You're spot-on with almost everything you post, but I must respectfully disagree on this one. Aside from being egregiously unconstitutional, Republicans warned at the time that it was an unsustainable program.

As always, the right was right.
Social Security is OUR money, not money the government gives out.
Wrong, nothing makes people ignorant faster than religion. Once set in it keeps them there longer.
Wrong. Progressivism lowers the bar and traps people in perpetual ignorance. History has proven that. History tops your disinformation campaigns.
Wrong. Progressivism lowers the bar and traps people in perpetual ignorance. History has proven that. History tops your disinformation campaigns.

We all can see what caused the Dark Ages and anywhere religion stifles the advancement of education.
Sure, post it.

President Clinton lied about a blowjob.

What else do you have?
Yeah...that's the only thing he lied about. Uh-huh. 🤡

I mean, even if that was the only thing he actually lied about, he lied about that alone several thousand times (to his spouse, to the media, to a grand jury, and on and on and on).
Yeah...that's the only thing he lied about. Uh-huh. 🤡

I mean, even if that was the only thing he actually lied about, he lied about that alone several thousand times (to his spouse, to the media, to a grand jury, and on and on and on).
30,000 lies and counting to the American public by a grifter.
30,000 lies and counting to the American public by a grifter.
30,000 "lies" according to the pathological lying left. And Clinton and Obama lied more by lunch on the first day than Trump has in his entire life (which is saying a lot because Trump lies quite a bit).

How sad that you're so easily duped by the lying left.
30,000 "lies" according to the pathological lying left. And Clinton and Obama lied more by lunch on the first day than Trump has in his entire life (which is saying a lot because Trump lies quite a bit).

How sad that you're so easily duped by the lying left.
Put down the koolaid and back up from the sycophant table.
After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words
Glad we stopped those wmds in iraq....oh.....wait....
You literally vote for more government to control more of your life 🤣

I vote for smaller, more limited government, dumb ass.
Government doesn't control anyone.

You're just a white paranoid piece of shit.

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