The Clinton Corruption Machine Unraveling

Little more smoke...

On January 15, US Federal Court seized $2.9M from Perkins Coie bank account, in connection with sex trafficking website Backpage, whose illegal profits were laundered through Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, who, in turn, used money to pay the British spy company that created the made up Trump-Russia Dossier. Their counsel was also friends with the FBI's lead counsel, James Clapper, and he was the one who passed the Steele dossier directly to Clapper so it wouldn't get vetted by the rank and file.

The key witness against Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party mega-donor James Larkin who, along with his also under indictment partner Michael Lacey ran, now FBI seized Backpage website.

USofA v. Backpage LLC
Who gives a shit about the Clintons anymore?
In other words - even in the face of overwhelming evidence - you can’t bring yourself to condemn here due to your ego and your past worship of her. Got it.

"Even in the face of overwhelming evidence". There is NO EVIDENCE. 17 INVESTIGATIONS AND NO EVIDENCE.

Judicial Watch is run by a guy with Clinton Derangement Syndrome. For 25 years this idiot has been suing the Clintons and he's lost every case.
The Clinton Corruption machine is so much worse than any of us know...
Most of the meetings were with Hillary Clinton or her staff. During one of these trips, Chung personally handed a $50,000 check to Hillary Clinton's chief of staff Maggie Williams.

Chung even helped arrange for Bill Clinton to meet with the source of the money – a top Chinese military official – at a Los Angeles fundraiser.
If says everything that the man kept video evidence out of fear that he would be assassinated by the Clinton’s.

Illegal Clinton fundraiser made tape fearing for his life | Daily Mail Online
More one off examples.
You do know who runs the Daily Mail rag?
And how it is regarded in the uk?
Why don't you watch the 6 part Clinton doc instead of searching for info wars single articles?
And why don't you research our 5 deferment orange blob paid by his dad if you want corruption.
Do these things just sail by you??
Nothing like a made up mind
It is hilariou
The Clinton Corruption machine is so much worse than any of us know...
Most of the meetings were with Hillary Clinton or her staff. During one of these trips, Chung personally handed a $50,000 check to Hillary Clinton's chief of staff Maggie Williams.

Chung even helped arrange for Bill Clinton to meet with the source of the money – a top Chinese military official – at a Los Angeles fundraiser.
If says everything that the man kept video evidence out of fear that he would be assassinated by the Clinton’s.

Illegal Clinton fundraiser made tape fearing for his life | Daily Mail Online
More one off examples.
You do know who runs the Daily Mail rag?
And how it is regarded in the uk?
Why don't you watch the 6 part Clinton doc instead of searching for info wars single articles?
And why don't you research our 5 deferment orange blob paid by his dad if you want corruption.
Do these things just sail by you??
Nothing like a made up mind
Strange that the ken Starr's of the world never convicted them of anything
Who gives a shit about the Clintons anymore?
In other words - even in the face of overwhelming evidence - you can’t bring yourself to condemn here due to your ego and your past worship of her. Got it.

"Even in the face of overwhelming evidence". There is NO EVIDENCE. 17 INVESTIGATIONS AND NO EVIDENCE.

Judicial Watch is run by a guy with Clinton Derangement Syndrome. For 25 years this idiot has been suing the Clintons and he's lost every case.
This is our double wide patriot who doesn't even know his hero, Ben Franklin tried to ban German immigrants.
"They are swarthy, can't speak English and are taking our jobs"
Must be a Belarus troll not to know
Little more smoke...

On January 15, US Federal Court seized $2.9M from Perkins Coie bank account, in connection with sex trafficking website Backpage, whose illegal profits were laundered through Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, who, in turn, used money to pay the British spy company that created the made up Trump-Russia Dossier. Their counsel was also friends with the FBI's lead counsel, James Clapper, and he was the one who passed the Steele dossier directly to Clapper so it wouldn't get vetted by the rank and file.

The key witness against Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party mega-donor James Larkin who, along with his also under indictment partner Michael Lacey ran, now FBI seized Backpage website.

USofA v. Backpage LLC
They must have funded hillaries DC peadophile pizza parlor too.
Strange how they never appear in court
It’s hilarious to me that with all the millions of dollars the Trump cabinet has swindled from the American people they still have the nerve to say the Clinton corruption machine.

Are these people just fools, or liars, or both?
What dollars have they swindled? I'm dying to know about this scandal.
Patience darlin, whitewater took 6 years.
Trump hotel in DC for a start.
Bragged about the huge casino losses handed to NJ taxpayers?
Why do you think us banks wouldn't lend to him?
Little more smoke...

