The Clinton Exodus Begins

Snopes isn't attached to Clinton. In fact Snopes hadn't said anything when I posted. But, now they have: FALSE: Michelle Obama Scrubbed Hillary Clinton from Her Twitter Accounts


I wasted some braincells and joined Twitter. The image you posted exists only in one twitter feed claiming what you are claiming. I can't find any credible sources supporting the OP's claim.

In fact, here is another article talking about this particular piece of fake news and fake news in general that the rightwing seems particularly susceptible to.

The progression of events illustrates how fake news stories expand and spread from fringe web sites to nationally syndicated radio shows with millions of listeners. In this case, the fake news originated on a dubious site called "Your News Wire," which publishes a mix of true, slanted and made-up news. Then, like a game of telephone, by the time the story got to Hannity, even the fake facts were wrong.

The site wrongly claimed that "Michelle Obama has scrubbed all references to Hillary Clinton from both of her Twitter accounts" and implied that it was the result of FBI investigations into Clinton.

A thicket of far-right-wing web sites picked up the story and ran with it. Red State Watcher said the news was "breaking!" and News Ninja 2012 said it was "suspicious." "The rats are jumping ship," The Gateway Pundit wrote.

Pro-Trump social media users tweeted about it, further amplifying the falsehood. And a contributor to a relatively credible web site,, posted an item asking "Is the First Lady distancing the Obamas from the Clintons?"

Then new characters were added to the fake storyline. "Elizabeth Warren just unfollowed Hillary, and Michelle Obama deleted all her tweets about Hillary," Jack Posobiec, who calls himself a "recovering political operative," tweeted at 2 p.m. Tuesday. He kept going, adding President Obama's name to the list, without any evidence to back it up.

President Obama's @POTUS timeline includes recent tweets like "Couldn't be more proud of @HillaryClinton."

By 4 p.m., the made-up claims were on "The Sean Hannity Show."

First Hannity brought up the Gateway Pundit blog post -- which was predicated on a hoax -- and asked if it was true: "It says that Michelle Obama had deleted Hillary tweets from her timeline. Did you ever check that out?" The question is apparently directed at his producer.

Later in the hour, Hannity brought it up again. He was talking about revelations from the Wikileaks trove of stolen Clinton campaign emails when he began to read information about Warren and Obama, then said "What?"

A female voice chimed in to report: "Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren have both unfollowed Hillary Clinton, as well as scrubbing their timeline of tweets about her."

"Wow," Hannity said, and paused. "That means they know it's huge. You know why? Because Obama's implicated! He's implicated here, and he's pissed. You know what his legacy might be? Jail."

Some of Hannity's listeners believed him -- they shared the fake news via Twitter and Facebook. "wow this is getting good!" one Hannity fan tweeted.

Hannity did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the error.

But he tweeted after his show, "Correction. Live on radio I read a gateway pundit report that @MichelleObama had deleted mentions of HRC. And a listener said BHO and. Elizabeth Warren did same. Fact is they didn't. I humbly apologize. Live radio."

Then he emailed CNNMoney this explanation: "I received an e-mail LIVE ON THE AIR that linked a Gateway Pundit article. I questioned the accuracy of it on the air. I asked my producer on the air if it was true. She said it was. I also received a listener IM saying that they saw the same. Then THE listener mentioned that there was a report about the other 2."

Hannity continued: "Bottom line it was brought up in an insignificant way, I was dealing with more important issues like HRC crimes and lies and how CNN has been colluding with the Clinton campaign and CHEATING Bernie Sanders."
Isn't Snopes heavily funded by George Soros? Soros is backing Clinton.

No. It's only funding is through advertising revenues:

Also, this article debunks some of the rumors: Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

Thus far, your source hasn't proven it's case, particularly when multiple sources indicate quite the opposite.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

In this case, yes. I made the effort to actually sign up on Twitter and look for myself.
Stir the pot, some fool will always pass it 0n. why wait for confirmation who cares about facts, calling names is so much more fun
I just checked the entire month of October on Obama's Twitter account and there is nothing there about Hillary Clinton. Not one word. Not even on the 26th which was Hillary's birthday. I'm checking Michele's now.

