The Cappucino Corral

Those are great photos Stat. Of course it's understood why you wouldn't post photos of your little girl or family, or even yourself. I don't do that for the same reason. Like I said before my family had a memorial website of my sister with photos of her and our and someone actually stole some of her pictures and posted them on an arab website. So I completely understand why you will keep modern photos private.

If you get any good photos of the surroundings without people in them post them up ;) I like photos.

YOU look great in the ones you did post. Have a happy vacation.
Why, thanks. Little Miss Statalina just decided that she wants to do a 25 K bike-tour with Papa as well. We've done 15 K tours, but for her, 25 K will be a lot.

I am really, really looking forward to this vacation in a big way. Every year, these are the 3 most fulfilling weeks of the year for me.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Be sure to stay hydrated!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis of the world,

as of Friday, June 26th, my daughter is on vacation with me for three weeks and so I am cramming lots of appointments into this week, which is why I am barely on. We will be vacationing right here, where I live, with trips to Fantasialand, Disneyland Paris, an overnighter to an observatorium in the Eiffel part of Germany, all sorts of cool stuff. Oh, and swimming, lots and lots and lots of swimming.

Vacation time!!!

I can't wait. So, if I am gone for a number of days, just know that my little princess is wearing papa out with all sorts of cool things that kids love to do on vacation.


I hope you two have a wonderful vacation and make memories that time cannot erase.

I second the motion stat needs to take some pictures and share them with us. all in favor....agree with this post for an informal vote

Hello, Yurt and a hearty welcome to you in the Cappuccino Corral!

Here, everyone is welcomed with the same openness and friendliess. So, I'm glad you are here.

And thank you for the kind wishes vis-a-vis the upcoming vacation time with my daughter.

As far as pics go, I may publish some pics of events, but any present-time pics without faces, because experience has taught me that not all members of USMB are of good will and some have misused and abused personal pics that members have published. Pics of Gracie's beloved pets come to mind. I am in no way referring to you at all, so please do not misinterpret that statement. But I am more careful these days.

However, in the posting above this one (should be no. 3324) you will see some pics from Paris from 2002.

Knowing how much my little one loves to swim, I reckon that at least 9 of 20 days, we will be somewhere swimming, and swimming with my daughter is an all-day event, like, from 10 to 21 hours. The swimming backpack is always packed and ready to go. :lol:

In terms of weather, this is coldest June I can ever remember, with the most rain and storms. But German weather experts are saying that by next week, we will be up to a warm 28 C (82.4 F). By the middle of July it will hit 39 C and above (102 F and above). So, the coolest June I can remember is about to turn into the hottest July ever. Groan.

I understand all to well about keeping personal information private. I should have said that yesterday, please no personal pics, just some scenery pics.

regardless of the weather, you two will create memories for a lifetime...
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis of the world,

as of Friday, June 26th, my daughter is on vacation with me for three weeks and so I am cramming lots of appointments into this week, which is why I am barely on. We will be vacationing right here, where I live, with trips to Fantasialand, Disneyland Paris, an overnighter to an observatorium in the Eiffel part of Germany, all sorts of cool stuff. Oh, and swimming, lots and lots and lots of swimming.

Vacation time!!!

I can't wait. So, if I am gone for a number of days, just know that my little princess is wearing papa out with all sorts of cool things that kids love to do on vacation.


I hope you two have a wonderful vacation and make memories that time cannot erase.

I second the motion stat needs to take some pictures and share them with us. all in favor....agree with this post for an informal vote

Hello, Yurt and a hearty welcome to you in the Cappuccino Corral!

Here, everyone is welcomed with the same openness and friendliess. So, I'm glad you are here.

And thank you for the kind wishes vis-a-vis the upcoming vacation time with my daughter.

As far as pics go, I may publish some pics of events, but any present-time pics without faces, because experience has taught me that not all members of USMB are of good will and some have misused and abused personal pics that members have published. Pics of Gracie's beloved pets come to mind. I am in no way referring to you at all, so please do not misinterpret that statement. But I am more careful these days.

However, in the posting above this one (should be no. 3324) you will see some pics from Paris from 2002.

