The Cappucino Corral

Mertex - Try putting a bunch of mothballs in a circle around the tree. You don't want to ruin the fruit, so make it at least 5 feet from the edge of the furthest out branch.
Sometimes we take what is handed us and make object lessons of them Wolf. Lesson done.
I just buy little pepper plants in the Spring and by the end of summer, I have more than I know what do do with. I learned my lesson to only buy one or two. Same with tomatoes. I also grow herbs and tons of annuals and perennials. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do. I love digging in the dirt. It's a good stress reliever too. And looking at a garden in bloom is so peaceful.

When you have too many tomatoes the solution is to puree then and put them into those old fashioned ice cube makers. Once frozen decant into a plastic bag. Repeat until all of the spare tomatoes are frozen. Then during the Fall and Winter you can drop them into soups and stews as "fresh" tomatoes instead of using the canned variety.

Not sure if this would work for peppers. Might be worth the experiment though.

I don't think that would work with peppers either. I just dice them up and put them in a Freezer type Zip Log bags......then I take as much as I need to put into soups and other dishes that call for bell pepper.
How well do they freeze? We grew quite an abundance of jalapeno peppers this year and we canned a bunch. But we still have quite a few more. Do you think they could be frozen as well?
I just buy little pepper plants in the Spring and by the end of summer, I have more than I know what do do with. I learned my lesson to only buy one or two. Same with tomatoes. I also grow herbs and tons of annuals and perennials. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do. I love digging in the dirt. It's a good stress reliever too. And looking at a garden in bloom is so peaceful.

When you have too many tomatoes the solution is to puree then and put them into those old fashioned ice cube makers. Once frozen decant into a plastic bag. Repeat until all of the spare tomatoes are frozen. Then during the Fall and Winter you can drop them into soups and stews as "fresh" tomatoes instead of using the canned variety.

Not sure if this would work for peppers. Might be worth the experiment though.

I don't think that would work with peppers either. I just dice them up and put them in a Freezer type Zip Log bags......then I take as much as I need to put into soups and other dishes that call for bell pepper.
How well do they freeze? We grew quite an abundance of jalapeno peppers this year and we canned a bunch. But we still have quite a few more. Do you think they could be frozen as well?

Peppers do quite well frozen. They are no longer useful in salads or any other recipe where you use fresh bell peppers, but any recipe that calls for peppers to be cooked, they are excellent. The same with tomatoes. With peppers, it might be a good idea to first spread them out on a cookie sheet and freeze them, that way each piece is frozen individually and then when put into a bag, you are able to take as much as you need, otherwise they may clump together.
Mertex - Try putting a bunch of mothballs in a circle around the tree. You don't want to ruin the fruit, so make it at least 5 feet from the edge of the furthest out branch.

I would, but we have outdoor cats and I wouldn't want them to end up eating them......:eek: I think I'll just have to do a better job next year of attaching the net. This year I figured they weren't smart enough to take it off and I didn't fasten the ends, just kinda hooked them to the branches. Well, those critters are pretty smart! :rolleyes:
Hoping everyone has one:

I just buy little pepper plants in the Spring and by the end of summer, I have more than I know what do do with. I learned my lesson to only buy one or two. Same with tomatoes. I also grow herbs and tons of annuals and perennials. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do. I love digging in the dirt. It's a good stress reliever too. And looking at a garden in bloom is so peaceful.

When you have too many tomatoes the solution is to puree then and put them into those old fashioned ice cube makers. Once frozen decant into a plastic bag. Repeat until all of the spare tomatoes are frozen. Then during the Fall and Winter you can drop them into soups and stews as "fresh" tomatoes instead of using the canned variety.

Not sure if this would work for peppers. Might be worth the experiment though.

I don't think that would work with peppers either. I just dice them up and put them in a Freezer type Zip Log bags......then I take as much as I need to put into soups and other dishes that call for bell pepper.
How well do they freeze? We grew quite an abundance of jalapeno peppers this year and we canned a bunch. But we still have quite a few more. Do you think they could be frozen as well?

We do the same with bell peppers and onions but have never tried it with hot peppers.

Mertex - Try putting a bunch of mothballs in a circle around the tree. You don't want to ruin the fruit, so make it at least 5 feet from the edge of the furthest out branch.

Mothballs - argh. I am so allergic to them. But, I've never seen bird netting work.

We had some bird netting rolled up in a big ball under our deck. Doing some cleaning out, we discovered the tail of a snake sticking out of the ball. We started cutting and clipping because the poor thing was really stuck. It was a huge black rat snake, known for being very bitey so I found his head and held onto it while we worked to cut him free.

Then, we saw that there was another black rat snake stuck in there. We suspect they were in the mood for some snake loving and somehow got stuck in all that netting.

So, we kept cutting and clipping until we got the first one free, me holding tight to his head so we didn't get bitten. His skin just hung on him but the netting hadn't broken the skin so I didn't do any doctoring. Knowing he'd likely been stuck in there for quite a while, we put him in a bucket with about about an inch of water in it so he could rest, drink and get re-hydrated and then went back to cutting the second one free.

When we got "her" free, we opened the bucket to put her in there as well and the first one, obviously feeling a bit better, came straight up out of the bucket, mouth wide open, ticked off and really wanting to bite. He missed and we put her in there with him.

We left the two of them in the bucket for a while, then turned it on its side for them to leave when they wanted to. We came back later to an empty bucket but, very cool was that the next day, I happened to be leaning over the deck railing, just sort of looking and daydreaming and what do I spy but a big black rat snake down below.

We've seen black rat snakes around the house since then and we like to think they were our rescues.
OK, It's only 20 here and I'm cold. brrrrrr

I always think I'm ready for Winter but I never am.

