The Cappucino Corral


Have a good day, all!
I think I overdid it this afternoon........I wanted to trim around one of my flower beds because with all the rain the grass has grown very quickly and I've been so busy doing other things (like going to the dentist for my annual checkup) and this morning I had to go pick Mr. Mertex up at the Harley shop....he's having the bike checked and he also bought some accessories he wants to have them install, so I didn't get a chance to start till after 11:00 was getting hot and I didn't want to quit until I got it all finished......which I did, but I'm totally pooped. But, it looks a lot better. I still have a lot of work many leaves to pick up and dump and I'm finally having to water, again..... Hope everyone is enjoying a

But, it looks a lot better. I still have a lot of work many leaves to pick up and dump and I'm finally having to water, again..... Hope everyone is enjoying a

Take care of yourself, and remember to stay hydrated.I remember that feeling of not wanting to quit until it gets done, but it can be so dangerous, especially this time of year.

Bet it's looking good, though!
But, it looks a lot better. I still have a lot of work many leaves to pick up and dump and I'm finally having to water, again..... Hope everyone is enjoying a

Take care of yourself, and remember to stay hydrated.I remember that feeling of not wanting to quit until it gets done, but it can be so dangerous, especially this time of year.

Bet it's looking good, though!

Thanks....Mr Mertex keeps telling me the same thing. I do keep a big jug of water close by to sip from time to time, but all that bending and stooping really gives me a workout.
I was going to take a picture, but decided to wait until I finish the whole area.....I need to mulch one of the flower beds and the other one has lots of ground cover, I just need to blow/rake some of the many leaves trapped in. I'll be sure and post a picture when I get it all done.
Good Morning, all you wonderful Cappuccinistis, and a good day of Humpings to you!

Not on so much this week, lots and lots of work, and a dear friend of mine is losing his sister to cancer. She is in hospice and not expected to live to the end of the week. My friend is not doing well through all of this - he is practically fallen apart - and I have been standing by his side through the last months. His mother is also 90 and not doing well, so the stress on him is enormous right now. Given the choice between hanging in front of the computer and watch people scream at each other or helping a friend in need, I will help a friend in need. I've known him and his mother for many, many years. Feel free to pray for W, if you are the praying type. I am expecting bad news at the weekend.

Best to all of you,


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