The Cappucino Corral

Have a safe and festive 4th, all!

Will catch you when I can.

Good morning, Cappuccinistis, and a happy 4th of July to all of you!

I hope that you all enjoy this day very much.

Thursday was the hottest day so far for 2015 in my part of Germany. Today is going to be considerably hotter.

On Thursday, the temps got up to 37 C (just around 100 F), which meant it was about 39-40 C inside my place. The temps went from 20 C in the morning to 28 at the noon hour and peaked at 37 C.

Today, shortly before 1 PM, it's already 34 C and should peak at 40 C (104 F), which will mean about 43 C (109.4 C) inside my place during the peak of the day. It gets so hot here that furniture, esp. mattresses, absorb the heat during the day and let it out slowly during the night. So, I wake up at about 4 AM just drenched in sweat. Fun, fun...

Little Miss Statalina, on the other hand, is just loving it, because she gets to swim for hours on end. LOL.

The other difference between today and Thursday is that the humidity is about to set a record for this part of Germany, part of the build up to some major storms due to hit tomorrow, again on Tuesday. By coming Thursday, we will see low temps of about 11 C (51.8 F) up to about 24 C (75 F), which will feel like paradise in comparison to these last days.

We grilled out with good friends last night after swimming and the kids played until about midnight. I bought a 25 lb Watermelon, cut it in half, brought the one half to our friends and then cut up the other half to store it in the fridge here.

Breaking news: sales of watermelon and co. are going out the roof in Germany!!! LOL!!!

Have a good one, folks. See you around!
Damn. I was taking a break from cleaning, and was rewarding myself with a much-coveted bottle of nice cold frappuccino. I didn't even get half of it gone, before this one lone fly, which has been a pita all day, decided to do a belly flop in it. If he's thinking I'm going to come to the rescue, he can forget it. Hmmf.

What, no Frappuccino-Heimlich-Manuever???

We must all now clutch our Cappuccino pearls!!!

Damn. I was taking a break from cleaning, and was rewarding myself with a much-coveted bottle of nice cold frappuccino. I didn't even get half of it gone, before this one lone fly, which has been a pita all day, decided to do a belly flop in it. If he's thinking I'm going to come to the rescue, he can forget it. Hmmf.

True story: Many years ago, dunking home made choc chip cookie in my coffee, ran across something that just had the wrong consistency of crunchy, took it out of my mouth and found it was what was left of a fly.

That's red lining on the YUK scale!

(Good morning everyone!)
Good morning, Cappuccinistis, and a happy 4th of July to all of you!

I hope that you all enjoy this day very much.

Thursday was the hottest day so far for 2015 in my part of Germany. Today is going to be considerably hotter.

On Thursday, the temps got up to 37 C (just around 100 F), which meant it was about 39-40 C inside my place. The temps went from 20 C in the morning to 28 at the noon hour and peaked at 37 C.

Today, shortly before 1 PM, it's already 34 C and should peak at 40 C (104 F), which will mean about 43 C (109.4 C) inside my place during the peak of the day. It gets so hot here that furniture, esp. mattresses, absorb the heat during the day and let it out slowly during the night. So, I wake up at about 4 AM just drenched in sweat. Fun, fun...

Little Miss Statalina, on the other hand, is just loving it, because she gets to swim for hours on end. LOL.

The other difference between today and Thursday is that the humidity is about to set a record for this part of Germany, part of the build up to some major storms due to hit tomorrow, again on Tuesday. By coming Thursday, we will see low temps of about 11 C (51.8 F) up to about 24 C (75 F), which will feel like paradise in comparison to these last days.

We grilled out with good friends last night after swimming and the kids played until about midnight. I bought a 25 lb Watermelon, cut it in half, brought the one half to our friends and then cut up the other half to store it in the fridge here.

Breaking news: sales of watermelon and co. are going out the roof in Germany!!! LOL!!!

Have a good one, folks. See you around!

100 degrees. When I lived in Tucson, that was the norm for much of the year. There used to be a contest to see who could predict the day when the ice melted on the Santa Cruz river which runs through Tucson.

