The Christian Left?

I know to say the words, "Christian Left" seems retarded, especially when they are Marxist like Raphael Warnock who is running for the Senate seat currently in order to "transform America" while praising the ramblings of Karl Marx who was unashamedly a racist and someone who hated the Christian faith.

Who is he? He is a "reverend". LMAO! He basically sounds exactly like Louis Farrakhan who rambles about anti-Semitism and white hate.

This is the new face of the democrat party and what they want to transform America into.


The Geller Report???? Surely you cannot take seriously anything that crazy bitch posts. She's the one who ran an anti-Muslim cartoon convention in Texas, urging cartoonists to mock the Prophet, in the hopes of triggering a terrorist attack. She didn't care at all that "real Americans" might get killed or injured in such an attack. She wanted blood on the floor and she got it.

A real winner that one. She'll say or do anything to incite violence.

Then we can move onto the demonization of a black pastor by the Party that screams "First Amendment" every time one of their so-called Christian cults, decides which new class of "sinner" to shun. The Party that purports to be the defender of religious freedom.

The man who is currently preaching from Martin Luther King Jr.'s pulpit in Georgia. He's raised himself up from poverty through scholarships and and Ivy League education to become the leader of one of the pre-eminent black congregations in America, but he's not Christian enough for Republicans.

Instead, Republicans ran the sleazy, racist, trophy wife of one of their biggest donors in the State. She bought the seat in the Senate. A woman whose own employees campaigned against her, and a woman who has spent her time in the Senate fighting charges of insider trading.

Yeah, let's hear for the good people of Georgia who didn't fall for Republicans lies and bullshit. If Republicans want to win elections in future, it's time they came up with a platform, an agenda, and some programs, because "I'm in it for all I can get" isn't going to get you many votes.
So for the record, you are OK with no seperation between the church and state so long as Jesus bows to the democrat party?


Incidentally, the democrats won in Georgia because they promised everyone a $2000 check. And last time I heard it is now down to $1400 and falling. In fact, now I think they will limit that to either the very poor or just black folk perhaps. Either way, they won on lies.

So for the record, I never opined on the separation of church and state. That was never the topic of the discussion. The discussion was the mischaracterization of Reverend Warnock as a danger to the Republic on account of him being a radical black communist. Now that I've completely dismantled your racist propaganda against Reverend Warnock, you're trying to move the goal posts.

Tell me your opinion of all of the right wing religious nuts in the House and Senate - like Ted Cruz, a Dominionist, who believes God want America to be a theocracy. Or all of the good little conservatives at Liberty University who are being encouraged to go into government on the side of Christ.

We can talk about who's putting all of that dark money into the Federalist Society to push all of those right wing Christian judges onto the bench.

I've been postiong against this shit for years. I was told there is no prohibition in the Constitution against ministers running for office. Suddenly, now that it's a left wing, black Minister in the Senate, you have a problem with mixing religion and politics.

Once again, Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Do you honestly believe that the problem is because he's a Black minister? Have you ever heard of the term "wolf in sheep's clothing"? What do you think that term means to Christians?

Warnock is well-respected in Atlanta by people of many faiths and colors. Have you ever heard him speak? He's big on American values. The guy is principled...
I don't doubt it. Hitler was also respected and principled.

Hitler was considered a joke.. and everyone was shocked when he came to power in1933.... and afraid. His speeches were idiocy, contradictory, lies and he changed history as it suited him, but he could incite the mob.
It sure wasn't a joke when he murdered 6 million Jews. Muslims loved him for that.

You are a remarkably ignorant man.. The Arab states all signed on with the Allies by 1939.. The Arabs proposed that the Holocaust survivors be given the best land in Germany. They acknowledged the suffering and death caused by Germany's nationalism and racism.
And Christians wonder why their numbers have been steadily decreasing.
It's proof that biblical prophecy is true. We're getting closer to the end.

Nope.. The end was in 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed. You should step back from the Scofield heresy and Hal Lindsey...and read your Bible at least from 200BC and Antiochus IV Epiphanes...
Where's the evidence that Pam Gellar is a hater?

I know to say the words, "Christian Left" seems retarded, especially when they are Marxist like Raphael Warnock who is running for the Senate seat currently in order to "transform America" while praising the ramblings of Karl Marx who was unashamedly a racist and someone who hated the Christian faith.

Who is he? He is a "reverend". LMAO! He basically sounds exactly like Louis Farrakhan who rambles about anti-Semitism and white hate.

This is the new face of the democrat party and what they want to transform America into.


