The Cappucino Corral

got my motorbike all ready to ride tomorrow if weather permits (fingers crossed)

Today would have been a great day to ride.......breezy, cool, and sun shiny....:)

thank goodness I only have 3 pants left to bring inside. I don't know where I'm going to put them, most of the windows are taken already.......:eek:

You leave your "pants" outside? :eek:

Have you considered buying a chest of drawers instead of hanging them in the windows for your neighbors to admire? :D



I should know better than to let a typo get by - cause you would find it and sure enough you have...........:( that was pretty funny though.
I heard that Pogo has a cat who is not doing very well.

Anyone know anything more than that?

Pogo - come tell us how your cat is.
The last I heard was that he had gotten up a tree again.....and wouldn't come down.

"But the cat came back -- he just couldn't stay a-way..." :D

Hobbes is fine, all. Got him down last Wednesday.

The action scene:
After trying to entice him down, scare him down by throwing things and shaking/banging on the tree, and then contacting the Sheriff's office, the fire department, fire and rescue, the utilities, the animal shelter, the newspaper, and a local company that actually makes cherry-pickers in search of somebody with the equipment to go up there, nobody had any (the electric company does but wouldn't do it). Also called a construction worker friend and every tree service in the book (no answer from any) but finally a tree service from another town agreed to make the trip. They drove up and got the bucket truck in place and started to set up the anchor legs...

Wellsir, this created a lot of big-truck motor noise, and that and all the activity spooked the cat, he jumped, lost his balance in his fatigue (six days he was up there) and started to free-fall. Then he caught his balance as cats always do and started to run -- straight down. This cat that had been so terrified of the ground being fifty feet away was now running toward it at full tilt. When he reached the bottom he just did a quick right-angle from the vertical to the horizontal and darted up the hill toward the woods. No impact, no injury. I was concerned in his freak-out moment he would run up another tree, but he didn't --- he had stopped in a clearing and just sat there. I think he completely ran out of gas by then. So I picked him up, got him inside and gave him a nice (small) meal and a place to rest. Since then he's been mostly eating frequently and sleeping, but he's OK.

So long story short -- I went to a lot of trouble to bring a truck in from out of town and all I needed was sound effects. :lol:

Thanks for everybody's concern. I got pretty spooked the other day when he was still up there and I called his name and woke him up with a start. The idea that he had been sleeping on a thin branch and might fall over was pretty worrisome. Glad it's over.

That Hobbes needs a good spanking.....:D The little rascal, worrying you like that!

Yeah I get that reference. :rofl:
Hey pepperpot - you indicated that you are from Vermont. Ever been to the granite quarry in Barre?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The Rock of Ages one in Barre? Yes. Quite awhile ago though. It is both beautiful and amazing. The guided tour is well worth it, then they have a family area afterwards where you can sandblast the granite and work with it. It really is amazing. Are you planning a trip there? If so there are some other sites as well to see.
Hey pepperpot - you indicated that you are from Vermont. Ever been to the granite quarry in Barre?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The Rock of Ages one in Barre? Yes. Quite awhile ago though. It is both beautiful and amazing. The guided tour is well worth it, then they have a family area afterwards where you can sandblast the granite and work with it. It really is amazing. Are you planning a trip there? If so there are some other sites as well to see.

I visited it as a kid on vacation in NH and VT, even brought home some granite pieces that had been hewn, but had some mis-formations. They were great bookstops and doorstops!
Hey pepperpot - you indicated that you are from Vermont. Ever been to the granite quarry in Barre?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The Rock of Ages one in Barre? Yes. Quite awhile ago though. It is both beautiful and amazing. The guided tour is well worth it, then they have a family area afterwards where you can sandblast the granite and work with it. It really is amazing. Are you planning a trip there? If so there are some other sites as well to see.

I visited it as a kid on vacation in NH and VT, even brought home some granite pieces that had been hewn, but had some mis-formations. They were great bookstops and doorstops!
Ha Ha I know! We have a few too. It is amazing when you stop and think how heavy a tiny piece of it is and then you see the home builders carrying big countertops in made of it. It is beautiful stuff. There actually was talk a bit back of the quarry closing because so much comes from Central and South America but it managed to survive because its so heavy and the transportation costs are high for simple granite things like steps, lightposts and mailbox posts. There are even buildings and monuments in NYC and DC that has Vermont granite in their construction. That must have been a trip!
Shenzhen Medley -

In the back of a taxi, the broad boulevards and thin alleys fly by the eye like matchsticks thrown at you. There is no history here. These forms are new. Everyone here is from somewhere not here, and they will let you know it. From London to Wuhan, everyone’s got a story.

