The Christian Left?

I believe in Separation of Church and State. As such I voted for Biden who knows the difference between civil law and theology laws and so does Reverend Warnock who is pro choice.
Do you support a mother's right to choose up to and including birth?

Having a baby is a decision between a woman and her doctor. If her doctor says an abortion is medically necessary, late in the pregnancy, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Women who have late term abortions are not doing so out of "choice" or "convenience".
Many women choose abortion to terminate their pregnancy without any medical danger. Do you support that?

I am a women. I do not LIKE abortion----but I do understand the social aspects of women who are in
a position of being unable to ----for practical reasons, to have a child. There are LOTS OF REASONS. Thus, I do support a woman's right to first trimester abortion. ------unless YOU want to support and nurture----THE CHILD.
If a woman doesn't have any moral integrity to take care of a life she is responsible for, then why should taxpayers? Yet, that's exactly what we do. Teach people that they're responsible for their actions. We're human beings, not animals.

did I say that the tax payers must support children that their parents either cannot or don't wish to? You touched on one of the reasons which leads ME to support first trimester abortion at the discretion of the mother (the one for whom a MYRIAD of reasons it might be impossible for her to adequately support or
care for the child)
Yes, you did. It's called welfare and Planned Abortionhood, both taxpayer funded.

"planned abortionhood" ? Welfare supports (to some extent) impoverished people. "planned parenthood" supports the education of women of child-bearing years and, to some extent, their medical
care. Are you suggesting that impoverished people just die in the gutter or neglect?
Abortion isn't "medical care".

how do you know? are you an advocate of the
wire hanger method?
Okay then, explain to us how killing a human being is "medical care". Go ahead.

sure. Pregnancy IS a medical issue. In some cases the mother's life is at risk. In fact, ---in the past, IN ALL cases the mother's life was at risk. NOW that is true only of some cases. In my very own case --MY LIFE was at risk due to pre-eclampsia which SHOULD have been treated a lot earlier than it was------even though I did have fair, but not ideal, pre-natal care.
ALSO pregnant women should be treated with supplemental FOLATE to avoid such outcomes as spinal bifida and cleft palate-----and also checked to specific fetus dangerous conditions such as TOXOPLASMOSIS, MEASLES ----etc etc etc. In some cases the fetus is SO ABNORMAL that a live birth thereof would be a tragedy for both mother and baby---and then there are the hereditary sicknesses that must be considered. There are also issues of YOUTH of the mother, coerced sex, inability of the mother to care for a child and extreme poverty
Killing a human being because of extreme poverty is now a medical condition? Amazing.

yes----for the well-being of both the mother and child.
If a mother has NO CAPACITY to care for a newborn---THAT IS AN ISSUE
You're insane.

by what criteria?
You just said killing the child is for the wellbeing of the child.

Given studies have routinely shownnn that unwanted children have a long sad history of doing poorly in life - higher rates of criminality, high school drop outs, substance abuse, and being wards of the state, in addition to the studies showing economic outcomes for women unable to obtain abortions being much worse off economically, and emotionally five years later, one could reasonably make the case that the abortion is for the well-being of the child.
You're insane.

I'm the one who is retired by the lake, with an indexed to inflation pension, in one of the top retirement communities in Canada, after a highly successful business career in banking, finance and law. My country has flattened the virus yet again, and re-opening begins tomorrow.

You're the one living in a country where half the people are living in some fantasy land where Donald Trump and the Republican Party have created the greatest country in the world. No they haven't. They took the greatest country in the world, and tried to turn it into another right wing authoritarian hell-hole.

When Donald Trump was inaugurated, he talke about "American carnage", and the world said "WTF is he talking about?", but by the end of his regime, Trump had achieved his vision of America in flames.
Please stay there.
I believe in Separation of Church and State. As such I voted for Biden who knows the difference between civil law and theology laws and so does Reverend Warnock who is pro choice.
Do you support a mother's right to choose up to and including birth?

Having a baby is a decision between a woman and her doctor. If her doctor says an abortion is medically necessary, late in the pregnancy, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Women who have late term abortions are not doing so out of "choice" or "convenience".
Many women choose abortion to terminate their pregnancy without any medical danger. Do you support that?

