The Changing Winds of Favor

...its small comfort, but interning the japanese probably protected them from reprisals and probably saved a few koreans and chinese who might have been mistaken for japanese

That is just the kind of pathetically obvious rationalization that tyrants love to hear from mindless subjects like you.

You know, considering what an asshole you seem to be, I think it would be best if the government stole all of your wealth and belongings, and threw your ass in jail for a few years - just for your own safety, of course. We wouldn't want you to fall victim to any "reprisals" now, would we?
FDR was a racist and want to be king. He tried to increase the numbers on the Supreme Court to gain more power as the Supreme Court kept him in check. Americans were put in internment camps based on their race. FDR refused to to even see Jesse Owens a black American Olympic Gold Medalist for fear it would hurt his re-election campaign. He made the depression last longer than it should have and used the war to pull America out of the depression.

Ike was a good President brought us along and helped formulate the interstate system. JFK wasn’t in long enough to do anything how ever he did give America the dream of landing on the moon. LBJ was a racist that gave us Civil Rights albeit for selfish reasons. Nixon was a very good President however his good was overshadowed by Watergate. Ford, Carter were lost years. Reagan reunited America, Bush was a fair President, he lost because of the economy. Clinton was a fair President that was carried by his riding the dotcom bubble. His BJ from Monica is his legacy. Bush II had 911 and brought us out of that and got us into a politically correct war that still rages on. Obama was okay but nothing that great. Trump did many good things but his abrasive personality was his down fall.
the Japanese attacked the US

And...? How many Japanese Americans attacked us? FDR used fear to lock them up. No constitutionally guaranteed due process for those Americans, just fear.
.....doesn't matter---there were Japanese spies--I guess you would take the chance of letting spies just hang around?? see, you people don't live in reality---you don't know what REAL life is about

Spies? All of the Japanese Americans were spies during WWII? 100% of them? Sorry, innocent until proven guilty is the America I want to live in, no rule by fear that FDR loved so well.
you're not too smart and are ignorant of how the military/etc works

I’d rather live by the Constitution rather than fear and a society one is guilty by basis of race, color or religion.

BTW, how many German Americans were put into internment camps? Why weren’t they all put into camps?
irrelevant .....hindsight is 20/20........YOU didn't live then

And you did? My mother who is still alive says it was terrible that Americans were put into internment camps for no other reason but their race. My father who fought in WWII didn’t see Japanese Americans as any kind of threat.

So even though I didn’t live then, I have first hand knowledge of those that did and thought it was cruel as most Americans today do. History will never be kind to FDR in that regard.
easy for you to say in 2020 on USMB...fact is, you were not there

Plenty of people then recognized fdr's outrage against America for what it was.
FDR was a racist and want to be king. He tried to increase the numbers on the Supreme Court to gain more power as the Supreme Court kept him in check. Americans were put in internment camps based on their race. FDR refused to to even see Jesse Owens a black American Olympic Gold Medalist for fear it would hurt his re-election campaign. He made the depression last longer than it should have and used the war to pull America out of the depression.

Ike was a good President brought us along and helped formulate the interstate system. JFK wasn’t in long enough to do anything how ever he did give America the dream of landing on the moon. LBJ was a racist that gave us Civil Rights albeit for selfish reasons. Nixon was a very good President however his good was overshadowed by Watergate. Ford, Carter were lost years. Reagan reunited America, Bush was a fair President, he lost because of the economy. Clinton was a fair President that was carried by his riding the dotcom bubble. His BJ from Monica is his legacy. Bush II had 911 and brought us out of that and got us into a politically correct war that still rages on. Obama was okay but nothing that great. Trump did many good things but his abrasive personality was his down fall.
the Japanese attacked the US

And...? How many Japanese Americans attacked us? FDR used fear to lock them up. No constitutionally guaranteed due process for those Americans, just fear.
.....doesn't matter---there were Japanese spies--I guess you would take the chance of letting spies just hang around?? see, you people don't live in reality---you don't know what REAL life is about

Spies? All of the Japanese Americans were spies during WWII? 100% of them? Sorry, innocent until proven guilty is the America I want to live in, no rule by fear that FDR loved so well.
you're not too smart and are ignorant of how the military/etc works

I’d rather live by the Constitution rather than fear and a society one is guilty by basis of race, color or religion.

