The Clinton Foundation is in Severe Financials Crisis


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions
"The Gateway Pundit?!!??"

Why was The Clinton Foundation taking donations from rich and evil corporations?

Shouldn’t that money have gone to fund free abortions and condoms for the poor?

They weren’t donating to her for preferential political treatment, right?

Why did Russia pay Bill $500,000 for a speech right around the time that Russia donated $150millon to the Clinton Foundation...just around the time Russia got control of 20% of our Uranium reserves.

Then the Podesta Group is in turmoil for their part of the Uranium One deal.

Shit is filthy. You are an absolute liar if you think this was all above board and ethical.
The days of unbridled un ashamed un investigated Democrat crimes are coming to an end. That party will shape up or be sent into irrelevancy. The young people in our nation will not go along with this kind of cheating and stealing like the 60's acid heads have for so damn long. You libs are sick people.
Well apparently she outsmarted the Pubs that have been investigating her for years (for what I don't know).:lol: When I think of all the money wasted by the Pubs , at least Mueller has got a couple indictments so far.
Well apparently she out smarted the Pubs that have been investigating her for years (for what I don't know).:lol: When I think of all the money wasted by the Pubs , at least Mueller has got a couple indictments so far
Most of the establishment do not have the balls to prosecute or investigate the former first lady and the former last two presidents but the people are demanding it...If I were her or Bill or even Obama I would be a little worried right about now.
Well apparently she out smarted the Pubs that have been investigating her for years (for what I don't know).:lol: When I think of all the money wasted by the Pubs , at least Mueller has got a couple indictments so far
Most of the establishment do not have the balls to prosecute or investigate the former first lady and the former last two presidents but the people are demanding it...If I were her or Bill or even Obama I would be a little worried right about now.

Oh please the judicial committee. Get over it, they spent lots of time and money, wasted.
RW HORSESHIT 24/7/365 from every fake news source on the internet ...

AHHHHH #7 you said there was no fake news....change of tune?
There is still a need for a legitimate foundation but of course the C.F. wasn't legitimate by any means. Was it a coincidence that donations trickled to a stop when Hillary lost the election? The C.F. was just an influence peddling scheme and when Hillary lost her influence the scheme went bust.

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