The Geller Report???? Surely you cannot take seriously anything that crazy bitch posts. She's the one who ran an anti-Muslim cartoon convention in Texas, urging cartoonists to mock the Prophet, in the hopes of triggering a terrorist attack. She didn't care at all that "real Americans" might get killed or injured in such an attack. She wanted blood on the floor and she got it.

A real winner that one. She'll say or do anything to incite violence.

Then we can move onto the demonization of a black pastor by the Party that screams "First Amendment" every time one of their so-called Christian cults, decides which new class of "sinner" to shun. The Party that purports to be the defender of religious freedom.

The man who is currently preaching from Martin Luther King Jr.'s pulpit in Georgia. He's raised himself up from poverty through scholarships and and Ivy League education to become the leader of one of the pre-eminent black congregations in America, but he's not Christian enough for Republicans.

Instead, Republicans ran the sleazy, racist, trophy wife of one of their biggest donors in the State. She bought the seat in the Senate. A woman whose own employees campaigned against her, and a woman who has spent her time in the Senate fighting charges of insider trading.

Yeah, let's hear for the good people of Georgia who didn't fall for Republicans lies and bullshit. If Republicans want to win elections in future, it's time they came up with a platform, an agenda, and some programs, because "I'm in it for all I can get" isn't going to get you many votes.
So for the record, you are OK with no seperation between the church and state so long as Jesus bows to the democrat party?


Incidentally, the democrats won in Georgia because they promised everyone a $2000 check. And last time I heard it is now down to $1400 and falling. In fact, now I think they will limit that to either the very poor or just black folk perhaps. Either way, they won on lies.

So for the record, I never opined on the separation of church and state. That was never the topic of the discussion. The discussion was the mischaracterization of Reverend Warnock as a danger to the Republic on account of him being a radical black communist. Now that I've completely dismantled your racist propaganda against Reverend Warnock, you're trying to move the goal posts.

Tell me your opinion of all of the right wing religious nuts in the House and Senate - like Ted Cruz, a Dominionist, who believes God want America to be a theocracy. Or all of the good little conservatives at Liberty University who are being encouraged to go into government on the side of Christ.

We can talk about who's putting all of that dark money into the Federalist Society to push all of those right wing Christian judges onto the bench.

I've been postiong against this shit for years. I was told there is no prohibition in the Constitution against ministers running for office. Suddenly, now that it's a left wing, black Minister in the Senate, you have a problem with mixing religion and politics.

Once again, Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Do you honestly believe that the problem is because he's a Black minister? Have you ever heard of the term "wolf in sheep's clothing"? What do you think that term means to Christians?

Warnock is well-respected in Atlanta by people of many faiths and colors. Have you ever heard him speak? He's big on American values. The guy is principled...
I don't doubt it. Hitler was also respected and principled.

Hitler was considered a joke.. and everyone was shocked when he came to power in1933.... and afraid. His speeches were idiocy, contradictory, lies and he changed history as it suited him, but he could incite the mob.
It sure wasn't a joke when he murdered 6 million Jews. Muslims loved him for that.

You are a remarkably ignorant man.. The Arab states all signed on with the Allies by 1939.. The Arabs proposed that the Holocaust survivors be given the best land in Germany. They acknowledged the suffering and death caused by Germany's nationalism and racism.
Naw, I'm pretty smart and informed. You're the ignorant one here. You're a pitiful creature.

I know to say the words, "Christian Left" seems retarded, especially when they are Marxist like Raphael Warnock who is running for the Senate seat currently in order to "transform America" while praising the ramblings of Karl Marx who was unashamedly a racist and someone who hated the Christian faith.

Who is he? He is a "reverend". LMAO! He basically sounds exactly like Louis Farrakhan who rambles about anti-Semitism and white hate.

This is the new face of the democrat party and what they want to transform America into.


The Geller Report???? Surely you cannot take seriously anything that crazy bitch posts. She's the one who ran an anti-Muslim cartoon convention in Texas, urging cartoonists to mock the Prophet, in the hopes of triggering a terrorist attack. She didn't care at all that "real Americans" might get killed or injured in such an attack. She wanted blood on the floor and she got it.

A real winner that one. She'll say or do anything to incite violence.

Then we can move onto the demonization of a black pastor by the Party that screams "First Amendment" every time one of their so-called Christian cults, decides which new class of "sinner" to shun. The Party that purports to be the defender of religious freedom.

The man who is currently preaching from Martin Luther King Jr.'s pulpit in Georgia. He's raised himself up from poverty through scholarships and and Ivy League education to become the leader of one of the pre-eminent black congregations in America, but he's not Christian enough for Republicans.

