The Cappucino Corral

hardest part is germinating them. If you can do that, some will survive. i always plant 3 seeds in one small container to get them started. At least one should survive, Just keep the dirt at a steady moderate temp

You're a real farmer. I buy mine when they are already growing and about 6 inches tall.....I tried germinating tomato seeds once, and it was just too much trouble, plus they took over the entire floor in one of my bedrooms..... My problem is trying to start my garden until all possibility of frost is gone.....I get anxious and start too soon only to lose them to a late freeze. This year I think I waited too was April before I started planting!
I just buy little pepper plants in the Spring and by the end of summer, I have more than I know what do do with. I learned my lesson to only buy one or two. Same with tomatoes. I also grow herbs and tons of annuals and perennials. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do. I love digging in the dirt. It's a good stress reliever too. And looking at a garden in bloom is so peaceful.
Brrrrr. The beginning of winter always brings out the Desert Rat in me.

I've been painting all day. I'm working in oils again and very happy with the results.

I'm starving. If a painting is going well, I forget everything, including eating. [emoji15]

In my kitchen window, this -

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That's beautiful, Luddly. Be sure and let us see the end result of your labor.

I paint in watercolors, well, I used to, I haven't picked up a brush in a long time, and the last time I got the urge I noticed that some of my paints had dried out!:eek: Ever since I got hooked on these forums, I seem to have lost my desire to paint. Maybe I'll get it back one day.....when I can't remember how to type or what I'm doing....:D

I mostly work in watercolor and used to teach both w/c and oil. Nice thing about w/c is you can just add water to dried out paint and you're good to go again.

I find if I don't paint, I get a little nutty, restless. Its just something I need to to do for my own peace of mind. And, I still sell a few pieces. Not like I used to but I did just deliver a commissioned piece.

About stopping and starting, getting involved in other things - I think we just need to follow our heart.
All this gardening talk ... some years we grow a lot, other years, not so much and then we depend on the farmer's market and the Mennonites. But, thinking its time to start more kitchen window veggies for the winter. I really like starting plants from scraps and have had really good luck with it in the past.
I just buy little pepper plants in the Spring and by the end of summer, I have more than I know what do do with. I learned my lesson to only buy one or two. Same with tomatoes. I also grow herbs and tons of annuals and perennials. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do. I love digging in the dirt. It's a good stress reliever too. And looking at a garden in bloom is so peaceful.

But how can you resist the urge to buy a dozen? I end up with too many, then I feel guilty about not harvesting them, so I end up with a ton of vegetables I can't use, so I give them away, freeze some and then either the deer or raccoons get the overkill.....I throw them over the fence one day and they are gone the next, someone's eating them!....:D
I just buy little pepper plants in the Spring and by the end of summer, I have more than I know what do do with. I learned my lesson to only buy one or two. Same with tomatoes. I also grow herbs and tons of annuals and perennials. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do. I love digging in the dirt. It's a good stress reliever too. And looking at a garden in bloom is so peaceful.

But how can you resist the urge to buy a dozen? I end up with too many, then I feel guilty about not harvesting them, so I end up with a ton of vegetables I can't use, so I give them away, freeze some and then either the deer or raccoons get the overkill.....I throw them over the fence one day and they are gone the next, someone's eating them!....:D

Been there, done that. There's something about spring that makes me go nuts with our favorite seed catalog. We buy heirloom seeds from here -

Heirloom Seeds Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co

Their catalog is pure food porn. Its so beautifully photographed, you wanna lick the pages!

But in looking, I found these two lists as well.

The Best Seed Catalogs Out There
10 Best Heirloom Seed Companies as Selected By Readers TreeHugger

My idea of nirvana is standing out in the yard, brushing the dirt off the tomatoes and plopping them in my mouth!

We also have fruit trees - which the birds and squirrels get to before we do! And, we grow grapes, supposedly for wine making but what we get is deer droppings under the bare vines.

Do you get the sense that I'm really not ready for winter?
Brrrrr. The beginning of winter always brings out the Desert Rat in me.