This is Michele Obama's twitter page. It's true. Warren, Obama and Michele are no longer following Hillary. You must have gotten bad information. Were you going by Snopes? They are known for getting it wrong. Snopes is probably trying to do damage control for the Clinton's. There are people tweeting on Michele Obama's twitter. It's active and Hillary isn't mentioned other than that she was removed by Warren, Obama and Michele and people are talking about it.

Snopes isn't attached to Clinton. In fact Snopes hadn't said anything when I posted. But, now they have: FALSE: Michelle Obama Scrubbed Hillary Clinton from Her Twitter Accounts


I wasted some braincells and joined Twitter. The image you posted exists only in one twitter feed claiming what you are claiming. I can't find any credible sources supporting the OP's claim.

In fact, here is another article talking about this particular piece of fake news and fake news in general that the rightwing seems particularly susceptible to.

The progression of events illustrates how fake news stories expand and spread from fringe web sites to nationally syndicated radio shows with millions of listeners. In this case, the fake news originated on a dubious site called "Your News Wire," which publishes a mix of true, slanted and made-up news. Then, like a game of telephone, by the time the story got to Hannity, even the fake facts were wrong.

The site wrongly claimed that "Michelle Obama has scrubbed all references to Hillary Clinton from both of her Twitter accounts" and implied that it was the result of FBI investigations into Clinton.

A thicket of far-right-wing web sites picked up the story and ran with it. Red State Watcher said the news was "breaking!" and News Ninja 2012 said it was "suspicious." "The rats are jumping ship," The Gateway Pundit wrote.

Pro-Trump social media users tweeted about it, further amplifying the falsehood. And a contributor to a relatively credible web site,, posted an item asking "Is the First Lady distancing the Obamas from the Clintons?"

Then new characters were added to the fake storyline. "Elizabeth Warren just unfollowed Hillary, and Michelle Obama deleted all her tweets about Hillary," Jack Posobiec, who calls himself a "recovering political operative," tweeted at 2 p.m. Tuesday. He kept going, adding President Obama's name to the list, without any evidence to back it up.

President Obama's @POTUS timeline includes recent tweets like "Couldn't be more proud of @HillaryClinton."

By 4 p.m., the made-up claims were on "The Sean Hannity Show."

First Hannity brought up the Gateway Pundit blog post -- which was predicated on a hoax -- and asked if it was true: "It says that Michelle Obama had deleted Hillary tweets from her timeline. Did you ever check that out?" The question is apparently directed at his producer.

Later in the hour, Hannity brought it up again. He was talking about revelations from the Wikileaks trove of stolen Clinton campaign emails when he began to read information about Warren and Obama, then said "What?"

A female voice chimed in to report: "Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren have both unfollowed Hillary Clinton, as well as scrubbing their timeline of tweets about her."

"Wow," Hannity said, and paused. "That means they know it's huge. You know why? Because Obama's implicated! He's implicated here, and he's pissed. You know what his legacy might be? Jail."

Some of Hannity's listeners believed him -- they shared the fake news via Twitter and Facebook. "wow this is getting good!" one Hannity fan tweeted.

Hannity did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the error.

But he tweeted after his show, "Correction. Live on radio I read a gateway pundit report that @MichelleObama had deleted mentions of HRC. And a listener said BHO and. Elizabeth Warren did same. Fact is they didn't. I humbly apologize. Live radio."

Then he emailed CNNMoney this explanation: "I received an e-mail LIVE ON THE AIR that linked a Gateway Pundit article. I questioned the accuracy of it on the air. I asked my producer on the air if it was true. She said it was. I also received a listener IM saying that they saw the same. Then THE listener mentioned that there was a report about the other 2."

Hannity continued: "Bottom line it was brought up in an insignificant way, I was dealing with more important issues like HRC crimes and lies and how CNN has been colluding with the Clinton campaign and CHEATING Bernie Sanders."
Isn't Snopes heavily funded by George Soros? Soros is backing Clinton.

