The Christian Left?

And does the fact that the Left hates Jews as well prompt your support for them?
The Democrats’ largest single donor is entertainment mogul Haim Saban while the Republicans rely on casino multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson.

BTW, George Soros is a jew-
The vast majority of Jews are secular, that is the key as to why most seem to lean Left

If you look at practicing Jews, they lean conservative.

In fact, it is the same thing for Catholics. Those who practice their faith lean conservative.

For the secularist, government is their god.

And the reason the Jewish faith is attacked so is that secularists are engaged in eradicating all competing religions.

Where Catholicism went off the rails was their theocracy. They embraced the state in the name of God, something Christ adamantly was against.

Then followed the horrific political abuses in the name of God.
Why do you hate Jews? And does the fact that the Left hates Jews as well prompt your support for them?
I don't "hate". Period- why do you defend the most anti-christian entity on the planet? And, I'm not religious either-
I don't subscribe to the left/right paradigm- "I" am an Individual and "I" despise group think in religion and politics- why do you worship collectivist mentality? Isn't that a "leftist" trait? Why do you try to denigrate someone who doesn't believe, with reason, the way you do? Isn't that a "leftist" trait?
Perhaps the reason Jews are so wary of Christians is their horrific past with the Catholic church

Ever think of that?

Any Jews lives matter groups out there?

Nope. Yet they continue to seem to flourish anyway.

Why is that you reckon?

What past?
Hogwash and political spin.

He's 100 times more Decent than the two Republicans running who both corruptly inside traded, off of the corona virus Intel briefing they got.... They are crooks, SWAMP CREATURES.

Nope. He's supports the murdering of children in the womb. Anyone who supports murder is not a man or woman of the cloth.
Glad you posted this- I ran across this article the other day and keep forgetting to post it-

Almost No One Else Will Say It, So I Must

Evangelical Christians who are enamored with the modern State of Israel, believing it to be a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, need to take a close, hard look at the brutal history of the Zionist state. Reading this book is the best place to begin.

Personally, IDGAF what zealots think or believe- they will NOT change my mind on anything. However, I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why christians are so enamored of the most anti-christian entity in the world- it just makes no sense-

Think about this: Christ was a jew- Romans killed him. Christianity sprang from catholocism- where did catholocism originate? Then, consider the difference in the beliefs jews have about Christ vs what Chrisitians believe about him- jews hate christians and islamist and anyone who doesn't believe their victim hood status- H.A.T.E. the most powerful emotion humans have- I don't get the christians idolotry of jews- I though idolotry was a no-no- yet, the jews demand that christians idolize their bullshit- and christians beat themselves over the head arguing about who gets to be the head jew cheerleaders in the District of Criminals- SMH-
A people and religion that had endured the ravages of Europe for centuries, being kicked out of entire countries, being put in ghettos, being stolen from and thrown out onto the street, being rounded up and murdered in mass, and then the climax of the Holocaust that came years later. That's right, what was done to the Jews in the Holocaust had already been done to them for centuries prior, only on a larger scale. Then the Zionists were awarded Israel to return to their homeland for such suffering, only to see them try to be snuffed out by their Arab neighbors the very first day of their independence via war and conflict. Being outnumbered and outgunned, they pulled of the miraculous, they survived.

IF I were a Zionist Jew, Masada would be my rally cry.

Never again.

Does the Zionist state have policies or have had policies which are noble? Not always, but a better question would be, why has the UN passed more resolutions against the Zionist state, far more, than any other country in the world like North Korea, Iran, Syria, the Sudan, etc? Why is it that these countries are virtually ignored by comparison even though they have been, or are, emeshed in genocide while the Zionists only build walls to defend themselves?

And why do you see gays in San Fran in protest against the Zionist state while supporting the PLO, an organization that would just assume push them all off a roof top for being gay? That's right, Israel is the only refuge for gays in the entire Middle East, yet they want them all dead.

Very telling.
Oh horse shit- every "peoples" have had their hard times- jews are NOT special- they are hateful and spiteful toward non-jews, especially christians- I suggest you try looking at the big picture points I made- who killed christ? Romans, Where did catholicism begin? Rome. Where did christianity come from? Catholicism.
Hate and spite is in their DNA-
The persecution of the Jewish people is not special?

