The Cappucino Corral

How's everyone today?

I didn't sleep well I had nightmares, I would wake up and then fall back asleep and the same nightmare would pick up where it left off :lol: Dont ya hate when that happens.

Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of when my sister died. So strange to think it's been two years. Feels strange.

Since I didn't sleep good I have that weird tired slap happy feeling you get when you are tired but can"t sleep because you are too tired and you keep thinking everything is funny but it really isn't. :lol:

I made a new project of converting all my family and extended families videos and dvds to digital uploads, so fun for a lot of them to look back over the years and see it even on your phone. So that's been fun.

That's incredibly cool. I mean, I can't think of a soul who wouldn't absolutely love that!

My daughter did that when we created the album together to give to Mrs Te for our 35th wedding anniversary. It was so cool because she reached out via Facebook and email to friends and family around the world and gathered up pictures that we didn't even know about.

Now I have them on a a digital picture frame on my desk and I can rotate through them whenever I like.
My Professor reminds me of Sheldon (from big bang theory), kinda cute in a nerdy way :lol:

How is everyone?

I'm good.....been so busy trying to getting my yard looking "summer"....all the rain we've had has taken us out of "drought" condition....everything is super green this year.
It's a lot of work but it sure is worth it.


That looks awesome. Can you come over and do mine too? :D
My Professor reminds me of Sheldon (from big bang theory), kinda cute in a nerdy way :lol:

How is everyone?

I'm good.....been so busy trying to getting my yard looking "summer"....all the rain we've had has taken us out of "drought" condition....everything is super green this year.
It's a lot of work but it sure is worth it.


Your yard looks wonderful! Very spacious. I live in the city and my backyard is a postage stamp. I've managed to shoe-horn in a small vegetable garden and some flower beds though. My small plot of land is quite the change from the farm I grew up on. lol.
My Professor reminds me of Sheldon (from big bang theory), kinda cute in a nerdy way :lol:

How is everyone?

I'm good.....been so busy trying to getting my yard looking "summer"....all the rain we've had has taken us out of "drought" condition....everything is super green this year.
It's a lot of work but it sure is worth it.


Your yard looks wonderful! Very spacious. I live in the city and my backyard is a postage stamp. I've managed to shoe-horn in a small vegetable garden and some flower beds though. My small plot of land is quite the change from the farm I grew up on. lol.

Thanks, I've had that same situation when we were moving around, but I always wanted to grow tomatoes in the summer, even when we had a very small back yard in Virginia when we lived in a townhouse.

This is the area just outside our Sunroom....we have almost 2 acres, and I planted too many flower beds so it is very time consuming to get the whole yard looking good at the same time. I finally was able to talk Mr Mertex into buying a riding mower about 3 years ago as it would take him 2 weeks with a regular mower to get all the grassy areas mowed....and by the time he was done with it all, the first area was already looking pretty shaggy. Now he's able to keep it more under control.
My Professor reminds me of Sheldon (from big bang theory), kinda cute in a nerdy way :lol:

How is everyone?

I'm good.....been so busy trying to getting my yard looking "summer"....all the rain we've had has taken us out of "drought" condition....everything is super green this year.
It's a lot of work but it sure is worth it.


That looks awesome. Can you come over and do mine too? :D

I would be happy to.....I'll probably be done sometime in October.....:rolleyes:
Hi everyone, I'm dealing with one of those super fun summer colds. Yay me. The good news is, I have my daughter with me this week as she is out of school and doesn't start her summer program until next week. So while I'm sick, at least I have her around which always helps me feel better. Have a good one!!

Summer colds suck.....drink lots of water, take Alka Seltzer for for colds and I hope you get to feeling better soon.

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