The Cappucino Corral

Good Morning, Cappucinistas of the world, and a good TGIF to you!

Today is December 5th, a critical day for German children, who are on especially good behavior today, knowing that St. Nikolaus should be coming tonight to fill their stockings, for tomorrow, December 6th, is "St. Nikolaus Tag":


I, St. Statilaus ( :lol: ), just wrapped my little one's "Nikolausies" and then hid them in a bag in the kitchen in a place I am sure my little one will not look (where the heavy pots and pans are LOL). She gives a school concert in about 90 minutes, so I am just on long enough to say HI to all:


And then get on my way to her school concert and then bring her home for her weekend visit. She will be cleaning her room tonight and setting out a stocking for St. Niko(Stati)laus to fill!!! Tomorrow, after she has played with her new toys and colored in her new books and such, we will go any buy a nice yugoslavian pine and Papa will "schlepp" it home like a woodsman. Then, we will decorate said tree with cool things.

Even got our favorite Christmas shows from the portable drive over to the hard-drive again. Time to fire up Rudolph and Frosty and Co!!

By the way, Sarah G., I tried your drink recipe (Toddy). It was excellent. Thanks for the recipe tip. A friend of mine came over yesterday and she and I made it together. It was quite delicious. I already got my St. Nikolaus gift last night :D

So, hope you all have a good day. I'll jump back on later, once Princess Statalina is sleeping and her stocking is quietly filled.
Good Morning, Cappucinistas of the world, and a good TGIF to you!

Today is December 5th, a critical day for German children, who are on especially good behavior today, knowing that St. Nikolaus should be coming tonight to fill their stockings, for tomorrow, December 6th, is "St. Nikolaus Tag":


I, St. Statilaus ( :lol: ), just wrapped my little one's "Nikolausies" and then hid them in a bag in the kitchen in a place I am sure my little one will not look (where the heavy pots and pans are LOL). She gives a school concert in about 90 minutes, so I am just on long enough to say HI to all:


And then get on my way to her school concert and then bring her home for her weekend visit. She will be cleaning her room tonight and setting out a stocking for St. Niko(Stati)laus to fill!!! Tomorrow, after she has played with her new toys and colored in her new books and such, we will go any buy a nice yugoslavian pine and Papa will "schlepp" it home like a woodsman. Then, we will decorate said tree with cool things.

Even got our favorite Christmas shows from the portable drive over to the hard-drive again. Time to fire up Rudolph and Frosty and Co!!

By the way, Sarah G., I tried your drink recipe (Toddy). It was excellent. Thanks for the recipe tip. A friend of mine came over yesterday and she and I made it together. It was quite delicious. I already got my St. Nikolaus gift last night :D

So, hope you all have a good day. I'll jump back on later, once Princess Statalina is sleeping and her stocking is quietly filled.

Awww, sounds like a fun and charming custom. Have fun.

Wolfsister77 You have SNOW??

Warm (47) and raining here. Beautiful fog on the far hills and watched an argument between blue jays and crows earlier.
Tonight, 9 PM, my time.

Princess Statalina: "Papa, weißt Du was? Ich glaube, der ECHTE St. Nikolaus ist längst tot." (Papa, you know what? I believe that the REAL St. Nikolaus is long dead.)

Papa Stat: "Aha..."

Princess Statalina: "Und Papa, entweder bringt der Geist des Nikolaus allen guten Kindern Geschenke" (And Papa, either St. Nick's spirit brings gifts to good kids)

Papa Stat: "Wirklich?" (Really?)

Princess Statalina: "Oder DU bringst mir Geschenke, Papa, während ich schlafe" (Or YOU bring me gifts, Papa, while I'm sleeping)

Papa Stat: "Ach, was!" (Oh, pshaw....)

Princess Statalina: "Du würdest es mir sagen, wenn dem so wäre, ja Papa?!?!" (You would tell me if that's that case, right, Papa?!?!?)

Papa Stat: "Na sicher, mein Kind" (Surely, my child)

Princess Statallina: "Naja, egal, Hauptsache die sind gute Geschenke!" (Oh, well, it's all the same, main thing, they are good gifts!)


I can see the conversation next year already forming....