No. It's only funding is through advertising revenues:

Also, this article debunks some of the rumors: Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are

I prefer to do my own fact checking and in the case of Obama and Michele going silent on Twitter this is what I found:


I also checked Elizabeth Warren's Twitter and she hasn't mentioned her since October 26 which in 2 hours is a full week. Before that she was tweeting daily about Hillary. Something has changed.
I just checked the entire month of October on Obama's Twitter account and there is nothing there about Hillary Clinton. Not one word. Not even on the 26th which was Hillary's birthday. I'm checking Michele's now.

This is Michele Obama's twitter page. It's true. Warren, Obama and Michele are no longer following Hillary. You must have gotten bad information. Were you going by Snopes? They are known for getting it wrong. Snopes is probably trying to do damage control for the Clinton's. There are people tweeting on Michele Obama's twitter. It's active and Hillary isn't mentioned other than that she was removed by Warren, Obama and Michele and people are talking about it.

Snopes isn't attached to Clinton. In fact Snopes hadn't said anything when I posted. But, now they have: FALSE: Michelle Obama Scrubbed Hillary Clinton from Her Twitter Accounts


I wasted some braincells and joined Twitter. The image you posted exists only in one twitter feed claiming what you are claiming. I can't find any credible sources supporting the OP's claim.

In fact, here is another article talking about this particular piece of fake news and fake news in general that the rightwing seems particularly susceptible to.

The progression of events illustrates how fake news stories expand and spread from fringe web sites to nationally syndicated radio shows with millions of listeners. In this case, the fake news originated on a dubious site called "Your News Wire," which publishes a mix of true, slanted and made-up news. Then, like a game of telephone, by the time the story got to Hannity, even the fake facts were wrong.

The site wrongly claimed that "Michelle Obama has scrubbed all references to Hillary Clinton from both of her Twitter accounts" and implied that it was the result of FBI investigations into Clinton.

A thicket of far-right-wing web sites picked up the story and ran with it. Red State Watcher said the news was "breaking!" and News Ninja 2012 said it was "suspicious." "The rats are jumping ship," The Gateway Pundit wrote.

Pro-Trump social media users tweeted about it, further amplifying the falsehood. And a contributor to a relatively credible web site,, posted an item asking "Is the First Lady distancing the Obamas from the Clintons?"

Then new characters were added to the fake storyline. "Elizabeth Warren just unfollowed Hillary, and Michelle Obama deleted all her tweets about Hillary," Jack Posobiec, who calls himself a "recovering political operative," tweeted at 2 p.m. Tuesday. He kept going, adding President Obama's name to the list, without any evidence to back it up.

President Obama's @POTUS timeline includes recent tweets like "Couldn't be more proud of @HillaryClinton."

By 4 p.m., the made-up claims were on "The Sean Hannity Show."

First Hannity brought up the Gateway Pundit blog post -- which was predicated on a hoax -- and asked if it was true: "It says that Michelle Obama had deleted Hillary tweets from her timeline. Did you ever check that out?" The question is apparently directed at his producer.

Later in the hour, Hannity brought it up again. He was talking about revelations from the Wikileaks trove of stolen Clinton campaign emails when he began to read information about Warren and Obama, then said "What?"

A female voice chimed in to report: "Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren have both unfollowed Hillary Clinton, as well as scrubbing their timeline of tweets about her."

"Wow," Hannity said, and paused. "That means they know it's huge. You know why? Because Obama's implicated! He's implicated here, and he's pissed. You know what his legacy might be? Jail."

Some of Hannity's listeners believed him -- they shared the fake news via Twitter and Facebook. "wow this is getting good!" one Hannity fan tweeted.

Hannity did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the error.

But he tweeted after his show, "Correction. Live on radio I read a gateway pundit report that @MichelleObama had deleted mentions of HRC. And a listener said BHO and. Elizabeth Warren did same. Fact is they didn't. I humbly apologize. Live radio."

Then he emailed CNNMoney this explanation: "I received an e-mail LIVE ON THE AIR that linked a Gateway Pundit article. I questioned the accuracy of it on the air. I asked my producer on the air if it was true. She said it was. I also received a listener IM saying that they saw the same. Then THE listener mentioned that there was a report about the other 2."

Hannity continued: "Bottom line it was brought up in an insignificant way, I was dealing with more important issues like HRC crimes and lies and how CNN has been colluding with the Clinton campaign and CHEATING Bernie Sanders."
Isn't Snopes heavily funded by George Soros? Soros is backing Clinton.

