The Cappucino Corral

Going out tonight. Music, dancing, seeing old friends. Something I haven't done in a long time. Daughter is staying overnight with family. I am looking forward to it. I have to dress up. It's a Halloween party-a day late but is usually done on a Sat regardless. I am looking forward to it.

Sounds like you'll be having some great fun.
Going out tonight. Music, dancing, seeing old friends. Something I haven't done in a long time. Daughter is staying overnight with family. I am looking forward to it. I have to dress up. It's a Halloween party-a day late but is usually done on a Sat regardless. I am looking forward to it.

That sounds like a fun time. Do you have your costume together yet?

Black Cat or Bumblebee. Probably the cat.
Going out tonight. Music, dancing, seeing old friends. Something I haven't done in a long time. Daughter is staying overnight with family. I am looking forward to it. I have to dress up. It's a Halloween party-a day late but is usually done on a Sat regardless. I am looking forward to it.

That sounds like a fun time. Do you have your costume together yet?

Black Cat or Bumblebee. Probably the cat.

You have to go as a Wolf.......:)
Going out tonight. Music, dancing, seeing old friends. Something I haven't done in a long time. Daughter is staying overnight with family. I am looking forward to it. I have to dress up. It's a Halloween party-a day late but is usually done on a Sat regardless. I am looking forward to it.

That sounds like a fun time. Do you have your costume together yet?

Black Cat or Bumblebee. Probably the cat.

You have to go as a Wolf.......:)

I wish I had a good costume for that but I don't. LOL

Hope everyone has a great's actually cold here, today....brrrrr....:)
The first cool winds have reached the bare arms of the wrongly-short-sleeved in Shenzhen, China.

Fall has arrived.

There are no rules to this thing.
Boastful Wordsmith

Sit back, as I

charge my word


Watch closely while I

sharpen my prose


Take notes as I

invent the proverb


I conjure up dictionaries

from the thinnest air.

I don’t wait for words;

I put them there.
It is not easy to die, but it is not that hard either. It is but one thing. Quite another matter entirely is to throw oneself against the unforgiving machinery of all that encompasses. Nationalism, patriotism, and religion are all easily rewarded, and without risk.

Give me the dissident over the soldier. Give me the one who speaks loudly against the waterfall over the one who goes with the tide. Them big in the easy stream are but small when put beside those who swim against it.
Drat! I was coming upstairs with a hot mug of coffee and I stumbled. I managed to spill the coffee on my hand. It was not a pleasant experience! :(

I see a lawsuit, Stats could be in big trouble.


Papageorgio - good to see you here, you are always welcome to enjoy a nice, hot Cappuccino and shoot the shit with the rest of us!

It is not easy to die, but it is not that hard either. It is but one thing. Quite another matter entirely is to throw oneself against the unforgiving machinery of all that encompasses. Nationalism, patriotism, and religion are all easily rewarded, and without risk.

Give me the dissident over the soldier. Give me the one who speaks loudly against the waterfall over the one who goes with the tide. Them big in the easy stream are but small when put beside those who swim against it.

Interesting and thought provoking-prose.
I'm tired. I was out late last night but had a great time. I rarely go out and party like that and I'm feeling it now. I'm too old for that. My daughter is trying to get me to take her to the park. It's 56, I guess we can do that.

Have a good Sunday folks!!
Driving lesson was cool. US GP was great.

Mrs Te is making Shrimp Scampi (or an approximation thereof) for supper tonight so all is good.

Going to be looonnnngggg day at work tomorrow because of Daylight Savings. /sigh

Have a good one, folks.

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