The Cappucino Corral


Good Morning All and buy something from your community today. Small Business Saturday today.

Agree completely but its tough when you live in a small town but when we do need something we can get from a small business, we go out of our way to buy from them.

We need to support the American dream of the little guy being able to own a business.

I got to the Weihnachstmarkt right here where I live and look for smaller companies from the surrounding areas who work all year long to sell their wares at this market. I've started a tradition that my daughter gets one exotic musical instrument per holiday season. :)

Good Morning All and buy something from your community today. Small Business Saturday today.

Agree completely but its tough when you live in a small town but when we do need something we can get from a small business, we go out of our way to buy from them.

We need to support the American dream of the little guy being able to own a business.

I got to the Weihnachstmarkt right here where I live and look for smaller companies from the surrounding areas who work all year long to sell their wares at this market. I've started a tradition that my daughter gets one exotic musical instrument per holiday season. :)

Aw, what a really nice tradition. One of the things we do every year is make a handmade xmas ornament for each grand kid and kid. Many of them incorporate a photo of something important that happened that year as well as the date.

We subscribe to magazines for our grand kids. It SHOULD be easy to renew those subscriptions but Cricket makes it into a huge ordeal. Finally just got them renewed after trying unsuccessfully online several times and after several phones calls.

We also subscribe to both Highlights and Ranger Rick and neither are as difficult as Cricket makes it.

Oh well, its done for another year ...
Good morning, Cappucinistas of the world and welcome to Monday. I feel quite sick today, with a cold/ bronchitis. On my way home from taking my daughter to school, feeling worse by the minute. Ugh.

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Oh no......please don't sneeze into your computer....I sure don't want to catch your cold....:) Hope you start to feel better soon.
Now that the cooler weather is here, I decided it was time for me to start doing my daily stationary bike exercise. I was able to stomach 15 minutes this morning....hopefully I will get back into the habit of doing it for longer periods until I'm doing at least 30 to 45 minutes.
Good Morning, Cappucinistas of the world!!!

Since Christmas is not far away, and in Germany, St. Nikolaus Tag is just 4 days away:


Just for a quick explanation: in Germany, the gift-giving is spread over 2 different days. In the night from December 5th to December 6th, "St. Nikolaus" visits homes where children have put out stockings and those stockings are then filled with small gifts and goodies. And of course, some gifts are given on the 24th or the 25th, but they are from the "Christkind". My little one has her regular weekend visit with me this weekend and so this time, I am responsible for the "Nikolausies", as adults call them around here.

A number of years back, when she was very small and I had a performance to sing that evening (the 5th), the babysitter reported to me that my little one took one complete hour getting her shoes perfectly lined up on the mat to the door, with a stocking perfectly draped over said shoes. She also WILLINGLY went to bed at 6 PM. Well, I got home at midnight, relieved the babysitter and filled her stocking. No sooner had I laid down to sleep (1 am) did the little one burst into my bedroom, jump on my stomach, and ask if Nikolaus was there. I told her to sleep some more, otherwise Nikolaus would know she was awake and would skip over our house. One year, I engaged a good friend of mine to come by, dressed up as Nikolaus (it was freezing cold that day). As he came in, her eyes were big as silver dollars. He read from his "book" of all the things she had done in the last year (things I reported to him, lol...). As he reported over some of her mischief, you could see how she literally shrank in her seat, but as he praised her good deeds, she was as happy as a lark. Now that she is in the 2nd grade, I have no idea how long I can still uphold the legend. Wait and see. :D

BTW, the bronchitis is starting to exit - finally. I've been fighting it for more than three weeks, it happened when I flew to the USA for my BIL's funeral. Within a couple of days, I should be humming along again. Slept like a bear in the night. :thup:
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Same here.

You couldn't pay me to go to stores during the shopping frenzy. There's nothing I want badly enough to go through that. Apparently, the prices aren't all that great anyway.

Our rule is, if its not done by Thanksgiving, its probably not going to happen. We shop throughout the year. If we see something for the kids, we'll nab it and put it away. I just can't stand to shop so buy most from catalogs or on line.

The only problem with that is that we get gazillions of catalogs that mostly go from the mailbox to the recycle bin.

I used to buy my Christmas presents from a television shopping channel called, 'bid TV' but it went bust. So I too now get my stuff from catalogues. They give your address to other companies, so I keep getting more.
I was buying a lot one year from QVC which I really like to do. I like it too much, spend too much. :)
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Same here.

You couldn't pay me to go to stores during the shopping frenzy. There's nothing I want badly enough to go through that. Apparently, the prices aren't all that great anyway.

Our rule is, if its not done by Thanksgiving, its probably not going to happen. We shop throughout the year. If we see something for the kids, we'll nab it and put it away. I just can't stand to shop so buy most from catalogs or on line.

The only problem with that is that we get gazillions of catalogs that mostly go from the mailbox to the recycle bin.

I used to buy my Christmas presents from a television shopping channel called, 'bid TV' but it went bust. So I too now get my stuff from catalogues. They give your address to other companies, so I keep getting more.

I'm just really grateful to be able to recycle all those catalogs but I feel bad for our mail carrier who has to sort and load them into his truck.
I know, I get so many catalogs and now that I am living in a bigger city that has all of those stores, I just throw them in the recycling bin.
Ugh.... sniffle, sniffle. cough, cough. Ugh.
Recipie for a hot toddy (I'm sure you've already thought of it):

Hot Toddy Recipe And Cold Remedy -

  • 2 ounces whiskey (we use Jack Daniels)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 4 ounces water (hot from the tap)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (we use the stuff in the plastic lemon)
  • 1 slice fresh lemon (if we don't have this we don't use it) (optional)
  1. Place the whisky in a large microwave safe mug.
  2. Add the honey.
  3. Pour the hot water into the mug over the spoon you used for the honey to get off the last little drops.
  4. Add the lemon juice and stir well.
  5. Place the mug in the microwave for 1 minute or until it is piping hot, but not boiling.
  6. Add the lemon slice and serve.
Ugh.... sniffle, sniffle. cough, cough. Ugh.
Recipie for a hot toddy (I'm sure you've already thought of it):

Hot Toddy Recipe And Cold Remedy -

  • 2 ounces whiskey (we use Jack Daniels)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 4 ounces water (hot from the tap)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (we use the stuff in the plastic lemon)
  • 1 slice fresh lemon (if we don't have this we don't use it) (optional)
  1. Place the whisky in a large microwave safe mug.
  2. Add the honey.
  3. Pour the hot water into the mug over the spoon you used for the honey to get off the last little drops.
  4. Add the lemon juice and stir well.
  5. Place the mug in the microwave for 1 minute or until it is piping hot, but not boiling.
  6. Add the lemon slice and serve.

Sounds good.....I'm going to have to copy it and use it for sure in the near future.....right now I'm doing great, but this weather has been yoyo-ing.....perfect for catching cold.
Been sneezing on and off myself for the last couple of days. Not an actual cold but something has got to me! :(
Been sneezing on and off myself for the last couple of days. Not an actual cold but something has got to me! :(

Maybe you picked up what Stat had....maybe he sneezed into the computer while you were on the other end? :D

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