The Cappucino Corral

Ever had a day where every little step is a battle? Well, today was one of those days.

The public transit where I live had massive problems with the tram line that goes through my neighborhood, and so there are substitute busses that they set up for a certain distance. So, what should have been a maximum fourty minute trip to pick up my daughter for the weekend turned into an hour and fourty minute trip because when the busses finally got to a tram stop where the line was working, the damned tram was already long gone. Since there are three tram changes to go through, per the fucking domino effect, there were delays at every changeover. Miss one tram, miss them all. AAARGH. When I picked her up, we went to a cafe to get her a milkshake and me a (yes, you guessed it) Cappuccino. A lady rushed by my table and her purse hit my cappuccino cup which went flying and dashed me with hot cappuccino before crashing all over the floor into a google of pieces. She didn't even apologize and would have left had the guy who owns the place not blocked her way at the door. Very reluctantly, she was willing to buy me another cappuccino but then ruined the moment by letting out a particular type of slur that I cannot repeat here, a slur that is going to cost her about €1.500 before the judge since my phone recorder was on the very moment she did what she did - I was recording a memo to myself about a part of my business. In Germany, certain slurs violate §130 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch - BGB, for short), under the category of "Volksverhetzung". Here you can read it in ENGLISH. Those are slurs that have to do with the after effects of WWII, if you get my drift. Lovely.

Then, on the way home, both bus lines from where my daughter lives had 30 minute delays and on the way down the hill, there was a wreck. All said and told, that usual 40 minute trip to get there or back took 2 hours, so we got home at 6 pm instead of 4 pm. I cooked her newest favorite meal: penne rigate with salmon, zucchini and a nice hollandaise-like salmon sauce. She ate it up like crazy. At least that wasn't a battle.

Then we went to get the car I use for car-sharing, that I had rented for tonight, and the damned car wasn't there. Someone else simply took it, without having booked it. So, the guy who owns the car sharing place called the cops, who will be waiting until that person comes back. That person will get a €500 fine for illegally taking a car and must reimburse my rental costs AND the costs for the taxi trips we had to take in lieu of a car from car sharing. With car sharing, I can drive much more often than many in the USA, but for less costs and since I am saving for little one's college expenses, it's usually worth the headache.

The comedy show at the theatre was great. :thup:

But when we got home, I opened a cabinet to get some red beets out for my daughter (she loves red beets in a green salad) and a can flew out of the overhead cabinet and smashed a teapot that was an inheritance piece from my mother's estate. This was a moment where I finally flipped out and slammed the goddamned door so hard that the walls shook. My daughter looked terrified but I told her right away it had nothing to do with her, that sometimes, you just gotta let it all out! After that moment, I felt much, much better!

So, we ended the day with a very healthy meal, one hour of Garfield and Odie and then my little one decided to learn the Androidify program installed on my smart phone. This is her 7th creation:

View attachment 34467

LOL!!! So, at least battle-day ended on a happy note.

Man, that was a rough day for you. I guess we all have them at one time or another. Glad the day ended well....and you're having fun with your daughter, that's priority #1.
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Good morning mdk.....I'm up, bright and early, feeling great. Said I wouldn't do Black Friday, and here I am getting ready to go over to Bjorn's to get a sound system for one of our TV's....I don't think this store had people camping out waiting for the doors to open, but I may be wrong.:eek:

I hope you fun shopping. I am enjoying the day by being lazy, having shots of Maker's Mark, and playing board/games. A typical Friday indeed. lol. Cheers to you my dear!

Well, the place wasn't crowded, although lots of people decided to check out their Black Friday sales. It didn't take more than 30 minutes for us to decide on a new Bose sound system that will enhance the clarity in the sound of our game room TV. The only problem was that they told us we would get a call Friday night to set up a Saturday install, and we never did get a call. We called this morning, and they had some sort of misunderstanding, thought we lived in the immediate area...anyway, now we have to wait until Wednesday....they're supposed to call Monday...I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Black Friday has now migrated to Britain, but we were not ready for it as stores did not anticipate the scrum, and there were not enough security guards. So people ran amok fighting for TV's. One store had to call the police to restore order.

It's a mess.......IMHO.

Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Good morning mdk.....I'm up, bright and early, feeling great. Said I wouldn't do Black Friday, and here I am getting ready to go over to Bjorn's to get a sound system for one of our TV's....I don't think this store had people camping out waiting for the doors to open, but I may be wrong.:eek:

I hope you fun shopping. I am enjoying the day by being lazy, having shots of Maker's Mark, and playing board/games. A typical Friday indeed. lol. Cheers to you my dear!

