The Cappucino Corral

How's everyone today?

I didn't sleep well I had nightmares, I would wake up and then fall back asleep and the same nightmare would pick up where it left off :lol: Dont ya hate when that happens.

Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of when my sister died. So strange to think it's been two years. Feels strange.

Since I didn't sleep good I have that weird tired slap happy feeling you get when you are tired but can"t sleep because you are too tired and you keep thinking everything is funny but it really isn't. :lol:

Maybe your mind has been on the anniversary of your sister's passing....and causing you to have nightmares? I hate nightmares, but I very seldom have them. I try not to eat food anytime after 8:00 pm (most of the time), but I've heard eating too much, or too late at night, or spicy food can cause nightmares, too. Hope you make up for it tonight.
You are such a nice person Stat. I am lucky to have you as a friend. :beer:

He really is a good guy, and I'm happy to have met you all.

I hope you get a much better sleep tonight, and that tomorrow is got through as smoothly as possible. There are lots of posters here who think very highly of you, as do I. You have a good soul.

Yes he does, Cassy, and you seem to be a very nice person, too. I'm so glad you all post here....:)
You are such a nice person Stat. I am lucky to have you as a friend. :beer:

He really is a good guy, and I'm happy to have met you all.

I hope you get a much better sleep tonight, and that tomorrow is got through as smoothly as possible. There are lots of posters here who think very highly of you, as do I. You have a good soul.

Thanks! I have fun posting photos with you in the Eye Candy section and the cats thread. I like looking at photos it's relaxing.

I hate always talking about my sister, I feel guilty for bringing it up so much but it was real awful. I flew out to where she was and she was on life support but they said if her heart stopped again they weren't going to revive her. I was holding her hand when they took her off life support and my mom was praying for her and her kids were on her way there, my mom kept talking to her like my sister could hear her. But when I was holding my sister's hand, it was cold and I knew she was already dead, even before they told my mom they were removing her from life support. They took her off life support like 10 minutes before her kids arrived it was really devastating. We had been in a disagreement at the time and we weren't speaking to each other, so I always feel guilty.

That is so sad Drifter, I know it must weigh heavy on your heart and mind. Hope you and your sister's children are able to reconnect, most disagreements are not important enough to divide families, but it happens all the time. Just look for opportunities to put things back in order and do the best you's not all up to you so don't feel guilty.

After reading some of the other posts, I'm thinking maybe your disagreement was with your sister? Cassy is right, she probably would just think it was silly and tell you it is okay...:)
How's everyone today?

I didn't sleep well I had nightmares, I would wake up and then fall back asleep and the same nightmare would pick up where it left off :lol: Dont ya hate when that happens.

Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of when my sister died. So strange to think it's been two years. Feels strange.

Since I didn't sleep good I have that weird tired slap happy feeling you get when you are tired but can"t sleep because you are too tired and you keep thinking everything is funny but it really isn't. :lol:

Maybe your mind has been on the anniversary of your sister's passing....and causing you to have nightmares? I hate nightmares, but I very seldom have them. I try not to eat food anytime after 8:00 pm (most of the time), but I've heard eating too much, or too late at night, or spicy food can cause nightmares, too. Hope you make up for it tonight.

I've heard the same. I am pretty sure it was an anxiety dream. I dreamed someone was trying to car jack me, for some reason I was really mad that they wanted my car keys, like enraged, I don't carry weapons so I just told the guy you are not getting my car, so you better decide if you are just a robber or a murderer because I am not giving them to you and then I called him bad language names, I was so mad at him. .

Later encountered a girl struggling with anorexia and told her she needed to stop living up to others expectations because she is good enough and her need to people please is making her starving for affection.

The dream went on and on I woke up exhausted :lol:

It was just a stress dream, we all get those once in a while.

How is your gardening going, have you been having a lot of pool parties this year?
You are such a nice person Stat. I am lucky to have you as a friend. :beer:

He really is a good guy, and I'm happy to have met you all.

