What progressivism does is supplement failure. Which...surprise...results in more failure. :eusa_doh:
This program subsidizes flood insurance by providing coverage below the actuarially fair rate, thereby encouraging people to build their homes and businesses in flood-prone areas. This results in more people living in harm’s way and makes large-scale disaster more costly.

Rather than expand the flood insurance program as FEMA has suggested, Congress should retire it and allow the private sector to provide. Private-sector insurance would set prices according to a region’s risk level, thereby discouraging development in high-risk flood zones.
The private sector does the exact opposite. It penalizes failure and rewards success. Which is why the private sector always results in more success than government.

3 Steps Congress Can Take to Ensure Better Disaster Preparedness
History has proven it over and over and over. Conservative policy ends in prosperity every time. Left-wing policy ends in poverty every time.
Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor.
Left-wing policy collapsed Detroit - resulting in an entire city filing for bankruptcy. It is about to do the same thing with the state of California.

Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
Absolutely nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
Crime in the UK has spiraled out of control. There are no guns in the country, and yet the murder rate in London has now overtaken that of New York City. How can that be!? People were still hurting and killing each other, but they just moved on to doing it with knives.

They’re also confiscating — and this isn’t a joke — scissors, pliers, screwdrivers, hammers… anything AT ALL that might be used as a weapon. What’s next? A ban on hands and feet?
Yes...progressivism really is that stupid. Take away guns, people will kill with knives. Take away knives, people will kill with hammers. Take away hammers, people will kill with automobiles. Take away automobiles, people will strangle their victims to death. And all the while, the idiotic left-wing policies just set society back centuries.

Quick, hide the cutlery!
Nothing lowers the bar like the failed left-wing ideology.
The scores are a particular indictment of Obama-era education policies, including historically high levels of spending, the addition of new programs, numerous federal directives, and perhaps most consequentially, Common Core.
The more money progressives have thrown at education and the more they have tried to control it, the worse the results have gotten.

Nation's 'Report Card' Shows Federal Intervention Has Not Helped Students
Nothing lowers the bar like the failed left-wing ideology.
When you attend an American university, you are taught to have contempt for America and its founders, to prefer socialism to capitalism, to divide human beings by race and ethnicity.
There is only one way to tear down American - by convincing people that it is “evil”. And there is only one reason to want to tear down America - because you hate it.

Whatever the Left Touches, It Ruins
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, its supporters celebrated the legislation, calling it a landmark bill that would make Americans healthier and lower health care costs for families.

Eight years later, it’s clearer than ever the ACA’s “Obamacare” exchanges have done quite the opposite. Not only are health care costs skyrocketing, the health insurance provided by Obamacare is so expensive for people to use that millions more Americans are now choosing not to go to the doctor — even when they’re sick or injured.
Socialized medicine doesn’t work. It has never worked. It never will work. Government meddling in issues outside of their constitutional authority always ends in failure and suffering.

Commentary: Obamacare is now so terrible, people aren’t going to their doctors — even when sick
The world is as peaceful as it has ever been.

As for the Mid East . We no longer have a parade of dead US soildiers coming back every week. And GASP ! Mid East soldiers are now fighting isis . Who'd a thunk it!

But you want us to go back to the meathead conservative thinking of never ending war in the Mid East . How's that been working ?

Mid-East soldiers have been fighting ISIS with the aid of President Donald Trump who turned loose our military through General James "Mad Dog" Mattis.

This map shows how ISIS has been almost completely wiped out:

The world is as peaceful as it has ever been.

As for the Mid East . We no longer have a parade of dead US soildiers coming back every week. And GASP ! Mid East soldiers are now fighting isis . Who'd a thunk it!

But you want us to go back to the meathead conservative thinking of never ending war in the Mid East . How's that been working ?

Mid-East soldiers have been fighting ISIS with the aid of President Donald Trump who turned loose our military through General James "Mad Dog" Mattis.

This map shows how ISIS has been almost completely wiped out:


Trump did nothing different. Obama got the Iraqis to fight for themselves while u cons wanted Americans on the front line .
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, its supporters celebrated the legislation, calling it a landmark bill that would make Americans healthier and lower health care costs for families.

Eight years later, it’s clearer than ever the ACA’s “Obamacare” exchanges have done quite the opposite. Not only are health care costs skyrocketing, the health insurance provided by Obamacare is so expensive for people to use that millions more Americans are now choosing not to go to the doctor — even when they’re sick or injured.
Socialized medicine doesn’t work. It has never worked. It never will work. Government meddling in issues outside of their constitutional authority always ends in failure and suffering.

Commentary: Obamacare is now so terrible, people aren’t going to their doctors — even when sick

Trump and the gop have systematically sabotaged Obamacare because they were too cowardly to repeal . They spit in the face of our constitution.
Trump and the gop have systematically sabotaged Obamacare because they were too cowardly to repeal . They spit in the face of our constitution.
Once again we see the left accuse the right of their own sins. It was Obama who pissed on the U.S. Constitution.

If President Trump were like Obama, he would have repealed Obamacare with an Executive Order. But he respects the U.S. Constitution. So the only action he took was to repeal the mandate...a completely constitutional action.
Trump did nothing different. Obama got the Iraqis to fight for themselves while u cons wanted Americans on the front line .
The progressive ability to deny reality is simply astounding. Barack Insane Obama couldn’t get a cat to chase a mouse. In fact, he would insist that the cat was entitled to the mouse and thus the mouse should be brought to the cat on behalf of the cat.

President Trump stepped in with real leadership and solved the ISIS problem that Barack Insane Obama created.
It’s impossible to wrap one’s mind around just the astounding ineptitude of the failed left-wing ideology...
We have spent $28 trillion on welfare programs since the War on Poverty began, yet the ability of the poor to achieve self-sufficiency has actually decreased.
If you had handed me $28 trillion dollars, I literally (literally) could have solved all of the world’s problems. Every last one of them. There would be an abundance of food worldwide. There would be an abundance of jobs worldwide. Water would be readily available everywhere in the world.

And what do the Dumbocrats do with $28 trillion? They actually increase poverty. :eusa_doh:

Trump Issued a Call for Welfare Reform. Here Are 4 Actions Policymakers Can Take.
Trump did nothing different. Obama got the Iraqis to fight for themselves while u cons wanted Americans on the front line .

Anemic former President Barack Hussein Obama lied to the world. Further, he fatally tied the hands of our troops by issuing crippling Rules of Engagement which cost lives.

President Donald Trump appointed General James "Mad Dog" Mattis and removed the gloves, President Obama forced on our military. By turning the reigns of fighting ISIS over to a real military leader, we have crushed them and the world is better because of his actions.
You just can’t make this stuff up...
“The shutting down of #Backpage is an absolute crisis for sex workers who rely on the site to safely get in touch with clients. Sex workers rights are women’s rights,” Women’s March said in a statement posted to Twitter.
So to reiterate - not only does the left approve of women being exploited and trafficked as sexual objects, they call a criminal activity a “right”.

The left’s War on Women is alive and well (unfortunately).

Backpage Pleads Guilty to Human Trafficking 5 Days After Women’s March Endorsement
Conservatives have been using the communism thing for how many years now? Does it work?
It would appear that you are horribly confused, my dear. You see, it is progressives who use communism. Conservatives deplore it. And no, it never works.

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