The Cappucino Corral

Good morning, Cappuccinistis.

6 more days of vacation with little Princess Statalina.

By then, the transformation process from lungs to gills will be complete, as much as we are swimming.

And the watermelon shortage in Germany? It's all Stat's fault!!!


Happy TGIFing.


My, time is going so fast....seems like only yesterday you were beginning your vaca.....hope you enjoy the next 6 days and don't poop out on Princess Statalina.....:D
Just thought I'd drop in for a cup of tea and a round of sandwiches.


Sorry, the round sandwiches are all gone so you are just going to have to make do with these instead.


That was an interesting "Big Brother" last night......I hope you watched it....can't hardly wait to see who's going on the block Sunday now that Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH's.
I can't believe Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH. I did not expect that at all. The casting isn't bad this year. I hope Audrey goes, she gets on my nerves.

That was an interesting "Big Brother" last night......I hope you watched it....can't hardly wait to see who's going on the block Sunday now that Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH's.
I can't believe Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH. I did not expect that at all. The casting isn't bad this year. I hope Audrey goes, she gets on my nerves.

I thought that was very clever of Da to point out the twins......but it doesn't seem like the rest are going to do anything with it. And yes, I was hoping that Audrey would be the one to go....Shelli and her boy toy are getting on my nerves. Austin seems like the type that won't want to make waves, so he probably won't put either Shelli or Clay up. I like the new twist where outsiders get to throw in a ringer that can change the outcomes....wonder what that football player is going to come up with.
I really haven't been on it that long a month or less, prior to the ambien, I was taking some dollar store herbal sleeping pill. So I don't think I should have any withdrawals. I just don't know how to get rid of the night terrors thing.

The Main thing is when I can't sleep and stay up all night the next day my concentration is effected. Also I dread night because I know I won't sleep or if I do I will have the night terror thing I wake up sweaty or paniced.

A few weeks ago I was having that weird high pitched sound you get in your ears.

Because of the lack of sleep I can't keep up with what day it is sometimes or my homework obligations.

Your not alone. I met several people that has the same problem. Noise in your ear is called tinnitus. I had that on and off then it stayed with me that I got used to it.
I went through the same problem like you the only the difference is I'm older and you have to do your obligations the next day. For me I stayed home. Plus your sister tragedy. Sorry to hear that. Sleep therapist and hypnosis also helped me but my wife fired them both because of too much skin showing when they are working at NIGHT. Darn.
You may want research food rich with melatonin. When and what to eat at dinner, when to exercise, temperature of your showers if you take showers at night, temp. of your room, no smart phone or computer in your room, your night lights. You can google all of this without talking to a therapist.

Forgive me for butting in ... new here ... but you mentioned melatonin. My sister takes a melatonin supplement tablet (available on the shelf at local pharmacy) when she needs help going to sleep. I've never tried it myself, but my sister says it works great for her.
Do I hear talk about Big Brother 17! My hubby and I love the show. We missed the first season, but we have watched every season since. We laugh and banter back and forth. I told my hubby that Shelli was faking when she "cried" about sending Da'Vonne home. She wasn't sad at all, she couldn't even muster real tears and had to hide her face (probably because she started laughing). LOL For a poker player, I found it odd that Da'Vonne didn't keep anything close to her chest. She was showing her hand to everyone and was way too loud. The wave-makers are the ones that end up with targets on their backs. In such close quarters with everyone apparently comparing notes, it didn't take long for Da'Vonne to figure out that Audrey was working everyone and planting seeds of distrust. I hope Audrey isn't the same way in her real life that she is on this show. None of the other players will trust her again and I don't think she'll get to the end. It didn't work for Audrey, so why did Da'Vonne think it would work when she did the same thing to Liz ... hey Liz, some people are saying you're a twin ... For Da'Vonne to leverage that info, she shouldn't have shared it with everyone else first. My hubby and I refer to Shelli and Clay as Barbie and Ken. I don't think either of them will get to the end. All the rest, I think, have a good shot.

That was an interesting "Big Brother" last night......I hope you watched it....can't hardly wait to see who's going on the block Sunday now that Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH's.
I can't believe Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH. I did not expect that at all. The casting isn't bad this year. I hope Audrey goes, she gets on my nerves.