On January 15, US Federal Court seized $2.9M from Perkins Coie bank account, in connection with sex trafficking website Backpage, whose illegal profits were laundered through Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, who, in turn, used money to pay the British spy company that created the made up Trump-Russia Dossier. Their counsel was also friends with the FBI's lead counsel, James Clapper, and he was the one who passed the Steele dossier directly to Clapper so it wouldn't get vetted by the rank and file.

The key witness against Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party mega-donor James Larkin who, along with his also under indictment partner Michael Lacey ran, now FBI seized Backpage website.

USofA v. Backpage LLC
Clintons law firm? You might have said Boeing
I thought she owned it.
Have you any idea what a gigantic firm it is?
Perkins Coie - Wikipedia
It’s hilarious to me that with all the millions of dollars the Trump cabinet has swindled from the American people they still have the nerve to say the Clinton corruption machine.

Are these people just fools, or liars, or both?
What dollars have they swindled? I'm dying to know about this scandal.
Patience darlin, whitewater took 6 years.
Trump hotel in DC for a start.
Bragged about the huge casino losses handed to NJ taxpayers?
Why do you think us banks wouldn't lend to him?

What are you babbling about? Lefties believe they can just mutter a few of their mantras, and that constitutes some kind of argument.

That must be your way of admitting that you can't answer the question.
You should know.
You have
It’s hilarious to me that with all the millions of dollars the Trump cabinet has swindled from the American people they still have the nerve to say the Clinton corruption machine.

Are these people just fools, or liars, or both?
What dollars have they swindled? I'm dying to know about this scandal.
Patience darlin, whitewater took 6 years.
Trump hotel in DC for a start.
Bragged about the huge casino losses handed to NJ taxpayers?
Why do you think us banks wouldn't lend to him?

What are you babbling about? Lefties believe they can just mutter a few of their mantras, and that constitutes some kind of argument.

That must be your way of admitting that you can't answer the question.
I gave you the hotel.
The hotel, dragging your wife by the hair by the hair before raping?
To be trumped in ny means to be stiffed?
These are mantras?
You are the zero college rube with a whiny baby.
What are your facts?
Less jobs created in the first 2 years than Obama in his last 2?
And don't even know the origin of snowflake?
Little more smoke...

On January 15, US Federal Court seized $2.9M from Perkins Coie bank account, in connection with sex trafficking website Backpage, whose illegal profits were laundered through Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, who, in turn, used money to pay the British spy company that created the made up Trump-Russia Dossier. Their counsel was also friends with the FBI's lead counsel, James Clapper, and he was the one who passed the Steele dossier directly to Clapper so it wouldn't get vetted by the rank and file.

The key witness against Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party mega-donor James Larkin who, along with his also under indictment partner Michael Lacey ran, now FBI seized Backpage website.

USofA v. Backpage LLC
Made up?
You know it was a repub outfit that first funded it.
Later the Dems ?
Got any actual wrongs in the dossier?
I thought as time goes on more and more of it is authenticated
Please give us an incorrect item.
And the authenticated ones
Little more smoke...

On January 15, US Federal Court seized $2.9M from Perkins Coie bank account, in connection with sex trafficking website Backpage, whose illegal profits were laundered through Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, who, in turn, used money to pay the British spy company that created the made up Trump-Russia Dossier. Their counsel was also friends with the FBI's lead counsel, James Clapper, and he was the one who passed the Steele dossier directly to Clapper so it wouldn't get vetted by the rank and file.

The key witness against Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party mega-donor James Larkin who, along with his also under indictment partner Michael Lacey ran, now FBI seized Backpage website.

USofA v. Backpage LLC
Made up?
You know it was a repub outfit that first funded it.
Later the Dems ?
Got any actual wrongs in the dossier?
I thought as time goes on more and more of it is authenticated
Please give us an incorrect item.
And the authenticated ones
Nothing has been authenticated, moron.

Can you do anything other than repeat the same lies and logical fallacies that have been posted in this forum 10,000 times?
Little more smoke...

On January 15, US Federal Court seized $2.9M from Perkins Coie bank account, in connection with sex trafficking website Backpage, whose illegal profits were laundered through Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, who, in turn, used money to pay the British spy company that created the made up Trump-Russia Dossier. Their counsel was also friends with the FBI's lead counsel, James Clapper, and he was the one who passed the Steele dossier directly to Clapper so it wouldn't get vetted by the rank and file.

The key witness against Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party mega-donor James Larkin who, along with his also under indictment partner Michael Lacey ran, now FBI seized Backpage website.