Tonight, 9 PM, my time.

Princess Statalina: "Papa, weißt Du was? Ich glaube, der ECHTE St. Nikolaus ist längst tot." (Papa, you know what? I believe that the REAL St. Nikolaus is long dead.)

Papa Stat: "Aha..."

Princess Statalina: "Und Papa, entweder bringt der Geist des Nikolaus allen guten Kindern Geschenke" (And Papa, either St. Nick's spirit brings gifts to good kids)

Papa Stat: "Wirklich?" (Really?)

Princess Statalina: "Oder DU bringst mir Geschenke, Papa, während ich schlafe" (Or YOU bring me gifts, Papa, while I'm sleeping)

Papa Stat: "Ach, was!" (Oh, pshaw....)

Princess Statalina: "Du würdest es mir sagen, wenn dem so wäre, ja Papa?!?!" (You would tell me if that's that case, right, Papa?!?!?)

Papa Stat: "Na sicher, mein Kind" (Surely, my child)

Princess Statallina: "Naja, egal, Hauptsache die sind gute Geschenke!" (Oh, well, it's all the same, main thing, they are good gifts!)


I can see the conversation next year already forming....


Stat, have a very:

Ugh.... sniffle, sniffle. cough, cough. Ugh.
Recipie for a hot toddy (I'm sure you've already thought of it):

Hot Toddy Recipe And Cold Remedy -

  • 2 ounces whiskey (we use Jack Daniels)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 4 ounces water (hot from the tap)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (we use the stuff in the plastic lemon)
  • 1 slice fresh lemon (if we don't have this we don't use it) (optional)
  1. Place the whisky in a large microwave safe mug.
  2. Add the honey.
  3. Pour the hot water into the mug over the spoon you used for the honey to get off the last little drops.
  4. Add the lemon juice and stir well.
  5. Place the mug in the microwave for 1 minute or until it is piping hot, but not boiling.
  6. Add the lemon slice and serve.

We used to drink something like that in France when people got colds, except it was made with rum.
The French call it "grog". For me rum is much more amicable than whisky, which I can't stand.

Good Morning All and buy something from your community today. Small Business Saturday today.

Agree completely but its tough when you live in a small town but when we do need something we can get from a small business, we go out of our way to buy from them.

We need to support the American dream of the little guy being able to own a business.

I got to the Weihnachstmarkt right here where I live and look for smaller companies from the surrounding areas who work all year long to sell their wares at this market. I've started a tradition that my daughter gets one exotic musical instrument per holiday season. :)

I don't know if I missed it but what exotic instrument did you get her this time?

I have a ton of exotic musical instruments...

Good Morning All and buy something from your community today. Small Business Saturday today.

Agree completely but its tough when you live in a small town but when we do need something we can get from a small business, we go out of our way to buy from them.

We need to support the American dream of the little guy being able to own a business.

I got to the Weihnachstmarkt right here where I live and look for smaller companies from the surrounding areas who work all year long to sell their wares at this market. I've started a tradition that my daughter gets one exotic musical instrument per holiday season. :)

I don't know if I missed it but what exotic instrument did you get her this time?

I have a ton of exotic musical instruments...

She'll get the instrument at Christmas, probably a chilean mouth flute.
Tonight, 9 PM, my time.

Princess Statalina: "Papa, weißt Du was? Ich glaube, der ECHTE St. Nikolaus ist längst tot." (Papa, you know what? I believe that the REAL St. Nikolaus is long dead.)

Papa Stat: "Aha..."

Princess Statalina: "Und Papa, entweder bringt der Geist des Nikolaus allen guten Kindern Geschenke" (And Papa, either St. Nick's spirit brings gifts to good kids)

Papa Stat: "Wirklich?" (Really?)

Princess Statalina: "Oder DU bringst mir Geschenke, Papa, während ich schlafe" (Or YOU bring me gifts, Papa, while I'm sleeping)

Papa Stat: "Ach, was!" (Oh, pshaw....)

Princess Statalina: "Du würdest es mir sagen, wenn dem so wäre, ja Papa?!?!" (You would tell me if that's that case, right, Papa?!?!?)

