The Cappucino Corral

The lake at dawn this morning. The fog crept in on little cat feet. With apologies to Carl Sanders. Beautiful, still and quiet.

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Rained hard here last night. Poor Czar, our dog. He just hates storms and this thunder was huge loud BOOMS right over our heads.

So, I'm waking up from the thunder and talking to Czar, telling him we're okay, it can't get us. But dogs know things we don't and he doesn't believe a word.

There's never a morning that I don't look out over our lake and feel deep gratitude to be living in such an incredibly beautiful place. There are other houses but most are empty vacation homes. On long weekends, there are a few boats on the lake but mostly, its ours alone and we love it.

More than 4 hours at the dental specialist today. Way less invasive procedure but still miserable. I go back tomorrow for Part 3 and Thursday for Part 4.

Pooped. The cleaning woman was here today and left her cigs and Frito's. Surely it wouldn't hurt to munch a few, right? Left over spaghetti squash casserole for dinner. Really good. With Pim's/ginger beer.

Wow, we had a dog named Czar......he was a Siberian Husky. I always like to name our pets a name that tells something about them. Siberia was colonized by Russians in the early 1500's and I thought a Russian name would be proper. We had two huskies, the other we named Argus, because of his beautiful blue eyes. They were like two teenagers that never grew up.....the rascals.

I envy your living near that beautiful lake. It looks so peaceful and inviting....and I'm envying your cleaning woman the most.....:D
Wassup peeps?

Quite a day. In sound bites.........

Paid under $3 for gas.
Son cut grass without being asked.
Sold a diamond tipped cutter for $9,000.
Ran out of bleu cheese stuffed olives.
Got a nail in a tire.
Got a text from my daughter that just said "I miss you".
Realized that my tangerine crop will be HUGE this year.
Wow, my day wasn't quite the same.

My daughter gave me a hug and told me she loved me. She's 5 and that made my whole day.

Walked my dogs.

Worked on a huge work project.

And am just chilling out right now.

Speaking of cool dog names. Growing up we had a German Shepherd names Cesar. Loved that dog. He was so well mannered. And very protective of the family. Great dog. I'll never forget him.
Rained hard here last night. Poor Czar, our dog. He just hates storms and this thunder was huge loud BOOMS right over our heads.

So, I'm waking up from the thunder and talking to Czar, telling him we're okay, it can't get us. But dogs know things we don't and he doesn't believe a word.

There's never a morning that I don't look out over our lake and feel deep gratitude to be living in such an incredibly beautiful place. There are other houses but most are empty vacation homes. On long weekends, there are a few boats on the lake but mostly, its ours alone and we love it.

More than 4 hours at the dental specialist today. Way less invasive procedure but still miserable. I go back tomorrow for Part 3 and Thursday for Part 4.

Pooped. The cleaning woman was here today and left her cigs and Frito's. Surely it wouldn't hurt to munch a few, right? Left over spaghetti squash casserole for dinner. Really good. With Pim's/ginger beer.

Wow, we had a dog named Czar......he was a Siberian Husky. I always like to name our pets a name that tells something about them. Siberia was colonized by Russians in the early 1500's and I thought a Russian name would be proper. We had two huskies, the other we named Argus, because of his beautiful blue eyes. They were like two teenagers that never grew up.....the rascals.

I envy your living near that beautiful lake. It looks so peaceful and inviting....and I'm envying your cleaning woman the most.....:D

I want a dog named Czar. Our daughter named her ( my ) dog "Teddy". The cat is named "Oreo".

I want a big....mean looking but gentle.....beast named Czar.
Oh yeah, fun pet names.

Our last 2 dogs-Buddy and Stanley. Cats-Pixie and Sunny. All 4 RIP.

Now we have Rallo and Otto-dogs and 3 cats-Oliver-Ollie for short, Peanut, and Delilah.
There has to be a place in USMB where every member can hang his hat and be himself.

If you are a Conservative, you are heartily welcomed here.
If you are Liberal, you are heartily welcomed here.
If you are totally unaffiliated, you are heartily welcomed here.

In fact, I plan to invite some people to the CORRAL who don't necessarily like me on the open board at all. I hope to bury some axes and get to know the other side of some people where there has been a lot of friction.

Your race, your gender, your sexual orientation, your religion and your politics play absolutely no role in the CAPPUCINO CORRAL. Being a living, breathing human being who wants to communicate with others is what counts here!

The CAPPUCINO CORRAL abides by the rules on the Lounge and we will keep those rules:

-no religion
-no politics
-no racism
-no trolling

In other words, the rules of the Lounge exactly as cereal_killer intended them to be.

The rest is free and fair game. :D


I work a lot and cannot always be here, so it's incumbent upon all of us to keep the place fun, clean and entertaining.

And enjoy a nice Cappucino!


Gee no politics and conservatives are welcome? NOT
I also paid under $3 for gas after spending another lovely day having my mouth worked on. I'm tried and cranky and hungry but it hurts too much to even think about eating. And its costing a bundle. Back again tomorrow for more.

LoneLaugher send tangerines and money.
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Pet names -

Does anyone else give their animals nicknames?

I already posted that The Great Catsby is aka Buffalo Butt, Dammit Bratsby and Tommy Terrific Big Buns.

