The Cappucino Corral

I love the train trips we've taken. One 9 hour trip to Montreal was especially great. The food is served like they do on airplanes now and I prefer the dining car like in Europe but there's always lots of conversation and pretty scenery.

We really loved talking to others on train trips. Its all very open and friendly. One young man had his toddler age son and was going from France to Belgium to pick up his wife from work. Like we would do in the car.

And we had the choice of going to the dining car or having food served in our compartment or seat. One trip, we didn't know what to expect so we took a picnic lunch. Some others had done the same thing and we all shared. Just spread it all out along with a couple of bottles of wine and ate and talked and looked out the window. Great fun and much more enjoyable than if we had rented a car.
Happy eating....everyone..

Long but fun posting. Grab your Cappuccino first! And TGIF....

Wow, it just occurred to me, with all the crazy things that had been going on in my life, that I missed my 1-year anniversary in USMB. LOL. Duh, Stat, doh....

I joined on November 21, 2013 and was flying back to Germany from the USA on November 21, 2014.

Where did the "year" go to, anyhoo......???

Here's to my first year in USMB, Champagne for everyone:


A toast to the many new acquaintances I have made this last "year" in USMB!

A special toast to cereal_killer , who went out of his way to make me feel welcome here and has often given very good input to me in convos. You don't always find that in a site-administrator.

Many have been asking in PM (convos) how I am doing. I am quite sad because it has been a truly shitty month for me and my family in just so many ways, but I am ok. That being said, I've always been a strong believer in hard work and that that time, work and concentration on the task at hand can heal many wounds. As my mentor always said to me: "there's no substitute for a good work ethic". :thup:

The trip to the USA triggered a weekend switch with my daughter and so she is going to be with me both this weekend (in lieu of last weekend) AND next weekend (which would be the normally scheduled weekend, anyway). Wohoo!!!!

Tonight we are going to a vocal comedy at a small but very fun theater in the city where I live. :) :)

Tomorrow I have just a little bit of work and then the little one and I will go for a long hike. We may also clean out the cellar since Monday in my neighborhood is a day called SPERRMÜLLTAG. This day happens four times a year in most cities in Germany, where people can put old furniture, electronics and stuff on the curb for free pick-up and such and well, it's been 5 years since I have thought to clean out my cellar compartment. It's time, it really is.... and I am thinking that the little one (soon to be 8, I had better start calling her 3/4 pint instead of 1/2 pint!!) might like to help. If you put this kind of large and bulky stuff out on any other day other than the one specifically assigned for this task, then you get a bill for the pick-up. Most people put out their stuff one the night before SPERRMÜLLTAG, or even the night before, so that the other people can come by and pick-up anything they want before the city comes and hauls the stuff away. I found a perfectly good bedroom chest for my daughter's room this way: most of her books fit into it. :thup:

On Sunday, as usual, swimming is on the plan. And I plan to play every single game that she has in her bedroom, from memory to happy hippo to go fish to you name it, to find out what games she is willing to sort out of the mix because her room is SO full of stuff, I have no idea how she is going to fit in new stuff this coming Christmas!! One of the unexpected things I have experienced as a divorced person whose child comes to visit every two weeks is that her toys stay in perfect condition. In fact, she has never once broken a toy or game or puzzle even once, which is now leading to a clutter problem. But I cannot remove anything on my own - that kid has a perfect, almost photographic memory, of where everything is in her room. :lol:

Any parents out there with helpful suggestions? :D

Have a good TGIF, folks!
Long but fun posting. Grab your Cappuccino first! And TGIF....

Wow, it just occurred to me, with all the crazy things that had been going on in my life, that I missed my 1-year anniversary in USMB. LOL. Duh, Stat, doh....

I joined on November 21, 2013 and was flying back to Germany from the USA on November 21, 2014.

Where did the "year" go to, anyhoo......???

Here's to my first year in USMB, Champagne for everyone:


A toast to the many new acquaintances I have made this last "year" in USMB!

A special toast to cereal_killer , who went out of his way to make me feel welcome here and has often given very good input to me in convos. You don't always find that in a site-administrator.

Many have been asking in PM (convos) how I am doing. I am quite sad because it has been a truly shitty month for me and my family in just so many ways, but I am ok. That being said, I've always been a strong believer in hard work and that that time, work and concentration on the task at hand can heal many wounds. As my mentor always said to me: "there's no substitute for a good work ethic". :thup:

The trip to the USA triggered a weekend switch with my daughter and so she is going to be with me both this weekend (in lieu of last weekend) AND next weekend (which would be the normally scheduled weekend, anyway). Wohoo!!!!

