The Cappucino Corral

Tonight, 9 PM, my time.

Princess Statalina: "Papa, weißt Du was? Ich glaube, der ECHTE St. Nikolaus ist längst tot." (Papa, you know what? I believe that the REAL St. Nikolaus is long dead.)

Papa Stat: "Aha..."

Princess Statalina: "Und Papa, entweder bringt der Geist des Nikolaus allen guten Kindern Geschenke" (And Papa, either St. Nick's spirit brings gifts to good kids)

Papa Stat: "Wirklich?" (Really?)

Princess Statalina: "Oder DU bringst mir Geschenke, Papa, während ich schlafe" (Or YOU bring me gifts, Papa, while I'm sleeping)

Papa Stat: "Ach, was!" (Oh, pshaw....)

Princess Statalina: "Du würdest es mir sagen, wenn dem so wäre, ja Papa?!?!" (You would tell me if that's that case, right, Papa?!?!?)

Papa Stat: "Na sicher, mein Kind" (Surely, my child)

Princess Statallina: "Naja, egal, Hauptsache die sind gute Geschenke!" (Oh, well, it's all the same, main thing, they are good gifts!)


I can see the conversation next year already forming....


Stat, have a very:


Thanks, Mertex

So, 8 AM on the dot, the little one busts into my room, jumps on Papa's stomach (it was cute when she was three, it is hard on the stomach when she is almost 8....) and says in German, "Well, was St. Nikolaus there?", to which I replied, "well, open the house door and see for yourself". Of course, she whelped with joy, brought the entire stocking into my bedroom, plopped down on Papa's bed and started to open her gifts. She loved them. And then she said, "yes, Papa, these must really be from St. Nikolaus, because you can't wrap gifts that well"


Oh, if only she knew...

I got her one of those slimy feeling squid like things that you throw against walls, and the thing crawls down the wall. She is testing every wall at my place... LOL. And she got a set of top-model stickers, which she loves. And two Dagobert comic books (in German), glitter, glue and fun construction paper, a make it yourself gingerbread house and a softball mitt. (She loves to throw ball with Papa). The fact that I am crazy about baseball is living proof that I, St. Statilaus, am still a 100% red blooded American!! :lol:

We are off in one hour to a local market to pick out a Christmas tree and schlepp it home. I have my eyes on a certain type of blue-green color of yugoslavian pine that usually lasts 4 good weeks if you water it well.

Just got the standard Christmas shows transferred over to the hard drive: tonight is Frosty, Rudolph and Co.


Sounds like you two are having a great time. All this talk about Christmas trees is making me sad that we opted not to decorate this year.....I'm sure I'll get over it....:)
Tonight, 9 PM, my time.

Princess Statalina: "Papa, weißt Du was? Ich glaube, der ECHTE St. Nikolaus ist längst tot." (Papa, you know what? I believe that the REAL St. Nikolaus is long dead.)

Papa Stat: "Aha..."

Princess Statalina: "Und Papa, entweder bringt der Geist des Nikolaus allen guten Kindern Geschenke" (And Papa, either St. Nick's spirit brings gifts to good kids)

Papa Stat: "Wirklich?" (Really?)

Princess Statalina: "Oder DU bringst mir Geschenke, Papa, während ich schlafe" (Or YOU bring me gifts, Papa, while I'm sleeping)

Papa Stat: "Ach, was!" (Oh, pshaw....)

Princess Statalina: "Du würdest es mir sagen, wenn dem so wäre, ja Papa?!?!" (You would tell me if that's that case, right, Papa?!?!?)

Papa Stat: "Na sicher, mein Kind" (Surely, my child)

Princess Statallina: "Naja, egal, Hauptsache die sind gute Geschenke!" (Oh, well, it's all the same, main thing, they are good gifts!)


I can see the conversation next year already forming....