I've been painting all day. I'm working in oils again and very happy with the results.

I'm starving. If a painting is going well, I forget everything, including eating. [emoji15]

In my kitchen window, this -

View attachment 33995View attachment 33996

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That's beautiful, Luddly. Be sure and let us see the end result of your labor.

I paint in watercolors, well, I used to, I haven't picked up a brush in a long time, and the last time I got the urge I noticed that some of my paints had dried out!:eek: Ever since I got hooked on these forums, I seem to have lost my desire to paint. Maybe I'll get it back one day.....when I can't remember how to type or what I'm doing....:D

I mostly work in watercolor and used to teach both w/c and oil. Nice thing about w/c is you can just add water to dried out paint and you're good to go again.

I find if I don't paint, I get a little nutty, restless. Its just something I need to to do for my own peace of mind. And, I still sell a few pieces. Not like I used to but I did just deliver a commissioned piece.

About stopping and starting, getting involved in other things - I think we just need to follow our heart.

I am afraid I stopped painting about ten years ago. I just lost the spark. But I recently did a google search for an old friend who's name is Aidan Shingler and I found he has done amazing things. He has created sculptures in public places and written a book called 'one in a hundred' which is about his experiences as a schizophrenic, and how he uses them for inspiration. Do a search for him and you will see what I mean, there is a lot about him on the web.
Brrrrr. The beginning of winter always brings out the Desert Rat in me.

I've been painting all day. I'm working in oils again and very happy with the results.

I'm starving. If a painting is going well, I forget everything, including eating. [emoji15]

In my kitchen window, this -

View attachment 33995View attachment 33996

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's beautiful, Luddly. Be sure and let us see the end result of your labor.

I paint in watercolors, well, I used to, I haven't picked up a brush in a long time, and the last time I got the urge I noticed that some of my paints had dried out!:eek: Ever since I got hooked on these forums, I seem to have lost my desire to paint. Maybe I'll get it back one day.....when I can't remember how to type or what I'm doing....:D

I mostly work in watercolor and used to teach both w/c and oil. Nice thing about w/c is you can just add water to dried out paint and you're good to go again.

I find if I don't paint, I get a little nutty, restless. Its just something I need to to do for my own peace of mind. And, I still sell a few pieces. Not like I used to but I did just deliver a commissioned piece.

About stopping and starting, getting involved in other things - I think we just need to follow our heart.

I am afraid I stopped painting about ten years ago. I just lost the spark. But I recently did a google search for an old friend who's name is Aidan Shingler and I found he has done amazing things. He has created sculptures in public places and written a book called 'one in a hundred' which is about his experiences as a schizophrenic, and how he uses them for inspiration. Do a search for him and you will see what I mean, there is a lot about him on the web.

I try not to beat myself up if I don't stay with a particular hobby or activity. I tend to feel guilty for having a gazillion dollars tied up in materials, books, supplies and then not use them. In the past, I've sold things on Ebay and Amazon and then regretted getting rid of them.

Maybe you'll get the urge again. You never know. Or maybe you'll go in a completely different direction.

I used to sell painting packets and I really would like to get back to doing those again ... So many things I'm interested in and so little time.

Considering that he's schizophrenic, your friend's work is even more amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Brrrrr. The beginning of winter always brings out the Desert Rat in me.

I've been painting all day. I'm working in oils again and very happy with the results.

I'm starving. If a painting is going well, I forget everything, including eating. [emoji15]

In my kitchen window, this -

View attachment 33995View attachment 33996

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amazingly realistic!:biggrin:
Brrrrr. The beginning of winter always brings out the Desert Rat in me.

I've been painting all day. I'm working in oils again and very happy with the results.

I'm starving. If a painting is going well, I forget everything, including eating. [emoji15]

In my kitchen window, this -

View attachment 33995View attachment 33996

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's beautiful, Luddly. Be sure and let us see the end result of your labor.