BTW, how many German Americans were put into internment camps? Why weren’t they all put into camps?
irrelevant .....hindsight is 20/20........YOU didn't live then

And you did? My mother who is still alive says it was terrible that Americans were put into internment camps for no other reason but their race. My father who fought in WWII didn’t see Japanese Americans as any kind of threat.

So even though I didn’t live then, I have first hand knowledge of those that did and thought it was cruel as most Americans today do. History will never be kind to FDR in that regard.
easy for you to say in 2020 on USMB...fact is, you were not there

Plenty of people then recognized fdr's outrage against America for what it was.
you are an America HATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....doesn't matter---there were Japanese spies--...

Not ONE Japanese American was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage during the war. Not ONE. Can't say the same for German Americans. That lowlife, piece of shit SOB fdr knew the Japanese American population did NOT represent a security risk. His own intelligence people told him so.
doesn't matter----YOU are the POS..

Tyrants love weaklings like you. In fact, they count on cowards like you who will turn a blind eye to the violation of their neighbor's rights again and again until it becomes their turn to go to the camps.
YOU are the POS

Why? Who did I throw into concentration camps?
That is just the kind of pathetically obvious rationalization that tyrants love to hear from mindless subjects like you.
It is no rationalization

I’m sure the japanese internees would have preferred to be free after Pearl Harbor even though it meant being spit on, beaten and killed by angry Americans

and I respect them for that

but how many koreans and chinese were willing to die so that the japanese could roam free?
.....doesn't matter---there were Japanese spies--...

Not ONE Japanese American was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage during the war. Not ONE. Can't say the same for German Americans. That lowlife, piece of shit SOB fdr knew the Japanese American population did NOT represent a security risk. His own intelligence people told him so.
doesn't matter----YOU are the POS..

Tyrants love weaklings like you. In fact, they count on cowards like you who will turn a blind eye to the violation of their neighbor's rights again and again until it becomes their turn to go to the camps.
YOU are the POS

Why? Who did I throw into concentration camps?
they weren't concentration camps --just like police brutality and racism = BULLSHIT
FDR was a racist and want to be king. He tried to increase the numbers on the Supreme Court to gain more power as the Supreme Court kept him in check. Americans were put in internment camps based on their race. FDR refused to to even see Jesse Owens a black American Olympic Gold Medalist for fear it would hurt his re-election campaign. He made the depression last longer than it should have and used the war to pull America out of the depression.

Ike was a good President brought us along and helped formulate the interstate system. JFK wasn’t in long enough to do anything how ever he did give America the dream of landing on the moon. LBJ was a racist that gave us Civil Rights albeit for selfish reasons. Nixon was a very good President however his good was overshadowed by Watergate. Ford, Carter were lost years. Reagan reunited America, Bush was a fair President, he lost because of the economy. Clinton was a fair President that was carried by his riding the dotcom bubble. His BJ from Monica is his legacy. Bush II had 911 and brought us out of that and got us into a politically correct war that still rages on. Obama was okay but nothing that great. Trump did many good things but his abrasive personality was his down fall.
the Japanese attacked the US

And...? How many Japanese Americans attacked us? FDR used fear to lock them up. No constitutionally guaranteed due process for those Americans, just fear.
.....doesn't matter---there were Japanese spies--I guess you would take the chance of letting spies just hang around?? see, you people don't live in reality---you don't know what REAL life is about

Spies? All of the Japanese Americans were spies during WWII? 100% of them? Sorry, innocent until proven guilty is the America I want to live in, no rule by fear that FDR loved so well.
you're not too smart and are ignorant of how the military/etc works

I’d rather live by the Constitution rather than fear and a society one is guilty by basis of race, color or religion.