I am a women. I do not LIKE abortion----but I do understand the social aspects of women who are in
a position of being unable to ----for practical reasons, to have a child. There are LOTS OF REASONS. Thus, I do support a woman's right to first trimester abortion. ------unless YOU want to support and nurture----THE CHILD.
If a woman doesn't have any moral integrity to take care of a life she is responsible for, then why should taxpayers? Yet, that's exactly what we do. Teach people that they're responsible for their actions. We're human beings, not animals.

did I say that the tax payers must support children that their parents either cannot or don't wish to? You touched on one of the reasons which leads ME to support first trimester abortion at the discretion of the mother (the one for whom a MYRIAD of reasons it might be impossible for her to adequately support or
care for the child)
Yes, you did. It's called welfare and Planned Abortionhood, both taxpayer funded.

"planned abortionhood" ? Welfare supports (to some extent) impoverished people. "planned parenthood" supports the education of women of child-bearing years and, to some extent, their medical
care. Are you suggesting that impoverished people just die in the gutter or neglect?
Abortion isn't "medical care".

how do you know? are you an advocate of the
wire hanger method?
Okay then, explain to us how killing a human being is "medical care". Go ahead.

sure. Pregnancy IS a medical issue. In some cases the mother's life is at risk. In fact, ---in the past, IN ALL cases the mother's life was at risk. NOW that is true only of some cases. In my very own case --MY LIFE was at risk due to pre-eclampsia which SHOULD have been treated a lot earlier than it was------even though I did have fair, but not ideal, pre-natal care.
ALSO pregnant women should be treated with supplemental FOLATE to avoid such outcomes as spinal bifida and cleft palate-----and also checked to specific fetus dangerous conditions such as TOXOPLASMOSIS, MEASLES ----etc etc etc. In some cases the fetus is SO ABNORMAL that a live birth thereof would be a tragedy for both mother and baby---and then there are the hereditary sicknesses that must be considered. There are also issues of YOUTH of the mother, coerced sex, inability of the mother to care for a child and extreme poverty
Killing a human being because of extreme poverty is now a medical condition? Amazing.

yes----for the well-being of both the mother and child.
If a mother has NO CAPACITY to care for a newborn---THAT IS AN ISSUE
You're insane.

by what criteria?
You just said killing the child is for the wellbeing of the child.

terminating a pregnancy is not "KILLING A CHILD" any more than using a condom is not "KILLING A FEW THOUSAND CHILDREN" or using birth control pills is
not "killing little baby ova"
You should have taken biology in high school. An egg and sperm aren't a human being. When they become one, that's a human being. You're not only insane, you're ignorant. I suppose you're one of those leftist propaganda parrots that preach to us to "follow the science", huh.

biology was my undergraduate major and I graduated CUM LAUDE When a sperm and an ovum unite----that is called----in the nomenclature of biology -----a ZYGOTE----not "a child".
That ZYGOTE is human.

right---a human zygote------which is the fusion of a HUMAN ovum and a HUMAN spermatozoan. My left
thumbnail is a HUMAN THUMBNAIL
Your thumbnail isn't YOU. You're insane.

the base of my thumbnail bears my DNA---full complement-----just as a zygote bears the full
complement of the ovum and spermatozoa combined
A zygote grows into a person. You're thumbnail doesn't. You're insane.

theoretically a cell can be harvested from the
Matrix of the nail bed and elaborated into a human
being. The matrix of the nail bed holds UNDIFFERENTIATED cells----similar to stem cells. Did
you pass high school biology for idiots?
I believe in Separation of Church and State. As such I voted for Biden who knows the difference between civil law and theology laws and so does Reverend Warnock who is pro choice.
Do you support a mother's right to choose up to and including birth?

Having a baby is a decision between a woman and her doctor. If her doctor says an abortion is medically necessary, late in the pregnancy, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Women who have late term abortions are not doing so out of "choice" or "convenience".
Many women choose abortion to terminate their pregnancy without any medical danger. Do you support that?