I really love where I live and would not want to live anyplace else but the cold weather always brings out the Desert Rat in me.

The best thing about winter is the eagles are back on the lake.

A week or so ago, I had the very lucky sighting of an adult eagle cruising past at eye level, with a huge fish in his talons. A few minutes later, I could hear eagle screams from very nearby so I wondered if they were squabbling over the catch.

We have a huge eagle nest near our house where we always watch the new hatches grow and fledge. Last year, it fell from the tree. We've found two other nests though so will be watching to see who moves in.

Also back are the pelicans. Every year, they arrive here, in the cold, stay a while and then leave. I was watching them this morning, all huddled together on a sand bar part way across the lake from us.
Good morning everyone. It is chilly outside today. We leave for the cabin in several hours and I hope to see my first flakes in the sky this weekend. I hope ya'll have a wonderful morning. Cheers!

If it snows here, I'd be more than happy to send it to you.

J/K ... I like the snow. Just don't want to shovel it or drive on ice.
I just buy little pepper plants in the Spring and by the end of summer, I have more than I know what do do with. I learned my lesson to only buy one or two. Same with tomatoes. I also grow herbs and tons of annuals and perennials. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do. I love digging in the dirt. It's a good stress reliever too. And looking at a garden in bloom is so peaceful.

When you have too many tomatoes the solution is to puree then and put them into those old fashioned ice cube makers. Once frozen decant into a plastic bag. Repeat until all of the spare tomatoes are frozen. Then during the Fall and Winter you can drop them into soups and stews as "fresh" tomatoes instead of using the canned variety.

Not sure if this would work for peppers. Might be worth the experiment though.

I don't think that would work with peppers either. I just dice them up and put them in a Freezer type Zip Log bags......then I take as much as I need to put into soups and other dishes that call for bell pepper.
How well do they freeze? We grew quite an abundance of jalapeno peppers this year and we canned a bunch. But we still have quite a few more. Do you think they could be frozen as well?

We do the same with bell peppers and onions but have never tried it with hot peppers.

Mertex - Try putting a bunch of mothballs in a circle around the tree. You don't want to ruin the fruit, so make it at least 5 feet from the edge of the furthest out branch.

Mothballs - argh. I am so allergic to them. But, I've never seen bird netting work.

We had some bird netting rolled up in a big ball under our deck. Doing some cleaning out, we discovered the tail of a snake sticking out of the ball. We started cutting and clipping because the poor thing was really stuck. It was a huge black rat snake, known for being very bitey so I found his head and held onto it while we worked to cut him free.

Then, we saw that there was another black rat snake stuck in there. We suspect they were in the mood for some snake loving and somehow got stuck in all that netting.

So, we kept cutting and clipping until we got the first one free, me holding tight to his head so we didn't get bitten. His skin just hung on him but the netting hadn't broken the skin so I didn't do any doctoring. Knowing he'd likely been stuck in there for quite a while, we put him in a bucket with about about an inch of water in it so he could rest, drink and get re-hydrated and then went back to cutting the second one free.

When we got "her" free, we opened the bucket to put her in there as well and the first one, obviously feeling a bit better, came straight up out of the bucket, mouth wide open, ticked off and really wanting to bite. He missed and we put her in there with him.

We left the two of them in the bucket for a while, then turned it on its side for them to leave when they wanted to. We came back later to an empty bucket but, very cool was that the next day, I happened to be leaning over the deck railing, just sort of looking and daydreaming and what do I spy but a big black rat snake down below.

We've seen black rat snakes around the house since then and we like to think they were our rescues.

:eek: That would have freaked me out completely!
Good morning everyone. It is chilly outside today. We leave for the cabin in several hours and I hope to see my first flakes in the sky this weekend. I hope ya'll have a wonderful morning. Cheers!

If it snows here, I'd be more than happy to send it to you.

J/K ... I like the snow. Just don't want to shovel it or drive on ice.

We're having a mini winter here in south Texas. It went down to near freezing....fortunately I had all my plants inside already. It is still cold, so I'm fixing to go get me some coffee and maybe some biscuits with sausage gravy over them...........will talk to you all later. Have a great day!
Good morning everyone. It is chilly outside today. We leave for the cabin in several hours and I hope to see my first flakes in the sky this weekend. I hope ya'll have a wonderful morning. Cheers!

If it snows here, I'd be more than happy to send it to you.

J/K ... I like the snow. Just don't want to shovel it or drive on ice.

I am cool with the first several snow falls but once January rolls along I really start to think spring. Its a very brief love affair. lol
Brrrrr. The beginning of winter always brings out the Desert Rat in me.

I've been painting all day. I'm working in oils again and very happy with the results.

I'm starving. If a painting is going well, I forget everything, including eating. [emoji15]

In my kitchen window, this -

View attachment 33995View attachment 33996

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amazingly realistic!:biggrin:

Not a painting. It's a photo of a Xmas cactus in bloom in my kitchen window. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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I knew, that we have some of those too..
I was just having some fun with you.
Good morning everyone. It is chilly outside today. We leave for the cabin in several hours and I hope to see my first flakes in the sky this weekend. I hope ya'll have a wonderful morning. Cheers!

If it snows here, I'd be more than happy to send it to you.

J/K ... I like the snow. Just don't want to shovel it or drive on ice.

I am cool with the first several snow falls but once January rolls along I really start to think spring. Its a very brief love affair. lol
the last time it snowed here was in the 1950's
however there are some week in fall /winter the temp drops to freezing ,kinda cool to see the morning sun making the frosted grass shine.

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