The Cappucino Corral

Well, this is unique.....


Makes me think of photos on one of our Caribbean trips. The owner had glued several gazillion thing-a-ma-gigs on it. The photos are on a different computer or I'd post them.
Mertex My Boy Mike won YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he looks hotter when he's a little starved but, so glad he won. OMG I still can't stand Dan, what a misogynist he is. He's a big whiny baby. Although Shirin also gets on my nerves.

Carolyn looked so pretty at the Finale.

Yeah.....when the program started I was all for Carolyn, then I got annoyed with her when she was conspiring with Will and Rodney....I didn't like how they were all so ganging up on Mike (especially when Mike had Carolyn's back at the last tribal) I changed my mind about Mike (for the better). He truly did play the best game....5 immunity challenges is a I was quite happy that he won it. At the end I didn't want Carolyn to win and was thinking that Rodney was going to beat her at the fire starting challenge, and then she won and I was then worried that she would get the most votes....considering how most felt about Mike...but in the end, I think even Dan voted for Mike. Mike really deserved to win. And yes, Carolyn looked so good I didn't recognize her at first! :)

I was so happy to see that Joe is going to be in the next Survivor.......I'm rooting for him from the gitgo.
Mertex My Boy Mike won YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he looks hotter when he's a little starved but, so glad he won. OMG I still can't stand Dan, what a misogynist he is. He's a big whiny baby. Although Shirin also gets on my nerves.

Carolyn looked so pretty at the Finale.

Yeah.....when the program started I was all for Carolyn, then I got annoyed with her when she was conspiring with Will and Rodney....I didn't like how they were all so ganging up on Mike (especially when Mike had Carolyn's back at the last tribal) I changed my mind about Mike (for the better). He truly did play the best game....5 immunity challenges is a I was quite happy that he won it. At the end I didn't want Carolyn to win and was thinking that Rodney was going to beat her at the fire starting challenge, and then she won and I was then worried that she would get the most votes....considering how most felt about Mike...but in the end, I think even Dan voted for Mike. Mike really deserved to win. And yes, Carolyn looked so good I didn't recognize her at first! :)

I was so happy to see that Joe is going to be in the next Survivor.......I'm rooting for him from the gitgo.

Joe's so Cute !!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait, he was my favorite before he got voted off.
Good Morning and TGIF to all those fine Cappuccinistas out there.

Busy extended weekend coming up with little princess Statalina.

We are taking a 20 K bike tour when I pick her up from school.

And tomorrow we are hitting a roller skating rink and then two parties.

And on Sunday, we are going to a huge indoor multiplex swimming pool complex called AGGUA!!

This is also the weekend to sort through clothes and start to by new - she has just experienced a growth spurt in the last 7 days. It's just amazing to watch.

So, I'll be off and on, tapatalking when I can, but gone a lot this weekend.

Have a great one!
Oh man, my ears are sore! :eek:

I was at the pool today and there an instructor giving a group exercise class. Not only did he have a boombox turned up to 11 but he was literally screaming instructions at the top of his lungs for a solid hour.

What a buffoon!
Celebrating our memorial week here in Houston, Tx with my 2 sons. While killing time roaming around Houston waiting for the playoffs game 3 between Golden State and Houston. We run into this guy

His name is Alex. Hmmm wonder whose cousin is this. Will be here till Tuesday after the 4th game tomorrow. Flying back to Miami Tuesday morning and my 2 sons will fly back to San Diego.
Hey, Capuccinistis, it was a long and wonderful weekend with little Princess Statalina, who went swimming today and discovered the big water slide. After 4.5 hours of "swimming", waterlogged and totally happy, we then visited with good friends and grilled out together. Afterward, we got a good look at Jupiter in the night sky. Cool stuff!!

Hope you all have had a good weekend and I wish you all a good Memorial Day tomorrow.
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