No. It's only funding is through advertising revenues:

Also, this article debunks some of the rumors: Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are

Who's checking the fact-finders who are checking the fact-finders? Eh? Didn't think of that one, did ya'?

Homerun, Aaron.
Isn't Snopes heavily funded by George Soros? Soros is backing Clinton.

No. It's only funding is through advertising revenues:

Also, this article debunks some of the rumors: Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

Thus far, your source hasn't proven it's case, particularly when multiple sources indicate quite the opposite.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

In this case, yes. I made the effort to actually sign up on Twitter and look for myself.
Good. You'll see what I found then.
I just checked the entire month of October on Obama's Twitter account and there is nothing there about Hillary Clinton. Not one word. Not even on the 26th which was Hillary's birthday. I'm checking Michele's now.

This is Michele Obama's twitter page. It's true. Warren, Obama and Michele are no longer following Hillary. You must have gotten bad information. Were you going by Snopes? They are known for getting it wrong. Snopes is probably trying to do damage control for the Clinton's. There are people tweeting on Michele Obama's twitter. It's active and Hillary isn't mentioned other than that she was removed by Warren, Obama and Michele and people are talking about it.

Snopes isn't attached to Clinton. In fact Snopes hadn't said anything when I posted. But, now they have: FALSE: Michelle Obama Scrubbed Hillary Clinton from Her Twitter Accounts


I wasted some braincells and joined Twitter. The image you posted exists only in one twitter feed claiming what you are claiming. I can't find any credible sources supporting the OP's claim.

In fact, here is another article talking about this particular piece of fake news and fake news in general that the rightwing seems particularly susceptible to.

The progression of events illustrates how fake news stories expand and spread from fringe web sites to nationally syndicated radio shows with millions of listeners. In this case, the fake news originated on a dubious site called "Your News Wire," which publishes a mix of true, slanted and made-up news. Then, like a game of telephone, by the time the story got to Hannity, even the fake facts were wrong.

The site wrongly claimed that "Michelle Obama has scrubbed all references to Hillary Clinton from both of her Twitter accounts" and implied that it was the result of FBI investigations into Clinton.

A thicket of far-right-wing web sites picked up the story and ran with it. Red State Watcher said the news was "breaking!" and News Ninja 2012 said it was "suspicious." "The rats are jumping ship," The Gateway Pundit wrote.

Pro-Trump social media users tweeted about it, further amplifying the falsehood. And a contributor to a relatively credible web site,, posted an item asking "Is the First Lady distancing the Obamas from the Clintons?"

Then new characters were added to the fake storyline. "Elizabeth Warren just unfollowed Hillary, and Michelle Obama deleted all her tweets about Hillary," Jack Posobiec, who calls himself a "recovering political operative," tweeted at 2 p.m. Tuesday. He kept going, adding President Obama's name to the list, without any evidence to back it up.

President Obama's @POTUS timeline includes recent tweets like "Couldn't be more proud of @HillaryClinton."

By 4 p.m., the made-up claims were on "The Sean Hannity Show."

First Hannity brought up the Gateway Pundit blog post -- which was predicated on a hoax -- and asked if it was true: "It says that Michelle Obama had deleted Hillary tweets from her timeline. Did you ever check that out?" The question is apparently directed at his producer.

Later in the hour, Hannity brought it up again. He was talking about revelations from the Wikileaks trove of stolen Clinton campaign emails when he began to read information about Warren and Obama, then said "What?"

A female voice chimed in to report: "Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren have both unfollowed Hillary Clinton, as well as scrubbing their timeline of tweets about her."

"Wow," Hannity said, and paused. "That means they know it's huge. You know why? Because Obama's implicated! He's implicated here, and he's pissed. You know what his legacy might be? Jail."

Some of Hannity's listeners believed him -- they shared the fake news via Twitter and Facebook. "wow this is getting good!" one Hannity fan tweeted.

Hannity did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the error.

But he tweeted after his show, "Correction. Live on radio I read a gateway pundit report that @MichelleObama had deleted mentions of HRC. And a listener said BHO and. Elizabeth Warren did same. Fact is they didn't. I humbly apologize. Live radio."