What knowledge do you have of their persecution and who has suffered as much?

I would love to hear.

As for Catholicism, it did not exist when Jesus was put on the cross. In fact, if you read the gospels, Pilate did not want to send him to the cross, it was the Jewish religious leaders.

And no, they did not murder Jesus, Jesus said he willingly gave his life as a sacrifice.

Hate and spite is in the DNA of humanity, where genocide is not an exception, it's the status quo, especially with Roe vs. Wade being the law of the land.

In fact, if you read the gospels, Pilate did not want to send him to the cross, it was the Jewish religious leaders.

Your right about this one thing.
Glad you posted this- I ran across this article the other day and keep forgetting to post it-

Almost No One Else Will Say It, So I Must

Evangelical Christians who are enamored with the modern State of Israel, believing it to be a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, need to take a close, hard look at the brutal history of the Zionist state. Reading this book is the best place to begin.

Personally, IDGAF what zealots think or believe- they will NOT change my mind on anything. However, I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why christians are so enamored of the most anti-christian entity in the world- it just makes no sense-

Think about this: Christ was a jew- Romans killed him. Christianity sprang from catholocism- where did catholocism originate? Then, consider the difference in the beliefs jews have about Christ vs what Chrisitians believe about him- jews hate christians and islamist and anyone who doesn't believe their victim hood status- H.A.T.E. the most powerful emotion humans have- I don't get the christians idolotry of jews- I though idolotry was a no-no- yet, the jews demand that christians idolize their bullshit- and christians beat themselves over the head arguing about who gets to be the head jew cheerleaders in the District of Criminals- SMH-
A people and religion that had endured the ravages of Europe for centuries, being kicked out of entire countries, being put in ghettos, being stolen from and thrown out onto the street, being rounded up and murdered in mass, and then the climax of the Holocaust that came years later. That's right, what was done to the Jews in the Holocaust had already been done to them for centuries prior, only on a larger scale. Then the Zionists were awarded Israel to return to their homeland for such suffering, only to see them try to be snuffed out by their Arab neighbors the very first day of their independence via war and conflict. Being outnumbered and outgunned, they pulled of the miraculous, they survived.

IF I were a Zionist Jew, Masada would be my rally cry.

Never again.

Does the Zionist state have policies or have had policies which are noble? Not always, but a better question would be, why has the UN passed more resolutions against the Zionist state, far more, than any other country in the world like North Korea, Iran, Syria, the Sudan, etc? Why is it that these countries are virtually ignored by comparison even though they have been, or are, emeshed in genocide while the Zionists only build walls to defend themselves?

And why do you see gays in San Fran in protest against the Zionist state while supporting the PLO, an organization that would just assume push them all off a roof top for being gay? That's right, Israel is the only refuge for gays in the entire Middle East, yet they want them all dead.

Very telling.
Oh horse shit- every "peoples" have had their hard times- jews are NOT special- they are hateful and spiteful toward non-jews, especially christians- I suggest you try looking at the big picture points I made- who killed christ? Romans, Where did catholicism begin? Rome. Where did christianity come from? Catholicism.
Hate and spite is in their DNA-
The persecution of the Jewish people is not special?

What knowledge do you have of their persecution and who has suffered as much?

I would love to hear.

As for Catholicism, it did not exist when Jesus was put on the cross. In fact, if you read the gospels, Pilate did not want to send him to the cross, it was the Jewish religious leaders.

And no, they did not murder Jesus, Jesus said he willingly gave his life as a sacrifice.

Hate and spite is in the DNA of humanity, where genocide is not an exception, it's the status quo, especially with Roe vs. Wade being the law of the land.

In fact, if you read the gospels, Pilate did not want to send him to the cross, it was the Jewish religious leaders.

Your right about this one thing.
I'm right?

