The Cappucino Corral

Good morning friends! It is a wonderfully chilly morning here and it makes for great running weather. I feel 10k in my future today. Cheers!

Happy running with no shin splints!

Thanks. Sadly, I had to cut back on my running early this year due to stress fractures in my foot. I wasn't able to run and for a couple days barely even able to walk.
Good morning friends! It is a wonderfully chilly morning here and it makes for great running weather. I feel 10k in my future today. Cheers!

Happy running with no shin splints!

Thanks. Sadly, I had to cut back on my running early this year due to stress fractures in my foot. I wasn't able to run and for a couple days barely even able to walk.

That, I really understand.

I broke three bones in my foot and the fibula when I was accidentally pushed down some steps in Puerto Rico in June. It was the night before we were due to fly home so I walked through three airports on broken bones. Not fun.

I still have pain. I don't run anymore but injuries can really slow you down.
The backyards here in 'burbworld are all small and they all look the same. The view is... pleasant, but not spectacular.

The critters, on the other hand, the chipmunks, squirrels (grey, red, black), bluejays, cardinals, robins, wrens, chimney swifts, pidgeons, red-tailed hawks, the owl, the Canadian geese, the ducks, the snowy owls, the deer, the beavers, the groundhogs, the rabbits, ... it's a zoo out there. You never know what you'll see walking past the shed or perched on the swing.

We've had a great two days of beautiful, wonderful rain. It actually started Tuesday night and has been steady through all day Wednesday and last night and even this morning.....I'm not complaining, we've needed this kind of rain all summer and I'm glad that we're finally getting it. The aquifer should do really well with all this rain, and our well should fill up!:)

I'm going to the dentist this morning, going to have another of my molars crowned.....I still have one more to go.....lots of $$$ going to that dentist just in time for Christmas..:eek:

(My dentist told me I need a crown. I was like I KNOW, RIGHT?)
The backyards here in 'burbworld are all small and they all look the same. The view is... pleasant, but not spectacular.

The critters, on the other hand, the chipmunks, squirrels (grey, red, black), bluejays, cardinals, robins, wrens, chimney swifts, pidgeons, red-tailed hawks, the owl, the Canadian geese, the ducks, the snowy owls, the deer, the beavers, the groundhogs, the rabbits, ... it's a zoo out there. You never know what you'll see walking past the shed or perched on the swing.

We don't have a beautiful lake backdrop like Luddly, but I've planted so many trees and plants that any window you look out from, the view is nice. And now with all this rain, it should make everything look great before winter comes and makes everything look bleak again!
Our pyracanthas that we planted along the fence are really showing off this year.

Good morning all. Light rain and 43 here. This is the good weather, because the words Polar Vortex are being used for Sunday through Friday next week.

Sales have been slow the last two weeks. If not for the young lady who jumped the curb with her parent's van and almost took out a light pole here Tuesday, I'd be completely bored. Pretty expensive entertainment.
Good morning all. Light rain and 43 here. This is the good weather, because the words Polar Vortex are being used for Sunday through Friday next week.

Sales have been slow the last two weeks. If not for the young lady who jumped the curb with her parent's van and almost took out a light pole here Tuesday, I'd be completely bored. Pretty expensive entertainment.

Winter is definitely just around the corner.........brrrrrr.
Good morning all. Light rain and 43 here. This is the good weather, because the words Polar Vortex are being used for Sunday through Friday next week.

Sales have been slow the last two weeks. If not for the young lady who jumped the curb with her parent's van and almost took out a light pole here Tuesday, I'd be completely bored. Pretty expensive entertainment.

Winter is definitely just around the corner.........brrrrrr.

Yep, and it is carrying a baseball bat. :)
Got my new crown.....didn't take but about 30 minutes to get it put in....I still have one more to go....that has a temp crown on it right now, but I'm going to wait until after Christmas, I'm tired of spending so much time in that dentist chair!
Good morning, Cappucinistas of the world! Wishing you a great TGIF and lots of fun at your weekend.

My little one is with me this weekend, so my jaunts in the interweebs will be sporadic, will post some when she is zzzzzzzzzz'ing.....


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