I hope you get a much better sleep tonight, and that tomorrow is got through as smoothly as possible. There are lots of posters here who think very highly of you, as do I. You have a good soul.

Yes he does, Cassy, and you seem to be a very nice person, too. I'm so glad you all post here....:)
Cassy is great , love all her cat pictures and pretty artistic photos in eye candy. Plus I am glad we all meet up here to check in on each other in between.

Stat has created a family feeling for everyone to be safe here, :)
The other day I was walking toward a river nearby my house and this cow yep cow lol was in the middle path just laying there, I was like uh should I keep going? I did keep going and walked around it and on my return back from the walk the cow stood up and starting walking with me, it had got out of its yard, I had to call the city and say this cow is following me haha, what a funny experience.

I can't think of much that can beat good old Mother Nature. LOL...that would have made a great pic, the cow following you home!

I did take a picture lol


Do you like taking photos as much as looking at them? We have a fancy camera but I don't know how to operate all the gadgets, so I usually end up using a phone or cheap camera.

My smart phone takes better pictures than my lie.
You are such a nice person Stat. I am lucky to have you as a friend. :beer:

He really is a good guy, and I'm happy to have met you all.

I hope you get a much better sleep tonight, and that tomorrow is got through as smoothly as possible. There are lots of posters here who think very highly of you, as do I. You have a good soul.

Thanks! I have fun posting photos with you in the Eye Candy section and the cats thread. I like looking at photos it's relaxing.

I hate always talking about my sister, I feel guilty for bringing it up so much but it was real awful. I flew out to where she was and she was on life support but they said if her heart stopped again they weren't going to revive her. I was holding her hand when they took her off life support and my mom was praying for her and her kids were on her way there, my mom kept talking to her like my sister could hear her. But when I was holding my sister's hand, it was cold and I knew she was already dead, even before they told my mom they were removing her from life support. They took her off life support like 10 minutes before her kids arrived it was really devastating. We had been in a disagreement at the time and we weren't speaking to each other, so I always feel guilty.

That is so sad Drifter, I know it must weigh heavy on your heart and mind. Hope you and your sister's children are able to reconnect, most disagreements are not important enough to divide families, but it happens all the time. Just look for opportunities to put things back in order and do the best you's not all up to you so don't feel guilty.

After reading some of the other posts, I'm thinking maybe your disagreement was with your sister? Cassy is right, she probably would just think it was silly and tell you it is okay...:)

We keep in touch and have had a few family get togethers in las vegas. It will take time to rebuild things, but I am patient, still have faith. I still believe in God, maybe not an organized religion.
The other day I was walking toward a river nearby my house and this cow yep cow lol was in the middle path just laying there, I was like uh should I keep going? I did keep going and walked around it and on my return back from the walk the cow stood up and starting walking with me, it had got out of its yard, I had to call the city and say this cow is following me haha, what a funny experience.

I can't think of much that can beat good old Mother Nature. LOL...that would have made a great pic, the cow following you home!

I did take a picture lol


Do you like taking photos as much as looking at them? We have a fancy camera but I don't know how to operate all the gadgets, so I usually end up using a phone or cheap camera.

My smart phone takes better pictures than my lie.

I have an old sidekick , so not fancy like everyone else nowaday haha. But will upload tomorrow if I remember, I might sleep soon. I didn't realize klonopin makes you real sleepy. Nite nite Hugs.
How's everyone today?

I didn't sleep well I had nightmares, I would wake up and then fall back asleep and the same nightmare would pick up where it left off :lol: Dont ya hate when that happens.

Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of when my sister died. So strange to think it's been two years. Feels strange.

Since I didn't sleep good I have that weird tired slap happy feeling you get when you are tired but can"t sleep because you are too tired and you keep thinking everything is funny but it really isn't. :lol:

Maybe your mind has been on the anniversary of your sister's passing....and causing you to have nightmares? I hate nightmares, but I very seldom have them. I try not to eat food anytime after 8:00 pm (most of the time), but I've heard eating too much, or too late at night, or spicy food can cause nightmares, too. Hope you make up for it tonight.

