The Cappucino Corral

Pet names -

Does anyone else give their animals nicknames?

I already posted that The Great Catsby is aka Buffalo Butt, Dammit Bratsby and Tommy Terrific Big Buns.

Brodie is our little tiny rescue cat we found on a huge bridge where someone evidently tried to throw her over into the water. Her name, Brodie, comes from Steve Brodie who jumped from the Brooklyn bridge and lived. She was maybe 6 weeks, her face was horribly lacerated from hitting the concrete bridge and she was malnourished and terrified. Her nicks are HRH and Miss Queen because, even though she had very inauspicious start in life, she is indeed royalty and don't you forget it.

Czar, adopted from a shelter, shepherd/collie mix, the dearest, sweetest, smartest dog of all time, is aka Mr. GoodWoof.

Anyone else?

I had a number of pets with very, uh, unusual names.

My first poodle:


A family of siamese cats:

Mother - Sasha
Father - Yo-Yo
boy - Mazeltov
girl - Sundar

Then, two dogs:

Irish setter - Tischa
big black retriever - Duke

Then, a cat:

Franz (named after the composer Franz Liszt)

Then another cat:


Then, a dog:

Pepper (died in a car wreck)

Then, a dog:


And my last dog:

For Stat and all the rest of us who have lost much loved dogs -

Love the cat pic cats and dogs seem to think we have a secret exit out the back of our bathroom....they hover at the door until we come out.

Yeah, its like having toddlers. You never again go to the bathroom alone!

The original part of our house has a bathroom and bedroom connected by a door and then both rooms have doors out to the hall. Catsby loves to scoot into that bedroom so when I come out, I often go via the bathroom.

I love the look on his face. He's sitting at the bedroom door, ready to rush in when I come out and then I come out the bathroom door. Cracks me up because the little squirt can't quite figure it out.
We've had so many pets, I'm not sure I can remember all their names. One that was funny, when we got the kitten we thought it was a male and since it was dark gray, we named it Umo (means Smoke in Spanish).....of course as it grew, we were able to tell it was not a male but a female, so we changed its name to Umette.

We had one red Chow dog that we named Mao. He was such a good watch dog. We wanted him to have company so we got a female "white" chow and named her Tasha. She was the only dog that we ever owned that we could keep around the house without a leash. Whenever she started walking down the driveway to go out the yard, all we had to do was yell "Tasha, come back here" - she would stop, look back, then hang her head down and start walking back. Most of our dogs have been male except for her and Sushi, our last dog, which was an Akita and either ran away or got stolen.
I have a lot of history with the Coffee Shop and will post there more often. I also wish to know the liberal element of USMB better and this may be a good way to do that. I hope your family crisis resolves itself in a positive manner soon Stat.
Hi Save, I like your fun posts in the CS and elsewhere and I hope you continue to post here. All are welcome. I have not said anything political.


As I said Wolfsister, it is a little hostile here at the moment. It is understandable due to the reasons this thread was established and it may take time for that to settle down. I just wanted to point out some were not following the premise and if having conservatives here too was a goal, try harder to make them feel comfortable? Thank you for your kind words and let me say I enjoy reading your posts too.

I hope you come back. Some comments have been removed.

Hey guys-Let's not talk politics o.k?

Both Wolfsister77 and saveliberty

Correct. Absolutely no politics and if some slipped through, it's only because due to a massive family crisis, I am barely on. This means that it is up to members of goodwill from all over to make sure to help to moderate the place and make sure that politics and the like does NOT creep in.


Hope things get better for you Stat.
I have a lot of history with the Coffee Shop and will post there more often. I also wish to know the liberal element of USMB better and this may be a good way to do that. I hope your family crisis resolves itself in a positive manner soon Stat.
Although your post is kind and well meant, you are still missing the point. We don't use such labels here. Here, ALL are welcome, regardless how rough and tumble it is on the outside. No "cons", no "libs", no labels and no politics. It's really that simple. :)

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Pet names -

Does anyone else give their animals nicknames?

I already posted that The Great Catsby is aka Buffalo Butt, Dammit Bratsby and Tommy Terrific Big Buns.

Brodie is our little tiny rescue cat we found on a huge bridge where someone evidently tried to throw her over into the water. Her name, Brodie, comes from Steve Brodie who jumped from the Brooklyn bridge and lived. She was maybe 6 weeks, her face was horribly lacerated from hitting the concrete bridge and she was malnourished and terrified. Her nicks are HRH and Miss Queen because, even though she had very inauspicious start in life, she is indeed royalty and don't you forget it.

Czar, adopted from a shelter, shepherd/collie mix, the dearest, sweetest, smartest dog of all time, is aka Mr. GoodWoof.

Anyone else?
One of our cats is named Fox Muldur from X files....and the other Brian Boru from the brave Irish king....tho he's a chicken cat.
Hi Save, I like your fun posts in the CS and elsewhere and I hope you continue to post here. All are welcome. I have not said anything political.


As I said Wolfsister, it is a little hostile here at the moment. It is understandable due to the reasons this thread was established and it may take time for that to settle down. I just wanted to point out some were not following the premise and if having conservatives here too was a goal, try harder to make them feel comfortable? Thank you for your kind words and let me say I enjoy reading your posts too.

I hope you come back. Some comments have been removed.

Hey guys-Let's not talk politics o.k?

Both Wolfsister77 and saveliberty

Correct. Absolutely no politics and if some slipped through, it's only because due to a massive family crisis, I am barely on. This means that it is up to members of goodwill from all over to make sure to help to moderate the place and make sure that politics and the like does NOT creep in.


Hope things get better for you Stat.

Thank you.
I miss her:

(Warning: somewhat nude statues in the vid, but no nipples. So, we're safe.....)

