The Cappucino Corral

I love coffee and tea and am partial to whiskey. I won't refuse red wine.

For some reason white wine gives me a headache. Vodka gives me terrible hangovers.

I stick to tequila and don't get hangovers.

If I am drinking red wine then I will drink a lot of water too and stops it from dehydrating me and that means no hangover from that either.

BTW I read an article that after 60 alcohol protects the hippocampus. Essentially people who stick to the recommended drink limits per day have better memory retention than those that don't.


What did I just read? I can't remember.

OK, I reread the post,,what am I posting about?

One moment. :booze::booze::booze:

Ok, all is right with the world.
Hmmm, I just had a flashback about when I was six years old and was wearing my favorite shirt, which was a red plaid, with hints if blue and green. I liked it because it reminded me of Grizzly Adams. Anyway, I was riding my bike when a tiny little turtle started crossing the sidewalk and then,,,,,,,,,,,. Whoops I was getting carried away with my memories.
Hmmmm, this works pretty good but :booze::booze::booze::booze::booze:
What am I doing here again?

Hey good to hear from you and glad to know that you're still around. Seems like a lot of people have left and we have a whole lot of new ones....some I think are recycles....:D And be sure and let us know the end of your story about the little turtle....sounds interesting...:rolleyes:

Pruning a bougainvillea is like fighting with cats. You always end up with scratches all over your hands and arms.

Actually had a mutant one that had a mixture of flower colors from the familiar purple through to orange. It was a monster that needed frequent attacks to keep it in check. It would have happily taken over the entire courtyard if it was left alone.

I love them, but that's why I don't have any. They are thorny and have to be brought inside in the winter, and I don't want to have to struggle with one. I had one once, brought it in, but it didn't do well inside.

Hawthorn trees are a similar experience. I have planted 14 of them over the years. How do I know its fourteen? Because everyone of them has drawn blood at least once during planting. Great trees for birds, not tree installers.


Pruning a bougainvillea is like fighting with cats. You always end up with scratches all over your hands and arms.

Actually had a mutant one that had a mixture of flower colors from the familiar purple through to orange. It was a monster that needed frequent attacks to keep it in check. It would have happily taken over the entire courtyard if it was left alone.

I love them, but that's why I don't have any. They are thorny and have to be brought inside in the winter, and I don't want to have to struggle with one. I had one once, brought it in, but it didn't do well inside.

Hawthorn trees are a similar experience. I have planted 14 of them over the years. How do I know its fourteen? Because everyone of them has drawn blood at least once during planting. Great trees for birds, not tree installers.

I never heard of a Hawthorn tree....I looked them up and they are beautiful, do they grow wild?

We have Hawthorne bushes, and they are not thorny at all and have beautiful flowers, I wonder if they are related to the Hawthorn tree?


Pruning a bougainvillea is like fighting with cats. You always end up with scratches all over your hands and arms.

Actually had a mutant one that had a mixture of flower colors from the familiar purple through to orange. It was a monster that needed frequent attacks to keep it in check. It would have happily taken over the entire courtyard if it was left alone.

I love them, but that's why I don't have any. They are thorny and have to be brought inside in the winter, and I don't want to have to struggle with one. I had one once, brought it in, but it didn't do well inside.

Hawthorn trees are a similar experience. I have planted 14 of them over the years. How do I know its fourteen? Because everyone of them has drawn blood at least once during planting. Great trees for birds, not tree installers.

I never heard of a Hawthorn tree....I looked them up and they are beautiful, do they grow wild?

We have Hawthorne bushes, and they are not thorny at all and have beautiful flowers, I wonder if they are related to the Hawthorn tree?


Hawthorns are also called hawberries or thornapples too.
You guys are lucky. I live in zone 4 so I can't grow some of the more exotic plants and flowers unless I do them as annuals over the summer or maybe bring them in, in the winter.
Fun weekend happening. I managed to wear my daughter out by letting her roller skate for an hour this evening. Fun, fun, fun.

I had a gig early this evening and so I brought her to a babysitter, one who has her own garden. And my little one helped to pull vegetables out of the garden for a delicious dinner of red beets, carrots and wheat bread with almond paste. Best beets I have ever eaten in my life. Wow.

When we got home, little Statalina, after the hour of roller skating, looked at her fingernails and said, in English, "Papa, my fingnernails have dört in zhem" (chuckle, chuckle) and I said "honey, did you have fun in the garden", to which she replied with a huge smile, "of course", to which I replied, "then that little bit of dirt was worth it. Who knows, maybe a mini universe is under your fingernail right now."

