The Changing Paradigm Between Gays and Straights

How about having that small minority of people (homosexuals) in this country stomping all over you?

Then they wonder why more people in this country don't ACCEPT them

people better start standing up to them or let them keep hitting you over the head

Stomping all over you? lmao If the issue is gay marriage, it will not effect you unless you stick your nose into someone else's business. If it is about a tv show, turn the channel. Or better yet, turn off the tv completely.

And the acceptance of gay is going up. Recent polls have shown the majority accept gay marriage and gays in general.
You're an idiot. You know there are these places called public schools, where liberals want to indoctrinate children whose parents cannot afford to send their kids to private schools...and they've already been caught trying to indoctrinate kids before gay marriage was even on the radar in the media?

Yeah, when or if we make gay marriage legal, that sends the idea that that disease spreading lifestyle is the same as actual marriage..that's the wrong message and if you don't know that, you're retarded. That's all their is to it.

If they won't be using tax payer money via public schools to lie to children & try to recruit them into their filth...we can talk. Until then, you people aren't going to actually get anywhere.

Polls are often wrong, so is the one telling you it is accepted.

If the sexual acts are the reason you dislike them, why not ban marriage between straights who participate in those same acts? Many straight couples enjoy anal sex. I would say the majority enjoy some sort of oral sex. But these are ok as long as their genitals don't match?
That reminds me, why in the world would a show called "Queer Eye For Straight Guys" would ever be popular, other than with faghags & other loopy liberals.

Why would a straight guy want to get dressed up by queers, if he were actually straight? If you look good to queers, you probably won't to straight women...which if you're straight should be the mission, right?

We live in the twilight zone.

Did you ever watch the show? It usually revolved around a girlfriend or wife asking for help to clean up their slob of a bf/husband.

Those fags and hags sure show those silly slobs that call themselves men who knows what's important. :lol:
It's not just the sex, Winter. It's all wrong. Period. And you know that just as well as I do deep down. Watch that video so you can see what you're promoting as healthy & normal. 6 year old girls cussing up a storm & egged on by fags.

You just lack the ability and intellectual depth to want to see the truth about these perverts.
It's not just the sex, Winter. It's all wrong. Period. And you know that just as well as I do deep down. Watch that video so you can see what you're promoting as healthy & normal. 6 year old girls cussing up a storm & egged on by fags.

You just lack the ability and intellectual depth to want to see the truth about these perverts.

You keep trying to tell me what I know. I know that people should not be judged based on who they love. That you believe otherwise speaks volumes.

No, I see no need to watch the video you posted. I see no reason to watch 6 year olds cursing. I know a few gay parents who would whip their children for using profanity.

The fact that you claim that I am advocating anything resembling 6 year olds cursing shows how little you know about me. But continue on with your projections.
It's not just the sex, Winter. It's all wrong. Period. And you know that just as well as I do deep down. Watch that video so you can see what you're promoting as healthy & normal. 6 year old girls cussing up a storm & egged on by fags.

You just lack the ability and intellectual depth to want to see the truth about these perverts.

You keep trying to tell me what I know. I know that people should not be judged based on who they love. That you believe otherwise speaks volumes.

No, I see no need to watch the video you posted. I see no reason to watch 6 year olds cursing. I know a few gay parents who would whip their children for using profanity.

The fact that you claim that I am advocating anything resembling 6 year olds cursing shows how little you know about me. But continue on with your projections.

Six year old children being encouraged to curse is horrible, the sexual orientation of the adults, irrelevant.
You're a liar, I call bullshit on you knowing "plenty of gay parents". Every last one of you Internet liberals(yes you are a liberal)say you know gay parents, there simply is not enough gay parents for all of you to know a bunch of them. The numbers alone say you folks are lying through your teeth.
You're a liar, I call bullshit on you knowing "plenty of gay parents". Every last one of you Internet liberals(yes you are a liberal)say you know gay parents, there simply is not enough gay parents for all of you to know a bunch of them. The numbers alone say you folks are lying through your teeth.