BTW, how many German Americans were put into internment camps? Why weren’t they all put into camps?
irrelevant .....hindsight is 20/20........YOU didn't live then

And you did? My mother who is still alive says it was terrible that Americans were put into internment camps for no other reason but their race. My father who fought in WWII didn’t see Japanese Americans as any kind of threat.

So even though I didn’t live then, I have first hand knowledge of those that did and thought it was cruel as most Americans today do. History will never be kind to FDR in that regard.
easy for you to say in 2020 on USMB...fact is, you were not there

Plenty of people then recognized fdr's outrage against America for what it was.
you are an America HATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love America. I understand, appreciate and LOVE America. Playing the apologist for the abrogation of the most fundamental rights of Americans strongly suggests that YOU are the hater.
FDR was a racist and want to be king. He tried to increase the numbers on the Supreme Court to gain more power as the Supreme Court kept him in check. Americans were put in internment camps based on their race. FDR refused to to even see Jesse Owens a black American Olympic Gold Medalist for fear it would hurt his re-election campaign. He made the depression last longer than it should have and used the war to pull America out of the depression.

Ike was a good President brought us along and helped formulate the interstate system. JFK wasn’t in long enough to do anything how ever he did give America the dream of landing on the moon. LBJ was a racist that gave us Civil Rights albeit for selfish reasons. Nixon was a very good President however his good was overshadowed by Watergate. Ford, Carter were lost years. Reagan reunited America, Bush was a fair President, he lost because of the economy. Clinton was a fair President that was carried by his riding the dotcom bubble. His BJ from Monica is his legacy. Bush II had 911 and brought us out of that and got us into a politically correct war that still rages on. Obama was okay but nothing that great. Trump did many good things but his abrasive personality was his down fall.
the Japanese attacked the US

And...? How many Japanese Americans attacked us? FDR used fear to lock them up. No constitutionally guaranteed due process for those Americans, just fear.
.....doesn't matter---there were Japanese spies--I guess you would take the chance of letting spies just hang around?? see, you people don't live in reality---you don't know what REAL life is about

Spies? All of the Japanese Americans were spies during WWII? 100% of them? Sorry, innocent until proven guilty is the America I want to live in, no rule by fear that FDR loved so well.
you're not too smart and are ignorant of how the military/etc works

I’d rather live by the Constitution rather than fear and a society one is guilty by basis of race, color or religion.

BTW, how many German Americans were put into internment camps? Why weren’t they all put into camps?
irrelevant .....hindsight is 20/20........YOU didn't live then

And you did? My mother who is still alive says it was terrible that Americans were put into internment camps for no other reason but their race. My father who fought in WWII didn’t see Japanese Americans as any kind of threat.

So even though I didn’t live then, I have first hand knowledge of those that did and thought it was cruel as most Americans today do. History will never be kind to FDR in that regard.
easy for you to say in 2020 on USMB...fact is, you were not there

Plenty of people then recognized fdr's outrage against America for what it was.
you are an America HATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love America. I understand, appreciate and LOVE America. Playing the apologist for the abrogation of the most fundamental rights of Americans strongly suggests that YOU are the hater.
you HATE America and whites
...........JFK was a lot better person than you are

That's quite an insult. How do you figure?
look at you!!!!!!!!! are on USMB and he was POTUS---getting all kinds of babe action

He is a "better person" because he cheated on his wife? Is that your standard?
it's not cheating do it all the are jealous of him!!!!!

Violating your most sacred vow is not cheating? Is that really what you think?
get with reality---sex is a need--a physical need----stop living in fairytale land

So, just out of curiosity if a woman actually made the choice to marry someone like you, then you would be fine with them cheating on you in order to fulfill a "need"?

you people are DUMB!!! this is real life not Days of Our Lives

So, your answer is yes?

You would be fine with your spouse cheating on you because "it's real life"?

And you actually believe that to be normal?
I know you like men and not women

And you base that ASSumption on what?
Or are you projecting?
you don't like getting any action = fag

So you are stimulated by speculating about what other men like?