Then he emailed CNNMoney this explanation: "I received an e-mail LIVE ON THE AIR that linked a Gateway Pundit article. I questioned the accuracy of it on the air. I asked my producer on the air if it was true. She said it was. I also received a listener IM saying that they saw the same. Then THE listener mentioned that there was a report about the other 2."

Hannity continued: "Bottom line it was brought up in an insignificant way, I was dealing with more important issues like HRC crimes and lies and how CNN has been colluding with the Clinton campaign and CHEATING Bernie Sanders."
Isn't Snopes heavily funded by George Soros? Soros is backing Clinton.

No. It's only funding is through advertising revenues:

Also, this article debunks some of the rumors: Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are

I prefer to do my own fact checking and in the case of Obama and Michele going silent on Twitter this is what I found:


I also checked Elizabeth Warren's Twitter and she hasn't mentioned her since October 26 which in 2 hours is a full week. Before that she was tweeting daily about Hillary. Something has changed.

The ONLY place on Twitter I found that image was on feeds making that claim. I will look further. You do realize that even Sean Hannity admitted to being duped by the fake news?
Lol you people are blowing this way out of proportion. This update has come too little too late. Hillary has her share of scandals, but Trump's far outweigh hers. It's hurt her poll numbers no doubt, but she will still win. Mitt Romney's polling average was lower than her at this point. Hillary will win.
ROTFL at just how gullible the OP is, but not laughing at Hannity because he's smart enough to know that, needing viewers, he can get them by saying the most preposterous thing he thinks he can get away with, and the mental midgets who listen to him will believe it and not actually know they are being played, nor will they bother to just do a tiny bit of checking to make sure they aren't being played. Tsk, tsk, tsk....

Fake story about Obamas, Hillary Clinton ensnares Sean Hannity
I just checked the entire month of October on Obama's Twitter account and there is nothing there about Hillary Clinton. Not one word. Not even on the 26th which was Hillary's birthday. I'm checking Michele's now.

This is Michele Obama's twitter page. It's true. Warren, Obama and Michele are no longer following Hillary. You must have gotten bad information. Were you going by Snopes? They are known for getting it wrong. Snopes is probably trying to do damage control for the Clinton's. There are people tweeting on Michele Obama's twitter. It's active and Hillary isn't mentioned other than that she was removed by Warren, Obama and Michele and people are talking about it.

Snopes isn't attached to Clinton. In fact Snopes hadn't said anything when I posted. But, now they have: FALSE: Michelle Obama Scrubbed Hillary Clinton from Her Twitter Accounts


I wasted some braincells and joined Twitter. The image you posted exists only in one twitter feed claiming what you are claiming. I can't find any credible sources supporting the OP's claim.

In fact, here is another article talking about this particular piece of fake news and fake news in general that the rightwing seems particularly susceptible to.

The progression of events illustrates how fake news stories expand and spread from fringe web sites to nationally syndicated radio shows with millions of listeners. In this case, the fake news originated on a dubious site called "Your News Wire," which publishes a mix of true, slanted and made-up news. Then, like a game of telephone, by the time the story got to Hannity, even the fake facts were wrong.

The site wrongly claimed that "Michelle Obama has scrubbed all references to Hillary Clinton from both of her Twitter accounts" and implied that it was the result of FBI investigations into Clinton.

A thicket of far-right-wing web sites picked up the story and ran with it. Red State Watcher said the news was "breaking!" and News Ninja 2012 said it was "suspicious." "The rats are jumping ship," The Gateway Pundit wrote.

Pro-Trump social media users tweeted about it, further amplifying the falsehood. And a contributor to a relatively credible web site,, posted an item asking "Is the First Lady distancing the Obamas from the Clintons?"

Then new characters were added to the fake storyline. "Elizabeth Warren just unfollowed Hillary, and Michelle Obama deleted all her tweets about Hillary," Jack Posobiec, who calls himself a "recovering political operative," tweeted at 2 p.m. Tuesday. He kept going, adding President Obama's name to the list, without any evidence to back it up.

President Obama's @POTUS timeline includes recent tweets like "Couldn't be more proud of @HillaryClinton."

By 4 p.m., the made-up claims were on "The Sean Hannity Show."

