The Changing Paradigm Between Gays and Straights

Winter, I just said there are some that act like normal human beings, but that the majority I have been around are perverted freaks who act outrageous. So that's just being honest, something you should be with yourself.

No, I didn't misread anything, besides..that is the whole argument for gay marriage. For all intents and purposes, they claim they are a race. They can't claim they're a gender, they're homosexuals because they are attracted to the same gender. They don't come from another country, they're not claiming they're a religious group, they're not an age group, and they won't admit they're mentally handicapped.

So where under the constitution are their sick perverted ways a protected class? Since when did the constitution protect deviant behaviors?

At my age, even the gays pass me by.....
Considering that women are gay men in a females body, you want to only dress for lesbians in male bodies...

Considering you're obviously retarded, you probably won't understand that women are women in women's bodies as men are men in their bodies.homos are sick and twisted perverts, that's all they are.

Even the Log Cabin GOP members?

Uh yeah...why would you ask that after what I just said?

Men are men, women are women...gays are perverts.

Are you really this dense?
You might as well have said gays are the equivelant of black folks, likening normalizing a sexually deviant behavior to ANY of the struggles my people went through. Gays get belittled for being pushy whiny bitches, hardly anyone goes out of their way to be around them..let alone go out & find one to harrass, so give that BS a rest, Winter.

Good people, eh? You must think all fags are like that one from the movie "Slingblade"? No, go live in Los Angeles for a spell & come back here saying that crap. Lol

They invade churches, pee on people who disagree with their crap being propagated to children in schools, cause cultural unrest going into family owned businesses, start shit, & then here comes the media...portraying these filthy degenerates as victims.

There are some gays who act like normal people, however they seem to be in the minority from my experience being around them.

You're not smart, Winter. You're a tool.
He sure is a "tool", a Good Tool for educating prejudiced haters like yourself who won't give it a rest already. Society has Changed and for the better as it allows people to be freer and to be who they truly are and marry who they love. Remember when straight men would shake in their boots erratically at the thought of DADT being done away with? Well it was, and all that talk from straights that they were going to be attacked, raped in their bunks or in the shower, etc. by the Gays in the military *never* came to fruition. In fact, there has been Not One incident concerning such attacks on straights in the military by Gays and don't hold your breath on that one because it ain't gonna happen! Gay military men continue to be Gay military men and Straight military men continue being who they are only now they are peacefully co-existing and no one could be happier or the wiser for that change that was sorely needed and long overdue.

Your talk about some Gays being in the minority when acting like normal people reminds me to seriously point out the fact that I bet you didn't know there were even Gay Generals in the U.S. Military! There are for your information and I bet you'd befriend one of them faster than lightning because you wouldn't be able to tell the difference from a straight general. That goes for Colonels, Majors etc. too who are Gay and in the military. But they are indeed everywhere else! So you should get rid of that stigma of yesteryear that Gays are so out of touch with what Straights prefer. If you knew of the MANY Straight men who have been married for years (to women) and have children, go to church regularly with their families, but still pursue other men for additional gratification behind their wife's back you'd be quite shocked! Scientists and Medical people have long declared that literally everyone is born with a bi-sexual disposition only some tend to polarize one way further to the straight side while others to the Gay side. But many secretly remain right in the middle, on the Bi-Sexual side. That would account for the need for straight men to be with other men. But hey, they may be your friends and buddies right now and you not even know it. So, try to keep an open-mind about things already.
SMH.... He can't educate anyone on anything & neither can you. You can't even figure out your butthole isn't a vagina for pete's sake! Lol
How about having that small minority of people (homosexuals) in this country stomping all over you?

Then they wonder why more people in this country don't ACCEPT them

people better start standing up to them or let them keep hitting you over the head
Winter, I just said there are some that act like normal human beings, but that the majority I have been around are perverted freaks who act outrageous. So that's just being honest, something you should be with yourself.

No, I didn't misread anything, besides..that is the whole argument for gay marriage. For all intents and purposes, they claim they are a race. They can't claim they're a gender, they're homosexuals because they are attracted to the same gender. They don't come from another country, they're not claiming they're a religious group, they're not an age group, and they won't admit they're mentally handicapped.

** PoliticalTorch's comments.

**Of course they don't need to admit crap like that that they are mentally handicapped because They're Not. Medical and Scientific experts have already certified that but only bigots continue to hold on to the stigma that they are, which is all part of the prejudiced, hateful Heterosexual Agenda that some have but thankfully not every one as they may be straight but not narrow-minded.

So where under the constitution are their sick perverted ways a protected class? Since when did the constitution protect deviant behaviors?
They are a protected class by virtue of the fact that they are American Citizens and human beings if you would only open your eyes and remove the prejudice from your mind already. Their behavior is no more deviant than straight people's and you know what they do also that would not be fit to discuss even in The Flame Zone. But that aside, your condemnation of Gays and Lesbians is quite unfair and I don't know if you do it only for attention or you have a penchant to think about them for some "special" reason. Many can't face that fact. Others constantly pick on GLBT citizens as a means to justify their ignorance and bigotry. Then they say that they are being condemned by Gays for the way they think. No, any condemnation comes directly from straights themselves who think they are so far superior to Gays and Lesbians that they can't even think like unprejudiced straights anymore. Don't allow those feelings of prejudice and hate for others to consume you. It is bad in every thinkable way.
You're going to need a constitutional amendment for that, PT.

Right now, your arguments are invalid & societies set up governments to protect societal norms. That's why we VOTE on things such as marijuana legalization...because the PEOPLE, not the judges...decide what is acceptable & what is not.

