by progressives
The term progressive didn't raise its ugly head in American politics until the democrats decided they didn't like being called liberals--are you a millenial? You talk like one. SS as originally written was a good program that would have succeeded. BTW, how quickly you morons change your tune. Democrats are the party of slavery, KKK, Jim Crow and lynching but the party changed--according to you, then you speak out the other side of your mouth and praise the democrats of the same era--which is it? LMAO.
The term progressive didn't raise its ugly head in American politics until the democrats decided they didn't like being called liberals--are you a millenial? You talk like one. SS as originally written was a good program that would have succeeded. BTW, how quickly you morons change your tune. Democrats are the party of slavery, KKK, Jim Crow and lynching but the party changed--according to you, then you speak out the other side of your mouth and praise the democrats of the same era--which is it? LMAO.
Boomer so I remember Dixiecrats and yes they were democrats. Johnson was also a Democrat and the author of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Dixiecrats are no more, they are now Republicans.
It was mainstream in the Mormon community
Bwahahahaha!! "It was mainstream in the Mormon community". And that made up - what - 1% of the American population? :lmao:
, until God told them to become a state. There are communities where it is still practiced.
Hundreds of rapes happen every day in the United States. Is rape a "tradition"? Something Americans embrace and promote? Or is just a simple reality that there will always be a small faction of people who break the law, ignore norms, etc.?
SS as originally written was a good program that would have succeeded.
You're spot-on with almost everything you post, but I must respectfully disagree on this one. Aside from being egregiously unconstitutional, Republicans warned at the time that it was an unsustainable program.

As always, the right was right.
Bwahahahaha!! "It was mainstream in the Mormon community". And that made up - what - 1% of the American population? :lmao:

Hundreds of rapes happen every day in the United States. Is rape a "tradition"? Something Americans embrace and promote? Or is just a simple reality that there will always be a small faction of people who break the law, ignore norms, etc.?
One minute in--
Unimaginable ignorance and ineptitude from the Democrats...

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Liberalism is a failed (and miserable) ideology
Westvall, you say you're Native American. Without equity, you'd be nothing.
Westvall, you say you're Native American. Without equity, you'd be nothing.

Wrong, bucko. I worked my ass off to get where I am. I lived in a truck as a kid. I literally had almost nothing.

I had a choice, whine and cry like you, or man up and work to better myself.

I chose to man up.
Wrong, bucko. I worked my ass off to get where I am. I lived in a truck as a kid. I literally had almost nothing.

I had a choice, whine and cry like you, or man up and work to better myself.

I chose to man up.
Then these sniveling, pathetic parasites have the gall to demand free shit instead of growing a sack and living independently.

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