First Hannity brought up the Gateway Pundit blog post -- which was predicated on a hoax -- and asked if it was true: "It says that Michelle Obama had deleted Hillary tweets from her timeline. Did you ever check that out?" The question is apparently directed at his producer.

Later in the hour, Hannity brought it up again. He was talking about revelations from the Wikileaks trove of stolen Clinton campaign emails when he began to read information about Warren and Obama, then said "What?"

A female voice chimed in to report: "Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren have both unfollowed Hillary Clinton, as well as scrubbing their timeline of tweets about her."

"Wow," Hannity said, and paused. "That means they know it's huge. You know why? Because Obama's implicated! He's implicated here, and he's pissed. You know what his legacy might be? Jail."

Some of Hannity's listeners believed him -- they shared the fake news via Twitter and Facebook. "wow this is getting good!" one Hannity fan tweeted.

Hannity did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the error.

But he tweeted after his show, "Correction. Live on radio I read a gateway pundit report that @MichelleObama had deleted mentions of HRC. And a listener said BHO and. Elizabeth Warren did same. Fact is they didn't. I humbly apologize. Live radio."

Then he emailed CNNMoney this explanation: "I received an e-mail LIVE ON THE AIR that linked a Gateway Pundit article. I questioned the accuracy of it on the air. I asked my producer on the air if it was true. She said it was. I also received a listener IM saying that they saw the same. Then THE listener mentioned that there was a report about the other 2."

Hannity continued: "Bottom line it was brought up in an insignificant way, I was dealing with more important issues like HRC crimes and lies and how CNN has been colluding with the Clinton campaign and CHEATING Bernie Sanders."
Isn't Snopes heavily funded by George Soros? Soros is backing Clinton.

No. It's only funding is through advertising revenues:

Also, this article debunks some of the rumors: Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are

Who's check the fact-finders who are checking the fact-finders? Eh? Didn't think of that one, did ya'?

Homerun, Aaron.

This is Michele Obama's twitter page. It's true. Warren, Obama and Michele are no longer following Hillary. You must have gotten bad information. Were you going by Snopes? They are known for getting it wrong. Snopes is probably trying to do damage control for the Clinton's. There are people tweeting on Michele Obama's twitter. It's active and Hillary isn't mentioned other than that she was removed by Warren, Obama and Michele and people are talking about it.

Snopes isn't attached to Clinton. In fact Snopes hadn't said anything when I posted. But, now they have: FALSE: Michelle Obama Scrubbed Hillary Clinton from Her Twitter Accounts


I wasted some braincells and joined Twitter. The image you posted exists only in one twitter feed claiming what you are claiming. I can't find any credible sources supporting the OP's claim.

In fact, here is another article talking about this particular piece of fake news and fake news in general that the rightwing seems particularly susceptible to.

The progression of events illustrates how fake news stories expand and spread from fringe web sites to nationally syndicated radio shows with millions of listeners. In this case, the fake news originated on a dubious site called "Your News Wire," which publishes a mix of true, slanted and made-up news. Then, like a game of telephone, by the time the story got to Hannity, even the fake facts were wrong.

The site wrongly claimed that "Michelle Obama has scrubbed all references to Hillary Clinton from both of her Twitter accounts" and implied that it was the result of FBI investigations into Clinton.

A thicket of far-right-wing web sites picked up the story and ran with it. Red State Watcher said the news was "breaking!" and News Ninja 2012 said it was "suspicious." "The rats are jumping ship," The Gateway Pundit wrote.

Pro-Trump social media users tweeted about it, further amplifying the falsehood. And a contributor to a relatively credible web site,, posted an item asking "Is the First Lady distancing the Obamas from the Clintons?"

Then new characters were added to the fake storyline. "Elizabeth Warren just unfollowed Hillary, and Michelle Obama deleted all her tweets about Hillary," Jack Posobiec, who calls himself a "recovering political operative," tweeted at 2 p.m. Tuesday. He kept going, adding President Obama's name to the list, without any evidence to back it up.

President Obama's @POTUS timeline includes recent tweets like "Couldn't be more proud of @HillaryClinton."

By 4 p.m., the made-up claims were on "The Sean Hannity Show."