I paint in watercolors, well, I used to, I haven't picked up a brush in a long time, and the last time I got the urge I noticed that some of my paints had dried out!:eek: Ever since I got hooked on these forums, I seem to have lost my desire to paint. Maybe I'll get it back one day.....when I can't remember how to type or what I'm doing....:D

I mostly work in watercolor and used to teach both w/c and oil. Nice thing about w/c is you can just add water to dried out paint and you're good to go again.

I find if I don't paint, I get a little nutty, restless. Its just something I need to to do for my own peace of mind. And, I still sell a few pieces. Not like I used to but I did just deliver a commissioned piece.

About stopping and starting, getting involved in other things - I think we just need to follow our heart.

I am afraid I stopped painting about ten years ago. I just lost the spark. But I recently did a google search for an old friend who's name is Aidan Shingler and I found he has done amazing things. He has created sculptures in public places and written a book called 'one in a hundred' which is about his experiences as a schizophrenic, and how he uses them for inspiration. Do a search for him and you will see what I mean, there is a lot about him on the web.

I try not to beat myself up if I don't stay with a particular hobby or activity. I tend to feel guilty for having a gazillion dollars tied up in materials, books, supplies and then not use them. In the past, I've sold things on Ebay and Amazon and then regretted getting rid of them.

Maybe you'll get the urge again. You never know. Or maybe you'll go in a completely different direction.

I used to sell painting packets and I really would like to get back to doing those again ... So many things I'm interested in and so little time.

Considering that he's schizophrenic, your friend's work is even more amazing. Thanks for sharing.
had the same problem with model building ...
I just buy little pepper plants in the Spring and by the end of summer, I have more than I know what do do with. I learned my lesson to only buy one or two. Same with tomatoes. I also grow herbs and tons of annuals and perennials. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do. I love digging in the dirt. It's a good stress reliever too. And looking at a garden in bloom is so peaceful.

When you have too many tomatoes the solution is to puree then and put them into those old fashioned ice cube makers. Once frozen decant into a plastic bag. Repeat until all of the spare tomatoes are frozen. Then during the Fall and Winter you can drop them into soups and stews as "fresh" tomatoes instead of using the canned variety.

Not sure if this would work for peppers. Might be worth the experiment though.
Last edited:
Brrrrr. The beginning of winter always brings out the Desert Rat in me.

I've been painting all day. I'm working in oils again and very happy with the results.

I'm starving. If a painting is going well, I forget everything, including eating. [emoji15]

In my kitchen window, this -

View attachment 33995View attachment 33996

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's beautiful, Luddly. Be sure and let us see the end result of your labor.

I paint in watercolors, well, I used to, I haven't picked up a brush in a long time, and the last time I got the urge I noticed that some of my paints had dried out!:eek: Ever since I got hooked on these forums, I seem to have lost my desire to paint. Maybe I'll get it back one day.....when I can't remember how to type or what I'm doing....:D

I mostly work in watercolor and used to teach both w/c and oil. Nice thing about w/c is you can just add water to dried out paint and you're good to go again.

I find if I don't paint, I get a little nutty, restless. Its just something I need to to do for my own peace of mind. And, I still sell a few pieces. Not like I used to but I did just deliver a commissioned piece.

About stopping and starting, getting involved in other things - I think we just need to follow our heart.

I am afraid I stopped painting about ten years ago. I just lost the spark. But I recently did a google search for an old friend who's name is Aidan Shingler and I found he has done amazing things. He has created sculptures in public places and written a book called 'one in a hundred' which is about his experiences as a schizophrenic, and how he uses them for inspiration. Do a search for him and you will see what I mean, there is a lot about him on the web.
Thrilled to see you in the CC, Dajjal!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.
somebody's bitching because they weren't invited to the party.
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.


You yourself just pointed out the difference, with your very own choice of words.

The other difference is that ALL are welcome here.

Glad you stopped by. Post more often.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.


You yourself just pointed out the difference, with your very own choice of words.

The other difference is that ALL are welcome here.

Glad you stopped by. Post more often.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Our as in all who choose to post in the CS. I understand you have reason to want it to mean anything but that.
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.
somebody's bitching because they weren't invited to the party.
We are always kind to people here in the CC. Save is as welcome as you or I.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

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