The Cappucino Corral

Mertex I watch the feeds so I'm ahead of the shows. I try not to post spoilers for you. I still watch the shows for the comps and diary room sessions. I'm already ready for the next HOH lol.

Darn....wish I had time to watch the feeds...but anyway, I'm not sure I like what transpired Sunday. The group that I don't like as much seems to be getting it together. I like Vanessa, but I sure don't like that she's aligned herself with Shelli/Clay....I don't trust Shelli and Clay. Maybe once they take down James or Jeff, the remainder of the other group's light bulb will go on and they'll make more of an effort to win HOH and break them up.

But, but, the evictions are supposed to be "live" how can you be ready for the next HOH?

Right now I think I am Team John, I think if he keeps doing what he is doing the others will take each other out. Austin for sure got a great edit. I don't hate anyone this season except maybe Audrey, I can't stand her, she is horrible. I wish they were evicting Audrey this week that is what the plan was, get her out. I hope CBS isn't trying to prolong her spot on the show she's a disgusting jerk.

I like Shelli but without Clay :lol:

Yeah, I'm with you.......I think John is funny and clever too, and I'm liking him. Liz/Julia didn't realize that as a dentist he would of course notice something so obvious as a crown....I certainly can't tell them apart. I know I will keep changing who I like best as time goes on and they do things that annoy me....I just didn't like the way Shelli bamboozled Becky and made her think that she was on board to get rid of Audrey.

Maybe Da was right, they don't want to take out Audrey because of her being the 1st transgender....I've heard rumors that the network manipulates how the game goes....I don't like Audrey either, she is definitely not trustworthy.

That is the excuse Vanessa is giving about not wanting to get rid of Audrey because she (van) is a lesbian and feels like the LBGT community will judge her for putting Audrey on the block because Audrey is 1st transwoman. I think that is total BS!!!

If it was me Audrey would have been gone last week :lol:

It's a game, $500,000 !!!

Yeah....totally BS. So, she's going to let Audrey walk away with the $500K?

I know Johnny Mac won't :let Audrey stay :lol:
Darn....wish I had time to watch the feeds...but anyway, I'm not sure I like what transpired Sunday. The group that I don't like as much seems to be getting it together. I like Vanessa, but I sure don't like that she's aligned herself with Shelli/Clay....I don't trust Shelli and Clay. Maybe once they take down James or Jeff, the remainder of the other group's light bulb will go on and they'll make more of an effort to win HOH and break them up.

But, but, the evictions are supposed to be "live" how can you be ready for the next HOH?

Right now I think I am Team John, I think if he keeps doing what he is doing the others will take each other out. Austin for sure got a great edit. I don't hate anyone this season except maybe Audrey, I can't stand her, she is horrible. I wish they were evicting Audrey this week that is what the plan was, get her out. I hope CBS isn't trying to prolong her spot on the show she's a disgusting jerk.

I like Shelli but without Clay :lol:

Yeah, I'm with you.......I think John is funny and clever too, and I'm liking him. Liz/Julia didn't realize that as a dentist he would of course notice something so obvious as a crown....I certainly can't tell them apart. I know I will keep changing who I like best as time goes on and they do things that annoy me....I just didn't like the way Shelli bamboozled Becky and made her think that she was on board to get rid of Audrey.

Maybe Da was right, they don't want to take out Audrey because of her being the 1st transgender....I've heard rumors that the network manipulates how the game goes....I don't like Audrey either, she is definitely not trustworthy.

That is the excuse Vanessa is giving about not wanting to get rid of Audrey because she (van) is a lesbian and feels like the LBGT community will judge her for putting Audrey on the block because Audrey is 1st transwoman. I think that is total BS!!!

If it was me Audrey would have been gone last week :lol:

It's a game, $500,000 !!!

Yeah....totally BS. So, she's going to let Audrey walk away with the $500K?

I know Johnny Mac won't :let Audrey stay :lol:

I hope not....right now I think he's just going along knowing that doing what they ask him will keep him safe until he takes control....:)
Right now I think I am Team John, I think if he keeps doing what he is doing the others will take each other out. Austin for sure got a great edit. I don't hate anyone this season except maybe Audrey, I can't stand her, she is horrible. I wish they were evicting Audrey this week that is what the plan was, get her out. I hope CBS isn't trying to prolong her spot on the show she's a disgusting jerk.

