The Cappucino Corral

My Debbie Downer post du jour.

I am here, for a little while, today, because I am home sick again.

My head is swimming. I have hurled (although not today) and it was not good.

I have the first glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel. Worst trip I have taken in a while. Metaphorically speaking. As I said, I am home.

On the bright side: I did have a cup of coffee and it was good.

And now: back to bed.
Dear Ilar,

Mi sh'beyrach!

(Get well!)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Thanks. Past few days have been a bitch. But I went to my doctor and am now following doctor's orders (simple obvious stuff like, "try not to be such a fat lard-ass do-nothing schmuck").

This might prove difficult.
I've been off ambien for 3 days and the insomnia is back. I have night terrors and I can't sleep through the night.

I had the same problem for about 1.5 year and I was with ambien for a while. I went to a series of sleeping studies to find out it's just my anxiety. Then my doctor prescribed trazedone 50mg min. dosage. Now I'm only taking 25mg ( cut in half) every other night.
From what I learned you can't just stop these sleeping pills abruptly. Ambien is also a habit forming and in the long run you have to keep increasing the dosages. Yes those nightmares. Good lord.
My Debbie Downer post du jour.

I am here, for a little while, today, because I am home sick again.

My head is swimming. I have hurled (although not today) and it was not good.

I have the first glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel. Worst trip I have taken in a while. Metaphorically speaking. As I said, I am home.

On the bright side: I did have a cup of coffee and it was good.

And now: back to bed.
Dear Ilar,

Mi sh'beyrach!

(Get well!)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Thanks. Past few days have been a bitch. But I went to my doctor and am now following doctor's orders (simple obvious stuff like, "try not to be such a fat lard-ass do-nothing schmuck").

This might prove difficult.

Have you tried just walking for 20 minutes a day?

Something that simple can make a difference and even lard-asses can walk. :D
My Debbie Downer post du jour.

I am here, for a little while, today, because I am home sick again.

My head is swimming. I have hurled (although not today) and it was not good.

I have the first glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel. Worst trip I have taken in a while. Metaphorically speaking. As I said, I am home.

On the bright side: I did have a cup of coffee and it was good.

And now: back to bed.
Dear Ilar,

Mi sh'beyrach!

(Get well!)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Thanks. Past few days have been a bitch. But I went to my doctor and am now following doctor's orders (simple obvious stuff like, "try not to be such a fat lard-ass do-nothing schmuck").

This might prove difficult.

Have you tried just walking for 20 minutes a day?

Something that simple can make a difference and even lard-asses can walk. :D

I do more than 20 minutes of walking every day.

Sometimes there's more to being a do nothing lard ass than just a little exercise.
My Debbie Downer post du jour.

I am here, for a little while, today, because I am home sick again.

My head is swimming. I have hurled (although not today) and it was not good.

I have the first glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel. Worst trip I have taken in a while. Metaphorically speaking. As I said, I am home.

On the bright side: I did have a cup of coffee and it was good.

And now: back to bed.
Dear Ilar,

Mi sh'beyrach!

(Get well!)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Thanks. Past few days have been a bitch. But I went to my doctor and am now following doctor's orders (simple obvious stuff like, "try not to be such a fat lard-ass do-nothing schmuck").

This might prove difficult.

Have you tried just walking for 20 minutes a day?

Something that simple can make a difference and even lard-asses can walk. :D


Glad to hear that you do go walking. :)

Our natural state is to be moving. Unfortunately we have developed a lifestyle that impedes our movement.
My Debbie Downer post du jour.

I am here, for a little while, today, because I am home sick again.

My head is swimming. I have hurled (although not today) and it was not good.

I have the first glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel. Worst trip I have taken in a while. Metaphorically speaking. As I said, I am home.

On the bright side: I did have a cup of coffee and it was good.

And now: back to bed.
Dear Ilar,

Mi sh'beyrach!

(Get well!)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Thanks. Past few days have been a bitch. But I went to my doctor and am now following doctor's orders (simple obvious stuff like, "try not to be such a fat lard-ass do-nothing schmuck").

This might prove difficult.