I've heard the same. I am pretty sure it was an anxiety dream. I dreamed someone was trying to car jack me, for some reason I was really mad that they wanted my car keys, like enraged, I don't carry weapons so I just told the guy you are not getting my car, so you better decide if you are just a robber or a murderer because I am not giving them to you and then I called him bad language names, I was so mad at him. .

Later encountered a girl struggling with anorexia and told her she needed to stop living up to others expectations because she is good enough and her need to people please is making her starving for affection.

The dream went on and on I woke up exhausted :lol:

It was just a stress dream, we all get those once in a while.

How is your gardening going, have you been having a lot of pool parties this year?

Not really, it didn't start getting hot as early as it usually does and the water has remained pretty cool. We've gotten in a few times now that it is getting hotter. But we are expecting most of our kids to come for the 4th of July. My daughter always gets a week off and that's when they plan to come to Texas to visit, and now my two sons in California are both coming down (the youngest is bringing his girlfriend), plus my daughter has friends in SA (and cousins) that she will invite over, so it's going to be a circus, for sure.
How's everyone today?

I didn't sleep well I had nightmares, I would wake up and then fall back asleep and the same nightmare would pick up where it left off :lol: Dont ya hate when that happens.

Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of when my sister died. So strange to think it's been two years. Feels strange.

Since I didn't sleep good I have that weird tired slap happy feeling you get when you are tired but can"t sleep because you are too tired and you keep thinking everything is funny but it really isn't. :lol:

Maybe your mind has been on the anniversary of your sister's passing....and causing you to have nightmares? I hate nightmares, but I very seldom have them. I try not to eat food anytime after 8:00 pm (most of the time), but I've heard eating too much, or too late at night, or spicy food can cause nightmares, too. Hope you make up for it tonight.

I've heard the same. I am pretty sure it was an anxiety dream. I dreamed someone was trying to car jack me, for some reason I was really mad that they wanted my car keys, like enraged, I don't carry weapons so I just told the guy you are not getting my car, so you better decide if you are just a robber or a murderer because I am not giving them to you and then I called him bad language names, I was so mad at him. .

Later encountered a girl struggling with anorexia and told her she needed to stop living up to others expectations because she is good enough and her need to people please is making her starving for affection.

The dream went on and on I woke up exhausted :lol:

It was just a stress dream, we all get those once in a while.

How is your gardening going, have you been having a lot of pool parties this year?

Not really, it didn't start getting hot as early as it usually does and the water has remained pretty cool. We've gotten in a few times now that it is getting hotter. But we are expecting most of our kids to come for the 4th of July. My daughter always gets a week off and that's when they plan to come to Texas to visit, and now my two sons in California are both coming down (the youngest is bringing his girlfriend), plus my daughter has friends in SA (and cousins) that she will invite over, so it's going to be a circus, for sure.

Good eatings and lots of loving and happy family times, best feeling ever!
You are such a nice person Stat. I am lucky to have you as a friend. :beer:

He really is a good guy, and I'm happy to have met you all.

I hope you get a much better sleep tonight, and that tomorrow is got through as smoothly as possible. There are lots of posters here who think very highly of you, as do I. You have a good soul.

Thanks! I have fun posting photos with you in the Eye Candy section and the cats thread. I like looking at photos it's relaxing.

I hate always talking about my sister, I feel guilty for bringing it up so much but it was real awful. I flew out to where she was and she was on life support but they said if her heart stopped again they weren't going to revive her. I was holding her hand when they took her off life support and my mom was praying for her and her kids were on her way there, my mom kept talking to her like my sister could hear her. But when I was holding my sister's hand, it was cold and I knew she was already dead, even before they told my mom they were removing her from life support. They took her off life support like 10 minutes before her kids arrived it was really devastating. We had been in a disagreement at the time and we weren't speaking to each other, so I always feel guilty.

That is so sad Drifter, I know it must weigh heavy on your heart and mind. Hope you and your sister's children are able to reconnect, most disagreements are not important enough to divide families, but it happens all the time. Just look for opportunities to put things back in order and do the best you's not all up to you so don't feel guilty.

