The Cappucino Corral

Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.


You yourself just pointed out the difference, with your very own choice of words.

The other difference is that ALL are welcome here.

Glad you stopped by. Post more often.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

"Our" as in all who post in the CS. Your thread however, actually mentions the CS as a virtual declaration of war from yourself. It looks to me like this thread is the one who secretly dislikes opposing points of view.
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.
somebody's bitching because they weren't invited to the party.
We are always kind to people here in the CC. Save is as welcome as you or I.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I know that.. but save and some others seem to need to rant...
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.


You yourself just pointed out the difference, with your very own choice of words.

The other difference is that ALL are welcome here.

Glad you stopped by. Post more often.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Our as in all who choose to post in the CS. I understand you have reason to want it to mean anything but that.
I believe I have addressed a number of concerns already, both on this thread and at the CS. Exchange of opinions? Fine with me. Trolling? Not interested.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.


You yourself just pointed out the difference, with your very own choice of words.

The other difference is that ALL are welcome here.

Glad you stopped by. Post more often.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

"Our" as in all who post in the CS. Your thread however, actually mentions the CS as a virtual declaration of war from yourself. It looks to me like this thread is the one who secretly dislikes opposing points of view.

Not in the least. You are more than welcome to your point of view but you don't get to express what violates the Lounge rules in a Lounge thread. Neither do I. My post was not "crapping on the CS" in the least. It was lamenting what has been lost because all of us failed in our collective responsibility to discipline our own ranks.

Partisanship is left at the door according to the rules and that is what failed to happen in the CS.

Everyone is welcome here but the rules are to be obeyed. There are no exceptions.
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.
somebody's bitching because they weren't invited to the party.
We are always kind to people here in the CC. Save is as welcome as you or I.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I know that.. but save and some others seem to need to rant...
And that's okay too, to a certain point, I would think. Life is short.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.


You yourself just pointed out the difference, with your very own choice of words.

The other difference is that ALL are welcome here.

Glad you stopped by. Post more often.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

"Our" as in all who post in the CS. Your thread however, actually mentions the CS as a virtual declaration of war from yourself. It looks to me like this thread is the one who secretly dislikes opposing points of view.

Not in the least. You are more than welcome to your point of view but you don't get to express what violates the Lounge rules in a Lounge thread. Neither do I. My post was not "crapping on the CS" in the least. It was lamenting what has been lost because all of us failed in our collective responsibility to discipline our own ranks.

Partisanship is left at the door according to the rules and that is what failed to happen in the CS.

Everyone is welcome here but the rules are to be obeyed. There are no exceptions.
Right. The same rules apply to all of us. That includes me as well, of course.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Hello all!

Got a pleasant surprise today. A little background.....

Our second son is the quiet type. He's a student with a job at a sub shop. Goes about his business calmly and quietly. He's a gamer. He's into anime as well. He doesn't care about what he wears. He doesn't stress out about his hair....or his style. He' a word.......a nerd.

Well...yesterday...he announces that he's dating a girl. He's not much of a all we got out of him is that the girl is a fellow employee and also into well as video games....and we got her first name and age.

That's all I needed. A quick Facebook search reveals that this girl is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! I'm talking movie star/model type looks. can be shallow. Sue me.
Brrrrr. The beginning of winter always brings out the Desert Rat in me.

I've been painting all day. I'm working in oils again and very happy with the results.

I'm starving. If a painting is going well, I forget everything, including eating. [emoji15]

In my kitchen window, this -

View attachment 33995View attachment 33996

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amazingly realistic!:biggrin:

Not a painting. It's a photo of a Xmas cactus in bloom in my kitchen window. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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The cactus now that flower has opened. I don't think it got above 30 today. I spent most of the day painting. Catsby - the real reason for a bed in the guest room. Look at those eyes. He's trouble in a fur coat.


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Last edited:
Hello all!

Got a pleasant surprise today. A little background.....

Our second son is the quiet type. He's a student with a job at a sub shop. Goes about his business calmly and quietly. He's a gamer. He's into anime as well. He doesn't care about what he wears. He doesn't stress out about his hair....or his style. He' a word.......a nerd.

Well...yesterday...he announces that he's dating a girl. He's not much of a all we got out of him is that the girl is a fellow employee and also into well as video games....and we got her first name and age.

That's all I needed. A quick Facebook search reveals that this girl is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! I'm talking movie star/model type looks. can be shallow. Sue me.

No need to feel apologetic about wanting the best for your son. Nothing shallow about it either. Just makes you a loving father. Glad for you.

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Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.
somebody's bitching because they weren't invited to the party.
We are always kind to people here in the CC. Save is as welcome as you or I.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I know that.. but save and some others seem to need to rant...
And that's okay too, to a certain point, I would think. Life is short.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Your thread - your rules.

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Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.

Do you feel better now? Got that all out of your system? I hope so. I hope it helped you in some way.
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.
here you go saveliberty :up:
Why does the Coffee Shop still exist? It appears to be full of whining cons.

glad to help :)
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.
here you go saveliberty :up:
Why does the Coffee Shop still exist? It appears to be full of whining cons.

glad to help :)

It does Dot, thank you. It illustrates the partisanship of this place.
Hey, just a thought. What real difference is there from this place to the CS? So far the only one I see is you folks feel it is your right to come crap on our thread. You all are a bunch of hypocrites. Your false sincere overtures are of no avail.