Well, the place wasn't crowded, although lots of people decided to check out their Black Friday sales. It didn't take more than 30 minutes for us to decide on a new Bose sound system that will enhance the clarity in the sound of our game room TV. The only problem was that they told us we would get a call Friday night to set up a Saturday install, and we never did get a call. We called this morning, and they had some sort of misunderstanding, thought we lived in the immediate area...anyway, now we have to wait until Wednesday....they're supposed to call Monday...I'll keep my fingers crossed.
How fun. I am looking at getting a new sound system but I think I want a new laptop first. Decisions, decisions.
Well, to everyone

Good morning, Cappucinistas of the world and welcome to Monday. I feel quite sick today, with a cold/ bronchitis. On my way home from taking my daughter to school, feeling worse by the minute. Ugh.

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Oh NOES Stat. Not surprising though, considering what you've been through lately. Can you stay in, sip tea and relax?

Very cold here. Night before last, we had dinner on the deck and watched the bats. And, yesterday morning, breakfast out on deck, just beautiful. This morning, a light dusting of frozen snow on the deck.

I would have slept in but of course, the dog and cats had something different in mind - so I was up before dawn.

But, I did get to see a pair of adult eagles fly by.

Hope y'all have a great day.
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Same here.

You couldn't pay me to go to stores during the shopping frenzy. There's nothing I want badly enough to go through that. Apparently, the prices aren't all that great anyway.

Our rule is, if its not done by Thanksgiving, its probably not going to happen. We shop throughout the year. If we see something for the kids, we'll nab it and put it away. I just can't stand to shop so buy most from catalogs or on line.

The only problem with that is that we get gazillions of catalogs that mostly go from the mailbox to the recycle bin.
Oh NOES Stat. Not surprising though, considering what you've been through lately. Can you stay in, sip tea and relax?

Very cold here. Night before last, we had dinner on the deck and watched the bats. And, yesterday morning, breakfast out on deck, just beautiful. This morning, a light dusting of frozen snow on the deck.

I would have slept in but of course, the dog and cats had something different in mind - so I was up before dawn.

But, I did get to see a pair of adult eagles fly by.

Hope y'all have a great day.

My work day starts in 50 minutes, from 17:30 to 22:30. I just slept about 7.5 hours, from 9 to 4:30, and slept like a rock, fully medicated with stuff to release mucus, to free the nose, the relieve aches and pains, the usual.

Yeah, I do think that the stresses of the last 5 weeks are taking a toll on my body. I will be sleeping a LOT extra this week in between business appointments.
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Same here.

You couldn't pay me to go to stores during the shopping frenzy. There's nothing I want badly enough to go through that. Apparently, the prices aren't all that great anyway.

Our rule is, if its not done by Thanksgiving, its probably not going to happen. We shop throughout the year. If we see something for the kids, we'll nab it and put it away. I just can't stand to shop so buy most from catalogs or on line.

The only problem with that is that we get gazillions of catalogs that mostly go from the mailbox to the recycle bin.

I used to buy my Christmas presents from a television shopping channel called, 'bid TV' but it went bust. So I too now get my stuff from catalogues. They give your address to other companies, so I keep getting more.

Good Morning All and buy something from your community today. Small Business Saturday today.

Agree completely but its tough when you live in a small town but when we do need something we can get from a small business, we go out of our way to buy from them.

We need to support the American dream of the little guy being able to own a business.
Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving. Stay safe and warm all you Black Friday shoppers. I'll be doing my shopping online. lol

Same here.

You couldn't pay me to go to stores during the shopping frenzy. There's nothing I want badly enough to go through that. Apparently, the prices aren't all that great anyway.

Our rule is, if its not done by Thanksgiving, its probably not going to happen. We shop throughout the year. If we see something for the kids, we'll nab it and put it away. I just can't stand to shop so buy most from catalogs or on line.

The only problem with that is that we get gazillions of catalogs that mostly go from the mailbox to the recycle bin.

I used to buy my Christmas presents from a television shopping channel called, 'bid TV' but it went bust. So I too now get my stuff from catalogues. They give your address to other companies, so I keep getting more.

I'm just really grateful to be able to recycle all those catalogs but I feel bad for our mail carrier who has to sort and load them into his truck.

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