Have you tried just walking for 20 minutes a day?

Something that simple can make a difference and even lard-asses can walk. :D


Glad to hear that you do go walking. :)

Our natural state is to be moving. Unfortunately we have developed a lifestyle that impedes our movement.

Agreed. On the other hand, to be candid, I have reason to sit a lot, too. It's a pain (literally) to walk, but it's dangerous to be sedentary.

Who used to say, "It aint easy being me?"
It's a pain (literally) to walk,

I knew that we were opposites but I never realized how far that went.

For me it is literally a pain to sit.

I have a standing desk and I swim a mile every other day to keep fit. The great thing about swimming is that it is full body workout in a weightless environment. :D
It's a pain (literally) to walk,

I knew that we were opposites but I never realized how far that went.

For me it is literally a pain to sit.

I have a standing desk and I swim a mile every other day to keep fit. The great thing about swimming is that it is full body workout in a weightless environment. :D

Joking aside, the contrary things that cause us our respective pains are still just that: a pain.

I almost drowned as a child. Been a bit aqua-phobic ever since. Contrary to what some scientific types may tell you, my body at rest doesn't float. It sinks. Like a freakin' rock.

Sure, there's the shallow end, I guess. But as W.C. Fields once supposedly said:

"Water? Never touch it. Fish fuck in it."
It's a pain (literally) to walk,

I knew that we were opposites but I never realized how far that went.

For me it is literally a pain to sit.

I have a standing desk and I swim a mile every other day to keep fit. The great thing about swimming is that it is full body workout in a weightless environment. :D

Joking aside, the contrary things that cause us our respective pains are still just that: a pain.

I almost drowned as a child. Been a bit aqua-phobic ever since. Contrary to what some scientific types may tell you, my body at rest doesn't float. It sinks. Like a freakin' rock.

Sure, there's the shallow end, I guess. But as W.C. Fields once supposedly said:

"Water? Never touch it. Fish fuck in it."


So much for the concept that fat (AKA oil) floats on water. :eek:

You must have seriously heavy bones and muscles. If I am in the deep end where the water is 9' by inhaling and exhaling deeply I can change how much of my body is out of the water when I am vertical.

Fully inhaled my entire neck and the tops of my shoulders are above the water. Fully exhaled and the water rises to just above my chin.

I actually do that as part of my exercises because even breathing is working out your chest muscles under water.
I've been off ambien for 3 days and the insomnia is back. I have night terrors and I can't sleep through the night.

I had the same problem for about 1.5 year and I was with ambien for a while. I went to a series of sleeping studies to find out it's just my anxiety. Then my doctor prescribed trazedone 50mg min. dosage. Now I'm only taking 25mg ( cut in half) every other night.
From what I learned you can't just stop these sleeping pills abruptly. Ambien is also a habit forming and in the long run you have to keep increasing the dosages. Yes those nightmares. Good lord.

I started taking them after my sister's suicide, at first just to sleep because I couldn't sleep at night then I stopped and I started again about a month ago because I was night terrors but then I stopped again abruptly, I hate having to be dependant on them it just bothers me. But if I don't take them I either stay up all night and then I am tired all day or I have night terrors which is worse really.

I never had anxiety before but I guess I must have it now.
My Debbie Downer post du jour.

I am here, for a little while, today, because I am home sick again.

My head is swimming. I have hurled (although not today) and it was not good.

I have the first glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel. Worst trip I have taken in a while. Metaphorically speaking. As I said, I am home.

On the bright side: I did have a cup of coffee and it was good.

And now: back to bed.
Dear Ilar,

Mi sh'beyrach!

(Get well!)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Thanks. Past few days have been a bitch. But I went to my doctor and am now following doctor's orders (simple obvious stuff like, "try not to be such a fat lard-ass do-nothing schmuck").

This might prove difficult.

Have you tried just walking for 20 minutes a day?

Something that simple can make a difference and even lard-asses can walk. :D

I walk several miles a day a few times a week.
I really haven't been on it that long a month or less, prior to the ambien, I was taking some dollar store herbal sleeping pill. So I don't think I should have any withdrawals. I just don't know how to get rid of the night terrors thing.