Instead, Republicans ran the sleazy, racist, trophy wife of one of their biggest donors in the State. She bought the seat in the Senate. A woman whose own employees campaigned against her, and a woman who has spent her time in the Senate fighting charges of insider trading.

Yeah, let's hear for the good people of Georgia who didn't fall for Republicans lies and bullshit. If Republicans want to win elections in future, it's time they came up with a platform, an agenda, and some programs, because "I'm in it for all I can get" isn't going to get you many votes.
So for the record, you are OK with no seperation between the church and state so long as Jesus bows to the democrat party?


Incidentally, the democrats won in Georgia because they promised everyone a $2000 check. And last time I heard it is now down to $1400 and falling. In fact, now I think they will limit that to either the very poor or just black folk perhaps. Either way, they won on lies.

So for the record, I never opined on the separation of church and state. That was never the topic of the discussion. The discussion was the mischaracterization of Reverend Warnock as a danger to the Republic on account of him being a radical black communist. Now that I've completely dismantled your racist propaganda against Reverend Warnock, you're trying to move the goal posts.

Tell me your opinion of all of the right wing religious nuts in the House and Senate - like Ted Cruz, a Dominionist, who believes God want America to be a theocracy. Or all of the good little conservatives at Liberty University who are being encouraged to go into government on the side of Christ.

We can talk about who's putting all of that dark money into the Federalist Society to push all of those right wing Christian judges onto the bench.

I've been postiong against this shit for years. I was told there is no prohibition in the Constitution against ministers running for office. Suddenly, now that it's a left wing, black Minister in the Senate, you have a problem with mixing religion and politics.

Once again, Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Again, so long as any religious folk side with democrat morals and worldviews you are Ok with it.

But if not, then they are trying to establish a theocracy and needs to be stopped.

So long as we are clear.

Once again I have not opined about religion in politics.

You don’t seem to have a problem with religion in politics when it comes to banning abortion.

You don’t have any problem at all with religion and politics except when it comes to a left-wing Democrat being a minister.

What I have a problem with is the hypocrisy of right wing conservatives when it comes to religion and politics. They’re all about first amendment rights when it comes to right wing Christians in politics. But dead said against left-wing Christians in politics.

Which side are you on? You can’t suck and blow at the same time.
And Christians wonder why their numbers have been steadily decreasing.
It's proof that biblical prophecy is true. We're getting closer to the end.

Nope.. The end was in 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed. You should step back from the Scofield heresy and Hal Lindsey...and read your Bible at least from 200BC and Antiochus IV Epiphanes...
Where's the evidence that Pam Gellar is a hater?

Seriously??? Google it.
And Christians wonder why their numbers have been steadily decreasing.
It's proof that biblical prophecy is true. We're getting closer to the end.

Nope.. The end was in 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed. You should step back from the Scofield heresy and Hal Lindsey...and read your Bible at least from 200BC and Antiochus IV Epiphanes...
Where's the evidence that Pam Gellar is a hater?

Seriously??? Google it.
I know all about her. You tell me, what do you believe she says that's hate. Find some courage and tell us.
I believe in Separation of Church and State. As such I voted for Biden who knows the difference between civil law and theology laws and so does Reverend Warnock who is pro choice.
Do you support a mother's right to choose up to and including birth?

Having a baby is a decision between a woman and her doctor. If her doctor says an abortion is medically necessary, late in the pregnancy, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Women who have late term abortions are not doing so out of "choice" or "convenience".
And Christians wonder why their numbers have been steadily decreasing.
It's proof that biblical prophecy is true. We're getting closer to the end.

Nope.. The end was in 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed. You should step back from the Scofield heresy and Hal Lindsey...and read your Bible at least from 200BC and Antiochus IV Epiphanes...
Where's the evidence that Pam Gellar is a hater?

Seriously??? Google it.
I know all about her. You tell me, what do you believe she says that's hate. Find some courage and tell us.

I found her attempts to incite Muslim extremists, using American police and citizens as bait, to be offensive in the extreme. I have already posted links upthread to support my low opinion of her. You obviously didn't bother to read them the first time. I'm not posting them again. There is there search page. Knock yourself out.

And Christians wonder why their numbers have been steadily decreasing.
It's proof that biblical prophecy is true. We're getting closer to the end.

Nope.. The end was in 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed. You should step back from the Scofield heresy and Hal Lindsey...and read your Bible at least from 200BC and Antiochus IV Epiphanes...
Where's the evidence that Pam Gellar is a hater?

Seriously??? Google it.
I know all about her. You tell me, what do you believe she says that's hate. Find some courage and tell us.