I like Shelli but without Clay :lol:

Yeah, I'm with you.......I think John is funny and clever too, and I'm liking him. Liz/Julia didn't realize that as a dentist he would of course notice something so obvious as a crown....I certainly can't tell them apart. I know I will keep changing who I like best as time goes on and they do things that annoy me....I just didn't like the way Shelli bamboozled Becky and made her think that she was on board to get rid of Audrey.

Maybe Da was right, they don't want to take out Audrey because of her being the 1st transgender....I've heard rumors that the network manipulates how the game goes....I don't like Audrey either, she is definitely not trustworthy.

That is the excuse Vanessa is giving about not wanting to get rid of Audrey because she (van) is a lesbian and feels like the LBGT community will judge her for putting Audrey on the block because Audrey is 1st transwoman. I think that is total BS!!!

If it was me Audrey would have been gone last week :lol:

It's a game, $500,000 !!!

Yeah....totally BS. So, she's going to let Audrey walk away with the $500K?

I know Johnny Mac won't :let Audrey stay :lol:

I hope not....right now I think he's just going along knowing that doing what they ask him will keep him safe until he takes control....:)

Definitely, laying low and winning when he has to, so he is safe. He's a cool guy.
Good morning and TGIM to all our wonderful Cappuccinistis out there.

Off with little Princess Statalina and a friend of hers to off to Phantasialand today. This will be trip no. 2 for Princess Statalina, a promise I made to her for the summer. Until now, we have done most everything planned, except the extemporaneous trip to Paris, because the hotels were really overfilled this time.

Have a good one, folks!
Do I hear talk about Big Brother 17! My hubby and I love the show. We missed the first season, but we have watched every season since. We laugh and banter back and forth. I told my hubby that Shelli was faking when she "cried" about sending Da'Vonne home. She wasn't sad at all, she couldn't even muster real tears and had to hide her face (probably because she started laughing). LOL For a poker player, I found it odd that Da'Vonne didn't keep anything close to her chest. She was showing her hand to everyone and was way too loud. The wave-makers are the ones that end up with targets on their backs. In such close quarters with everyone apparently comparing notes, it didn't take long for Da'Vonne to figure out that Audrey was working everyone and planting seeds of distrust. I hope Audrey isn't the same way in her real life that she is on this show. None of the other players will trust her again and I don't think she'll get to the end. It didn't work for Audrey, so why did Da'Vonne think it would work when she did the same thing to Liz ... hey Liz, some people are saying you're a twin ... For Da'Vonne to leverage that info, she shouldn't have shared it with everyone else first. My hubby and I refer to Shelli and Clay as Barbie and Ken. I don't think either of them will get to the end. All the rest, I think, have a good shot.

Hi Debra welcome to the board and this thread. Do you watch the feeds? I don't want to give away spoilers.

I don't have the live feeds, but in prior years I have browsed through a popular website that posts live feed updates. I love spoilers ... do you have some? :)
Hello, Debra K , and welcome to the Cappuccino Corral!!!


Thank you! :)
And a good Sunday morning to all of our wonderful Cappuccinistis out there in the Etherverse!

Today is Sunday, 12 July, 2015 and will go down in history as one of the few days of my vacation with little Miss Princess Statalina where we did not, I repeat, did not go swimming!


Yesterday we swam no. 8, from 12:30 PM to 8:30 PM and then we got some really good Italian food afterwards. One of the great things about living in a foreign city for a long time is that you get to know where all of the best restaurants are! I could tell that Miss Statalina was worn out from that much swimming, and indeed, we did 40 laps during that time, plus we played ball for hours on end and did the big slides, etc.... and I refused to bring junk food with us to the pool, so after showering and hair drying and all that cool stuff, she was a weepin' and a wailin' that her stomach was empty that that she would simply die were Papa to not give her some Gummi Bears right there on the spot. I just have her my across-the-galaxy famous statalicious Cheshire Cat grin and nodded "no" with my head, but told her if she could behave, then she could get her favorite Spaghetti Bolognese for dinner and some Tiramisu for afterwards. That kept her quiet. LOL!!! And she wolfed down an adult portion of spaghetti as if it were nothing.

After dinner, she was more tired than ever, but just bound and determined to catch a Scooby Doo movie. This week is Scooby-Doo week in Cartoonito, which is the rough equivalent of Heaven for her right now. So, we watched a skeeeeeeeery Scooby Doo Halloween film and she fell asleep in my lap. I then carried her gently into her room, where she made one single indent in her bed and slept for 11 hours without moving, because when I went in to wake her up, the rest of her bed as totally orderly...