I am a women. I do not LIKE abortion----but I do understand the social aspects of women who are in
a position of being unable to ----for practical reasons, to have a child. There are LOTS OF REASONS. Thus, I do support a woman's right to first trimester abortion. ------unless YOU want to support and nurture----THE CHILD.
If a woman doesn't have any moral integrity to take care of a life she is responsible for, then why should taxpayers? Yet, that's exactly what we do. Teach people that they're responsible for their actions. We're human beings, not animals.

did I say that the tax payers must support children that their parents either cannot or don't wish to? You touched on one of the reasons which leads ME to support first trimester abortion at the discretion of the mother (the one for whom a MYRIAD of reasons it might be impossible for her to adequately support or
care for the child)
Yes, you did. It's called welfare and Planned Abortionhood, both taxpayer funded.

"planned abortionhood" ? Welfare supports (to some extent) impoverished people. "planned parenthood" supports the education of women of child-bearing years and, to some extent, their medical
care. Are you suggesting that impoverished people just die in the gutter or neglect?
Abortion isn't "medical care".

how do you know? are you an advocate of the
wire hanger method?
Okay then, explain to us how killing a human being is "medical care". Go ahead.

sure. Pregnancy IS a medical issue. In some cases the mother's life is at risk. In fact, ---in the past, IN ALL cases the mother's life was at risk. NOW that is true only of some cases. In my very own case --MY LIFE was at risk due to pre-eclampsia which SHOULD have been treated a lot earlier than it was------even though I did have fair, but not ideal, pre-natal care.
ALSO pregnant women should be treated with supplemental FOLATE to avoid such outcomes as spinal bifida and cleft palate-----and also checked to specific fetus dangerous conditions such as TOXOPLASMOSIS, MEASLES ----etc etc etc. In some cases the fetus is SO ABNORMAL that a live birth thereof would be a tragedy for both mother and baby---and then there are the hereditary sicknesses that must be considered. There are also issues of YOUTH of the mother, coerced sex, inability of the mother to care for a child and extreme poverty
Killing a human being because of extreme poverty is now a medical condition? Amazing.

yes----for the well-being of both the mother and child.
If a mother has NO CAPACITY to care for a newborn---THAT IS AN ISSUE
You're insane.

by what criteria?
You just said killing the child is for the wellbeing of the child.

terminating a pregnancy is not "KILLING A CHILD" any more than using a condom is not "KILLING A FEW THOUSAND CHILDREN" or using birth control pills is
not "killing little baby ova"
You should have taken biology in high school. An egg and sperm aren't a human being. When they become one, that's a human being. You're not only insane, you're ignorant. I suppose you're one of those leftist propaganda parrots that preach to us to "follow the science", huh.

biology was my undergraduate major and I graduated CUM LAUDE When a sperm and an ovum unite----that is called----in the nomenclature of biology -----a ZYGOTE----not "a child".
That ZYGOTE is human.

right---a human zygote------which is the fusion of a HUMAN ovum and a HUMAN spermatozoan. My left
thumbnail is a HUMAN THUMBNAIL
Your thumbnail isn't YOU. You're insane.

the base of my thumbnail bears my DNA---full complement-----just as a zygote bears the full
complement of the ovum and spermatozoa combined
A zygote grows into a person. You're thumbnail doesn't. You're insane.

theoretically a cell can be harvested from the
Matrix of the nail bed and elaborated into a human
being. The matrix of the nail bed holds UNDIFFERENTIATED cells----similar to stem cells. Did
you pass high school biology for idiots?
Theoretically, you're insane.
I believe in Separation of Church and State. As such I voted for Biden who knows the difference between civil law and theology laws and so does Reverend Warnock who is pro choice.
Do you support a mother's right to choose up to and including birth?

Having a baby is a decision between a woman and her doctor. If her doctor says an abortion is medically necessary, late in the pregnancy, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Women who have late term abortions are not doing so out of "choice" or "convenience".
Many women choose abortion to terminate their pregnancy without any medical danger. Do you support that?