Stat, have a very:


Thanks, Mertex

So, 8 AM on the dot, the little one busts into my room, jumps on Papa's stomach (it was cute when she was three, it is hard on the stomach when she is almost 8....) and says in German, "Well, was St. Nikolaus there?", to which I replied, "well, open the house door and see for yourself". Of course, she whelped with joy, brought the entire stocking into my bedroom, plopped down on Papa's bed and started to open her gifts. She loved them. And then she said, "yes, Papa, these must really be from St. Nikolaus, because you can't wrap gifts that well"


Oh, if only she knew...

I got her one of those slimy feeling squid like things that you throw against walls, and the thing crawls down the wall. She is testing every wall at my place... LOL. And she got a set of top-model stickers, which she loves. And two Dagobert comic books (in German), glitter, glue and fun construction paper, a make it yourself gingerbread house and a softball mitt. (She loves to throw ball with Papa). The fact that I am crazy about baseball is living proof that I, St. Statilaus, am still a 100% red blooded American!! :lol:

We are off in one hour to a local market to pick out a Christmas tree and schlepp it home. I have my eyes on a certain type of blue-green color of yugoslavian pine that usually lasts 4 good weeks if you water it well.

Just got the standard Christmas shows transferred over to the hard drive: tonight is Frosty, Rudolph and Co.


Your princess is just about the right age to introduce her to TinTin and Asterix. I loved those books as a child and special ordered them for my own daughter since they weren't available here when she was 8.

And why not get them in French versions to broaden her linguistic prowess (or Spanish, whatever). Perfect "sponge" age for that.
Tonight, 9 PM, my time.

Princess Statalina: "Papa, weißt Du was? Ich glaube, der ECHTE St. Nikolaus ist längst tot." (Papa, you know what? I believe that the REAL St. Nikolaus is long dead.)

Papa Stat: "Aha..."

Princess Statalina: "Und Papa, entweder bringt der Geist des Nikolaus allen guten Kindern Geschenke" (And Papa, either St. Nick's spirit brings gifts to good kids)

Papa Stat: "Wirklich?" (Really?)

Princess Statalina: "Oder DU bringst mir Geschenke, Papa, während ich schlafe" (Or YOU bring me gifts, Papa, while I'm sleeping)

Papa Stat: "Ach, was!" (Oh, pshaw....)

Princess Statalina: "Du würdest es mir sagen, wenn dem so wäre, ja Papa?!?!" (You would tell me if that's that case, right, Papa?!?!?)

Papa Stat: "Na sicher, mein Kind" (Surely, my child)

Princess Statallina: "Naja, egal, Hauptsache die sind gute Geschenke!" (Oh, well, it's all the same, main thing, they are good gifts!)


I can see the conversation next year already forming....


Stat, have a very:


Thanks, Mertex

So, 8 AM on the dot, the little one busts into my room, jumps on Papa's stomach (it was cute when she was three, it is hard on the stomach when she is almost 8....) and says in German, "Well, was St. Nikolaus there?", to which I replied, "well, open the house door and see for yourself". Of course, she whelped with joy, brought the entire stocking into my bedroom, plopped down on Papa's bed and started to open her gifts. She loved them. And then she said, "yes, Papa, these must really be from St. Nikolaus, because you can't wrap gifts that well"


Oh, if only she knew...

I got her one of those slimy feeling squid like things that you throw against walls, and the thing crawls down the wall. She is testing every wall at my place... LOL. And she got a set of top-model stickers, which she loves. And two Dagobert comic books (in German), glitter, glue and fun construction paper, a make it yourself gingerbread house and a softball mitt. (She loves to throw ball with Papa). The fact that I am crazy about baseball is living proof that I, St. Statilaus, am still a 100% red blooded American!! :lol:

We are off in one hour to a local market to pick out a Christmas tree and schlepp it home. I have my eyes on a certain type of blue-green color of yugoslavian pine that usually lasts 4 good weeks if you water it well.

Just got the standard Christmas shows transferred over to the hard drive: tonight is Frosty, Rudolph and Co.


Your princess is just about the right age to introduce her to TinTin and Asterix. I loved those books as a child and special ordered them for my own daughter since they weren't available here when she was 8.

And why not get them in French versions to broaden her linguistic prowess (or Spanish, whatever). Perfect "sponge" age for that.

