The Cappucino Corral

Our pyracanthas that we planted along the fence are really showing off this year.


A southwestern plant I'm very familiar with. I always did love the way they cling to walls and the orange berries make them beautiful.

Do you also have bougainvillea?

Is that oleander on the right?

One time, chasing a hawk with a fractured wing, I ducked through a huge hedge of oleander. One of the leaves sliced right across my eyeball. For those who don't know, all parts of the oleander are toxic so I thought I was in for trouble. It really stung but only for a little while and that was that.

Thanks for sharing the photo.
Got my new crown.....didn't take but about 30 minutes to get it put in....I still have one more to go....that has a temp crown on it right now, but I'm going to wait until after Christmas, I'm tired of spending so much time in that dentist chair!

Lucky you.

The last couple of weeks have been miserable - though not as bad or as expensive I thought it would be. $2000, lots of pain, going back for more today.

Not being able to eat is a heck of a weight loss plan.
Our pyracanthas that we planted along the fence are really showing off this year.


A southwestern plant I'm very familiar with. I always did love the way they cling to walls and the orange berries make them beautiful.

Do you also have bougainvillea?

Is that oleander on the right?

One time, chasing a hawk with a fractured wing, I ducked through a huge hedge of oleander. One of the leaves sliced right across my eyeball. For those who don't know, all parts of the oleander are toxic so I thought I was in for trouble. It really stung but only for a little while and that was that.

Thanks for sharing the photo.

Yes, they are a beautiful plant. These by the fence we got at a nursery but we also have a few wild ones that have sprouted up throughout our yard. And yes, those on the right are oleanders. They are very poisonous, probably the only plant the deer don't bother. Glad you didn't get the sap in your eyes, could have been very bad for you.

I love bougainvilleas but they require a much warmer winter to make it outside and they are thorny and like a vine, hard to bring in the house, so I don't have one. This rain we got has really been beneficial plus it has kept me from having to spend a lot of time watering.
Got my new crown.....didn't take but about 30 minutes to get it put in....I still have one more to go....that has a temp crown on it right now, but I'm going to wait until after Christmas, I'm tired of spending so much time in that dentist chair!

Lucky you.

The last couple of weeks have been miserable - though not as bad or as expensive I thought it would be. $2000, lots of pain, going back for more today.

Not being able to eat is a heck of a weight loss plan.

Yeah, it's been a long haul, though. I had the implant surgery for two molars back in April, then when they finally healed, I had both of them plus an upper molar crowned. That was a lot of $$$ out the window. I still had two left that needed to be crowned, and this one was one of them. I will go back after Christmas and have the other one done. After that, I hope I can hold off for a while.

I wish it could have worked as a weight loss for me, but I was able to chew with the other side, so I didn't miss many!
Mertex - a good friend of mine and his wife, they stopped by yesterday and brought me DVDs of the 1. Staffel (Season) of HOMELAND, which I am now watching (auf Deutsch).

Amazing series. And the actress who plays Brody's wife is unbelievably beautiful. She is just drop-dead georgeous. My jaw hit the floor when I saw her. Wow. This alone makes the series worth watching for me, but the plot, I suspect, is going to get very, very thick. Who knows what all happened to that guy during his 8 years of captivity. So, I'm gonna check out episode 3 right now and enjoy.... 12 episodes or so in the 1st season..... I think I could get hooked on this stuff.


The actress that played Brody's wife was in another series V (visitors from space) which I didn't watch but Mr. Mertex thought it was didn't come back after only two seasons. Her name is Morena Baccarin, and she is beautiful. You'll find Carrie (Claire Danes) to be a very interesting character that Danes plays exceptionally well.

She was also in Firefly a short lived sci fi show.
Mertex - a good friend of mine and his wife, they stopped by yesterday and brought me DVDs of the 1. Staffel (Season) of HOMELAND, which I am now watching (auf Deutsch).

Amazing series. And the actress who plays Brody's wife is unbelievably beautiful. She is just drop-dead georgeous. My jaw hit the floor when I saw her. Wow. This alone makes the series worth watching for me, but the plot, I suspect, is going to get very, very thick. Who knows what all happened to that guy during his 8 years of captivity. So, I'm gonna check out episode 3 right now and enjoy.... 12 episodes or so in the 1st season..... I think I could get hooked on this stuff.


The actress that played Brody's wife was in another series V (visitors from space) which I didn't watch but Mr. Mertex thought it was didn't come back after only two seasons. Her name is Morena Baccarin, and she is beautiful. You'll find Carrie (Claire Danes) to be a very interesting character that Danes plays exceptionally well.

She was also in Firefly a short lived sci fi show.

Don't remember that one....I guess she's getting more and more roles.
Just took this -
View attachment 33826

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Awesome, just awesome. Thanks for sharing, Luddly.

Thank you Stat.

Have a terrific birthday with your daughter.
Thanks! My birthday is on Sunday but I have a major concert to sing. The little one wants to bake my favorite cake for me. ...

This is her first weekend with me since our dog died. Lots of adjustment will go on this weekend.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Mertex - a good friend of mine and his wife, they stopped by yesterday and brought me DVDs of the 1. Staffel (Season) of HOMELAND, which I am now watching (auf Deutsch).