I thought that was very clever of Da to point out the twins......but it doesn't seem like the rest are going to do anything with it. And yes, I was hoping that Audrey would be the one to go....Shelli and her boy toy are getting on my nerves. Austin seems like the type that won't want to make waves, so he probably won't put either Shelli or Clay up. I like the new twist where outsiders get to throw in a ringer that can change the outcomes....wonder what that football player is going to come up with.

I watch the feeds, it looks like both Jeff and Austin like the twins and are targeting each other over wanting to be alone with the twins.

I like John and Becky together but they are laying low. I like Jason and Meg too, I dislike James and Audrey.
Do I hear talk about Big Brother 17! My hubby and I love the show. We missed the first season, but we have watched every season since. We laugh and banter back and forth. I told my hubby that Shelli was faking when she "cried" about sending Da'Vonne home. She wasn't sad at all, she couldn't even muster real tears and had to hide her face (probably because she started laughing). LOL For a poker player, I found it odd that Da'Vonne didn't keep anything close to her chest. She was showing her hand to everyone and was way too loud. The wave-makers are the ones that end up with targets on their backs. In such close quarters with everyone apparently comparing notes, it didn't take long for Da'Vonne to figure out that Audrey was working everyone and planting seeds of distrust. I hope Audrey isn't the same way in her real life that she is on this show. None of the other players will trust her again and I don't think she'll get to the end. It didn't work for Audrey, so why did Da'Vonne think it would work when she did the same thing to Liz ... hey Liz, some people are saying you're a twin ... For Da'Vonne to leverage that info, she shouldn't have shared it with everyone else first. My hubby and I refer to Shelli and Clay as Barbie and Ken. I don't think either of them will get to the end. All the rest, I think, have a good shot.

Hi Debra welcome to the board and this thread. Do you watch the feeds? I don't want to give away spoilers.
Do I hear talk about Big Brother 17! My hubby and I love the show. We missed the first season, but we have watched every season since. We laugh and banter back and forth. I told my hubby that Shelli was faking when she "cried" about sending Da'Vonne home. She wasn't sad at all, she couldn't even muster real tears and had to hide her face (probably because she started laughing). LOL For a poker player, I found it odd that Da'Vonne didn't keep anything close to her chest. She was showing her hand to everyone and was way too loud. The wave-makers are the ones that end up with targets on their backs. In such close quarters with everyone apparently comparing notes, it didn't take long for Da'Vonne to figure out that Audrey was working everyone and planting seeds of distrust. I hope Audrey isn't the same way in her real life that she is on this show. None of the other players will trust her again and I don't think she'll get to the end. It didn't work for Audrey, so why did Da'Vonne think it would work when she did the same thing to Liz ... hey Liz, some people are saying you're a twin ... For Da'Vonne to leverage that info, she shouldn't have shared it with everyone else first. My hubby and I refer to Shelli and Clay as Barbie and Ken. I don't think either of them will get to the end. All the rest, I think, have a good shot.

Hello, Debra K , and welcome to the Cappuccino Corral!!!

And a good Sunday morning to all of our wonderful Cappuccinistis out there in the Etherverse!

Today is Sunday, 12 July, 2015 and will go down in history as one of the few days of my vacation with little Miss Princess Statalina where we did not, I repeat, did not go swimming!


Yesterday we swam no. 8, from 12:30 PM to 8:30 PM and then we got some really good Italian food afterwards. One of the great things about living in a foreign city for a long time is that you get to know where all of the best restaurants are! I could tell that Miss Statalina was worn out from that much swimming, and indeed, we did 40 laps during that time, plus we played ball for hours on end and did the big slides, etc.... and I refused to bring junk food with us to the pool, so after showering and hair drying and all that cool stuff, she was a weepin' and a wailin' that her stomach was empty that that she would simply die were Papa to not give her some Gummi Bears right there on the spot. I just have her my across-the-galaxy famous statalicious Cheshire Cat grin and nodded "no" with my head, but told her if she could behave, then she could get her favorite Spaghetti Bolognese for dinner and some Tiramisu for afterwards. That kept her quiet. LOL!!! And she wolfed down an adult portion of spaghetti as if it were nothing.

After dinner, she was more tired than ever, but just bound and determined to catch a Scooby Doo movie. This week is Scooby-Doo week in Cartoonito, which is the rough equivalent of Heaven for her right now. So, we watched a skeeeeeeeery Scooby Doo Halloween film and she fell asleep in my lap. I then carried her gently into her room, where she made one single indent in her bed and slept for 11 hours without moving, because when I went in to wake her up, the rest of her bed as totally orderly...

