Yep. All of them and more. Do you not know what the word “arms” means?
I do but I don't think the founding fathers meant to include nuclear arms in the 2nd.

Neither. A “well regulated militia” was the the why. It was the reason for the amendment. It is the prefatory clause and has such, has zero legal binding.
So you get to pick and choose what parts of the Constitution are legally binding?

That’s not even remotely true. Not true at all. That’s just the propaganda of the disingenuous left who is super pissed off the U.S. Constitution prevents them from controlling everything and everyone.

When the US Constitution was ratified, there was total agreement on what it said (just as there is today by everyone educated and honest).
Wow! So if a SCOTUS disagrees with you they are either uneducated, dishonest, or both?
Man, you really should have read that article before posting a link to it. Because it defeated your own argument :laugh:

Words have meaning. Pretending like the founders meant “muskets” when they wrote “arms” in a legally binding document is so disingenuous and unethical.

You know what it says. I know what it says. It’s time the left grew up and dropped the act.
Seems to me that if they could agree and the definition of 'arms' they would have included it. They choose not to.
So progressive policy supports traditional marriage? Because traditional marriage is traditional American culture and values.
What traditional marriage do you mean? Polygamy, 13-year-old brides, wives that could not inherit or own property?

Good, glad we agree that there is no place in society for gay marriage!
Most Americans support gay marriage so it is now an American tradition.
It does. Not remind me again which company manufactures nuclear missiles and how much they sell for?

Oh yeah - not a single company in the US sells nuclear missiles. So I guess that desperate stretch isn’t a real concern for you after all, uh?
If I bought one in Pakistan you'd be OK with me importing it?
Hypocrite! Where is your indignation over Soros's campaign donations? Gates? Bezos? Zuckerberg? Yeah, those are actual people that are part of that 1% in your partisan cartoon. LMAO. Democrats.
What traditional marriage do you mean? Polygamy, 13-year-old brides, wives that could not inherit or own property?
You really have a problem with your attempts to spin reality in your inept attempts to justify your degenerate point of view. Tsk tsk tsk. Sucks to be you.
I never said any different but you seem to have trouble accepting that was only one part of them and not even the most important part.
You have avoided that admission in every post while trying to make republicans out to be boogey men. You are very transparent.
I'm fine accepting reality, it is you who have only a distant, fleeting relationship with it.
I didn't claim that "traditional" marriage included polygamy and 13 year old wives. Naw, you don't attempt to spin reality. You wouldn't do that, would you? BULLSHIT.
I didn't claim that "traditional" marriage included polygamy and 13 year old wives. Naw, you don't attempt to spin reality. You wouldn't do that, would you? BULLSHIT.
Oh, I get it, only your traditions are real traditions. Other people's traditions are perversions, even if they were the norms in different times and different places.
You have avoided that admission in every post while trying to make republicans out to be boogey men. You are very transparent.
I didn't dispute the Democrats/Dixiecrats historically being the party of slavery and never mentioned Republicans whereas you avoided admitting the Dixiecrats were also White, Conservative, Southern, and Christian.
Oh, I get it, only your traditions are real traditions. Other people's traditions are perversions, even if they were the norms in different times and different places.
When you show that the majority of traditional marriages are polygamy, or child brides, or degenerate homosexuals or transconfused then they will become traditional. They are fringe at best and never even scratch the surface of mainstream. Many people practice the tradition of drinking their own urine for health reasons--would you consider this traditional?
I didn't dispute the Democrats/Dixiecrats historically being the party of slavery and never mentioned Republicans whereas you avoided admitting the Dixiecrats were also White, Conservative, Southern, and Christian.
Because it is irrelevant to the discussion in the OP. Are you trying to claim that there are no white, southern, Christian progressives? Keep digging that hole or try to remember the subject of the OP.
When you show that the majority of traditional marriages are polygamy, or child brides, or degenerate homosexuals or transconfused then they will become traditional. They are fringe at best and never even scratch the surface of mainstream. Many people practice the tradition of drinking their own urine for health reasons--would you consider this traditional?
Polygamy was a tradition of Mormons for a time. I'd say same-sex marriage is now a traditional value in the US.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Inches Up to New High of 71%

Because it is irrelevant to the discussion in the OP. Are you trying to claim that there are no white, southern, Christian progressives? Keep digging that hole or try to remember the subject of the OP.
So are Democrats progressives or conservatives? Is slavery a tradition you want to preserve or bring back? Hint
So are Democrats progressives or conservatives? Is slavery a tradition you want to preserve or bring back? Hint
Please show me where I intimated that I supported slavery. Quite the contrary, throughout this thread I have shown you that slavery was the exclusive policy of DEMOCRATS. All progressives are DEMOCRATS. No progressives are conservatives. You embrace progressives AND democrats, so I would be more inclined to believe that you support slavery by extension. This should clear things up for you but I'm not holding out much hope.

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