Tonight we are going to a vocal comedy at a small but very fun theater in the city where I live. :) :)

Tomorrow I have just a little bit of work and then the little one and I will go for a long hike. We may also clean out the cellar since Monday in my neighborhood is a day called SPERRMÜLLTAG. This day happens four times a year in most cities in Germany, where people can put old furniture, electronics and stuff on the curb for free pick-up and such and well, it's been 5 years since I have thought to clean out my cellar compartment. It's time, it really is.... and I am thinking that the little one (soon to be 8, I had better start calling her 3/4 pint instead of 1/2 pint!!) might like to help. If you put this kind of large and bulky stuff out on any other day other than the one specifically assigned for this task, then you get a bill for the pick-up. Most people put out their stuff one the night before SPERRMÜLLTAG, or even the night before, so that the other people can come by and pick-up anything they want before the city comes and hauls the stuff away. I found a perfectly good bedroom chest for my daughter's room this way: most of her books fit into it. :thup:

On Sunday, as usual, swimming is on the plan. And I plan to play every single game that she has in her bedroom, from memory to happy hippo to go fish to you name it, to find out what games she is willing to sort out of the mix because her room is SO full of stuff, I have no idea how she is going to fit in new stuff this coming Christmas!! One of the unexpected things I have experienced as a divorced person whose child comes to visit every two weeks is that her toys stay in perfect condition. In fact, she has never once broken a toy or game or puzzle even once, which is now leading to a clutter problem. But I cannot remove anything on my own - that kid has a perfect, almost photographic memory, of where everything is in her room. :lol:

Any parents out there with helpful suggestions? :D

Have a good TGIF, folks!

Sounds like you're in for a fun weekend....about suggestions, you might ask her (daughter) if she would like to donate one or more of her toys to a needy child....don't know if they do that in Germany, but here in the US, there are many places where you can donate toys for children....or take them to the Goodwill, where they will be resold for less and some poor family may be able to afford it.
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Good morning mdk.....I'm up, bright and early, feeling great. Said I wouldn't do Black Friday, and here I am getting ready to go over to Bjorn's to get a sound system for one of our TV's....I don't think this store had people camping out waiting for the doors to open, but I may be wrong.:eek:
Ever had a day where every little step is a battle? Well, today was one of those days.

The public transit where I live had massive problems with the tram line that goes through my neighborhood, and so there are substitute busses that they set up for a certain distance. So, what should have been a maximum fourty minute trip to pick up my daughter for the weekend turned into an hour and fourty minute trip because when the busses finally got to a tram stop where the line was working, the damned tram was already long gone. Since there are three tram changes to go through, per the fucking domino effect, there were delays at every changeover. Miss one tram, miss them all. AAARGH. When I picked her up, we went to a cafe to get her a milkshake and me a (yes, you guessed it) Cappuccino. A lady rushed by my table and her purse hit my cappuccino cup which went flying and dashed me with hot cappuccino before crashing all over the floor into a google of pieces. She didn't even apologize and would have left had the guy who owns the place not blocked her way at the door. Very reluctantly, she was willing to buy me another cappuccino but then ruined the moment by letting out a particular type of slur that I cannot repeat here, a slur that is going to cost her about €1.500 before the judge since my phone recorder was on the very moment she did what she did - I was recording a memo to myself about a part of my business. In Germany, certain slurs violate §130 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch - BGB, for short), under the category of "Volksverhetzung". Here you can read it in ENGLISH. Those are slurs that have to do with the after effects of WWII, if you get my drift. Lovely.

Then, on the way home, both bus lines from where my daughter lives had 30 minute delays and on the way down the hill, there was a wreck. All said and told, that usual 40 minute trip to get there or back took 2 hours, so we got home at 6 pm instead of 4 pm. I cooked her newest favorite meal: penne rigate with salmon, zucchini and a nice hollandaise-like salmon sauce. She ate it up like crazy. At least that wasn't a battle.

Then we went to get the car I use for car-sharing, that I had rented for tonight, and the damned car wasn't there. Someone else simply took it, without having booked it. So, the guy who owns the car sharing place called the cops, who will be waiting until that person comes back. That person will get a €500 fine for illegally taking a car and must reimburse my rental costs AND the costs for the taxi trips we had to take in lieu of a car from car sharing. With car sharing, I can drive much more often than many in the USA, but for less costs and since I am saving for little one's college expenses, it's usually worth the headache.