Papa Stat: "Na sicher, mein Kind" (Surely, my child)

Princess Statallina: "Naja, egal, Hauptsache die sind gute Geschenke!" (Oh, well, it's all the same, main thing, they are good gifts!)


I can see the conversation next year already forming....


Stat, have a very:


Thanks, Mertex

So, 8 AM on the dot, the little one busts into my room, jumps on Papa's stomach (it was cute when she was three, it is hard on the stomach when she is almost 8....) and says in German, "Well, was St. Nikolaus there?", to which I replied, "well, open the house door and see for yourself". Of course, she whelped with joy, brought the entire stocking into my bedroom, plopped down on Papa's bed and started to open her gifts. She loved them. And then she said, "yes, Papa, these must really be from St. Nikolaus, because you can't wrap gifts that well"


Oh, if only she knew...

I got her one of those slimy feeling squid like things that you throw against walls, and the thing crawls down the wall. She is testing every wall at my place... LOL. And she got a set of top-model stickers, which she loves. And two Dagobert comic books (in German), glitter, glue and fun construction paper, a make it yourself gingerbread house and a softball mitt. (She loves to throw ball with Papa). The fact that I am crazy about baseball is living proof that I, St. Statilaus, am still a 100% red blooded American!! :lol:

We are off in one hour to a local market to pick out a Christmas tree and schlepp it home. I have my eyes on a certain type of blue-green color of yugoslavian pine that usually lasts 4 good weeks if you water it well.

Just got the standard Christmas shows transferred over to the hard drive: tonight is Frosty, Rudolph and Co.

Tonight, 9 PM, my time.

Princess Statalina: "Papa, weißt Du was? Ich glaube, der ECHTE St. Nikolaus ist längst tot." (Papa, you know what? I believe that the REAL St. Nikolaus is long dead.)

Papa Stat: "Aha..."

Princess Statalina: "Und Papa, entweder bringt der Geist des Nikolaus allen guten Kindern Geschenke" (And Papa, either St. Nick's spirit brings gifts to good kids)

Papa Stat: "Wirklich?" (Really?)

Princess Statalina: "Oder DU bringst mir Geschenke, Papa, während ich schlafe" (Or YOU bring me gifts, Papa, while I'm sleeping)

Papa Stat: "Ach, was!" (Oh, pshaw....)

Princess Statalina: "Du würdest es mir sagen, wenn dem so wäre, ja Papa?!?!" (You would tell me if that's that case, right, Papa?!?!?)

Papa Stat: "Na sicher, mein Kind" (Surely, my child)

Princess Statallina: "Naja, egal, Hauptsache die sind gute Geschenke!" (Oh, well, it's all the same, main thing, they are good gifts!)


I can see the conversation next year already forming....


Stat, have a very:


Thanks, Mertex

So, 8 AM on the dot, the little one busts into my room, jumps on Papa's stomach (it was cute when she was three, it is hard on the stomach when she is almost 8....) and says in German, "Well, was St. Nikolaus there?", to which I replied, "well, open the house door and see for yourself". Of course, she whelped with joy, brought the entire stocking into my bedroom, plopped down on Papa's bed and started to open her gifts. She loved them. And then she said, "yes, Papa, these must really be from St. Nikolaus, because you can't wrap gifts that well"


Oh, if only she knew...

I got her one of those slimy feeling squid like things that you throw against walls, and the thing crawls down the wall. She is testing every wall at my place... LOL. And she got a set of top-model stickers, which she loves. And two Dagobert comic books (in German), glitter, glue and fun construction paper, a make it yourself gingerbread house and a softball mitt. (She loves to throw ball with Papa). The fact that I am crazy about baseball is living proof that I, St. Statilaus, am still a 100% red blooded American!! :lol:

We are off in one hour to a local market to pick out a Christmas tree and schlepp it home. I have my eyes on a certain type of blue-green color of yugoslavian pine that usually lasts 4 good weeks if you water it well.

Just got the standard Christmas shows transferred over to the hard drive: tonight is Frosty, Rudolph and Co.


Your princess is just about the right age to introduce her to TinTin and Asterix. I loved those books as a child and special ordered them for my own daughter since they weren't available here when she was 8.

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