The Cappucino Corral

And Good morning everyone. My wife and I are flying to San Diego to meet our new grand daughter (4th) born at 1:20am today from one of my son. All four girls Love of my life.

Congratulations on the new are truly blessed.

Good Morning, I Cappuccinisti della Terra,

I was not on much yesterday, had oodles of work. Today is the same, until 11 PM tonight, but with little breaks between appointments, like now.


As charwin95 wrote so beautifully, my thoughts also go to those who are suffering through the flooding in Texas. At times of crisis, we the people should always stand together. I know many, many Texans, all of them good, warm, friendly, caring, giving people. I hope that the flooding abates as soon as possible.

And a good Thursday to all of you.
Thank you Stat. Maybe you already read in my other post that I financially help homeless center in Los Angeles and Miami, wounded and disabled veterans, cancer, heart, kidney and ms research centers. My contributions to human race. I've already activated my team to help Red Cross for the flood victims in Texas yesterday.
Thank you lord for being blessed.

No, I didn't read it, I've been swamped with freelance work.

But what you are doing is fantastic. Good for you.
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis and TGIF to you.

I had double work over three days and planned for this day to be off, since I also have work on the weekend.

Woke up with an incredible headache, very, very rare for me. No, I didn't drink last night. I hardly ever drink, although I was planning on hunting bunnyrabbits with some buddies tonight... :D

So, I may need to drink in order to get rid of the headache.


Have a good one.

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