We addressed the issue and you are welcome to post, but not attack as has been the normal course of your actions these past two days in particular.
here you go saveliberty :up:
Why does the Coffee Shop still exist? It appears to be full of whining cons.

glad to help :)

It does Dot, thank you. It illustrates the partisanship of this place.

Excellent. It illustrates that you came here to start an argument to make it look partisan instead of being the bigger person and letting things die down.

Again, I hope you feel better and you got something out of this.

This whole CS dramafest and now you trying to bring it here makes me wonder about messageboard mentality when grown adults still act like they are in high school.
I am afraid I stopped painting about ten years ago. I just lost the spark. But I recently did a google search for an old friend who's name is Aidan Shingler and I found he has done amazing things. He has created sculptures in public places and written a book called 'one in a hundred' which is about his experiences as a schizophrenic, and how he uses them for inspiration. Do a search for him and you will see what I mean, there is a lot about him on the web.

You're right, I googled your friend's name and there are a lot of links with his name. He must be very well recognized as to have Tricia Harrison do a sculpture of him.

I feel the same way you do, I used to have a passion for painting, could spend hours doing it and now I can't get motivated to bother with it. I've done several paintings and friends think they are really good.....but the spark is gone!
I just buy little pepper plants in the Spring and by the end of summer, I have more than I know what do do with. I learned my lesson to only buy one or two. Same with tomatoes. I also grow herbs and tons of annuals and perennials. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do. I love digging in the dirt. It's a good stress reliever too. And looking at a garden in bloom is so peaceful.

But how can you resist the urge to buy a dozen? I end up with too many, then I feel guilty about not harvesting them, so I end up with a ton of vegetables I can't use, so I give them away, freeze some and then either the deer or raccoons get the overkill.....I throw them over the fence one day and they are gone the next, someone's eating them!....:D

Been there, done that. There's something about spring that makes me go nuts with our favorite seed catalog. We buy heirloom seeds from here -

Heirloom Seeds Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co

Their catalog is pure food porn. Its so beautifully photographed, you wanna lick the pages!

But in looking, I found these two lists as well.

The Best Seed Catalogs Out There
10 Best Heirloom Seed Companies as Selected By Readers TreeHugger

My idea of nirvana is standing out in the yard, brushing the dirt off the tomatoes and plopping them in my mouth!

We also have fruit trees - which the birds and squirrels get to before we do! And, we grow grapes, supposedly for wine making but what we get is deer droppings under the bare vines.

Do you get the sense that I'm really not ready for winter?

Tell me about it. I have a couple of persimmon trees, have had them for several years (they don't grow at a very fast pace), but they are both rather prolific. I've had trouble with raccoons getting to the fruit before they actually ripen, and so this year I took the time to wrap a net around the tree to make sure they couldn't get to the fruit. One of the trees had about 50 persimmons......I was savoring the time when I would harvest them and eat them all myself. My husband doesn't like them, in fact I haven't met a person who likes them, yet. Anyway, I was keeping my eyes on the tree, watering and even did harvest about 20 of them and brought them inside before they were fully ripe and put them in the freezer. Well, about a week ago I was watering and imagine my shock when I looked at the one tree and every single persimmon was gone. The damn raccoons figured out how to undo the net and took every single one. It must have been a family cause I can't imagine one raccoon sitting there all night eating that many and there was nary a piece of one on the ground. Damn, was I pissed. Next year I'm going to have to do better at securing them!:sad:
I just buy little pepper plants in the Spring and by the end of summer, I have more than I know what do do with. I learned my lesson to only buy one or two. Same with tomatoes. I also grow herbs and tons of annuals and perennials. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do. I love digging in the dirt. It's a good stress reliever too. And looking at a garden in bloom is so peaceful.

When you have too many tomatoes the solution is to puree then and put them into those old fashioned ice cube makers. Once frozen decant into a plastic bag. Repeat until all of the spare tomatoes are frozen. Then during the Fall and Winter you can drop them into soups and stews as "fresh" tomatoes instead of using the canned variety.

Not sure if this would work for peppers. Might be worth the experiment though.

I don't think that would work with peppers either. I just dice them up and put them in a Freezer type Zip Log bags......then I take as much as I need to put into soups and other dishes that call for bell pepper.
Hello all!

Got a pleasant surprise today. A little background.....

Our second son is the quiet type. He's a student with a job at a sub shop. Goes about his business calmly and quietly. He's a gamer. He's into anime as well. He doesn't care about what he wears. He doesn't stress out about his hair....or his style. He' a word.......a nerd.

Well...yesterday...he announces that he's dating a girl. He's not much of a all we got out of him is that the girl is a fellow employee and also into well as video games....and we got her first name and age.

That's all I needed. A quick Facebook search reveals that this girl is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! I'm talking movie star/model type looks. can be shallow. Sue me.

There's nothing wrong with being proud of your kids and their good choices. Kudos to your son.

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