Read Geller's crap yourself. You're presumably an adult and a Christian
Hitler also considered Muslims and Arabs to be mud people. Its nothing new to demonize other people with lies.. Hitler did it to the Jews. The Jews did it to the Canaanites and all their neighbors.

Not exactly;


Muslims were close allies with Hitler's Nazis - as they are close allies with you Nazis.

I know to say the words, "Christian Left" seems retarded, especially when they are Marxist like Raphael Warnock who is running for the Senate seat currently in order to "transform America" while praising the ramblings of Karl Marx who was unashamedly a racist and someone who hated the Christian faith.

Who is he? He is a "reverend". LMAO! He basically sounds exactly like Louis Farrakhan who rambles about anti-Semitism and white hate.

This is the new face of the democrat party and what they want to transform America into.


The Geller Report???? Surely you cannot take seriously anything that crazy bitch posts. She's the one who ran an anti-Muslim cartoon convention in Texas, urging cartoonists to mock the Prophet, in the hopes of triggering a terrorist attack. She didn't care at all that "real Americans" might get killed or injured in such an attack. She wanted blood on the floor and she got it.

A real winner that one. She'll say or do anything to incite violence.

Then we can move onto the demonization of a black pastor by the Party that screams "First Amendment" every time one of their so-called Christian cults, decides which new class of "sinner" to shun. The Party that purports to be the defender of religious freedom.

The man who is currently preaching from Martin Luther King Jr.'s pulpit in Georgia. He's raised himself up from poverty through scholarships and and Ivy League education to become the leader of one of the pre-eminent black congregations in America, but he's not Christian enough for Republicans.

Instead, Republicans ran the sleazy, racist, trophy wife of one of their biggest donors in the State. She bought the seat in the Senate. A woman whose own employees campaigned against her, and a woman who has spent her time in the Senate fighting charges of insider trading.

Yeah, let's hear for the good people of Georgia who didn't fall for Republicans lies and bullshit. If Republicans want to win elections in future, it's time they came up with a platform, an agenda, and some programs, because "I'm in it for all I can get" isn't going to get you many votes.
So for the record, you are OK with no seperation between the church and state so long as Jesus bows to the democrat party?


Incidentally, the democrats won in Georgia because they promised everyone a $2000 check. And last time I heard it is now down to $1400 and falling. In fact, now I think they will limit that to either the very poor or just black folk perhaps. Either way, they won on lies.

So for the record, I never opined on the separation of church and state. That was never the topic of the discussion. The discussion was the mischaracterization of Reverend Warnock as a danger to the Republic on account of him being a radical black communist. Now that I've completely dismantled your racist propaganda against Reverend Warnock, you're trying to move the goal posts.

Tell me your opinion of all of the right wing religious nuts in the House and Senate - like Ted Cruz, a Dominionist, who believes God want America to be a theocracy. Or all of the good little conservatives at Liberty University who are being encouraged to go into government on the side of Christ.

We can talk about who's putting all of that dark money into the Federalist Society to push all of those right wing Christian judges onto the bench.

I've been postiong against this shit for years. I was told there is no prohibition in the Constitution against ministers running for office. Suddenly, now that it's a left wing, black Minister in the Senate, you have a problem with mixing religion and politics.

Once again, Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Do you honestly believe that the problem is because he's a Black minister? Have you ever heard of the term "wolf in sheep's clothing"? What do you think that term means to Christians?

Warnock is well-respected in Atlanta by people of many faiths and colors. Have you ever heard him speak? He's big on American values. The guy is principled...
I don't doubt it. Hitler was also respected and principled.

Hitler was considered a joke.. and everyone was shocked when he came to power in1933.... and afraid. His speeches were idiocy, contradictory, lies and he changed history as it suited him, but he could incite the mob.
It sure wasn't a joke when he murdered 6 million Jews. Muslims loved him for that.

You are a remarkably ignorant man.. The Arab states all signed on with the Allies by 1939.. The Arabs proposed that the Holocaust survivors be given the best land in Germany. They acknowledged the suffering and death caused by Germany's nationalism and racism.
The globalists you love established Israel in the late 1940's.
I believe in Separation of Church and State. As such I voted for Biden who knows the difference between civil law and theology laws and so does Reverend Warnock who is pro choice.
Do you support a mother's right to choose up to and including birth?

Having a baby is a decision between a woman and her doctor. If her doctor says an abortion is medically necessary, late in the pregnancy, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Women who have late term abortions are not doing so out of "choice" or "convenience".
Many women choose abortion to terminate their pregnancy without any medical danger. Do you support that?
And Christians wonder why their numbers have been steadily decreasing.
It's proof that biblical prophecy is true. We're getting closer to the end.