After reading some of the other posts, I'm thinking maybe your disagreement was with your sister? Cassy is right, she probably would just think it was silly and tell you it is okay...:)

We keep in touch and have had a few family get togethers in las vegas. It will take time to rebuild things, but I am patient, still have faith. I still believe in God, maybe not an organized religion.

I'm so glad to hear that, Drifter. I believe in God.....He has gotten me through some very difficult times that I know I wouldn't have made it without Him.
My Professor reminds me of Sheldon (from big bang theory), kinda cute in a nerdy way :lol:

How is everyone?

I'm good.....been so busy trying to getting my yard looking "summer"....all the rain we've had has taken us out of "drought" condition....everything is super green this year.
It's a lot of work but it sure is worth it.

Looks great Mertex, I bet you host Great Parties !!!!!!!!!!

We've had some wonderful times in this home....lots of great parties and many happy memories.
You are such a nice person Stat. I am lucky to have you as a friend. :beer:

He really is a good guy, and I'm happy to have met you all.

I hope you get a much better sleep tonight, and that tomorrow is got through as smoothly as possible. There are lots of posters here who think very highly of you, as do I. You have a good soul.

Thanks! I have fun posting photos with you in the Eye Candy section and the cats thread. I like looking at photos it's relaxing.

I hate always talking about my sister, I feel guilty for bringing it up so much but it was real awful. I flew out to where she was and she was on life support but they said if her heart stopped again they weren't going to revive her. I was holding her hand when they took her off life support and my mom was praying for her and her kids were on her way there, my mom kept talking to her like my sister could hear her. But when I was holding my sister's hand, it was cold and I knew she was already dead, even before they told my mom they were removing her from life support. They took her off life support like 10 minutes before her kids arrived it was really devastating. We had been in a disagreement at the time and we weren't speaking to each other, so I always feel guilty.

I'm in no way a qualified counselor, but my personal view is that psychological guilt has no place in our lives. We human beings are complex creatures and conflicts are bound to erupt now and then - seems to be an inevitable part of being a homo sapiens, and you cannot control the day or hour upon which a person leaves the world, so there is no real reason to feel guilt that you and your sister were not on the best of terms when she died. As for the timing of the turning off of life support, there is also no way you could have perfectly timed it, anyway, and since she was already gone, as you described, the point is moot. As my sister says so succinctly: it is what it is.

So, you just keep on talking, there are good people here more than willing to listen.
You are such a nice person Stat. I am lucky to have you as a friend. :beer:

He really is a good guy, and I'm happy to have met you all.

I hope you get a much better sleep tonight, and that tomorrow is got through as smoothly as possible. There are lots of posters here who think very highly of you, as do I. You have a good soul.

Thanks! I have fun posting photos with you in the Eye Candy section and the cats thread. I like looking at photos it's relaxing.

I hate always talking about my sister, I feel guilty for bringing it up so much but it was real awful. I flew out to where she was and she was on life support but they said if her heart stopped again they weren't going to revive her. I was holding her hand when they took her off life support and my mom was praying for her and her kids were on her way there, my mom kept talking to her like my sister could hear her. But when I was holding my sister's hand, it was cold and I knew she was already dead, even before they told my mom they were removing her from life support. They took her off life support like 10 minutes before her kids arrived it was really devastating. We had been in a disagreement at the time and we weren't speaking to each other, so I always feel guilty.
That's was tough. Two years is very fresh and reading your post I can feel your pain. It also help if you can talk to someone and I'm here if you want to talk about it. Be strong my friend.

Do you like to go boating?

I have a yacht in Key Biscayne where I spend most of my time during summer. Planning to sell it b/c of skin problem in last 10 months. Im here in Palm Spring and La Jolla, Ca because of my baby (2 weeks old) grand daughter. Yes I do like go boating but depends what kind b/c my sensitivity to sunlight. Also the reason why I gave up my golfing. Then I go to casino a lot.

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