Absolutely agree. Expanding language vocabulary is always a good thing and the earlier the better.
Hope everyone is having a good day.


I'm going off to volunteer this afternoon.....our church does a benefit dinner for under resourced families...they get dinner, coats for every member of the family, # of bags of groceries depending on how many in the family, including a ham and 2 brand new toys for each kid under 16......

We've been doing it for over 6 years now, and it is always a lot of fun to see the happy expressions on these kids' faces who don't have much, come in and get to pick their two presents. About 10 kids will receive brand new bikes (they are pre-selected) but the kids don't know who is getting them. Wish we could do this every month of the year.....:)
Two Close Enounters of the Wildlife Kind this morning -

Someone has been gnawing at the door of the small building where we keep our workout equipment so we set a homemade live trap last night. First thing this morning, we released a very fat and furry raccoon.

Then later, quiet coffee after breakfast, talking about xmas plans for our g-kids. We had been planning a trip to Boston for xmas but other things have interferred so we'll go after the first of the year.

Suddenly, a loud THUMP - a bird hit the glass door. Poor little downy woodpecker, one of my favorite birds, sitting on the deck looking very dazed and as we watched, he keeled over, out cold.

I thought he was a goner but brought him him and was preparing an ICU box for him but he started coming to in my hand, pecking me and squawking so we took him outside where I could examine him safely. My thinking was that if he was okay, I would just release him and I'd rather that happen outside than in the house with two cats and a dog in happy attendance.

Sure nuff - more squawking and pecking at my hand and then he took off.

Two for two.

All's well that end's well.

I had a busy day and am beat now. Took my daughter to her cousins birthday party where they have an indoor arcade, mini golf, bowling, laser tag, trampolines, etc. Everyone had a great time in the arcade and the trampolines-which are just a big padded room where kids can bounce around and have fun. But my poor daughter freaked out during laser tag. She was bawling and didn't like that everyone was shooting at her and it was dark in there with lots of weird lights and music and she just did not like it at all. Everyone else had a blast but her. I felt so bad for her. I think she was just so overstimulated and she's only 5 and her the other kids were a couple years older. But wow, is it exhausting to sit there with so much activity going on and all these screaming kids running around. I'm already ready for bed.
Hope everyone is having a good day.


I'm going off to volunteer this afternoon.....our church does a benefit dinner for under resourced families...they get dinner, coats for every member of the family, # of bags of groceries depending on how many in the family, including a ham and 2 brand new toys for each kid under 16......

We've been doing it for over 6 years now, and it is always a lot of fun to see the happy expressions on these kids' faces who don't have much, come in and get to pick their two presents. About 10 kids will receive brand new bikes (they are pre-selected) but the kids don't know who is getting them. Wish we could do this every month of the year.....:)

Aw, Mertex

I LOVE reading this.

We're doing our usual for the homeless center and have adopted a family. Its not as much as what you're doing but it gives us great joy.
I had a busy day and am beat now. Took my daughter to her cousins birthday party where they have an indoor arcade, mini golf, bowling, laser tag, trampolines, etc. Everyone had a great time in the arcade and the trampolines-which are just a big padded room where kids can bounce around and have fun. But my poor daughter freaked out during laser tag. She was bawling and didn't like that everyone was shooting at her and it was dark in there with lots of weird lights and music and she just did not like it at all. Everyone else had a blast but her. I felt so bad for her. I think she was just so overstimulated and she's only 5 and her the other kids were a couple years older. But wow, is it exhausting to sit there with so much activity going on and all these screaming kids running around. I'm already ready for bed.

Reminds me of the first time I took my very young g-daughters to a "haunted house". It was at their pre-school and they were just terrified.

Then they wanted to go again!

I used to just crash after an event with a crowd of their friends. I volunteered with their classes from kindergarten on and would be just wiped out after a day with them.

Great fun though.
Downton Abbey rerun on now ...

New season doesn't start until Jan 5th.


Edited to add - not a rerun but rather a look back at the storyline as well as teasers from season 5.
Last edited:
Tonight, 9 PM, my time.