Five minutes later, she is still staring at her fingernail, considering the possibilities.

Apple - tree - fall - not far.


Pruning a bougainvillea is like fighting with cats. You always end up with scratches all over your hands and arms.

Actually had a mutant one that had a mixture of flower colors from the familiar purple through to orange. It was a monster that needed frequent attacks to keep it in check. It would have happily taken over the entire courtyard if it was left alone.
have that problem too no matter how careful you are they always stab you ..bastards!
btw it a bone chilling 83 degrees here in so cal
makes you feel all autumnly and stuff ....

Hey,daws101 - good to see you hear. Come back every day and shoot the shit with us!!!
I heard that Pogo has a cat who is not doing very well.

Anyone know anything more than that?

Pogo - come tell us how your cat is.
The last I heard was that he had gotten up a tree again.....and wouldn't come down.

"But the cat came back -- he just couldn't stay a-way..." :D

Hobbes is fine, all. Got him down last Wednesday.

The action scene:
After trying to entice him down, scare him down by throwing things and shaking/banging on the tree, and then contacting the Sheriff's office, the fire department, fire and rescue, the utilities, the animal shelter, the newspaper, and a local company that actually makes cherry-pickers in search of somebody with the equipment to go up there, nobody had any (the electric company does but wouldn't do it). Also called a construction worker friend and every tree service in the book (no answer from any) but finally a tree service from another town agreed to make the trip. They drove up and got the bucket truck in place and started to set up the anchor legs...

Wellsir, this created a lot of big-truck motor noise, and that and all the activity spooked the cat, he jumped, lost his balance in his fatigue (six days he was up there) and started to free-fall. Then he caught his balance as cats always do and started to run -- straight down. This cat that had been so terrified of the ground being fifty feet away was now running toward it at full tilt. When he reached the bottom he just did a quick right-angle from the vertical to the horizontal and darted up the hill toward the woods. No impact, no injury. I was concerned in his freak-out moment he would run up another tree, but he didn't --- he had stopped in a clearing and just sat there. I think he completely ran out of gas by then. So I picked him up, got him inside and gave him a nice (small) meal and a place to rest. Since then he's been mostly eating frequently and sleeping, but he's OK.

So long story short -- I went to a lot of trouble to bring a truck in from out of town and all I needed was sound effects. :lol:

Thanks for everybody's concern. I got pretty spooked the other day when he was still up there and I called his name and woke him up with a start. The idea that he had been sleeping on a thin branch and might fall over was pretty worrisome. Glad it's over.
I heard that Pogo has a cat who is not doing very well.

Anyone know anything more than that?

Pogo - come tell us how your cat is.
The last I heard was that he had gotten up a tree again.....and wouldn't come down.

"But the cat came back -- he just couldn't stay a-way..." :D

Hobbes is fine, all. Got him down last Wednesday.

The action scene:
After trying to entice him down, scare him down by throwing things and shaking/banging on the tree, and then contacting the Sheriff's office, the fire department, fire and rescue, the utilities, the animal shelter, the newspaper, and a local company that actually makes cherry-pickers in search of somebody with the equipment to go up there, nobody had any (the electric company does but wouldn't do it). Also called a construction worker friend and every tree service in the book (no answer from any) but finally a tree service from another town agreed to make the trip. They drove up and got the bucket truck in place and started to set up the anchor legs...

Wellsir, this created a lot of big-truck motor noise, and that and all the activity spooked the cat, he jumped, lost his balance in his fatigue (six days he was up there) and started to free-fall. Then he caught his balance as cats always do and started to run -- straight down. This cat that had been so terrified of the ground being fifty feet away was now running toward it at full tilt. When he reached the bottom he just did a quick right-angle from the vertical to the horizontal and darted up the hill toward the woods. No impact, no injury. I was concerned in his freak-out moment he would run up another tree, but he didn't --- he had stopped in a clearing and just sat there. I think he completely ran out of gas by then. So I picked him up, got him inside and gave him a nice (small) meal and a place to rest. Since then he's been mostly eating frequently and sleeping, but he's OK.

So long story short -- I went to a lot of trouble to bring a truck in from out of town and all I needed was sound effects. :lol:

Thanks for everybody's concern. I got pretty spooked the other day when he was still up there and I called his name and woke him up with a start. The idea that he had been sleeping on a thin branch and might fall over was pretty worrisome. Glad it's over.

How many lives does Hobbes have left now? :D

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