The hell you say!
Why do you hate Jews? And does the fact that the Left hates Jews as well prompt your support for them?
I don't "hate". Period- why do you defend the most anti-christian entity on the planet? And, I'm not religious either-
I don't subscribe to the left/right paradigm- "I" am an Individual and "I" despise group think in religion and politics- why do you worship collectivist mentality? Isn't that a "leftist" trait? Why do you try to denigrate someone who doesn't believe, with reason, the way you do? Isn't that a "leftist" trait?
Perhaps the reason Jews are so wary of Christians is their horrific past with the Catholic church

Ever think of that?

Any Jews lives matter groups out there?

Nope. Yet they continue to seem to flourish anyway.

Why is that you reckon?
I guess I will answer my own question since no one is willing.

The reason that the Jewish people continue to flourish in society around the world, despite being the most persecuted people on earth, is because of the influence of the Torah.

Whether they are practicing Jews or not, the culture continues to influence them to lean socially conservative and tend to be very hard working.
Why do you hate Jews? And does the fact that the Left hates Jews as well prompt your support for them?
I don't "hate". Period- why do you defend the most anti-christian entity on the planet? And, I'm not religious either-
I don't subscribe to the left/right paradigm- "I" am an Individual and "I" despise group think in religion and politics- why do you worship collectivist mentality? Isn't that a "leftist" trait? Why do you try to denigrate someone who doesn't believe, with reason, the way you do? Isn't that a "leftist" trait?
Perhaps the reason Jews are so wary of Christians is their horrific past with the Catholic church

Ever think of that?

Any Jews lives matter groups out there?

Nope. Yet they continue to seem to flourish anyway.

Why is that you reckon?

What past?
Let me guess, you have no knowledge of the Jewish persecution in Europe for centuries prior to the Holocaust.
Hogwash and political spin.

He's 100 times more Decent than the two Republicans running who both corruptly inside traded, off of the corona virus Intel briefing they got.... They are crooks, SWAMP CREATURES.

Nope. He's supports the murdering of children in the womb. Anyone who supports murder is not a man or woman of the cloth.
The Pope does it as well. The Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls while saying nothing about the mass genocide of abortion

Then again, they refused to publically condemn the Holocaust as well

Some things never change.

I reckon politics continues to trump the word of God.
Why do you hate Jews? And does the fact that the Left hates Jews as well prompt your support for them?
I don't "hate". Period- why do you defend the most anti-christian entity on the planet? And, I'm not religious either-
I don't subscribe to the left/right paradigm- "I" am an Individual and "I" despise group think in religion and politics- why do you worship collectivist mentality? Isn't that a "leftist" trait? Why do you try to denigrate someone who doesn't believe, with reason, the way you do? Isn't that a "leftist" trait?
Perhaps the reason Jews are so wary of Christians is their horrific past with the Catholic church

Ever think of that?

Any Jews lives matter groups out there?

Nope. Yet they continue to seem to flourish anyway.

Why is that you reckon?
I guess I will answer my own question since no one is willing.

The reason that the Jewish people continue to flourish in society around the world, despite being the most persecuted people on earth, is because of the influence of the Torah.

Whether they are practicing Jews or not, the culture continues to influence them to lean socially conservative and tend to be very hard working.

and is also the baby boom capital of the USA.
Why do you hate Jews? And does the fact that the Left hates Jews as well prompt your support for them?
I don't "hate". Period- why do you defend the most anti-christian entity on the planet? And, I'm not religious either-
I don't subscribe to the left/right paradigm- "I" am an Individual and "I" despise group think in religion and politics- why do you worship collectivist mentality? Isn't that a "leftist" trait? Why do you try to denigrate someone who doesn't believe, with reason, the way you do? Isn't that a "leftist" trait?
Perhaps the reason Jews are so wary of Christians is their horrific past with the Catholic church

Ever think of that?

Any Jews lives matter groups out there?

Nope. Yet they continue to seem to flourish anyway.

Why is that you reckon?

What past?
Let me guess, you have no knowledge of the Jewish persecution in Europe for centuries prior to the Holocaust.