Are you a voyeur?
you people babble crap a lot

Which "people"? Sane ones?
YOU are a babble crapper


For asking you an honest question?
get in the REAL world---not your Fairytale Land

So in YOUR "real world" people have no regard for fidelity in a marriage?....and men aspire to be like a fictional secret agent.


If anything, are definately entertaining.

Mainly because you appear to actually believe some of what you state.
I knew you were a see a woman and cry

No need to cry. Been married to the same woman for 45 years.l
...........JFK was a lot better person than you are

That's quite an insult. How do you figure?
look at you!!!!!!!!! are on USMB and he was POTUS---getting all kinds of babe action

He is a "better person" because he cheated on his wife? Is that your standard?
it's not cheating do it all the are jealous of him!!!!!

Violating your most sacred vow is not cheating? Is that really what you think?
get with reality---sex is a need--a physical need----stop living in fairytale land

So, just out of curiosity if a woman actually made the choice to marry someone like you, then you would be fine with them cheating on you in order to fulfill a "need"?

you people are DUMB!!! this is real life not Days of Our Lives

So, your answer is yes?

You would be fine with your spouse cheating on you because "it's real life"?

And you actually believe that to be normal?
I know you like men and not women

And you base that ASSumption on what?
Or are you projecting?
you don't like getting any action = fag

So you are stimulated by speculating about what other men like?

Are you a voyeur?
you people babble crap a lot

Which "people"? Sane ones?
YOU are a babble crapper


For asking you an honest question?
get in the REAL world---not your Fairytale Land

So in YOUR "real world" people have no regard for fidelity in a marriage?....and men aspire to be like a fictional secret agent.

...........JFK was a lot better person than you are

That's quite an insult. How do you figure?
look at you!!!!!!!!! are on USMB and he was POTUS---getting all kinds of babe action

He is a "better person" because he cheated on his wife? Is that your standard?
it's not cheating do it all the are jealous of him!!!!!

Violating your most sacred vow is not cheating? Is that really what you think?
get with reality---sex is a need--a physical need----stop living in fairytale land

So, just out of curiosity if a woman actually made the choice to marry someone like you, then you would be fine with them cheating on you in order to fulfill a "need"?

you people are DUMB!!! this is real life not Days of Our Lives

So, your answer is yes?

You would be fine with your spouse cheating on you because "it's real life"?

And you actually believe that to be normal?
I know you like men and not women

And you base that ASSumption on what?
Or are you projecting?
you don't like getting any action = fag

So you are stimulated by speculating about what other men like?

Are you a voyeur?
you people babble crap a lot

Which "people"? Sane ones?
YOU are a babble crapper


For asking you an honest question?
get in the REAL world---not your Fairytale Land

So in YOUR "real world" people have no regard for fidelity in a marriage?....and men aspire to be like a fictional secret agent.


If anything, are definately entertaining.

Mainly because you appear to actually believe some of what you state.
I knew you were a see a woman and cry

You claiming to have the ability to determine if a complete stranger on the internet is a "fag", speaks volumes about your closet preferences.


I’m sure you dont know this but this japanese girl was interned in WWII but later rose above that and is now a beloved American music artist

I doubt YOU know this, but much of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team came from brave, loyal Americans who suffered the injustice of fdr's concentration camps. The 442nd is the most highly decorated unit of its size in the entire history of the US military.
FDR was a racist and want to be king. He tried to increase the numbers on the Supreme Court to gain more power as the Supreme Court kept him in check. Americans were put in internment camps based on their race. FDR refused to to even see Jesse Owens a black American Olympic Gold Medalist for fear it would hurt his re-election campaign. He made the depression last longer than it should have and used the war to pull America out of the depression.