On the left and in a flash, you can catch a small alley and it makes a mind reel. There is history, says the open eye. It is a new history with a known nexus, says the retinal nerve. The flow of it all reaches the brain of the unspoken and unknown and it is recorded for prosperity. It is a whisper in the wind. History is the wind which whips through the window, flags flying.

Two blocks on there is an argument. The cabbie has the window down and that’s how you catch it, but you won’t understand what’s being said for a hundred years. But you get the tone. And you see what you see. A middle-aged couple, restaurant owners you assume, are nearly at blows, but the light changes. They’re married, right?

Next you focus on the lights running up the building in unison. And then you see the LED screens, on this building and that, offering ads. The ads are competing with each other and for your attention and both companies are state-owned. Why all the fuss?

A horn blares, from the back and to the right, and you realize one taxi driver is as crazy as the next. If you’ve been blessed or cursed to have lived here a while, you get used to all the things you’ve gotten used to. It was a hundred years ago that your blood quickened in a taxi, and that makes your blood race again.
You know I have this as a watched thread and post in it and for some reason, I stopped getting alerts. It has happened in other threads too. I've seen others say the same thing. Is it happening to you guys? I'm thinking of adding it to the help and bug thread. It's weird. I have my alerts on too.
You know I have this as a watched thread and post in it and for some reason, I stopped getting alerts. It has happened in other threads too. I've seen others say the same thing. Is it happening to you guys? I'm thinking of adding it to the help and bug thread. It's weird. I have my alerts on too.

Yes, it happens to me too.
You know I have this as a watched thread and post in it and for some reason, I stopped getting alerts. It has happened in other threads too. I've seen others say the same thing. Is it happening to you guys? I'm thinking of adding it to the help and bug thread. It's weird. I have my alerts on too.

Yes, it happens to me too.
for a while there I was receiving no alerts at all, no email notification either .
just got back from my first spin on the motorbike. Took a turn in too high of a gear (thought i was still in first) and came close to hitting the curb on a 500 lb bike whilst negotiating a turn. That won't happen again.
riding or taking a turn too fast?
riding my kz750 ltd and trying to take a last minute turn. Was able to just come out of it. My feet weren't solidly on the pegs like they're supposed to be. A teachable moment for me. Again ,othing happened but it was close to a lay down because I threw precaution to the wind. Started riding again after a 25 year hiatus.
just got back from my first spin on the motorbike. Took a turn in too high of a gear (thought i was still in first) and came close to hitting the curb on a 500 lb bike whilst negotiating a turn. That won't happen again.
riding or taking a turn too fast?
riding my kz750 ltd and trying to take a last minute turn. Was able to just come out of it. My feet weren't solidly on the pegs like they're supposed to be. A teachable moment for me. Again ,othing happened but it was close to a lay down because I threw precaution to the wind. Started riding again after a 25 year hiatus.
out of practice
/ that's ok !
just got back from my first spin on the motorbike. Took a turn in too high of a gear (thought i was still in first) and came close to hitting the curb on a 500 lb bike whilst negotiating a turn. That won't happen again.
riding or taking a turn too fast?
riding my kz750 ltd and trying to take a last minute turn. Was able to just come out of it. My feet weren't solidly on the pegs like they're supposed to be. A teachable moment for me. Again ,othing happened but it was close to a lay down because I threw precaution to the wind. Started riding again after a 25 year hiatus.

We used to call the Kawasaki 750 and 900 the snakes because their frames twisted in the corners 35 years ago. Presumably that is no longer the case and they have better handling. Suzuki was the first to come up with a better handling bike when they introduced the Katana. Still couldn't stay with the Italian and Brit bikes in the corners but at least you didn't feel that it wanted to kill you if you tried to take corners at the legal speed limit.
You know I have this as a watched thread and post in it and for some reason, I stopped getting alerts. It has happened in other threads too. I've seen others say the same thing. Is it happening to you guys? I'm thinking of adding it to the help and bug thread. It's weird. I have my alerts on too.

Yes, it's happened to me, too.

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