Widmung, von Robert Schumann

Du meine Seele, du mein Herz,
Du meine Wonn', o du mein Schmerz,
Du meine Welt, in der ich lebe,
Mein Himmel du, darin ich schwebe,
O du mein Grab, in das hinab
Ich ewig meinen Kummer gab!
Du bist die Ruh, du bist der Frieden,
Du bist vom Himmel, mir beschieden.
Daß du mich liebst, macht mich mir wert,
Dein Blick hat mich vor mir verklärt,
Du hebst mich liebend über mich,
Mein guter Geist, mein beßres Ich!

You my soul, you my heart,
you my bliss, o you my pain,
you the world in which I live;
you have been sent to me from heaven,
o you my grave, into which
I eternally cast my grief.
You are rest, you are peace,
you are bestowed upon me from heaven.
That you love me makes me worthy of you;
your gaze transfigures me;
you raise me lovingly above myself,
my good spirit, my better self!
Last edited:
Mertex - a good friend of mine and his wife, they stopped by yesterday and brought me DVDs of the 1. Staffel (Season) of HOMELAND, which I am now watching (auf Deutsch).

Amazing series. And the actress who plays Brody's wife is unbelievably beautiful. She is just drop-dead georgeous. My jaw hit the floor when I saw her. Wow. This alone makes the series worth watching for me, but the plot, I suspect, is going to get very, very thick. Who knows what all happened to that guy during his 8 years of captivity. So, I'm gonna check out episode 3 right now and enjoy.... 12 episodes or so in the 1st season..... I think I could get hooked on this stuff.

There is no Halloween in Germany.

:ack-1: I can't imagine no Halloween. It's one of the year's best holidays!

I wonder if things will settle down in 2015? Me thinks not.

Don't expect life to improve much next year. I've been following the assorted Fashion Weeks... Can you guess what the top colors are for Spring and Summer 2015? Remember, Spring and Summer...

Give up?

Grey, white, and navy blue. Not cheerful or happy in the world of haute couture. Skirts trend towards knee-length or longer, pants are at or just above the ankle. Tops, usually white, are stiff and boxy, the skirts are sort of A-line.

I'm not expecting a lot of major feelgood times ahead.
Mertex - a good friend of mine and his wife, they stopped by yesterday and brought me DVDs of the 1. Staffel (Season) of HOMELAND, which I am now watching (auf Deutsch).

Amazing series. And the actress who plays Brody's wife is unbelievably beautiful. She is just drop-dead georgeous. My jaw hit the floor when I saw her. Wow. This alone makes the series worth watching for me, but the plot, I suspect, is going to get very, very thick. Who knows what all happened to that guy during his 8 years of captivity. So, I'm gonna check out episode 3 right now and enjoy.... 12 episodes or so in the 1st season..... I think I could get hooked on this stuff.


The actress that played Brody's wife was in another series V (visitors from space) which I didn't watch but Mr. Mertex thought it was didn't come back after only two seasons. Her name is Morena Baccarin, and she is beautiful. You'll find Carrie (Claire Danes) to be a very interesting character that Danes plays exceptionally well.

Mertex - a good friend of mine and his wife, they stopped by yesterday and brought me DVDs of the 1. Staffel (Season) of HOMELAND, which I am now watching (auf Deutsch).

Amazing series. And the actress who plays Brody's wife is unbelievably beautiful. She is just drop-dead georgeous. My jaw hit the floor when I saw her. Wow. This alone makes the series worth watching for me, but the plot, I suspect, is going to get very, very thick. Who knows what all happened to that guy during his 8 years of captivity. So, I'm gonna check out episode 3 right now and enjoy.... 12 episodes or so in the 1st season..... I think I could get hooked on this stuff.


The actress that played Brody's wife was in another series V (visitors from space) which I didn't watch but Mr. Mertex thought it was didn't come back after only two seasons. Her name is Morena Baccarin, and she is beautiful. You'll find Carrie (Claire Danes) to be a very interesting character that Danes plays exceptionally well.


I just caught episodes III and IV. Wow. Good series!!! After the stress of the last 12 days, it's nice to kind of go into my mancave and just sink into another world. And yes, she is incredibly beautiful, absolutely my type. I'm a brunette man, have always been so, will always be so...
Mertex - a good friend of mine and his wife, they stopped by yesterday and brought me DVDs of the 1. Staffel (Season) of HOMELAND, which I am now watching (auf Deutsch).

Amazing series. And the actress who plays Brody's wife is unbelievably beautiful. She is just drop-dead georgeous. My jaw hit the floor when I saw her. Wow. This alone makes the series worth watching for me, but the plot, I suspect, is going to get very, very thick. Who knows what all happened to that guy during his 8 years of captivity. So, I'm gonna check out episode 3 right now and enjoy.... 12 episodes or so in the 1st season..... I think I could get hooked on this stuff.


The actress that played Brody's wife was in another series V (visitors from space) which I didn't watch but Mr. Mertex thought it was didn't come back after only two seasons. Her name is Morena Baccarin, and she is beautiful. You'll find Carrie (Claire Danes) to be a very interesting character that Danes plays exceptionally well.


I just caught episodes III and IV. Wow. Good series!!! After the stress of the last 12 days, it's nice to kind of go into my mancave and just sink into another world. And yes, she is incredibly beautiful, absolutely my type. I'm a brunette man, have always been so, will always be so...

Homeland is a lot like Breaking Bad in that it keeps you wanting to see the next episode right away - if you have the whole series at hand, you might be tempted to see 3 and 4 episodes. We did that on the first series of Breaking Bad when our son in California introduced us to was already on it's 3rd season, (I think), but he had series 1 on Hulu, and we didn't know if we could get it back we watched like 4 episodes one right after the other......we started in the afternoon and it was like 2 am when we finished! :ack-1:

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