What past are you talking about? The Jews did pretty well in Germany and Poland and the US. They didn't miss their Israel until they got kicked out of Germany.
Why do you hate Jews? And does the fact that the Left hates Jews as well prompt your support for them?
I don't "hate". Period- why do you defend the most anti-christian entity on the planet? And, I'm not religious either-
I don't subscribe to the left/right paradigm- "I" am an Individual and "I" despise group think in religion and politics- why do you worship collectivist mentality? Isn't that a "leftist" trait? Why do you try to denigrate someone who doesn't believe, with reason, the way you do? Isn't that a "leftist" trait?
Perhaps the reason Jews are so wary of Christians is their horrific past with the Catholic church

Ever think of that?

Any Jews lives matter groups out there?

Nope. Yet they continue to seem to flourish anyway.

Why is that you reckon?

What past?
Let me guess, you have no knowledge of the Jewish persecution in Europe for centuries prior to the Holocaust.

What past are you talking about? The Jews did pretty well in Germany and Poland and the US. They didn't miss their Israel until they got kicked out of Germany.


No doubt, none of you learned this in school.
Hogwash and political spin.

He's 100 times more Decent than the two Republicans running who both corruptly inside traded, off of the corona virus Intel briefing they got.... They are crooks, SWAMP CREATURES.

Nope. He's supports the murdering of children in the womb. Anyone who supports murder is not a man or woman of the cloth.
The Pope does it as well. The Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls while saying nothing about the mass genocide of abortion

Then again, they refused to publically condemn the Holocaust as well

Some things never change.

I reckon politics continues to trump the word of God.
They did condemn the holocaust like they condemn the Jews killing and stealing land from the Palestinians.
Hogwash and political spin.

He's 100 times more Decent than the two Republicans running who both corruptly inside traded, off of the corona virus Intel briefing they got.... They are crooks, SWAMP CREATURES.

Nope. He's supports the murdering of children in the womb. Anyone who supports murder is not a man or woman of the cloth.
The Pope does it as well. The Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls while saying nothing about the mass genocide of abortion

Then again, they refused to publically condemn the Holocaust as well

Some things never change.

I reckon politics continues to trump the word of God.
They did condemn the holocaust like they condemn the Jews killing and stealing land from the Palestinians.
The Catholic church did not openly condemn the Holocaust.

And the reason why? To save their precious little Catholic state and treasures and their very lives.
I reckon politics continues to trump the word of God.
Man's words claiming to be a God's word- the problem being, which God? Jews God? Christians God? Islamist God?

The christian God seems to be jews- jews God is money, - idolotry is a christian no-no, yet US christians idolize jews- SMH- the irony is striking- and very telling
Why do you hate Jews? And does the fact that the Left hates Jews as well prompt your support for them?
I don't "hate". Period- why do you defend the most anti-christian entity on the planet? And, I'm not religious either-
I don't subscribe to the left/right paradigm- "I" am an Individual and "I" despise group think in religion and politics- why do you worship collectivist mentality? Isn't that a "leftist" trait? Why do you try to denigrate someone who doesn't believe, with reason, the way you do? Isn't that a "leftist" trait?
Perhaps the reason Jews are so wary of Christians is their horrific past with the Catholic church

Ever think of that?

Any Jews lives matter groups out there?

Nope. Yet they continue to seem to flourish anyway.

Why is that you reckon?

What past?
Let me guess, you have no knowledge of the Jewish persecution in Europe for centuries prior to the Holocaust.

What past are you talking about? The Jews did pretty well in Germany and Poland and the US. They didn't miss their Israel until they got kicked out of Germany.


No doubt, none of you learned this in school.

I have no problem with Jews, just Zionist and the othodox ones, zealots I call them. The Democrats have a lot of Jews in congress. I also have a problem with Christian zealots and Islam zealots.
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Hogwash and political spin.

He's 100 times more Decent than the two Republicans running who both corruptly inside traded, off of the corona virus Intel briefing they got.... They are crooks, SWAMP CREATURES.

Nope. He's supports the murdering of children in the womb. Anyone who supports murder is not a man or woman of the cloth.
The Pope does it as well. The Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls while saying nothing about the mass genocide of abortion

Then again, they refused to publically condemn the Holocaust as well

Some things never change.

I reckon politics continues to trump the word of God.

This pope worships satan and the new world order. He's a jesuit.

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