The Cappucino Corral

Good morning!

Since it's almost that time of year again, guess I should start thinking about sprucing up the tornado shelter, and making sure I won't be hunkering down with creepy crawly
spiders, or whatever else that may have decided to winter there. Heavy sigh.
Check out the really cool art on Starbuck's coffee sleeves.

Here's a sample - More at the link.

More proof that caffeine is a good thing.
Good morning!

Since it's almost that time of year again, guess I should start thinking about sprucing up the tornado shelter, and making sure I won't be hunkering down with creepy crawly
spiders, or whatever else that may have decided to winter there. Heavy sigh.

Oh noes ...

We were hit a couple of years ago. We were in Paris at the time and got a call from our next door neighbor so that's what was waiting for us when we got home.

Just like we always hear - odd misses. Like tree branches through the screen on our deck but hanging plants untouched. Many of the copper tiles were gone off a small building we has a gym. We found them all over the place and were able to replace all of them. Good thing cuz those tiles were really expensive. An enormous oak tree was snapped off and several smaller trees were just gone. Houses on the other side of the lake were hit much harder than we were.

Very sad and very scary.

Let's hope the storms miss us all this year.
Just like we always hear - odd misses. Like tree branches through the screen on our deck but hanging plants untouched. Many of the copper tiles were gone off a small building we has a gym. We found them all over the place and were able to replace all of them. Good thing cuz those tiles were really expensive. An enormous oak tree was snapped off and several smaller trees were just gone. Houses on the other side of the lake were hit much harder than we were.

Very sad and very scary.

Let's hope the storms miss us all this year.

I'm rooting for them to miss us all, too, and I think you were most blessed to have not been home when it came through. I would imagine the noise alone would be embedded in your memory forever.
Looks like we're headed for was 34 degrees this morning on our way to the Apple store to get Mr Mertex's laptop looked at. By the time they were able to fix it, and we were coming home, the temp was up to 54....and it looks like it will continue to get warmer. Aaaaah, I should finally be able to start buying tomato plants and getting my vegetable garden ready.......woohoo!

Okay ... We made the Coffee Balls and

If you make them, I would suggest not rolling them in pwd sugar. Its just too sweet.. Also, we substituted half of the pwd sugar with raw stevia.

Otherwise, pretty good.

55 here yesterday but its not spring for these eagles:

Think spring eagles. Think spring.

More photos and a link to a live cam at the link ^^ .


Okay ... We made the Coffee Balls and

If you make them, I would suggest not rolling them in pwd sugar. Its just too sweet.. Also, we substituted half of the pwd sugar with raw stevia.

Otherwise, pretty good.

55 here yesterday but its not spring for these eagles:

Think spring eagles. Think spring.

More photos and a link to a live cam at the link ^^ .


Coffee Balls!!!


Okay ... We made the Coffee Balls and

If you make them, I would suggest not rolling them in pwd sugar. Its just too sweet.. Also, we substituted half of the pwd sugar with raw stevia.

Otherwise, pretty good.

55 here yesterday but its not spring for these eagles:

Think spring eagles. Think spring.

More photos and a link to a live cam at the link ^^ .


What a beautiful picture....I hope that eagle is not too cold buried under all that snow....poor thing!

Okay ... We made the Coffee Balls and

If you make them, I would suggest not rolling them in pwd sugar. Its just too sweet.. Also, we substituted half of the pwd sugar with raw stevia.

Otherwise, pretty good.

55 here yesterday but its not spring for these eagles:

Think spring eagles. Think spring.

More photos and a link to a live cam at the link ^^ .


What a beautiful picture....I hope that eagle is not too cold buried under all that snow....poor thing!

And there are three eggs under there !!

Okay ... We made the Coffee Balls and

If you make them, I would suggest not rolling them in pwd sugar. Its just too sweet.. Also, we substituted half of the pwd sugar with raw stevia.

Otherwise, pretty good.

55 here yesterday but its not spring for these eagles:

Think spring eagles. Think spring.

More photos and a link to a live cam at the link ^^ .


Coffee Balls!!!


Coffee and chocolate - Except that dunking could be confusing, I can't think of a thing wrong with that!

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