Ike was a good President brought us along and helped formulate the interstate system. JFK wasn’t in long enough to do anything how ever he did give America the dream of landing on the moon. LBJ was a racist that gave us Civil Rights albeit for selfish reasons. Nixon was a very good President however his good was overshadowed by Watergate. Ford, Carter were lost years. Reagan reunited America, Bush was a fair President, he lost because of the economy. Clinton was a fair President that was carried by his riding the dotcom bubble. His BJ from Monica is his legacy. Bush II had 911 and brought us out of that and got us into a politically correct war that still rages on. Obama was okay but nothing that great. Trump did many good things but his abrasive personality was his down fall.
the Japanese attacked the US

And...? How many Japanese Americans attacked us? FDR used fear to lock them up. No constitutionally guaranteed due process for those Americans, just fear.
.....doesn't matter---there were Japanese spies--I guess you would take the chance of letting spies just hang around?? see, you people don't live in reality---you don't know what REAL life is about

Spies? All of the Japanese Americans were spies during WWII? 100% of them? Sorry, innocent until proven guilty is the America I want to live in, no rule by fear that FDR loved so well.
you're not too smart and are ignorant of how the military/etc works

I’d rather live by the Constitution rather than fear and a society one is guilty by basis of race, color or religion.

BTW, how many German Americans were put into internment camps? Why weren’t they all put into camps?
irrelevant .....hindsight is 20/20........YOU didn't live then

And you did? My mother who is still alive says it was terrible that Americans were put into internment camps for no other reason but their race. My father who fought in WWII didn’t see Japanese Americans as any kind of threat.

So even though I didn’t live then, I have first hand knowledge of those that did and thought it was cruel as most Americans today do. History will never be kind to FDR in that regard.
easy for you to say in 2020 on USMB...fact is, you were not there

Plenty of people then recognized fdr's outrage against America for what it was.
you are an America HATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love America. I understand, appreciate and LOVE America. Playing the apologist for the abrogation of the most fundamental rights of Americans strongly suggests that YOU are the hater.
you HATE America and whites

You like to repeat that offensive LIE, but no I most unequivocally do not. I love America. I understand, appreciate and LOVE America. Playing the apologist for the abrogation of the most fundamental rights of Americans strongly suggests that YOU are the hater.
I doubt YOU know this, but much of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team came from brave, loyal Americans who suffered the injustice of fdr's concentration camps. The 442nd is the most highly decorated unit of its size in the entire history of the US military.
I see i have hurt your pride

you should realize by now that I am equal to or ahead of you when it comes to the history of WWII and recent relations with mainland china

yes, I am well acquainted with the unit whose motto was Go For Broke
FDR was a racist and want to be king. He tried to increase the numbers on the Supreme Court to gain more power as the Supreme Court kept him in check. Americans were put in internment camps based on their race. FDR refused to to even see Jesse Owens a black American Olympic Gold Medalist for fear it would hurt his re-election campaign. He made the depression last longer than it should have and used the war to pull America out of the depression.

Ike was a good President brought us along and helped formulate the interstate system. JFK wasn’t in long enough to do anything how ever he did give America the dream of landing on the moon. LBJ was a racist that gave us Civil Rights albeit for selfish reasons. Nixon was a very good President however his good was overshadowed by Watergate. Ford, Carter were lost years. Reagan reunited America, Bush was a fair President, he lost because of the economy. Clinton was a fair President that was carried by his riding the dotcom bubble. His BJ from Monica is his legacy. Bush II had 911 and brought us out of that and got us into a politically correct war that still rages on. Obama was okay but nothing that great. Trump did many good things but his abrasive personality was his down fall.
the Japanese attacked the US

And...? How many Japanese Americans attacked us? FDR used fear to lock them up. No constitutionally guaranteed due process for those Americans, just fear.
.....doesn't matter---there were Japanese spies--I guess you would take the chance of letting spies just hang around?? see, you people don't live in reality---you don't know what REAL life is about

Spies? All of the Japanese Americans were spies during WWII? 100% of them? Sorry, innocent until proven guilty is the America I want to live in, no rule by fear that FDR loved so well.
you're not too smart and are ignorant of how the military/etc works

I’d rather live by the Constitution rather than fear and a society one is guilty by basis of race, color or religion.