Amazing series. And the actress who plays Brody's wife is unbelievably beautiful. She is just drop-dead georgeous. My jaw hit the floor when I saw her. Wow. This alone makes the series worth watching for me, but the plot, I suspect, is going to get very, very thick. Who knows what all happened to that guy during his 8 years of captivity. So, I'm gonna check out episode 3 right now and enjoy.... 12 episodes or so in the 1st season..... I think I could get hooked on this stuff.


The actress that played Brody's wife was in another series V (visitors from space) which I didn't watch but Mr. Mertex thought it was didn't come back after only two seasons. Her name is Morena Baccarin, and she is beautiful. You'll find Carrie (Claire Danes) to be a very interesting character that Danes plays exceptionally well.

She was also in Firefly a short lived sci fi show.

Don't remember that one....I guess she's getting more and more roles.
Good. She's hot!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Pruning a bougainvillea is like fighting with cats. You always end up with scratches all over your hands and arms.

Actually had a mutant one that had a mixture of flower colors from the familiar purple through to orange. It was a monster that needed frequent attacks to keep it in check. It would have happily taken over the entire courtyard if it was left alone.

Pruning a bougainvillea is like fighting with cats. You always end up with scratches all over your hands and arms.

Actually had a mutant one that had a mixture of flower colors from the familiar purple through to orange. It was a monster that needed frequent attacks to keep it in check. It would have happily taken over the entire courtyard if it was left alone.
have that problem too no matter how careful you are they always stab you ..bastards!
btw it a bone chilling 83 degrees here in so cal
makes you feel all autumnly and stuff ....
I love coffee and tea and am partial to whiskey. I won't refuse red wine.

For some reason white wine gives me a headache. Vodka gives me terrible hangovers.

I stick to tequila and don't get hangovers.

If I am drinking red wine then I will drink a lot of water too and stops it from dehydrating me and that means no hangover from that either.

BTW I read an article that after 60 alcohol protects the hippocampus. Essentially people who stick to the recommended drink limits per day have better memory retention than those that don't.


What did I just read? I can't remember.

OK, I reread the post,,what am I posting about?

One moment. :booze::booze::booze:

Ok, all is right with the world.
Hmmm, I just had a flashback about when I was six years old and was wearing my favorite shirt, which was a red plaid, with hints if blue and green. I liked it because it reminded me of Grizzly Adams. Anyway, I was riding my bike when a tiny little turtle started crossing the sidewalk and then,,,,,,,,,,,. Whoops I was getting carried away with my memories.
Hmmmm, this works pretty good but :booze::booze::booze::booze::booze:
What am I doing here again?
I love coffee and tea and am partial to whiskey. I won't refuse red wine.

For some reason white wine gives me a headache. Vodka gives me terrible hangovers.

I stick to tequila and don't get hangovers.

If I am drinking red wine then I will drink a lot of water too and stops it from dehydrating me and that means no hangover from that either.

BTW I read an article that after 60 alcohol protects the hippocampus. Essentially people who stick to the recommended drink limits per day have better memory retention than those that don't.


What did I just read? I can't remember.

OK, I reread the post,,what am I posting about?

One moment. :booze::booze::booze:

Ok, all is right with the world.
Hmmm, I just had a flashback about when I was six years old and was wearing my favorite shirt, which was a red plaid, with hints if blue and green. I liked it because it reminded me of Grizzly Adams. Anyway, I was riding my bike when a tiny little turtle started crossing the sidewalk and then,,,,,,,,,,,. Whoops I was getting carried away with my memories.
Hmmmm, this works pretty good but :booze::booze::booze::booze::booze:
What am I doing here again?


Just took this -
View attachment 33826

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Awesome, just awesome. Thanks for sharing, Luddly.

Thank you Stat.

Have a terrific birthday with your daughter.
Thanks! My birthday is on Sunday but I have a major concert to sing. The little one wants to bake my favorite cake for me. ...

This is her first weekend with me since our dog died. Lots of adjustment will go on this weekend.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I'll have to start a Happy Birthday thread just for you......Sunday.

Pruning a bougainvillea is like fighting with cats. You always end up with scratches all over your hands and arms.

Actually had a mutant one that had a mixture of flower colors from the familiar purple through to orange. It was a monster that needed frequent attacks to keep it in check. It would have happily taken over the entire courtyard if it was left alone.

I love them, but that's why I don't have any. They are thorny and have to be brought inside in the winter, and I don't want to have to struggle with one. I had one once, brought it in, but it didn't do well inside.

Pruning a bougainvillea is like fighting with cats. You always end up with scratches all over your hands and arms.

Actually had a mutant one that had a mixture of flower colors from the familiar purple through to orange. It was a monster that needed frequent attacks to keep it in check. It would have happily taken over the entire courtyard if it was left alone.
have that problem too no matter how careful you are they always stab you ..bastards!
btw it a bone chilling 83 degrees here in so cal
makes you feel all autumnly and stuff ....

That's hot! We're enjoying a 67 degrees and the rain finally stopped.....just cool enough to make it comfortable under the blankets!

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