USofA v. Backpage LLC
Clintons law firm? You might have said Boeing
I thought she owned it.
Have you any idea what a gigantic firm it is?
Perkins Coie - Wikipedia

Does everything needs to be drawn to you dunces? It doesn't take a lot of brain power to process it.

If you have a lawyer, most likely you are referring to him/her as "my lawyer". It has the same meaning as "lawyer that represent me", or "the lawyer I hired". That's so hard to understand, isn't it?
Little more smoke...

On January 15, US Federal Court seized $2.9M from Perkins Coie bank account, in connection with sex trafficking website Backpage, whose illegal profits were laundered through Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, who, in turn, used money to pay the British spy company that created the made up Trump-Russia Dossier. Their counsel was also friends with the FBI's lead counsel, James Clapper, and he was the one who passed the Steele dossier directly to Clapper so it wouldn't get vetted by the rank and file.

The key witness against Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party mega-donor James Larkin who, along with his also under indictment partner Michael Lacey ran, now FBI seized Backpage website.

USofA v. Backpage LLC
Made up?
You know it was a repub outfit that first funded it.
Later the Dems ?
Got any actual wrongs in the dossier?
I thought as time goes on more and more of it is authenticated
Please give us an incorrect item.
And the authenticated ones

I must have struck a cord, you're replying third time to the same post.

So, some Republicans funded initial research by Fusion GPS. It ended.

Have they used Perkins Coie?
Have they made payment to foreign spy?
Have they that "research" to get FISA warrant?

You do know who did it, do ya?
Little more smoke...

On January 15, US Federal Court seized $2.9M from Perkins Coie bank account, in connection with sex trafficking website Backpage, whose illegal profits were laundered through Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, who, in turn, used money to pay the British spy company that created the made up Trump-Russia Dossier. Their counsel was also friends with the FBI's lead counsel, James Clapper, and he was the one who passed the Steele dossier directly to Clapper so it wouldn't get vetted by the rank and file.

The key witness against Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party mega-donor James Larkin who, along with his also under indictment partner Michael Lacey ran, now FBI seized Backpage website.

USofA v. Backpage LLC
Made up?
You know it was a repub outfit that first funded it.
Later the Dems ?
Got any actual wrongs in the dossier?
I thought as time goes on more and more of it is authenticated
Please give us an incorrect item.
And the authenticated ones

I must have struck a cord, you're replying third time to the same post.

So, some Republicans funded initial research by Fusion GPS. It ended.

Have they used Perkins Coie?
Have they made payment to foreign spy?
Have they that "research" to get FISA warrant?

You do know who did it, do ya?
He's just repeating the same of talking points that Trump haters have been repeating for the last 2 years.
Who gives a shit about the Clintons anymore?

If they committed crimes, they will have to face Justice!

Criminals offenders like the Clintons have to pay for their criminal acts!

Otherwise, why have a Justice System at all?
FOLKS, I prefer the boot of truth to slam down to earth like thunder, no matter the shock of hearing its clap.

it's time to tell the truth about Crooked Hillary & Horny Bill

Horny Bill has been paid an annual average of 8 million dollars for giving speeches. this are enormous unprecedented sums, as much as $750K per speech. it's hard to imagine that Horny Bill's pearls of wisdown are worth that much to even the most worshipful audience.

ask Team Clinton about the flow of tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation, and the explanation is: Bill Clinton is beloved around the world. by this logic, politicians who raise millions of dollars must be the most beloved people in the world, & the most charitable.
Uh oh, you had to go there. Bringing up a "foundation".

When Trump stopped giving money to his foundation nearly a decade ago.

When Trump is using Foundation money to buy stuff for his family.

When the Trump Foundation is actually under criminal investigation.


But, but, but, TRUMP!
Who gives a shit about the Clintons anymore?

If they committed crimes, they will have to face Justice!

Criminals offenders like the Clintons have to pay for their criminal acts!

Otherwise, why have a Justice System at all?
They didn't do anything criminal, all investigated nothing found, just total BS Republican propaganda for total idiots only.
Little more smoke...

On January 15, US Federal Court seized $2.9M from Perkins Coie bank account, in connection with sex trafficking website Backpage, whose illegal profits were laundered through Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, who, in turn, used money to pay the British spy company that created the made up Trump-Russia Dossier. Their counsel was also friends with the FBI's lead counsel, James Clapper, and he was the one who passed the Steele dossier directly to Clapper so it wouldn't get vetted by the rank and file.

The key witness against Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party mega-donor James Larkin who, along with his also under indictment partner Michael Lacey ran, now FBI seized Backpage website.