Nothing about your lifestyle benefits society, all you've done as a community is cause problems. You don't deserve special treatment & you don't qualify for the title of marriage simply because you're in love with hairy butthole sex, understand?
The intent of this thread is to make people opposed to gay marriage feel like "old fashioned losers" for still being opposed. It is a trick the LGBT cult has used ad nauseum. They seek to associate "rejection of the gay cult" to "you're an outcast".

Social rejection has been one of the most powerful psychological tools used to whittle away at opposition and take a victory.

So I say to those out there thinking this is a real phenomenon "smoke and mirrors" and if you buy it, you're going to go down in history being one of the weak, herd-bound moral degenerates who promoted this:
How about having that small minority of people (homosexuals) in this country stomping all over you?

Then they wonder why more people in this country don't ACCEPT them

people better start standing up to them or let them keep hitting you over the head

Yup... the HOMO MAFIA... their game is up though. People are on to them. They have become what they so vehemently professed to hate.

Hypocritical, two faced bigots.
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The intent of this thread is to make people opposed to gay marriage feel like "old fashioned losers" for still being opposed. It is a trick the LGBT cult has used ad nauseum. They seek to associate "rejection of the gay cult" to "you're an outcast".

Social rejection has been one of the most powerful psychological tools used to whittle away at opposition and take a victory.

So I say to those out there thinking this is a real phenomenon "smoke and mirrors" and if you buy it, you're going to go down in history being one of the weak, herd-bound moral degenerates who promoted this:

Yeah, cheap slight of hand tricks, that's why they deflect so much, especially once you figure this out.
Considering that women are gay men in a females body, you want to only dress for lesbians in male bodies...
Considering you're obviously retarded, you probably won't understand that women are women in women's bodies as men are men in their bodies.homos are sick and twisted perverts, that's all they are.[/QUOTE]

You neither understand physiology, biology, or psychology, obviously. You are obviously the fulfillment of, "He is a self-made man and worships his creator." - John Bright

Live your life, and let others do the same.
Tell the gays to do the same, & we will all be better off, Jake. If a state's voters say they don't want to elevate homosexuality up and claim it's normal & healthy as real natural couplings that produce children, be like what Jefferson suggested and accept the majority stance. Don't run to the courts crying that your sexual deviancy is the same as the civil rights struggle of black Americans...and things would be fine.

No means no, in every case of rape...whether youre trying to rape a woman or a nation's culture.
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How about having that small minority of people (homosexuals) in this country stomping all over you?

Then they wonder why more people in this country don't ACCEPT them

people better start standing up to them or let them keep hitting you over the head

Stomping all over you? lmao If the issue is gay marriage, it will not effect you unless you stick your nose into someone else's business. If it is about a tv show, turn the channel. Or better yet, turn off the tv completely.

And the acceptance of gay is going up. Recent polls have shown the majority accept gay marriage and gays in general.
Winterborn supports this:
[ame=]FCK BULLIES by DONT B H8N ON THE HOMOS!(mirrored) - YouTube[/ame]
How about having that small minority of people (homosexuals) in this country stomping all over you?

Then they wonder why more people in this country don't ACCEPT them

people better start standing up to them or let them keep hitting you over the head

Stomping all over you? lmao If the issue is gay marriage, it will not effect you unless you stick your nose into someone else's business. If it is about a tv show, turn the channel. Or better yet, turn off the tv completely.

And the acceptance of gay is going up. Recent polls have shown the majority accept gay marriage and gays in general.
You're an idiot. You know there are these places called public schools, where liberals want to indoctrinate children whose parents cannot afford to send their kids to private schools...and they've already been caught trying to indoctrinate kids before gay marriage was even on the radar in the media?

Yeah, when or if we make gay marriage legal, that sends the idea that that disease spreading lifestyle is the same as actual marriage..that's the wrong message and if you don't know that, you're retarded. That's all their is to it.

If they won't be using tax payer money via public schools to lie to children & try to recruit them into their filth...we can talk. Until then, you people aren't going to actually get anywhere.

Polls are often wrong, so is the one telling you it is accepted.
That reminds me, why in the world would a show called "Queer Eye For Straight Guys" would ever be popular, other than with faghags & other loopy liberals.

Why would a straight guy want to get dressed up by queers, if he were actually straight? If you look good to queers, you probably won't to straight women...which if you're straight should be the mission, right?

We live in the twilight zone.

Did you ever watch the show? It usually revolved around a girlfriend or wife asking for help to clean up their slob of a bf/husband.
Don't get me started on where the whole hip-hop fashion has gone either. They just can't shake the fag look. First they have their ass hanging out & dress like wannabe tough they wear tight "skinny jeans" & look like a bag of skittles walking down the street. No wonder some of the top rappers claim that hip hop is ran by homosexuals.

How does one look "like a bag of skittles"?
How about having that small minority of people (homosexuals) in this country stomping all over you?

Then they wonder why more people in this country don't ACCEPT them

people better start standing up to them or let them keep hitting you over the head

Stomping all over you? lmao If the issue is gay marriage, it will not effect you unless you stick your nose into someone else's business. If it is about a tv show, turn the channel. Or better yet, turn off the tv completely.

And the acceptance of gay is going up. Recent polls have shown the majority accept gay marriage and gays in general.

And life will continue on, I do not see the long struggle for black equality as equivalent; blacks in America faced much worse, in most of the US, for a long time. Gay Americans have been a part of our history since day one, some accepting the difference, some not. Yet the struggle to accept all humans as God created them continues.

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