First Hannity brought up the Gateway Pundit blog post -- which was predicated on a hoax -- and asked if it was true: "It says that Michelle Obama had deleted Hillary tweets from her timeline. Did you ever check that out?" The question is apparently directed at his producer.

Later in the hour, Hannity brought it up again. He was talking about revelations from the Wikileaks trove of stolen Clinton campaign emails when he began to read information about Warren and Obama, then said "What?"

A female voice chimed in to report: "Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren have both unfollowed Hillary Clinton, as well as scrubbing their timeline of tweets about her."

"Wow," Hannity said, and paused. "That means they know it's huge. You know why? Because Obama's implicated! He's implicated here, and he's pissed. You know what his legacy might be? Jail."

Some of Hannity's listeners believed him -- they shared the fake news via Twitter and Facebook. "wow this is getting good!" one Hannity fan tweeted.

Hannity did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the error.

But he tweeted after his show, "Correction. Live on radio I read a gateway pundit report that @MichelleObama had deleted mentions of HRC. And a listener said BHO and. Elizabeth Warren did same. Fact is they didn't. I humbly apologize. Live radio."

Then he emailed CNNMoney this explanation: "I received an e-mail LIVE ON THE AIR that linked a Gateway Pundit article. I questioned the accuracy of it on the air. I asked my producer on the air if it was true. She said it was. I also received a listener IM saying that they saw the same. Then THE listener mentioned that there was a report about the other 2."

Hannity continued: "Bottom line it was brought up in an insignificant way, I was dealing with more important issues like HRC crimes and lies and how CNN has been colluding with the Clinton campaign and CHEATING Bernie Sanders."
Isn't Snopes heavily funded by George Soros? Soros is backing Clinton.

No. It's only funding is through advertising revenues:

Also, this article debunks some of the rumors: Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are

I prefer to do my own fact checking and in the case of Obama and Michele going silent on Twitter this is what I found:


I also checked Elizabeth Warren's Twitter and she hasn't mentioned her since October 26 which in 2 hours is a full week. Before that she was tweeting daily about Hillary. Something has changed.

The ONLY place on Twitter I found that image was on one feed making that claim. I will look further.
That feed you mention is Barack Obama's official Twitter page. Check the month of October. He hasn't mentioned her in a month. Not once.
Elizabeth Warren was tweeting daily about Clinton up until a week ago and then total silence. No more tweets. Michele Obama's official Twitter page has stories about Obama's and Warren removing Hillary but no other mentions that I saw. I didn't check as far back on Michele's Twitter page as I did Barack Obama's.
Isn't Snopes heavily funded by George Soros? Soros is backing Clinton.

No. It's only funding is through advertising revenues:

Also, this article debunks some of the rumors: Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

Thus far, your source hasn't proven it's case, particularly when multiple sources indicate quite the opposite.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

In this case, yes. I made the effort to actually sign up on Twitter and look for myself.
I did too, but now what do I do??? Of course I am clueless, I don't even have a facebook account....I talk to my friends on the phone...or in person....I like to talk, what can I say??? :D

but, what am I suppose to who I want to follow? And then what???? Is there some course I could take on this...??? :lol:

Bwhaaaaaaa :(
Lol you people are blowing this way out of proportion. This update has come too little too late. Hillary has her share of scandals, but Trump's far outweigh hers. It's hurt her poll numbers no doubt, but she will still win. Mitt Romney's polling average was lower than her at this point. Hillary will win.
She is on a downward spiral. Doug Shoen who has been with the Clinton's since 94' just announced he is no longer supporting Clinton and won't vote for her due to the FBI investigation being re-opened.
No. It's only funding is through advertising revenues:

Also, this article debunks some of the rumors: Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

Thus far, your source hasn't proven it's case, particularly when multiple sources indicate quite the opposite.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

In this case, yes. I made the effort to actually sign up on Twitter and look for myself.
I did too, but now what do I do??? Of course I am clueless, I don't even have a facebook account....I talk to my friends on the phone...or in person....I like to talk, what can I say??? :D

but, what am I suppose to who I want to follow? And then what???? Is there some course I could take on this...??? :lol:

Bwhaaaaaaa :(
Stay away from facebook.
No. It's only funding is through advertising revenues:

Also, this article debunks some of the rumors: Fact Check: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

Thus far, your source hasn't proven it's case, particularly when multiple sources indicate quite the opposite.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

In this case, yes. I made the effort to actually sign up on Twitter and look for myself.
I did too, but now what do I do??? Of course I am clueless, I don't even have a facebook account....I talk to my friends on the phone...or in person....I like to talk, what can I say??? :D

but, what am I suppose to who I want to follow? And then what???? Is there some course I could take on this...??? :lol:

Bwhaaaaaaa :(
Just google the name of the person and put Twitter behind it. Their page will come up for you.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

Thus far, your source hasn't proven it's case, particularly when multiple sources indicate quite the opposite.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

In this case, yes. I made the effort to actually sign up on Twitter and look for myself.
I did too, but now what do I do??? Of course I am clueless, I don't even have a facebook account....I talk to my friends on the phone...or in person....I like to talk, what can I say??? :D

but, what am I suppose to who I want to follow? And then what???? Is there some course I could take on this...??? :lol:

Bwhaaaaaaa :(
Stay away from facebook.
Wise advice.
Lol you people are blowing this way out of proportion. This update has come too little too late. Hillary has her share of scandals, but Trump's far outweigh hers. It's hurt her poll numbers no doubt, but she will still win. Mitt Romney's polling average was lower than her at this point. Hillary will win.
She is on a downward spiral. Doug Shoen who has been with the Clinton's since 94' just announced he is no longer supporting Clinton and won't vote for her due to the FBI investigation being re-opened.
So she is in a downward spiral because some guy named Doug is ditching her?

Look, at this late in the game, people have already made up their minds about who they will vote for. There isn't very many undecided voters left. Some of them may have been turned off by this scandal, but that doesn't mean they will just jump over to Trump.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

Thus far, your source hasn't proven it's case, particularly when multiple sources indicate quite the opposite.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

In this case, yes. I made the effort to actually sign up on Twitter and look for myself.
I did too, but now what do I do??? Of course I am clueless, I don't even have a facebook account....I talk to my friends on the phone...or in person....I like to talk, what can I say??? :D

but, what am I suppose to who I want to follow? And then what???? Is there some course I could take on this...??? :lol:

Bwhaaaaaaa :(
Just google the name of the person and put Twitter behind it. Their page will come up for you.
but then what Mrs.M? Can you give me a brief on how it all actually works?

Ok, I google a name, put twitter at the end and I will get whomever I am interested in and go to their twitter I suppose to select follow? And what does "follow" give me? Their comments and messages they post? Can I answer what they have posted or comment on their post, where they will see me responding or do they have to follow me in order for them to see me responding??????????????????? HELPPPPPPPP!

I have no idea.....and how do I even respond to their post? And how do I start a post of my own?

Crud, I am exhausted just thinking about having to figure this out!
Lol you people are blowing this way out of proportion. This update has come too little too late. Hillary has her share of scandals, but Trump's far outweigh hers. It's hurt her poll numbers no doubt, but she will still win. Mitt Romney's polling average was lower than her at this point. Hillary will win.
She is on a downward spiral. Doug Shoen who has been with the Clinton's since 94' just announced he is no longer supporting Clinton and won't vote for her due to the FBI investigation being re-opened.
So she is in a downward spiral because some guy named Doug is ditching her?

Look, at this late in the game, people have already made up their minds about who they will vote for. There isn't very many undecided voters left. Some of them may have been turned off by this scandal, but that doesn't mean they will just jump over to Trump.
15-20% are independent.
THEY decide the election.
There's a breaking point with the Clintons.
America may have reached that limit.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

Thus far, your source hasn't proven it's case, particularly when multiple sources indicate quite the opposite.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

In this case, yes. I made the effort to actually sign up on Twitter and look for myself.
I did too, but now what do I do??? Of course I am clueless, I don't even have a facebook account....I talk to my friends on the phone...or in person....I like to talk, what can I say??? :D

but, what am I suppose to who I want to follow? And then what???? Is there some course I could take on this...??? :lol:

Bwhaaaaaaa :(
Stay away from facebook.
Ok, I have stayed away from it so far......but why stay away from it?

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