The Cappucino Corral

Interesting situation near Boston. They found about 200 crows dead, and though it might be some kind of avian virus. A pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and confirmed the problem was definitely not a virus

Instead, the cause of death was vehicular impacts. It was noted that different types of of paints appeared on the bird's beaks and claws. By analyzing the residue, it was determined that 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, while only 2% were killed by an impact with a car.

The matter was studied further by ornithologists to determine the cause for the disproportionate percentage of truck kills versus car kills. They quickly found the cause. When crows eat road kill, they always have a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of impending danger. While all the lookout crows could shout "Cah", not a single one could shout "Truck."



And I passed it on to our son in Boston - actually, Cambridge.

Beautiful view, Luddly!

It snowed all day here, too. I really enjoy watching it fall, but it never fails to relax me to the point that a nap is a necessity. It's my tranquilizer.

After the mushroom stroganoff, big time carbs, I really considered a nap earlier today.

But, working on an art project so I never did get around to it.

Yes, so beautiful and quiet and peaceful and I'm glad I don't have to be out in it.

I need Spring badly but for now, just some pics is all I get.
Beautiful view, Luddly!

It snowed all day here, too. I really enjoy watching it fall, but it never fails to relax me to the point that a nap is a necessity. It's my tranquilizer.

After the mushroom stroganoff, big time carbs, I really considered a nap earlier today.

But, working on an art project so I never did get around to it.

Yes, so beautiful and quiet and peaceful and I'm glad I don't have to be out in it.

Yum I love stroganoff !
Is anyone here watching Survivor? Or, the Amazing Race? They both had a good start.....

I'm watching both, they are going to be GOOD! should be fun discussing what we like or don't like....:) I was very happy with their decision to let So go home.....

I was thinking the young doctor (blind dates) was going to hate the blonde girl who talks alot but by the 2nd epsiode they were working as a team more and he mellowed out :lol:
Is anyone here watching Survivor? Or, the Amazing Race? They both had a good start.....

I'm watching both, they are going to be GOOD! should be fun discussing what we like or don't like....:) I was very happy with their decision to let So go home.....

I was thinking the young doctor (blind dates) was going to hate the blonde girl who talks alot but by the 2nd epsiode they were working as a team more and he mellowed out :lol:

Yeah....I thought he was getting annoyed with her....turns out she's a nurse. I was sorry for the couple that went home....they tried so hard with the dance challenge only to have to do the other one also, and were able to do it on the first try. If they had opted for that challenge, they may have been the #1 team. It will be interesting next week...I can already see a couple of teams that may have trouble keeping up!
Good Morning, I Cappucinisti della Terra! TGIM! Pull those covers back, make a nice cuppa cappu and tell the cold weather to go suck on some flames! 1st Monday in March, just two weeks away from the ides of March!!

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Good Morning, I cappuccinisti della Terra, and a happy Tuesday to all of you.

I was in the USA for 8 days, on family business. Just flew back yesterday going into today.


Argh............we're supposed to get another cold front.............when does it end? By this time last year I'm sure I was already getting my vegetable garden ready for planting.......

Wednesday; and another lovely bright day.

Guten Morgen, Mindful !

And a good morning to all our cool Cappuccinistas out there. I will post a little more this evening (my time), but have a certain amount of backlogged work to finish since I got home and damn if I don't feel more jet-lagged than ever this time. I think that going from -10 C to +15 C overnight did not exactly help. But I do like being able to get on my bike again to get around. :thup:

Have a good hump day, folks. Remember, if you don't hump, you don't honor the day!!!

Wednesday; and another lovely bright day.

Guten Morgen, Mindful !

And a good morning to all our cool Cappuccinistas out there. I will post a little more this evening (my time), but have a certain amount of backlogged work to finish since I got home and damn if I don't feel more jet-lagged than ever this time. I think that going from -10 C to +15 C overnight did not exactly help. But I do like being able to get on my bike again to get around. :thup:

Have a good hump day, folks. Remember, if you don't hump, you don't honor the day!!!


I'm buying daffodils every day.

Is your city cycle friendly?

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