The Main thing is when I can't sleep and stay up all night the next day my concentration is effected. Also I dread night because I know I won't sleep or if I do I will have the night terror thing I wake up sweaty or paniced.

A few weeks ago I was having that weird high pitched sound you get in your ears.

Because of the lack of sleep I can't keep up with what day it is sometimes or my homework obligations.
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I really haven't been on it that long a month or less, prior to the ambien, I was taking some dollar store herbal sleeping pill. So I don't think I should have any withdrawals. I just don't know how to get rid of the night terrors thing.

The Main thing is when I can't sleep and stay up all night the next day my concentration is effected. Also I dread night because I know I won't sleep or if I do I will have the night terror thing I wake up sweaty or paniced.

A few weeks ago I was having that weird high pitched sound you get in your ears.

Because of the lack of sleep I can't keep up with what day it is sometimes or my homework obligations.

Your not alone. I met several people that has the same problem. Noise in your ear is called tinnitus. I had that on and off then it stayed with me that I got used to it.
I went through the same problem like you the only the difference is I'm older and you have to do your obligations the next day. For me I stayed home. Plus your sister tragedy. Sorry to hear that. Sleep therapist and hypnosis also helped me but my wife fired them both because of too much skin showing when they are working at NIGHT. Darn.
You may want research food rich with melatonin. When and what to eat at dinner, when to exercise, temperature of your showers if you take showers at night, temp. of your room, no smart phone or computer in your room, your night lights. You can google all of this without talking to a therapist.
I really haven't been on it that long a month or less, prior to the ambien, I was taking some dollar store herbal sleeping pill. So I don't think I should have any withdrawals. I just don't know how to get rid of the night terrors thing.

The Main thing is when I can't sleep and stay up all night the next day my concentration is effected. Also I dread night because I know I won't sleep or if I do I will have the night terror thing I wake up sweaty or paniced.

A few weeks ago I was having that weird high pitched sound you get in your ears.

Because of the lack of sleep I can't keep up with what day it is sometimes or my homework obligations.

Your not alone. I met several people that has the same problem. Noise in your ear is called tinnitus. I had that on and off then it stayed with me that I got used to it.
I went through the same problem like you the only the difference is I'm older and you have to do your obligations the next day. For me I stayed home. Plus your sister tragedy. Sorry to hear that. Sleep therapist and hypnosis also helped me but my wife fired them both because of too much skin showing when they are working at NIGHT. Darn.
You may want research food rich with melatonin. When and what to eat at dinner, when to exercise, temperature of your showers if you take showers at night, temp. of your room, no smart phone or computer in your room, your night lights. You can google all of this without talking to a therapist.

Thanks that's great information and I will do some research. I got to figure this out and make changes it's really starting to affect me negatively. I appreciate you replying :)
I really haven't been on it that long a month or less, prior to the ambien, I was taking some dollar store herbal sleeping pill. So I don't think I should have any withdrawals. I just don't know how to get rid of the night terrors thing.

The Main thing is when I can't sleep and stay up all night the next day my concentration is effected. Also I dread night because I know I won't sleep or if I do I will have the night terror thing I wake up sweaty or paniced.

A few weeks ago I was having that weird high pitched sound you get in your ears.

Because of the lack of sleep I can't keep up with what day it is sometimes or my homework obligations.

Your not alone. I met several people that has the same problem. Noise in your ear is called tinnitus. I had that on and off then it stayed with me that I got used to it.
I went through the same problem like you the only the difference is I'm older and you have to do your obligations the next day. For me I stayed home. Plus your sister tragedy. Sorry to hear that. Sleep therapist and hypnosis also helped me but my wife fired them both because of too much skin showing when they are working at NIGHT. Darn.
You may want research food rich with melatonin. When and what to eat at dinner, when to exercise, temperature of your showers if you take showers at night, temp. of your room, no smart phone or computer in your room, your night lights. You can google all of this without talking to a therapist.

Thanks that's great information and I will do some research. I got to figure this out and make changes it's really starting to affect me negatively. I appreciate you replying :)

Your condition is only temporary. This too shall pass.

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