Knowing how much my little one loves to swim, I reckon that at least 9 of 20 days, we will be somewhere swimming, and swimming with my daughter is an all-day event, like, from 10 to 21 hours. The swimming backpack is always packed and ready to go. [emoji38]

In terms of weather, this is coldest June I can ever remember, with the most rain and storms. But German weather experts are saying that by next week, we will be up to a warm 28 C (82.4 F). By the middle of July it will hit 39 C and above (102 F and above). So, the coolest June I can remember is about to turn into the hottest July ever. Groan.

I understand all to well about keeping personal information private. I should have said that yesterday, please no personal pics, just some scenery pics.

regardless of the weather, you two will create memories for a lifetime...
Hey, thanks!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Hey Stat - love the photos and hope you have a great time with Miss Stat.

Gotta say, I just hated the pyramid in front of the Louvre. WHAT were they thinking??
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis of the world,

as of Friday, June 26th, my daughter is on vacation with me for three weeks and so I am cramming lots of appointments into this week, which is why I am barely on. We will be vacationing right here, where I live, with trips to Fantasialand, Disneyland Paris, an overnighter to an observatorium in the Eiffel part of Germany, all sorts of cool stuff. Oh, and swimming, lots and lots and lots of swimming.

Vacation time!!!

I can't wait. So, if I am gone for a number of days, just know that my little princess is wearing papa out with all sorts of cool things that kids love to do on vacation.


I hope you two have a wonderful vacation and make memories that time cannot erase.

I second the motion stat needs to take some pictures and share them with us. all in favor....agree with this post for an informal vote

Hello, Yurt and a hearty welcome to you in the Cappuccino Corral!

Here, everyone is welcomed with the same openness and friendliess. So, I'm glad you are here.

And thank you for the kind wishes vis-a-vis the upcoming vacation time with my daughter.

As far as pics go, I may publish some pics of events, but any present-time pics without faces, because experience has taught me that not all members of USMB are of good will and some have misused and abused personal pics that members have published. Pics of Gracie's beloved pets come to mind. I am in no way referring to you at all, so please do not misinterpret that statement. But I am more careful these days.

However, in the posting above this one (should be no. 3324) you will see some pics from Paris from 2002.

Knowing how much my little one loves to swim, I reckon that at least 9 of 20 days, we will be somewhere swimming, and swimming with my daughter is an all-day event, like, from 10 to 21 hours. The swimming backpack is always packed and ready to go. :lol:

In terms of weather, this is coldest June I can ever remember, with the most rain and storms. But German weather experts are saying that by next week, we will be up to a warm 28 C (82.4 F). By the middle of July it will hit 39 C and above (102 F and above). So, the coolest June I can remember is about to turn into the hottest July ever. Groan.

I understand all to well about keeping personal information private. I should have said that yesterday, please no personal pics, just some scenery pics.

regardless of the weather, you two will create memories for a lifetime...


People here have said I'm paranoid. I have been tempted to post photos of me with wildlife, especially my raptors but nothing would make me post a photo of myself.

What many don't consider is that its not just members who are viewing and reading posts here. The old software showed how many lurkers there were and, at any given time, it was always more than 1000. Yes, some were bots, etc but I want control of who knows any personal details about me.

Welcome to the CC, Yurt. Have a cuppa ...
Those are great photos Stat. Of course it's understood why you wouldn't post photos of your little girl or family, or even yourself. I don't do that for the same reason. Like I said before my family had a memorial website of my sister with photos of her and our and someone actually stole some of her pictures and posted them on an arab website. So I completely understand why you will keep modern photos private.

If you get any good photos of the surroundings without people in them post them up ;) I like photos.

YOU look great in the ones you did post. Have a happy vacation.
Why, thanks. Little Miss Statalina just decided that she wants to do a 25 K bike-tour with Papa as well. We've done 15 K tours, but for her, 25 K will be a lot.

I am really, really looking forward to this vacation in a big way. Every year, these are the 3 most fulfilling weeks of the year for me.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just take it easy and bring lots of water.......:)
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis of the world,

as of Friday, June 26th, my daughter is on vacation with me for three weeks and so I am cramming lots of appointments into this week, which is why I am barely on. We will be vacationing right here, where I live, with trips to Fantasialand, Disneyland Paris, an overnighter to an observatorium in the Eiffel part of Germany, all sorts of cool stuff. Oh, and swimming, lots and lots and lots of swimming.

Vacation time!!!