The comedy show at the theatre was great. :thup:

But when we got home, I opened a cabinet to get some red beets out for my daughter (she loves red beets in a green salad) and a can flew out of the overhead cabinet and smashed a teapot that was an inheritance piece from my mother's estate. This was a moment where I finally flipped out and slammed the goddamned door so hard that the walls shook. My daughter looked terrified but I told her right away it had nothing to do with her, that sometimes, you just gotta let it all out! After that moment, I felt much, much better!

So, we ended the day with a very healthy meal, one hour of Garfield and Odie and then my little one decided to learn the Androidify program installed on my smart phone. This is her 7th creation:


LOL!!! So, at least battle-day ended on a happy note.
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Good morning mdk.....I'm up, bright and early, feeling great. Said I wouldn't do Black Friday, and here I am getting ready to go over to Bjorn's to get a sound system for one of our TV's....I don't think this store had people camping out waiting for the doors to open, but I may be wrong.:eek:

I hope you fun shopping. I am enjoying the day by being lazy, having shots of Maker's Mark, and playing board/games. A typical Friday indeed. lol. Cheers to you my dear!
Long but fun posting. Grab your Cappuccino first! And TGIF....

Wow, it just occurred to me, with all the crazy things that had been going on in my life, that I missed my 1-year anniversary in USMB. LOL. Duh, Stat, doh....

I joined on November 21, 2013 and was flying back to Germany from the USA on November 21, 2014.

Where did the "year" go to, anyhoo......???

Here's to my first year in USMB, Champagne for everyone:


A toast to the many new acquaintances I have made this last "year" in USMB!

A special toast to cereal_killer , who went out of his way to make me feel welcome here and has often given very good input to me in convos. You don't always find that in a site-administrator.

Many have been asking in PM (convos) how I am doing. I am quite sad because it has been a truly shitty month for me and my family in just so many ways, but I am ok. That being said, I've always been a strong believer in hard work and that that time, work and concentration on the task at hand can heal many wounds. As my mentor always said to me: "there's no substitute for a good work ethic". :thup:

The trip to the USA triggered a weekend switch with my daughter and so she is going to be with me both this weekend (in lieu of last weekend) AND next weekend (which would be the normally scheduled weekend, anyway). Wohoo!!!!

Tonight we are going to a vocal comedy at a small but very fun theater in the city where I live. :) :)

Tomorrow I have just a little bit of work and then the little one and I will go for a long hike. We may also clean out the cellar since Monday in my neighborhood is a day called SPERRMÜLLTAG. This day happens four times a year in most cities in Germany, where people can put old furniture, electronics and stuff on the curb for free pick-up and such and well, it's been 5 years since I have thought to clean out my cellar compartment. It's time, it really is.... and I am thinking that the little one (soon to be 8, I had better start calling her 3/4 pint instead of 1/2 pint!!) might like to help. If you put this kind of large and bulky stuff out on any other day other than the one specifically assigned for this task, then you get a bill for the pick-up. Most people put out their stuff one the night before SPERRMÜLLTAG, or even the night before, so that the other people can come by and pick-up anything they want before the city comes and hauls the stuff away. I found a perfectly good bedroom chest for my daughter's room this way: most of her books fit into it. :thup:

On Sunday, as usual, swimming is on the plan. And I plan to play every single game that she has in her bedroom, from memory to happy hippo to go fish to you name it, to find out what games she is willing to sort out of the mix because her room is SO full of stuff, I have no idea how she is going to fit in new stuff this coming Christmas!! One of the unexpected things I have experienced as a divorced person whose child comes to visit every two weeks is that her toys stay in perfect condition. In fact, she has never once broken a toy or game or puzzle even once, which is now leading to a clutter problem. But I cannot remove anything on my own - that kid has a perfect, almost photographic memory, of where everything is in her room. :lol:

Any parents out there with helpful suggestions? :D

Have a good TGIF, folks!
Congrats on your anniversary! Our family donate to the woman's shelter and/or the rescue center for the homeless. Another thought is the foster children's dept. That is if you have the equivalent to those there where you are.
The little ones feel good helping others too.
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Black Friday has now migrated to Britain, but we were not ready for it as stores did not anticipate the scrum, and there were not enough security guards. So people ran amok fighting for TV's. One store had to call the police to restore order.

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