Mission accomplished!! :D

So, this morning, I just had that intuition that told me to measure her height, and indeed, she has grown at least one centimeter in the last week.

What a wonder to watch.

Today, we are using the cloudy and soon-to-be rainy Sunday to go through all of her toys and sort out anything that is now too young for her. She wants a writing-desk for the Fall and this means that we need to make room in her room for such a desk.

She is doing this willingly (lol) because if she does not, she doesn't get to go to Phantasialand for a second time this summer - tomorrow. Bribery is a wonderful tool for parents. :D

Papa is exhausted, but the happiest Papa in the known universe.

So, catch you all soon!
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That was an interesting "Big Brother" last night......I hope you watched it....can't hardly wait to see who's going on the block Sunday now that Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH's.

Mertex I watch the feeds so I'm ahead of the shows. I try not to post spoilers for you. I still watch the shows for the comps and diary room sessions. I'm already ready for the next HOH lol.

That was an interesting "Big Brother" last night......I hope you watched it....can't hardly wait to see who's going on the block Sunday now that Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH's.

Mertex I watch the feeds so I'm ahead of the shows. I try not to post spoilers for you. I still watch the shows for the comps and diary room sessions. I'm already ready for the next HOH lol.

Darn....wish I had time to watch the feeds...but anyway, I'm not sure I like what transpired Sunday. The group that I don't like as much seems to be getting it together. I like Vanessa, but I sure don't like that she's aligned herself with Shelli/Clay....I don't trust Shelli and Clay. Maybe once they take down James or Jeff, the remainder of the other group's light bulb will go on and they'll make more of an effort to win HOH and break them up.

But, but, the evictions are supposed to be "live" how can you be ready for the next HOH?

That was an interesting "Big Brother" last night......I hope you watched it....can't hardly wait to see who's going on the block Sunday now that Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH's.

Mertex I watch the feeds so I'm ahead of the shows. I try not to post spoilers for you. I still watch the shows for the comps and diary room sessions. I'm already ready for the next HOH lol.

Darn....wish I had time to watch the feeds...but anyway, I'm not sure I like what transpired Sunday. The group that I don't like as much seems to be getting it together. I like Vanessa, but I sure don't like that she's aligned herself with Shelli/Clay....I don't trust Shelli and Clay. Maybe once they take down James or Jeff, the remainder of the other group's light bulb will go on and they'll make more of an effort to win HOH and break them up.

But, but, the evictions are supposed to be "live" how can you be ready for the next HOH?

Right now I think I am Team John, I think if he keeps doing what he is doing the others will take each other out. Austin for sure got a great edit. I don't hate anyone this season except maybe Audrey, I can't stand her, she is horrible. I wish they were evicting Audrey this week that is what the plan was, get her out. I hope CBS isn't trying to prolong her spot on the show she's a disgusting jerk.

I like Shelli but without Clay :lol:

That was an interesting "Big Brother" last night......I hope you watched it....can't hardly wait to see who's going on the block Sunday now that Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH's.

Mertex I watch the feeds so I'm ahead of the shows. I try not to post spoilers for you. I still watch the shows for the comps and diary room sessions. I'm already ready for the next HOH lol.

Darn....wish I had time to watch the feeds...but anyway, I'm not sure I like what transpired Sunday. The group that I don't like as much seems to be getting it together. I like Vanessa, but I sure don't like that she's aligned herself with Shelli/Clay....I don't trust Shelli and Clay. Maybe once they take down James or Jeff, the remainder of the other group's light bulb will go on and they'll make more of an effort to win HOH and break them up.

But, but, the evictions are supposed to be "live" how can you be ready for the next HOH?

Right now I think I am Team John, I think if he keeps doing what he is doing the others will take each other out. Austin for sure got a great edit. I don't hate anyone this season except maybe Audrey, I can't stand her, she is horrible. I wish they were evicting Audrey this week that is what the plan was, get her out. I hope CBS isn't trying to prolong her spot on the show she's a disgusting jerk.

I like Shelli but without Clay :lol:

Yeah, I'm with you.......I think John is funny and clever too, and I'm liking him. Liz/Julia didn't realize that as a dentist he would of course notice something so obvious as a crown....I certainly can't tell them apart. I know I will keep changing who I like best as time goes on and they do things that annoy me....I just didn't like the way Shelli bamboozled Becky and made her think that she was on board to get rid of Audrey.

