt and bought and paid for. That's why their actions so often are in contradiction to what's best for the U.S.
Often? It's getting so it is ALWAYS

I don't think ever in American history we've had such opposite candidates. Romney was basically Dim Lite and Bush.. well, many would say the same about him. Reagan was pretty different from the leftist candidates, but Trump seems more different than Reagan in important ways. Notice in this article, the "world body" is afraid of Trump returning.

Gee... that's a shocker.
One difference a lot of people don't talk about much is the different views D elites have compared to the Republicans, and esp to Trump.

I've had a negative view of the UN for a long time, and this article explains how the Obummer and Bribum/Harris administration differed widely in their UN policies. Basically, Trump distrusts certain agencies in the UN, as many Americans do and not without reason. As per usual, the dims have a very different attitude than most Americans
(sane ones).

Fascist traash hate the UN.
We'll see if there are enough dumb shit Americans who want to elect a "Feelz Good" President who will maintain the Regime that has screwed up America in every way possible.
I tend to think No way (unless there is fraud) does kamel win.

That's because all the feel good is on HER and Walz's end.

I don't see many Americans feeling too good these days... high gas and food prices.. high inflation, can't afford to buy a house..

Yeh, but kamel hairy lives well, so she has every reason to laugh her ass off and Tampon Tim, if the US turns commie, he will be one of the ones in charge who gets paid big bucks while the little people do without.. whether we speak of food or RIGHTS..

yeh, the laughing is all on THEIR side.. not the People's
One difference a lot of people don't talk about much is the different views D elites have compared to the Republicans, and esp to Trump.

I've had a negative view of the UN for a long time, and this article explains how the Obummer and Bribum/Harris administration differed widely in their UN policies. Basically, Trump distrusts certain agencies in the UN, as many Americans do and not without reason. As per usual, the dims have a very different attitude than most Americans
(sane ones).

America did very well as a leading UN member.
One difference a lot of people don't talk about much is the different views D elites have compared to the Republicans, and esp to Trump.
The reason no one talks about it is that most people are finally beginning to see through the theatrics of the good cop/bad cop program we're being fed. The core agenda; corporate wars, global intrusion, debt by inflation, race and class warfare, mass surveillance and loss of rights continue no matter who you think you elect. Superficial and easily transferred "differences".
I guess you don't agree that the candidates are very different?

Well, the more news you watch, the more this truth gets drilled into you.

one party says it's OK to butcher helpless children in the womb. The other says that every human has the right to LIFE as per the Declaration.

one party obeys the border laws on the books, the other ignores them because elites in that party are royalty and above the law

one party uses lawfare to bring down political opponents who threaten their power. One does not.
She is the worst Presidential candidate in American history, hands down.
Actually, I can't decide whether she is worse or bribum. . probably bribum because, as you may know, he got paid millions by foreign countries for his brand and I'm sure his foreign policy was influenced in favor of the companies paying him. Even if that cannot be proven, this should be against the law. As the Bible says, "Avoid the very appearance of evil." A president should not be taking money into fake companies from foreign countries, esp ones that hate us or want to dominate us. No one will ever trust his foreign policy decisions, and we should not be made to wonder about it.

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