The Chinese people's view of Trump

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
This is an interesting post from Quora.

Why do most Chinese like Trump?

Xu Stream

Answered Jun 13, 2018

There is a great discussion about Trump in China. I just sum up what they think and try to analyze why they think so. Trump in Chinese eyes may be different. I think ā€œChinese people respect Trumpā€ is a more accurate description than ā€˜like Trumpā€™. Here are some examples from Zhihu, the Chinaā€™s Quora. I will pick up some answers with the most agreements.


The answer said:

we learned a lesson from the May 4th Movement (In 1919, the Chinese government at that time was going to sign an agreement to sell the interests of China.) that the studentsā€™ and professorsā€™ strike had no effects, until the working class united together into action. But now, working class in U.S. are celebrating!


The author thought:

Trump as a seventy years old man with so much money, he didnā€™t focus on enjoy life, how to live longer, how to fuck longer. Instead, he run for the president with great pressure and won. Now he is doing what the past president did not dare do. I already had a cerebral infarction if I was Trump.



The author thought:

Most of the people who play Quora and Zhihu are all from middle classes. Unlike the middle classes in west, Chinaā€™s middle classes have the memory about being poor and have more connections with bottom classes of society. So Chinese people on Zhihu didnā€™t be shocked by Trumpā€™s win and they preferred to research the true reasons why so many American people vote Trump rather than moral condemnation.

We can find out that lots of Chinese people think:

1) Trump do the right things for America. And really a dangerous person for China and does make the Chinese government very uncomfortable.

2) Trump is a person with ambitions and perseverance. What he done dose not be understand by some American people, he is being attacked and humiliated by so many medias but he always has ways to achieve goals.

Chinese people think the true power of a nation or a society comes from developments of the science and technology and manufacture. The focus on the development on these fields make Chinaā€™s fast growth in the thirty years. The ignoring of the development of manufacture is the reason caused some many problems in America. The manufacture products stable and relatively rich income. When every one get richer, lots of social problems can be solved (these thoughts are based on the Marxā€™s theory). For example, China people think the racial inequality comes from economic inequality. As the black people get richer, social status of them will increase. Trumpā€™s trade protection policy may be harmful to the world economic development especially for China, but not for America. Trump somehow do make America great again. As China donā€™t have problems related to political correctness, so Chinese people do not pay any attention on Trumpā€™s political correctness problems.

Chinese people think Trumpā€™s policies such as trade war and punishment on ZTE against China directly hit Chinaā€™s soft spots and make Chinese government very uncomfortable. Lots of Chinese people think China will lose the competition with the Trumpā€™s U.S. Trump won the utmost respect from his competitors, from China.

Trump usually reminds people of ancient emperors such as Qin Shihuang or Han Wudi who had great power and were not be loved by their people but do the right things for the country. This may not be recognized by the Chinese, but it's true in the subconscious mind. Chinese people are born with admiration and reverence for authority and power.​

The Chinese perhaps have a clearer view of the state of American politics than we do. The power of the outside observer.

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