Brodie is our little tiny rescue cat we found on a huge bridge where someone evidently tried to throw her over into the water. Her name, Brodie, comes from Steve Brodie who jumped from the Brooklyn bridge and lived. She was maybe 6 weeks, her face was horribly lacerated from hitting the concrete bridge and she was malnourished and terrified. Her nicks are HRH and Miss Queen because, even though she had very inauspicious start in life, she is indeed royalty and don't you forget it.

Czar, adopted from a shelter, shepherd/collie mix, the dearest, sweetest, smartest dog of all time, is aka Mr. GoodWoof.

Anyone else?
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Pet names -

Does anyone else give their animals nicknames?

I already posted that The Great Catsby is aka Buffalo Butt, Dammit Bratsby and Tommy Terrific Big Buns.

Brodie is our little tiny rescue cat we found on a huge bridge where someone evidently tried to throw her over into the water. Her name, Brodie, comes from Steve Brodie who jumped from the Brooklyn bridge and lived. She was maybe 6 weeks, her face was horribly lacerated from hitting the concrete bridge and she was malnourished and terrified. Her nicks are HRH and Miss Queen because, even though she has very inauspicious start in life, she is indeed royalty and don't you forget it.

Czar, adopted from a shelter, shepherd/collie mix, the dearest, sweetest, smartest dog of all time, is aka Mr. GoodWoof.

Anyone else?


The aforementioned Teddy is known as "T-rock". She brings me rocks to throw at palm trees when I'm hanging out on the deck with her.

The known as "Fat Cat". He's HUGE!
There has to be a place in USMB where every member can hang his hat and be himself.

If you are a Conservative, you are heartily welcomed here.
If you are Liberal, you are heartily welcomed here.
If you are totally unaffiliated, you are heartily welcomed here.

In fact, I plan to invite some people to the CORRAL who don't necessarily like me on the open board at all. I hope to bury some axes and get to know the other side of some people where there has been a lot of friction.

Your race, your gender, your sexual orientation, your religion and your politics play absolutely no role in the CAPPUCINO CORRAL. Being a living, breathing human being who wants to communicate with others is what counts here!

The CAPPUCINO CORRAL abides by the rules on the Lounge and we will keep those rules:

-no religion
-no politics
-no racism
-no trolling

In other words, the rules of the Lounge exactly as cereal_killer intended them to be.

The rest is free and fair game. :D


I work a lot and cannot always be here, so it's incumbent upon all of us to keep the place fun, clean and entertaining.

And enjoy a nice Cappucino!


Gee no politics and conservatives are welcome? NOT

Hi Save, I like your fun posts in the CS and elsewhere and I hope you continue to post here. All are welcome. I have not said anything political.

Hi Save, I like your fun posts in the CS and elsewhere and I hope you continue to post here. All are welcome. I have not said anything political.


As I said Wolfsister, it is a little hostile here at the moment. It is understandable due to the reasons this thread was established and it may take time for that to settle down. I just wanted to point out some were not following the premise and if having conservatives here too was a goal, try harder to make them feel comfortable? Thank you for your kind words and let me say I enjoy reading your posts too.
Hi Save, I like your fun posts in the CS and elsewhere and I hope you continue to post here. All are welcome. I have not said anything political.


As I said Wolfsister, it is a little hostile here at the moment. It is understandable due to the reasons this thread was established and it may take time for that to settle down. I just wanted to point out some were not following the premise and if having conservatives here too was a goal, try harder to make them feel comfortable? Thank you for your kind words and let me say I enjoy reading your posts too.

I hope you come back. Some comments have been removed.

Hey guys-Let's not talk politics o.k?
There has to be a place in USMB where every member can hang his hat and be himself.

If you are a Conservative, you are heartily welcomed here.
If you are Liberal, you are heartily welcomed here.
If you are totally unaffiliated, you are heartily welcomed here.

In fact, I plan to invite some people to the CORRAL who don't necessarily like me on the open board at all. I hope to bury some axes and get to know the other side of some people where there has been a lot of friction.

Your race, your gender, your sexual orientation, your religion and your politics play absolutely no role in the CAPPUCINO CORRAL. Being a living, breathing human being who wants to communicate with others is what counts here!

The CAPPUCINO CORRAL abides by the rules on the Lounge and we will keep those rules:

-no religion
-no politics
-no racism
-no trolling

In other words, the rules of the Lounge exactly as cereal_killer intended them to be.

The rest is free and fair game. :D


I work a lot and cannot always be here, so it's incumbent upon all of us to keep the place fun, clean and entertaining.

And enjoy a nice Cappucino!


Gee no politics and conservatives are welcome? NOT

Yes, saveliberty - ALL are welcome.

You are heartily welcome to also enjoy a cup of sweet cappuccino and shoot the shit with whomever is here. Here we are just human beings, not cons, not libs - just plain old human beings.
Hi Save, I like your fun posts in the CS and elsewhere and I hope you continue to post here. All are welcome. I have not said anything political.


As I said Wolfsister, it is a little hostile here at the moment. It is understandable due to the reasons this thread was established and it may take time for that to settle down. I just wanted to point out some were not following the premise and if having conservatives here too was a goal, try harder to make them feel comfortable? Thank you for your kind words and let me say I enjoy reading your posts too.

I hope you come back. Some comments have been removed.

Hey guys-Let's not talk politics o.k?

Both Wolfsister77 and saveliberty

Correct. Absolutely no politics and if some slipped through, it's only because due to a massive family crisis, I am barely on. This means that it is up to members of goodwill from all over to make sure to help to moderate the place and make sure that politics and the like does NOT creep in.


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