I can't wait. So, if I am gone for a number of days, just know that my little princess is wearing papa out with all sorts of cool things that kids love to do on vacation.


I hope you two have a wonderful vacation and make memories that time cannot erase.

I second the motion stat needs to take some pictures and share them with us. all in favor....agree with this post for an informal vote

Hello, Yurt and a hearty welcome to you in the Cappuccino Corral!

Here, everyone is welcomed with the same openness and friendliess. So, I'm glad you are here.

And thank you for the kind wishes vis-a-vis the upcoming vacation time with my daughter.

As far as pics go, I may publish some pics of events, but any present-time pics without faces, because experience has taught me that not all members of USMB are of good will and some have misused and abused personal pics that members have published. Pics of Gracie's beloved pets come to mind. I am in no way referring to you at all, so please do not misinterpret that statement. But I am more careful these days.

However, in the posting above this one (should be no. 3324) you will see some pics from Paris from 2002.

Knowing how much my little one loves to swim, I reckon that at least 9 of 20 days, we will be somewhere swimming, and swimming with my daughter is an all-day event, like, from 10 to 21 hours. The swimming backpack is always packed and ready to go. :lol:

In terms of weather, this is coldest June I can ever remember, with the most rain and storms. But German weather experts are saying that by next week, we will be up to a warm 28 C (82.4 F). By the middle of July it will hit 39 C and above (102 F and above). So, the coolest June I can remember is about to turn into the hottest July ever. Groan.

I understand all to well about keeping personal information private. I should have said that yesterday, please no personal pics, just some scenery pics.

regardless of the weather, you two will create memories for a lifetime...


People here have said I'm paranoid. I have been tempted to post photos of me with wildlife, especially my raptors but nothing would make me post a photo of myself.

What many don't consider is that its not just members who are viewing and reading posts here. The old software showed how many lurkers there were and, at any given time, it was always more than 1000. Yes, some were bots, etc but I want control of who knows any personal details about me.

Welcome to the CC, Yurt. Have a cuppa ...

You can control who views the pictures in the Gallery.
Hey Stat - love the photos and hope you have a great time with Miss Stat.

Gotta say, I just hated the pyramid in front of the Louvre. WHAT were they thinking??
I think it's awesome.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I must have missed that one........:( Went back and sure enough.......I skipped a couple of pages....I shouldn't rely on the alerts, they sometimes don't take me to the last place I was...:(

Great pics, Stat..:)
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis, and happy Day of Thor to you.

What happened to me this morning is a good testament to the German Health Care System, building good relationships to other professionals and also, personal responsibility.

Yesterday, after a long work day, while sitting on the couch and watching some Stargate: SG 1, a crack suddenly appeared in one of my lower teeth on the left side. I literally heard it go "crack" while just sitting on the couch. Fortunately, there was no pain. But the crack was big. it was kind of a shock that it happened like that.

So, this morning, at 08:00, I went to my dentist, who is just one block away from my home. He is a good guy and I participated in his daughter's wedding one year ago. The receptionist told me to come back at 11:00, but they might find an opening for me before. They called at 09:30: at 09:35, I was there, and by 10:00, he had filled the crack with an almagam filling and even cleaned my teeth while waiting the filling to harden and dry.

Total cost: € 40, 25 minutes of time, and I got an emergency appointment within 90 minutes of requesting one.

It helps to know your dentist and have a good professional relationship with him. It also helps to also do your semi-yearly checkups and teeth-cleaning. And he is a well known, busy dentist where I live, with a very full calendar. All I can say is, the health care system worked for me very well this morning and a number of positive factors were in play. There is no political background to what I am writing. I'm just happy I could get this taken care of, because vacation starts tomorrow and his practice is closed as of Tuesday. Taking care of your dental health right away really pays off.

And now, some


:biggrin:I also live in Germany. I have to wonder how you "participated" in your dentist daughter's wedding a year ago? Were you the groom?
:biggrin:I also live in Germany. I have to wonder how you "participated" in your dentist daughter's wedding a year ago? Were you the groom?

Achso.... das ist mir aber eine große Freude! Nett, Dich kennenzulernen, Linkiloo ! Ich habe für die Hochzeit als Profi-Solist gesungen. Also, von daher habe ich einen guten Draht zum besagten Zahnarzt und seiner Familie.

Wo in der BRD befindest Du Dich, denn?
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