I am a women. I do not LIKE abortion----but I do understand the social aspects of women who are in
a position of being unable to ----for practical reasons, to have a child. There are LOTS OF REASONS. Thus, I do support a woman's right to first trimester abortion. ------unless YOU want to support and nurture----THE CHILD.
If a woman doesn't have any moral integrity to take care of a life she is responsible for, then why should taxpayers? Yet, that's exactly what we do. Teach people that they're responsible for their actions. We're human beings, not animals.

did I say that the tax payers must support children that their parents either cannot or don't wish to? You touched on one of the reasons which leads ME to support first trimester abortion at the discretion of the mother (the one for whom a MYRIAD of reasons it might be impossible for her to adequately support or
care for the child)
Yes, you did. It's called welfare and Planned Abortionhood, both taxpayer funded.

"planned abortionhood" ? Welfare supports (to some extent) impoverished people. "planned parenthood" supports the education of women of child-bearing years and, to some extent, their medical
care. Are you suggesting that impoverished people just die in the gutter or neglect?
Abortion isn't "medical care".

how do you know? are you an advocate of the
wire hanger method?
Okay then, explain to us how killing a human being is "medical care". Go ahead.

sure. Pregnancy IS a medical issue. In some cases the mother's life is at risk. In fact, ---in the past, IN ALL cases the mother's life was at risk. NOW that is true only of some cases. In my very own case --MY LIFE was at risk due to pre-eclampsia which SHOULD have been treated a lot earlier than it was------even though I did have fair, but not ideal, pre-natal care.
ALSO pregnant women should be treated with supplemental FOLATE to avoid such outcomes as spinal bifida and cleft palate-----and also checked to specific fetus dangerous conditions such as TOXOPLASMOSIS, MEASLES ----etc etc etc. In some cases the fetus is SO ABNORMAL that a live birth thereof would be a tragedy for both mother and baby---and then there are the hereditary sicknesses that must be considered. There are also issues of YOUTH of the mother, coerced sex, inability of the mother to care for a child and extreme poverty
Killing a human being because of extreme poverty is now a medical condition? Amazing.

yes----for the well-being of both the mother and child.
If a mother has NO CAPACITY to care for a newborn---THAT IS AN ISSUE
You're insane.

by what criteria?
You just said killing the child is for the wellbeing of the child.

terminating a pregnancy is not "KILLING A CHILD" any more than using a condom is not "KILLING A FEW THOUSAND CHILDREN" or using birth control pills is
not "killing little baby ova"
You should have taken biology in high school. An egg and sperm aren't a human being. When they become one, that's a human being. You're not only insane, you're ignorant. I suppose you're one of those leftist propaganda parrots that preach to us to "follow the science", huh.

biology was my undergraduate major and I graduated CUM LAUDE When a sperm and an ovum unite----that is called----in the nomenclature of biology -----a ZYGOTE----not "a child".
That ZYGOTE is human.

right---a human zygote------which is the fusion of a HUMAN ovum and a HUMAN spermatozoan. My left
thumbnail is a HUMAN THUMBNAIL
Your thumbnail isn't YOU. You're insane.

the base of my thumbnail bears my DNA---full complement-----just as a zygote bears the full
complement of the ovum and spermatozoa combined
A zygote grows into a person. You're thumbnail doesn't. You're insane.

theoretically a cell can be harvested from the
Matrix of the nail bed and elaborated into a human
being. The matrix of the nail bed holds UNDIFFERENTIATED cells----similar to stem cells. Did
you pass high school biology for idiots?
Theoretically, you're insane.


I know to say the words, "Christian Left" seems retarded, especially when they are Marxist like Raphael Warnock who is running for the Senate seat currently in order to "transform America" while praising the ramblings of Karl Marx who was unashamedly a racist and someone who hated the Christian faith.

Who is he? He is a "reverend". LMAO! He basically sounds exactly like Louis Farrakhan who rambles about anti-Semitism and white hate.

This is the new face of the democrat party and what they want to transform America into.


Agreed. You can't be Christian and a Democrat or a left-winger. They are mutually exclusive belief systems.

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