The Cappucino Corral

Happy Friday, everyone!

Interesting situation near Boston. They found about 200 crows dead, and though it might be some kind of avian virus. A pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and confirmed the problem was definitely not a virus

Instead, the cause of death was vehicular impacts. It was noted that different types of of paints appeared on the bird's beaks and claws. By analyzing the residue, it was determined that 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, while only 2% were killed by an impact with a car.

The matter was studied further by ornithologists to determine the cause for the disproportionate percentage of truck kills versus car kills. They quickly found the cause. When crows eat road kill, they always have a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of impending danger. While all the lookout crows could shout "Cah", not a single one could shout "Truck."

It went all the way up to 69 degrees today.......but we're supposed to get another cold front.......argh........

It went all the way up to 6.9 here. Literally. We expect to set records today both for all-time low and for all-time low high.

I know, it's crazy. Dallas/Fort Worth got snow.....they're only like 300 miles up north from us......we were at 32 degrees all day yesterday....with drizzle. I'm surprised it didn't turn to sleet - I was glad to be back home by the fireplace.
Interesting situation near Boston. They found about 200 crows dead, and though it might be some kind of avian virus. A pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and confirmed the problem was definitely not a virus

Instead, the cause of death was vehicular impacts. It was noted that different types of of paints appeared on the bird's beaks and claws. By analyzing the residue, it was determined that 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, while only 2% were killed by an impact with a car.

The matter was studied further by ornithologists to determine the cause for the disproportionate percentage of truck kills versus car kills. They quickly found the cause. When crows eat road kill, they always have a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of impending danger. While all the lookout crows could shout "Cah", not a single one could shout "Truck."


Damn, I thought you were serious..............that was funny.....:D
Sarah G

How'd you like the season ending to "How to Get Away With Murder"? You did say you were watching, didn't you? I thought it was great.....can't wait to find out who did kill Rebecca....was it Frank? Was it Annalise?
Yeah, that's the charm of the joke. And it's clean, non-political and non-offensive to anyone. It's safe and funny, so it will work with any audience. Tuck it away in your memory for when you can use it.

The other joke I know in that category is a little more macabre, and has a visual component. The cat joke. Goes like this.

So, I was driving along in <local area>, and this cat sprang into the road, and before I could even swerve, I had hit it. I stopped immediately and checked it out, of course, but the poor thing was definitely dead.

There was a house nearby, so I rang the doorbell, and asked the woman who answered if they knew whose cat that was. She said "I'm not sure. There are lots of cats around here. What did it look like?".

So I said "Kind of like this". <At this point, contort your arms and face into a sort of squished cat imitation>
Snow all day here and supposed to continue all night. Took this from our front door. That's the lake through the trees. The light is one of four we have across the front yard. They come on automatically. Luckily, we have everything we need so snuggled down for the duration.

Lazy day, made mushroom stroganoff for lunch and have been goofing off.

Hope you all are safe and warm.


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Snow all day here and supposed to continue all night. Took this from our front door. That's the lake through the trees. The light is one of four we have across the front yard. They come on automatically. Luckily, we have everything we need so snuggled down for the duration. Hope you all are safe and warm.

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Snow all day here and supposed to continue all night. Took this from our front door. That's the lake through the trees. The light is one of four we have across the front yard. They come on automatically. Luckily, we have everything we need so snuggled down for the duration. Hope you all are safe and warm.

View attachment 37314

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Really nice. Thanks.

We have one wood burning stove and one gas stove with realistic flames. I have to admit, I prefer the gas stove. Very pretty and no upkeep.

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