BTW, how many German Americans were put into internment camps? Why weren’t they all put into camps?
irrelevant .....hindsight is 20/20........YOU didn't live then

And you did? My mother who is still alive says it was terrible that Americans were put into internment camps for no other reason but their race. My father who fought in WWII didn’t see Japanese Americans as any kind of threat.

So even though I didn’t live then, I have first hand knowledge of those that did and thought it was cruel as most Americans today do. History will never be kind to FDR in that regard.
easy for you to say in 2020 on USMB...fact is, you were not there

Neither were you so you can’t say.

I know the Constitution and Constitutional rights, which FDR denied them all of due process.
Despite what people will insist upon reading this, we cannot now know how history will view the Trump presidency. Even with the torrid partisan animosity that was prevalent during his administration, W's legacy is being seen more favorably now than when he left office (the most hysterically biased and therefore irrelevant partisans aside). In the current political climate Lincoln, our greatest president, is now ridiculously vilified by some openly ignorant and/or racist idiots who know nothing about history but too much about hate and want to wax nostalgic over a so-called Confederacy that never really existed or socio-economic institutions that never should have existed. Lots of people seem to think JFK was some hero, despite his actual track record. Lots of people think Nixon was some villain, despite his actual record. Liberals, and even more than a few conservatives, have long spoken of FDR as some great president, but the more that his actual record becomes known and spoken of, the more that even usually unthinking liberals have felt the need to qualify their adoration of that scumbag.

So, who knows how the future will view these strange days we are living through?

FDR was a great President. Popularly elected by the people FOUR times. There's a reason for that. The people knew Republicans were criminals and failures, and held them accountable for their failure and criminality for the six decades up to that point of which they were 100% responsible for the failures of those times. Which was repeated in 2018 and 2020.

As for W. Bush and Nixon, the use of the word scumbag is an understatement.

The latest scumbags legacy is yet to be written, but it's started out as the worst of the worse, and a little primer as to where it's going is needed here.

FDR was a racist tyrant that wanted to stack the Supreme Court so he could make his laws without any resistance, no matter how unConstitutional it was. He put Americans in internment camps because of their race, he refused to meet with Jesse Owens after the Olympics, reminds you of what Hitler did. They only reason he got the country out of the depression was the war, otherwise he had nothing.
Nixon did a great deal of good things for the Country before he slipped into paranoi. I am not sure why but Nixon was not a traitor to the Country. He resigned when he realized it was the end of the line. Of course we had Senators then with character and love of our Country.

JFK died much too soon to know what his potential was.

FDR was far from being what you say. He created programs that brought this Country back from starvation. Since I remember Roosevelt and the times I think I know what he was just a little better than you do! He led us through the last war we ever won. All this while being paralyzed in a wheel chair!

Trump has nothing at all for you to be proud of. Having parties and flyovers while hundreds die every day. He is a narcissistic monster still getting people stabbed and arrested to feed his childish ego. To even mention his name with those Presidents is a travesty!

Susan Estrich described Trump well as many decent Republicans have done and voted for Joe Biden, a decent man who has suffered. He knows what empathy is!

Trump is not responsible for the violence of his enemies.
Trump isn't responsible for anything.
Nixon did a great deal of good things for the Country before he slipped into paranoi. I am not sure why but Nixon was not a traitor to the Country. He resigned when he realized it was the end of the line. Of course we had Senators then with character and love of our Country.

JFK died much too soon to know what his potential was.

FDR was far from being what you say. He created programs that brought this Country back from starvation. Since I remember Roosevelt and the times I think I know what he was just a little better than you do! He led us through the last war we ever won. All this while being paralyzed in a wheel chair!

Trump has nothing at all for you to be proud of. Having parties and flyovers while hundreds die every day. He is a narcissistic monster still getting people stabbed and arrested to feed his childish ego. To even mention his name with those Presidents is a travesty!

Susan Estrich described Trump well as many decent Republicans have done and voted for Joe Biden, a decent man who has suffered. He knows what empathy is!

Trump is not responsible for the violence of his enemies.
Trump isn't responsible for anything.
I did know any politician or party to take responsibility for anything negative.

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