USofA v. Backpage LLC
Made up?
You know it was a repub outfit that first funded it.
Later the Dems ?
Got any actual wrongs in the dossier?
I thought as time goes on more and more of it is authenticated
Please give us an incorrect item.
And the authenticated ones

I must have struck a cord, you're replying third time to the same post.

So, some Republicans funded initial research by Fusion GPS. It ended.

Have they used Perkins Coie?
Have they made payment to foreign spy?
Have they that "research" to get FISA warrant?

You do know who did it, do ya?

Little more smoke...

On January 15, US Federal Court seized $2.9M from Perkins Coie bank account, in connection with sex trafficking website Backpage, whose illegal profits were laundered through Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, who, in turn, used money to pay the British spy company that created the made up Trump-Russia Dossier. Their counsel was also friends with the FBI's lead counsel, James Clapper, and he was the one who passed the Steele dossier directly to Clapper so it wouldn't get vetted by the rank and file.

The key witness against Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party mega-donor James Larkin who, along with his also under indictment partner Michael Lacey ran, now FBI seized Backpage website.

USofA v. Backpage LLC
Made up?
You know it was a repub outfit that first funded it.
Later the Dems ?
Got any actual wrongs in the dossier?
I thought as time goes on more and more of it is authenticated
Please give us an incorrect item.
And the authenticated ones

I must have struck a cord, you're replying third time to the same post.

So, some Republicans funded initial research by Fusion GPS. It ended.

Have they used Perkins Coie?
Have they made payment to foreign spy?
Have they that "research" to get FISA warrant?

You do know who did it, do ya?
He's just repeating the same of talking points that Trump haters have been repeating for the last 2 years.

I would not make a bet that the Clintons are going to get nailed, but it is better than even money that a bunch of people in the alphabet soup agencies are, and who they throw under the bus for a "better deal" is anyones guess.

For Leftists---------> There is little doubt that one form or another of this type of garbage has been going on for years. It is called, DIRTY POLITICS, and both sides have used it in one form or the other. We seen it under Nixon, and heard rumors of it when J Edgar Hoover was the head of the FBI. Most of us would think it is disgusting, and against everything we supposedly stand for, but people in power really do not care what we the pleebs think; which is why big government sucks......but that is a discussion for another thread.

So what happened here? Why are some in Washington now willing to out this type of crap?

ANSWER--------> Because no matter the chicanery of the partisans, once the election was over, grumble as they might, the government went back...grudgingly no work, and started producing their talking points for the next, political, fight.

Not this time! The Left believed they could virtually REVERSE the election, or at least weaken the power they lost to the other side by doubling down, thus they put all their eggs in one basket----------->COULD they get rid of Trump BEFORE he proved what they had done TOGETHER! (and yes, some RINO'S are involved)

It appeared for the longest time their wager had paid off. If the Left would have taken both House and Senate, Trump would have been checkmated and might as well resigned. The Left would have been able to basically stymy all pertinent investigations without being to obvious except to those who follow politics closely, and every Leftist on this board would today, be having a field day as corruption NEVER would have been proven within the amount of time from the mid terms, to the Presidential election. President Pence would have been forced to shut the door on this, as without control of neither chamber and Trump gone, they could NEVER have proven it in time. In essence, the Leftist Watergate would have been the topic for history, and not current events that will shape the race in 2020.

Want to know how important (more important) those few senate seats that were gained are? As this unfolds as the next cycle comes closer, watch how the political landscape changes. Watch also how the Democrats eventually attempt to throw Hillary under the bus and blame it all on her. But, even Democrats are smart enough to know that a private citizen like Hillary, doesn't have the power to pull this off alone. SHE HAD ACCOMPLICES INSIDE THE GOVERNMENT!

Who were those accomplices, and who knew what, and when did they know it? Sadly for the Democrats, the Trump administration already knows as since they all believed Hillary would win, they didn't cover the paper trail to well; they expected a President Hillary to do that for them, along with head of the FBI Comey, and AG Clapper or Brennan.

And so, the Left will snicker and claim, "any day now," right folks-)

Oh yes! The only reason it has taken this long is...……. JEFF SESSIONS recusal, and Rosenstein running interference. That is all about to change, lol. This is exactly why we are getting waves instead of drips now, and a constitutional CRISIS IS coming, the Left was correct about that. It is just not the one they were expecting, nor will the outcome make them very happy.

Take it to the bank, and cash that check!
Even in the face of overwhelming evidence". There is NO EVIDENCE.
Uh...the FOA just produced the documents that the Clinton’s claimed didn’t exist. That in itself is indisputable evidence. Oops.
Judicial Watch is run by a guy with Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
Don’t try to co-op conservative language, sweetie. If you’re not clever enough to come up with your own terms, just accept it.

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