More projection? Because you have certainly lied in this thread.

Yes, I know plenty. But then, how many is plenty? lol You seem to think they are rare.
Where have I lied you fat slug? Show me...

Awww, now he wants to try and insult me too? I must have pushed some serious buttons. lol

Where have you lied? How about, for starters, you posting "WinterBorn supports this:" and then putting up a video of children cursing? Actually, that would be two lies. The first one is that I support that and the second one is inferring that you know what I do or do not support.

I'm still having fun. How about you?
there is barely any gay couples, let alone legal homosexual guardians in Alabama, Bubba. It's more likely you know NONE than one according to statistics. Shut your ass up, you old fat baboon.

LMAO!! If you would like to meet me in Tuscaloosa, I would be happy to introduce you to two lesbian couples who raised kids (the kids are grown now) and one gay couple who have two teenagers. I live in Atlanta now, and could also introduce you to a couple here.

And no, I won't shut up. I come here to post and I will post.

But these ridiculous insults do show that you have lost the debate. It is classic.
You're a liar, I call bullshit on you knowing "plenty of gay parents". Every last one of you Internet liberals(yes you are a liberal)say you know gay parents, there simply is not enough gay parents for all of you to know a bunch of them. The numbers alone say you folks are lying through your teeth.

Call whatever you want.

It does not matter what you think about the issue.

You have neither the law nor the weight of numbers behind you.
Not a lie, big britches. That IS what you support, whether you know it or not. And here your ass is lying, you didn't watch the video according to your own words now you're trying to deny supporting the message behind that Christian, traditional, normal & sane folk-bashing crap ass video. You have supported every point of the video, only thing you have said you don't support is the cussing 6 year old. You didn't condemn the adults, parent or not, for putting out such ignorant homosexual propagandist tripe to children.

So you can take your lying accusation and shove it up your ass, smithsonian statistic. Though you'd probably like it.
there is barely any gay couples, let alone legal homosexual guardians in Alabama, Bubba. It's more likely you know NONE than one according to statistics. Shut your ass up, you old fat baboon.

There are 2,189,938 housing units in Alabama. Alabama QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Your census link says Alabama could have up to 0.66% of households being gay couples.

That amounts to over 14,000 gay couples in households.
Not a lie, big britches. That IS what you support, whether you know it or not. And here your ass is lying, you didn't watch the video according to your own words now you're trying to deny supporting the message behind that Christian, traditional, normal & sane folk-bashing crap ass video. You have supported every point of the video, only thing you have said you don't support is the cussing 6 year old. You didn't condemn the adults, parent or not, for putting out such ignorant homosexual propagandist tripe to children.

So you can take your lying accusation and shove it up your ass, smithsonian statistic. Though you'd probably like it.

No, I didn't watch it. I accepted the words of a couple of people who talked about 6 year olds cursing.

So now you are claiming I support it whether I know it or not?? More lies??

And the fact that I did not watch it or condemn whoever did it is not the same as supporting something. I haven't seen you condemn beating your wife. Does that mean you support it?

Keep trying.
You support the message with your words. That's the difference, Bubba. I do not beat my wife, YOU support faggotry. Get it together, fat ass.
You support the message with your words. That's the difference, Bubba. I do not beat my wife, YOU support faggotry. Get it together, fat ass.

I support the rights of people to love who they want. As long as they are not harming others, I see no reason to get worked up about it. I am a big fan of personal freedom. Maybe you aren't.

The title of the video implies that it against bullying. I do not like seeing kids use profanities, but I dislike a bully even more. I have a slight crook in my nose from stopping a bully back in the late 70s. I have no problem doing it again.
It used to be that Straights did things only in one way or manner and that Gays did things in their own way also. But now, in today's ever-changing world, there seems to be a coming together of those ways, in fact, so much so that you can't always tell anymore if a person is Gay or Straight.

Check out the Excellent links below!

Gay or Straight? Hard to Tell

Everyone Thinks I'm Gay (But I'm Not) - The Bold Italic - San Francisco

You're right, we definitely do think your gay.

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