Mission accomplished!! :D

So, this morning, I just had that intuition that told me to measure her height, and indeed, she has grown at least one centimeter in the last week.

What a wonder to watch.

Today, we are using the cloudy and soon-to-be rainy Sunday to go through all of her toys and sort out anything that is now too young for her. She wants a writing-desk for the Fall and this means that we need to make room in her room for such a desk.

She is doing this willingly (lol) because if she does not, she doesn't get to go to Phantasialand for a second time this summer - tomorrow. Bribery is a wonderful tool for parents. :D

Papa is exhausted, but the happiest Papa in the known universe.

So, catch you all soon!

Much JOY! Thank you for sharing.

That was an interesting "Big Brother" last night......I hope you watched it....can't hardly wait to see who's going on the block Sunday now that Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH's.

Mertex I watch the feeds so I'm ahead of the shows. I try not to post spoilers for you. I still watch the shows for the comps and diary room sessions. I'm already ready for the next HOH lol.

Darn....wish I had time to watch the feeds...but anyway, I'm not sure I like what transpired Sunday. The group that I don't like as much seems to be getting it together. I like Vanessa, but I sure don't like that she's aligned herself with Shelli/Clay....I don't trust Shelli and Clay. Maybe once they take down James or Jeff, the remainder of the other group's light bulb will go on and they'll make more of an effort to win HOH and break them up.

But, but, the evictions are supposed to be "live" how can you be ready for the next HOH?

Right now I think I am Team John, I think if he keeps doing what he is doing the others will take each other out. Austin for sure got a great edit. I don't hate anyone this season except maybe Audrey, I can't stand her, she is horrible. I wish they were evicting Audrey this week that is what the plan was, get her out. I hope CBS isn't trying to prolong her spot on the show she's a disgusting jerk.

I like Shelli but without Clay :lol:

My hubby and I love John. He is the most entertaining in his diary sessions ... and I agree ... he is so useful and accommodating to the others that he's not even a blimp on their radar. Audrey can go anytime and I won't miss her on the show. Shelli sounded like Reese Witherspoon's character in "Legally Blonde" when she embraced Liz as her sorority sister.
Good Tuesday morning, I Cappuccinisti della Terra!

Princess Statalina and I visited Phantasialand in Brühl, Germany, for the second time, yesterday. We also brought along the son of a good friend of mine. It rained some, but the day was a delight and we were at the park from 10 till 9:30, almost 12 hours straight.

Also, Phantasialand is claiming that it is building the most advanced roller-coaster in the world and fastest rollercoaster in Europe:

20150713_182148 (Groß).jpg

20150713_182208 (Groß).jpg

It's going to be a new part of the park called KLUGHEIM (Klug = clever, Heim= Home, Domicile) and the newest coaster will be called TARON. It's going to be a multi-launch coaster with two catapult starts, the most intensive catapult engine in the entire world; it will also be the longest roller coaster ever, with 58 track-segments and will cross it's own path 116 times, thus setting a world-record, according to Phantasialand.

Here is a trailer for KLUGHEIM:

And a mock-up of the ride with the TARON:

As you can well imagine, we will be riding that ride when it goes up in 2016.

Good morning and TGIF to all of our Cappuccinistis out there.

The famous Papa Stat / Princess Statalina 2015 vacation has now come to an end and she is with her mother in France.

It's lonely here, but I am back to full time work, as always.

I just had the best overall vacation of my life and am somewhat recharged.

Another heatwave is heading toward my part of Germany this weekend, am seriously thinking of sticking my head in a freezer box somewhere...


Have a good one, folks.
Hello, Debra K , and welcome to the Cappuccino Corral!!!


Thank you! :)

There is a BB viewer floating around where you can view feeds for free

B3V BB Feed Viewer


Thank you Drifter.

Last night's show was interesting. Although Austin is playing a fairly good game at this point, I don't like his portrayal of himself as "Judas". Austin has been able to pull some strings, he's not overly clever at hiding things. Vanessa was livid when he threw the veto competition. I don't think she bought his denial at all. And Jason could tell he was lying at one point, but I can't remember what the lie was at this point. With Jeff in Liz's bed ... and the two of them under the covers ... Austin was not happy. He acted like a jealous boyfriend, and Liz doesn't want to be controlled. But Jeff is gone now ... and Austin doesn't have to worry about sharing his gal with another male houseguest. The "Sixth Sense" group are still in power with Shelli and Liz winning HoH. I wonder if their target will be James again. John the Dentist is still hilarious and I think he might be America's favorite player.

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