Nope.. The end was in 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed. You should step back from the Scofield heresy and Hal Lindsey...and read your Bible at least from 200BC and Antiochus IV Epiphanes...
Where's the evidence that Pam Gellar is a hater?

Seriously??? Google it.
I know all about her. You tell me, what do you believe she says that's hate. Find some courage and tell us.

I found her attempts to incite Muslim extremists, using American police and citizens as bait, to be offensive in the extreme. I have already posted links upthread to support my low opinion of her. You obviously didn't bother to read them the first time. I'm not posting them again. There is there search page. Knock yourself out.

So you believe Muslim terrorists murder innocent people because people like Pam Gellar incite them. You're insane.
And Christians wonder why their numbers have been steadily decreasing.
It's proof that biblical prophecy is true. We're getting closer to the end.

Nope.. The end was in 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed. You should step back from the Scofield heresy and Hal Lindsey...and read your Bible at least from 200BC and Antiochus IV Epiphanes...
Where's the evidence that Pam Gellar is a hater?

Seriously??? Google it.
I know all about her. You tell me, what do you believe she says that's hate. Find some courage and tell us.

Read Geller's crap yourself. You're presumably an adult and a Christian
I know all about her. I agree with her 100%.
I believe in Separation of Church and State. As such I voted for Biden who knows the difference between civil law and theology laws and so does Reverend Warnock who is pro choice.
Do you support a mother's right to choose up to and including birth?

Having a baby is a decision between a woman and her doctor. If her doctor says an abortion is medically necessary, late in the pregnancy, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Women who have late term abortions are not doing so out of "choice" or "convenience".
Many women choose abortion to terminate their pregnancy without any medical danger. Do you support that?

I am a woman. I do not LIKE abortion----but I do understand the social aspects of women who are in
a position of being unable to ----for practical reasons, to have a child. There are LOTS OF REASONS. Thus, I do support a woman's right to first trimester abortion. ------unless YOU want to support and nurture----THE CHILD.
Last edited:
I believe in Separation of Church and State. As such I voted for Biden who knows the difference between civil law and theology laws and so does Reverend Warnock who is pro choice.
Do you support a mother's right to choose up to and including birth?

Having a baby is a decision between a woman and her doctor. If her doctor says an abortion is medically necessary, late in the pregnancy, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Women who have late term abortions are not doing so out of "choice" or "convenience".
Many women choose abortion to terminate their pregnancy without any medical danger. Do you support that?

I am a women. I do not LIKE abortion----but I do understand the social aspects of women who are in
a position of being unable to ----for practical reasons, to have a child. There are LOTS OF REASONS. Thus, I do support a woman's right to first trimester abortion. ------unless YOU want to support and nurture----THE CHILD.
If a woman doesn't have any moral integrity to take care of a life she is responsible for, then why should taxpayers? Yet, that's exactly what we do. Teach people that they're responsible for their actions. We're human beings, not animals.
I believe in Separation of Church and State. As such I voted for Biden who knows the difference between civil law and theology laws and so does Reverend Warnock who is pro choice.
Do you support a mother's right to choose up to and including birth?

Having a baby is a decision between a woman and her doctor. If her doctor says an abortion is medically necessary, late in the pregnancy, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Women who have late term abortions are not doing so out of "choice" or "convenience".
Many women choose abortion to terminate their pregnancy without any medical danger. Do you support that?

I am a women. I do not LIKE abortion----but I do understand the social aspects of women who are in
a position of being unable to ----for practical reasons, to have a child. There are LOTS OF REASONS. Thus, I do support a woman's right to first trimester abortion. ------unless YOU want to support and nurture----THE CHILD.
If a woman doesn't have any moral integrity to take care of a life she is responsible for, then why should taxpayers? Yet, that's exactly what we do. Teach people that they're responsible for their actions. We're human beings, not animals.

did I say that the tax payers must support children that their parents either cannot or don't wish to? You touched on one of the reasons which leads ME to support first trimester abortion at the discretion of the mother (the one for whom a MYRIAD of reasons it might be impossible for her to adequately support or
care for the child)
I believe in Separation of Church and State. As such I voted for Biden who knows the difference between civil law and theology laws and so does Reverend Warnock who is pro choice.
Do you support a mother's right to choose up to and including birth?

Yes I am pro choice. If a women carries a child to include birth, she really wanted a child. Do you think women carry children in the 3rd trimester and including birth for naught.

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