The city changed, I didn't.

What is now not tied to politics?

That is 100% up to the individual.

and the rest of your post shows that in your world everything is tied to polotics.

Shitty way to live in my opinion, but so many of you seem to like it
So, if you lived in NK then everything is up to you then?

How about Venezuela or Cuba or Iran?


I do not live in NK or Venezuela or Cuba or Iran (though I did spend 4.5 years of my youth living in Iran)

Can you stay on topic for once?
I do not live in NK or Venezuela or Cuba or Iran (though I did spend 4.5 years of my youth living in Iran)

Can you stay on topic for once?
Just pointing out that the more oppressive government becomes, the less freedom you have to do anything.

It's like how state rights have diminished over the years. If you compare the power of the federal government when the country was founded, it is completely foreign to what it is today. And how do Progressives like yourself justify subverting the Constitution and attempt at limited government? They do it with the clause for the common good of society in the Constitution. However, listen to what the author of the Constitution had to say about the clause he wrote.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”​

And today, government wants even more power as they push the climate cult. That will literally effect every aspect of your life, especially since fossil fuels are directly linked to every aspect of your life.


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Maybe I'm just a Luddite, I don't know. I will say that I never envisioned society turning out like this. Are we all in a petri dish? These are questions that should be asked because no sense is being made. Maybe it's not supposed to make sense in a recolving-door dystopian circular way. Empirical politics is more than just strange bedfellows. Is the experiment coming to an end? It sure looks like it.
Negative, chaps are worn over pants.....Chaps by definition are assless.

Based on the Spanish word “chaparreras,” western chaps and chinks are worn over pants to protect cowboys’ legs from dangerous brush, harsh weather conditions, rope burns from handling cattle or horses, and the sharp horns of cattle.
Chaps are dickless also since they have no human anatomy.
Just pointing out that the more oppressive government becomes, the less freedom you have to do anything.

It's like how state rights have diminished over the years. If you compare the power of the federal government when the country was founded, it is completely foreign to what it is today. And how do Progressives like yourself justify subverting the Constitution and attempt at limited government? They do it with the clause for the common good of society in the Constitution. However, listen to what the author of the Constitution had to say about the clause he wrote.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”​

And today, government wants even more power as they push the climate cult. That will literally effect every aspect of your life, especially since fossil fuels are directly linked to every aspect of your life.
The Civil War changed the feds from being a weak centralized govt. to one that has its hand in every enterprise, especially after Nixon when they felt they needed to control the plebs more to never stop a war for profit, ie, skullduggery for profit.
Maybe I'm just a Luddite, I don't know. I will say that I never envisioned society turning out like this. Are we all in a petri dish? These are questions that should be asked because no sense is being made. Maybe it's not supposed to make sense in a recolving-door dystopian circular way. Empirical politics is more than just strange bedfellows. Is the experiment coming to an end? It sure looks like it.
That is pretty much it. We are one big experiment that has gone bad.

But looking at human history, know that this is more the norm than not.

Humans are fundamentally flawed, and as such, cannot be trusted with power over their fellow man. Genocide, for example, is a common occurrence throughout history, and now the Left celebrates and chants for more genocide on every college campus in the world.
The Civil War changed the feds from being a weak centralized govt. to one that has its hand in every enterprise, especially after Nixon when they felt they needed to control the plebs more to never stop a war for profit, ie, skullduggery for profit.
It was a combination of things over the years as the Federal powers increased more and more and more.

The Progressive era, for example, was one of the biggest factors with the passing of the Federal income tax amendment. Before that, SCOTUS ruled it was unconstitutional, so they simply added it a decade later. That, in my opinion, was the death blow to a limited government. Shortly afterwards, you had Wilson and FDR grabbing more and more power for the federal government to fight wars abroad. In fact, the government now passes about 40 thousand new regulations and laws every year. The problem is, with every law or regulation, freedom wanes. That is why passing laws should be done with great trepidation, something that does not exist.
That is pretty much it. We are one big experiment that has gone bad.

But looking at human history, know that this is more the norm than not.

Humans are fundamentally flawed, and as such, cannot be trusted with power over their fellow man. Genocide, for example, is a common occurrence throughout history, and now the Left celebrates and chants for more genocide on every college campus in the world.
Cities do not look like cities from the 19th century it's called change.
It was a combination of things over the years as the Federal powers increased more and more and more.

The Progressive era, for example, was one of the biggest factors with the passing of the Federal income tax amendment. Before that, SCOTUS ruled it was unconstitutional, so they simply added it a decade later. That, in my opinion, was the death blow to a limited government. Shortly afterwards, you had Wilson and FDR grabbing more and more power for the federal government to fight wars abroad. In fact, the government now passes about 40 thousand new regulations and laws every year. The problem is, with every law or regulation, freedom wanes. That is why passing laws should be done with great trepidation, something that does not exist.
The income tax was first used by the feds in the Civil War whereas before it was only used by states.
Cities do not look like cities from the 19th century it's called change.
Yea, you kids have done a swell job.

The above picture is Hiroshima after the bomb in 1945, but today it is a thriving and growing city. Now compare that to Detroit.

It was people trying to live and not paying attention to politics that has caused what we see. On the Republican side there are too many people of the old way who won't leave or are paid off still or were shills running for election from the beginning. The problem is they won't leave. Fronted to the voters as a potential candidate and having some allegiance to their benefactors which we see in votes that the elites want passed. And of course, they call it bipartisan.
What that dullard refuses to realize is that all this postmodernist rot was brought to us by cultural Marxists, whose central organizing principle is politics.
This past weekend my oldest nephew brough his new girlfriend by.
She is only 26.
My son had recently converted old VHS tapes to digital, and we were watching some videos from the mid 90s.
Another one of my nephews is gay, in a particular video of my daughters birthday, all of the other boys were goofing off except for the gay nephew, who was only about 4 or 5 at the time, he was clearly interested in my daughters clothes and dolls.
I said "well there is "John" - obviously interested in girl stuff even at only 5 years old" - everyone laughed. Except for his new girlfriend. She had a shocked look on her face.
You would have thought I said something terrible.
Jesus Christ! The perpetually outraged! We all know "John" well and accepted his sexuality many years ago - I would have said it if he was right in the room.
But of course to the virtue signaling, brainwashed Gen Z's - you can't say anything that could, even in the smallest way, somehow be interpreted as non approved LGBQTism.


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