Thing is, except for extreme rainy seasons, that river bed has been dry for generations and there is never ever ever ice there. It was a joke and what they were really trying to guess was the day when the temp hit 100 degrees.

Lots of heat and desert jokes there. Like -- T-shirts that read "all beach, no ocean" and the mythical Stick Lizard who runs up a stick when his feet get too hot.

Night before last, I woke up thinking it seems very hot and found our air conditioning had gone belly up. July 4th weekend so we had a hard time finding someone but did get it fixed yesterday.

Nice and cool this morning. Hot and muggy outside. Heavy fog on the lake and around the house. Its like we're inside a cloud.
My menu for the 4th of July:

Sirloin Shish Kabobs (with zuchinni/squash/onion/bell pepper)
Macaroni Salad
Potato Salad
Waldorf Salad
Stuffed Jalapeños


Different types of Wines

I'm in!

Seriously, it all sounds perfect.

The only drawback is that I have to cook all of it..........:eek: Mr. Mertex will grill the Shish Kabobs, after I assemble them........and make the tea/lemonade/margaritas...but the rest is up to me.

We eat around 2:00 pm.....bring your appetite!

I'd much rather be the guest than the host.

What time should we arrive?
My menu for the 4th of July:

Sirloin Shish Kabobs (with zuchinni/squash/onion/bell pepper)
Macaroni Salad
Potato Salad
Waldorf Salad
Stuffed Jalapeños


Different types of Wines

I'm in!

Seriously, it all sounds perfect.

The only drawback is that I have to cook all of it..........:eek: Mr. Mertex will grill the Shish Kabobs, after I assemble them........and make the tea/lemonade/margaritas...but the rest is up to me.

We eat around 2:00 pm.....bring your appetite!

I'd much rather be the guest than the host.

What time should we arrive?

It's ongoing all day........for the food, try to get here by 2:00 pm....then you may have to wait a while, but there will be plenty of snacks to keep you from starving.....don't be late!
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis and welcome to the clean up from July 4th!!


Little Miss Statalina and I, in order to beat the heat, went swimming again yesterday, for the 2nd day in a row. Each trip is about 6 hours in the pool, including showering and hair-drying and all that cool stuff.

The people at this big pool are starting to get to know us by first name...

Big storms coming our way today. Temps should also drop from "broil until crispy" down to "slow bake but leave moist and tender".


Have a good one!
So, a big high-five to the German meterological service, which has been predicting massive storms today, but then altered the forecast at 14:00, saying that the storms that would hit the area covered by part of my zip-code would first start at circa 18:00-18:05 and not at 16:00, with hail, and that people can go out and enjoy the sun for a while.

So, I went with Miss Statalina until 17 and exactly 2 minutes ago, a huge storm with hail about the size of small baseballs started. 11 minutes ago I told her it would be time to close the windows.

Just wild.

This storm will hopefully cool things off by about 10 C, it should drop from 32 C to 22 C within the hour. Amen, because although today is not the hottest day I have ever experienced in Germany, it has been the stickiest - just miserable, with humidity that reminds me of Ohio.

The little one is now filming the hailstorm. LOL.
Well, it hailed here yesterday and a number of cars now have small dents in them.

I covered my car up. :thup: (good boy scout now eats his cookies and drinks his whole-milk!!)

And a good Monday morning to all those wonderful Cappuccinistis out there in the Etherverse!


Little Miss Statalina's vacation reached the half-way point last night, so goes back to her Mama Wednesday, 15.07, in the late evening.

Later, totally surprisingly :lol: :lol: :lol: she wants to go swimming.

And in about 20 minutes we will go shopping for groceries and also for arts-n-crafts stuff.

We do so much in the day that, when she finally conks out for the night and I think I may want to USMB some, I am already snoooozing away.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

This morning, Princess Statalina woke me up by coming into my bedroom and walking on my back like a trapeze artist.... lol. She may look lean, but Lord, that kid can pack some pounds!!!

Have a good one, folks.

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