The Cappucino Corral

Good Sunday Morning, I Cappuccinisti della Terra!

My daughter and I, as is our Sunday tradition, went swimming this morning from 09:00 to about 14:00. After arguably the hottest day of the year last Friday (35 Celcius) and a massive freak storm in the night to Saturday that brought the temps from 35 C down to 9 C in about 2 hours time, today is an unbelievably beautiful day and just about 23 C - perfect temps, no humidity, light breeze, just a blast. My little princess helped to make our daily warm meal (warme Mahlzeit, as the Germans call it): for the first time, she made the salad and I created her favorite dish with Salmon, Noodles, Zucchini and Bechamel sauce. Yum.

She is now enjoying American-style chocolate chip cookies and German Gummi Bears for dessert and then we are off for a bike tour while the wash is drying and such. She even helped to wash up after the meal because she really, really wanted those Gummi Bears, which had been forbidden for about 8 months when she was wearing a permanent upper set of braces. But now those braces are gone and she is allowed to have her beloved Gummi Bears again. You should see the look of satisfaction on her fact. What a hoot.

All in all, a great Sunday and a great day to be a Dad to such a cool kid. G-d is good to me.

Good Sunday Morning, I Cappuccinisti della Terra!

My daughter and I, as is our Sunday tradition, went swimming this morning from 09:00 to about 14:00. After arguably the hottest day of the year last Friday (35 Celcius) and a massive freak storm in the night to Saturday that brought the temps from 35 C down to 9 C in about 2 hours time, today is an unbelievably beautiful day and just about 23 C - perfect temps, no humidity, light breeze, just a blast. My little princess helped to make our daily warm meal (warme Mahlzeit, as the Germans call it): for the first time, she made the salad and I created her favorite dish with Salmon, Noodles, Zucchini and Bechamel sauce. Yum.

She is now enjoying American-style chocolate chip cookies and German Gummi Bears for dessert and then we are off for a bike tour while the wash is drying and such. She even helped to wash up after the meal because she really, really wanted those Gummi Bears, which had been forbidden for about 8 months when she was wearing a permanent upper set of braces. But now those braces are gone and she is allowed to have her beloved Gummi Bears again. You should see the look of satisfaction on her fact. What a hoot.

All in all, a great Sunday and a great day to be a Dad to such a cool kid. G-d is good to me.


One of life's priceless moments! :)
Good Sunday Morning, I Cappuccinisti della Terra!

My daughter and I, as is our Sunday tradition, went swimming this morning from 09:00 to about 14:00. After arguably the hottest day of the year last Friday (35 Celcius) and a massive freak storm in the night to Saturday that brought the temps from 35 C down to 9 C in about 2 hours time, today is an unbelievably beautiful day and just about 23 C - perfect temps, no humidity, light breeze, just a blast. My little princess helped to make our daily warm meal (warme Mahlzeit, as the Germans call it): for the first time, she made the salad and I created her favorite dish with Salmon, Noodles, Zucchini and Bechamel sauce. Yum.

She is now enjoying American-style chocolate chip cookies and German Gummi Bears for dessert and then we are off for a bike tour while the wash is drying and such. She even helped to wash up after the meal because she really, really wanted those Gummi Bears, which had been forbidden for about 8 months when she was wearing a permanent upper set of braces. But now those braces are gone and she is allowed to have her beloved Gummi Bears again. You should see the look of satisfaction on her fact. What a hoot.

All in all, a great Sunday and a great day to be a Dad to such a cool kid. G-d is good to me.

Good morning everyone.
How sweet it is. Those golden moments with your kids will go fast. I used to those fun time with my kids now they are all grown up with kids. Fun continues with my granddaughters.

Enjoy the rest of the week.
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis! Today is another Dienstag, just as exactly one week ago!

Just amazing how that happens....


And, what's going on in your corners of the world?
Enjoying my baby granddaughter bring the 3 and 8 y/o to their swimming class. Then go to the office about no more than 5 hours a week that's just about my routine for next 3 weeks. Flying back to Miami at end of this month.
How's everyone today?

I didn't sleep well I had nightmares, I would wake up and then fall back asleep and the same nightmare would pick up where it left off :lol: Dont ya hate when that happens.

Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of when my sister died. So strange to think it's been two years. Feels strange.

Since I didn't sleep good I have that weird tired slap happy feeling you get when you are tired but can"t sleep because you are too tired and you keep thinking everything is funny but it really isn't. :lol:
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis! Today is another Dienstag, just as exactly one week ago!

Just amazing how that happens....


And, what's going on in your corners of the world?
Enjoying my baby granddaughter bring the 3 and 8 y/o to their swimming class. Then go to the office about no more than 5 hours a week that's just about my routine for next 3 weeks. Flying back to Miami at end of this month.

Sounds fun, I've never been to Miami I bet it is really hot there this time of year.
How's everyone today?

I didn't sleep well I had nightmares, I would wake up and then fall back asleep and the same nightmare would pick up where it left off [emoji38] Dont ya hate when that happens.

Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of when my sister died. So strange to think it's been two years. Feels strange.

Since I didn't sleep good I have that weird tired slap happy feeling you get when you are tired but can"t sleep because you are too tired and you keep thinking everything is funny but it really isn't. [emoji38]
I hope you don't mind, it's already the 10th here in Old Europe and so I prayed Kaddish for your sister.

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How's everyone today?

I didn't sleep well I had nightmares, I would wake up and then fall back asleep and the same nightmare would pick up where it left off [emoji38] Dont ya hate when that happens.

Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of when my sister died. So strange to think it's been two years. Feels strange.

Since I didn't sleep good I have that weird tired slap happy feeling you get when you are tired but can"t sleep because you are too tired and you keep thinking everything is funny but it really isn't. [emoji38]
I hope you don't mind, it's already the 10th here in Old Europe and so I prayed Kaddish for your sister.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I don't mind, thank you so much Stat. You are so kind and nice, I am glad you're around.

I was watching old videos of my sister and looking at photos today, I would post some but we had a memorial website and someone actually stole her photo and posted it on an arab website, isn't that awful?

Just crazy.
How's everyone today?

I didn't sleep well I had nightmares, I would wake up and then fall back asleep and the same nightmare would pick up where it left off [emoji38] Dont ya hate when that happens.

Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of when my sister died. So strange to think it's been two years. Feels strange.

Since I didn't sleep good I have that weird tired slap happy feeling you get when you are tired but can"t sleep because you are too tired and you keep thinking everything is funny but it really isn't. [emoji38]
I hope you don't mind, it's already the 10th here in Old Europe and so I prayed Kaddish for your sister.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I don't mind, thank you so much Stat. You are so kind and nice, I am glad you're around.

I was watching old videos of my sister and looking at photos today, I would post some but we had a memorial website and someone actually stole her photo and posted it on an arab website, isn't that awful?

Just crazy.
Yes, that is crazy. There are crazy people all over. Don't publish any photos, would be my gentle advice for you. For the picture of her inside your head is the most powerful one of all for you. It is your refugium into which no one should intrude. Just know that many people are carrying you in their thoughts.

My best to you,


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