Princess Statalina: "Papa, weißt Du was? Ich glaube, der ECHTE St. Nikolaus ist längst tot." (Papa, you know what? I believe that the REAL St. Nikolaus is long dead.)

Papa Stat: "Aha..."

Princess Statalina: "Und Papa, entweder bringt der Geist des Nikolaus allen guten Kindern Geschenke" (And Papa, either St. Nick's spirit brings gifts to good kids)

Papa Stat: "Wirklich?" (Really?)

Princess Statalina: "Oder DU bringst mir Geschenke, Papa, während ich schlafe" (Or YOU bring me gifts, Papa, while I'm sleeping)

Papa Stat: "Ach, was!" (Oh, pshaw....)

Princess Statalina: "Du würdest es mir sagen, wenn dem so wäre, ja Papa?!?!" (You would tell me if that's that case, right, Papa?!?!?)

Papa Stat: "Na sicher, mein Kind" (Surely, my child)

Princess Statallina: "Naja, egal, Hauptsache die sind gute Geschenke!" (Oh, well, it's all the same, main thing, they are good gifts!)


I can see the conversation next year already forming....


Stat, have a very:


Thanks, Mertex

So, 8 AM on the dot, the little one busts into my room, jumps on Papa's stomach (it was cute when she was three, it is hard on the stomach when she is almost 8....) and says in German, "Well, was St. Nikolaus there?", to which I replied, "well, open the house door and see for yourself". Of course, she whelped with joy, brought the entire stocking into my bedroom, plopped down on Papa's bed and started to open her gifts. She loved them. And then she said, "yes, Papa, these must really be from St. Nikolaus, because you can't wrap gifts that well"


Oh, if only she knew...

I got her one of those slimy feeling squid like things that you throw against walls, and the thing crawls down the wall. She is testing every wall at my place... LOL. And she got a set of top-model stickers, which she loves. And two Dagobert comic books (in German), glitter, glue and fun construction paper, a make it yourself gingerbread house and a softball mitt. (She loves to throw ball with Papa). The fact that I am crazy about baseball is living proof that I, St. Statilaus, am still a 100% red blooded American!! :lol:

We are off in one hour to a local market to pick out a Christmas tree and schlepp it home. I have my eyes on a certain type of blue-green color of yugoslavian pine that usually lasts 4 good weeks if you water it well.

Just got the standard Christmas shows transferred over to the hard drive: tonight is Frosty, Rudolph and Co.


Your princess is just about the right age to introduce her to TinTin and Asterix. I loved those books as a child and special ordered them for my own daughter since they weren't available here when she was 8.

And why not get them in French versions to broaden her linguistic prowess (or Spanish, whatever). Perfect "sponge" age for that.
Hmmmm, I may do that.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Good Morning

Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up, I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
And somebody spoke and I went into a dream

Dude, send me some of that stuff....

Hope everyone is having a good day.


I'm going off to volunteer this afternoon.....our church does a benefit dinner for under resourced families...they get dinner, coats for every member of the family, # of bags of groceries depending on how many in the family, including a ham and 2 brand new toys for each kid under 16......

We've been doing it for over 6 years now, and it is always a lot of fun to see the happy expressions on these kids' faces who don't have much, come in and get to pick their two presents. About 10 kids will receive brand new bikes (they are pre-selected) but the kids don't know who is getting them. Wish we could do this every month of the year.....:)

Aw, Mertex

I LOVE reading this.

We're doing our usual for the homeless center and have adopted a family. Its not as much as what you're doing but it gives us great joy.

Our church is very big, has many wealthy members, and almost everyone participates, but individually we are really not doing as much as you are. My job was to host a family that doesn't speak English (I'm bi-lingual) and help them get to the different stations to receive the different items we give them and answer questions for them during the meal. My husband, although he's not that fluent in Spanish (he's being doing Rosetta Stone for a couple of years now) was also a host. He wants to improve his Spanish and this is a good way to force himself to do the best he can. Most of the family's children speak English, so they were able to help him whenever he couldn't think of a certain word....:D

What you are doing is great....this is what really gives meaning to Christmas.

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