Maybe Da was right, they don't want to take out Audrey because of her being the 1st transgender....I've heard rumors that the network manipulates how the game goes....I don't like Audrey either, she is definitely not trustworthy.

That was an interesting "Big Brother" last night......I hope you watched it....can't hardly wait to see who's going on the block Sunday now that Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH's.

Mertex I watch the feeds so I'm ahead of the shows. I try not to post spoilers for you. I still watch the shows for the comps and diary room sessions. I'm already ready for the next HOH lol.

Darn....wish I had time to watch the feeds...but anyway, I'm not sure I like what transpired Sunday. The group that I don't like as much seems to be getting it together. I like Vanessa, but I sure don't like that she's aligned herself with Shelli/Clay....I don't trust Shelli and Clay. Maybe once they take down James or Jeff, the remainder of the other group's light bulb will go on and they'll make more of an effort to win HOH and break them up.

But, but, the evictions are supposed to be "live" how can you be ready for the next HOH?

Right now I think I am Team John, I think if he keeps doing what he is doing the others will take each other out. Austin for sure got a great edit. I don't hate anyone this season except maybe Audrey, I can't stand her, she is horrible. I wish they were evicting Audrey this week that is what the plan was, get her out. I hope CBS isn't trying to prolong her spot on the show she's a disgusting jerk.

I like Shelli but without Clay :lol:

Yeah, I'm with you.......I think John is funny and clever too, and I'm liking him. Liz/Julia didn't realize that as a dentist he would of course notice something so obvious as a crown....I certainly can't tell them apart. I know I will keep changing who I like best as time goes on and they do things that annoy me....I just didn't like the way Shelli bamboozled Becky and made her think that she was on board to get rid of Audrey.

Maybe Da was right, they don't want to take out Audrey because of her being the 1st transgender....I've heard rumors that the network manipulates how the game goes....I don't like Audrey either, she is definitely not trustworthy.

That is the excuse Vanessa is giving about not wanting to get rid of Audrey because she (van) is a lesbian and feels like the LBGT community will judge her for putting Audrey on the block because Audrey is 1st transwoman. I think that is total BS!!!

If it was me Audrey would have been gone last week :lol:

It's a game, $500,000 !!!

That was an interesting "Big Brother" last night......I hope you watched it....can't hardly wait to see who's going on the block Sunday now that Austin and Vanessa are the new HOH's.

Mertex I watch the feeds so I'm ahead of the shows. I try not to post spoilers for you. I still watch the shows for the comps and diary room sessions. I'm already ready for the next HOH lol.

Darn....wish I had time to watch the feeds...but anyway, I'm not sure I like what transpired Sunday. The group that I don't like as much seems to be getting it together. I like Vanessa, but I sure don't like that she's aligned herself with Shelli/Clay....I don't trust Shelli and Clay. Maybe once they take down James or Jeff, the remainder of the other group's light bulb will go on and they'll make more of an effort to win HOH and break them up.

But, but, the evictions are supposed to be "live" how can you be ready for the next HOH?

Right now I think I am Team John, I think if he keeps doing what he is doing the others will take each other out. Austin for sure got a great edit. I don't hate anyone this season except maybe Audrey, I can't stand her, she is horrible. I wish they were evicting Audrey this week that is what the plan was, get her out. I hope CBS isn't trying to prolong her spot on the show she's a disgusting jerk.

I like Shelli but without Clay :lol:

Yeah, I'm with you.......I think John is funny and clever too, and I'm liking him. Liz/Julia didn't realize that as a dentist he would of course notice something so obvious as a crown....I certainly can't tell them apart. I know I will keep changing who I like best as time goes on and they do things that annoy me....I just didn't like the way Shelli bamboozled Becky and made her think that she was on board to get rid of Audrey.

Maybe Da was right, they don't want to take out Audrey because of her being the 1st transgender....I've heard rumors that the network manipulates how the game goes....I don't like Audrey either, she is definitely not trustworthy.

That is the excuse Vanessa is giving about not wanting to get rid of Audrey because she (van) is a lesbian and feels like the LBGT community will judge her for putting Audrey on the block because Audrey is 1st transwoman. I think that is total BS!!!

If it was me Audrey would have been gone last week :lol:

It's a game, $500,000 !!!

Yeah....totally BS. So, she's going to let Audrey walk away with the $500K?

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