The Cappucino Corral

Was just on the phone with my sister from the USA, she encouraged me to get one of these for my little daughter (well, for the household):


Elf on the Shelf.


Somewhere, someone posted a thread about these.

Don't know who or where.

I don't think they look very appealing.
Good Morning, Cappucinistas of the World! I hope you all humped well on Humpday, yesterday. Today is the mighty hammer day, Thor's day, so, hammer away!!



You gonna use that hammer on those poor little elf things?

Cool Celtic hammer, btw.

Well, women like a man with a big hammer...



I thought they liked men who carry a big stick.


Is there a difference?
Good Morning, Cappucinistas of the World! I hope you all humped well on Humpday, yesterday. Today is the mighty hammer day, Thor's day, so, hammer away!!



You gonna use that hammer on those poor little elf things?

Cool Celtic hammer, btw.

Well, women like a man with a big hammer...



I thought they liked men who carry a big stick.


Is there a difference?

Okay, okay -

You win.

Some trivia ...

The human tooth has about 55 miles of canals in it.

Socrates, 400 BCE said -
"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers. I despair for their future."

The word "robot" comes from the Czechoslovakian word robotovat which means "to work hard". It was created by Karel Capek.

A hailstone containing a carp once fell in Essen, Germany.
Well, did you know:

There are more than 150 species of owls in the world, and some counts indicate more than 220 species depending on how different owls are classified. Only 19 owl species are found in North America.
Well, did you know:

There are more than 150 species of owls in the world, and some counts indicate more than 220 species depending on how different owls are classified. Only 19 owl species are found in North America.

And - there are two families of owls -
True owls and barn owls.

An interesting factoid is that a barn owl can eat more than 11K mice in his life. Most raptors lay only about 3 eggs every year but barn owls can lay many more. For every rodent the male takes to his life-long mate, he gets to mate with her. So, he will take her a lot of dead rodents!

All raptors save us money at the grocery store because of the enormous amount of rodents they eat. Those rodents foul our grain and other food stores.

And, under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, all raptors are protected by federal law, as are about 83% of our bird species. This is why I have to carry federal permits for the raptors I rehab or use for education.

Its illegal to have/keep eagle feathers. The National Eagle Repository in Denver keeps and distributes feathers for such things as Native American use. Imagine opening their mail every day ...
Some trivia ...

The human tooth has about 55 miles of canals in it.

Socrates, 400 BCE said -
"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers. I despair for their future."

The word "robot" comes from the Czechoslovakian word robotovat which means "to work hard". It was created by Karel Capek.

A hailstone containing a carp once fell in Essen, Germany.

That is the most ECLECTIC collection of trivia I have EVER read!


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