The Clinton Foundation is in Severe Financials Crisis


Brazile's book was designed to keep hiLIARy from being the candidate in 2020. Now the rest of the part is going to turn on the awful couple. After decades of abuse and power mongering, the resent within the party must be very deep indeed.

The Dem party threw Hillary under the bus in 2008, including many former prominent Clinton supporters.

I guess the US was not ready for a female in the WH, and the Republicans weren't as well. How many female Senators are there, 21, and how many sat in on the ACA meetings=0.

Oh, the U.S. is ready for a female President, just not hiLIARy. It takes more than an old vagina to lead the country.

She has got a bad rap ever since Bill became President. Bad rap. The Pubs could not stand an assertive female as first lady. Laura Ingraham, Kellyanne and her husband, Dave bossie, Andrew Breibart, Drudge, all the same A holes. What you Pubs have done to her is rotten. Plain rotten and what you have done to Obama is as well.
Ah, poor Hillary. Poor oblamer. Of course, you worthless leftist traitors would never dream of treating Trump in a less than civil way - would ya?
trump is a pig, the biggest lowlife pos to ever enter our WH ,,, continue kissing his lying butt
The world, including the Russians understand the Clintons can no longer be bought, because they have little to offer. That's the reality of it, and even most liberals must realize that.

Meanwhile Trump tweeted. Perhaps libs. should do a gut check to re-prioritize their narratives.
She has no more access to sell off little pieces of America for her own Benefit, so she's got nothing to sell.

Or corporations are scared shitless over the upcoming special counsel investigation into the Clintons foundation pay to play schemes.
That's a good point, and now sorta makes sense why NO ONE will INVESTIGATE THEE MOST OBVIOUS CASE of Blatant and Repeated Criminal Political Activity in our history. The WHOLE Fucking Swamp is involved in it.
She has no more access to sell off little pieces of America for her own Benefit, so she's got nothing to sell.

Or corporations are scared shitless over the upcoming special counsel investigation into the Clintons foundation pay to play schemes.
That's a good point, and now sorta makes sense why NO ONE will INVESTIGATE THEE MOST OBVIOUS CASE of Blatant and Repeated Criminal Political Activity in our history. The WHOLE Fucking Swamp is involved in it.

BINGO we have a winner ^^^
She has no more access to sell off little pieces of America for her own Benefit, so she's got nothing to sell.

Or corporations are scared shitless over the upcoming special counsel investigation into the Clintons foundation pay to play schemes.
That's a good point, and now sorta makes sense why NO ONE will INVESTIGATE THEE MOST OBVIOUS CASE of Blatant and Repeated Criminal Political Activity in our history. The WHOLE Fucking Swamp is involved in it.

BINGO we have a winner ^^^
the biggest bs on the net today congrats You've won dinner with Trump,the guy who brought the swamp to the WH
She has no more access to sell off little pieces of America for her own Benefit, so she's got nothing to sell.

Or corporations are scared shitless over the upcoming special counsel investigation into the Clintons foundation pay to play schemes.
That's a good point, and now sorta makes sense why NO ONE will INVESTIGATE THEE MOST OBVIOUS CASE of Blatant and Repeated Criminal Political Activity in our history. The WHOLE Fucking Swamp is involved in it.

BINGO we have a winner ^^^
the biggest bs on the net today congrats You've won dinner with Trump,the guy who brought the swamp to the WH

Go ahead, explain how the Clintons won $500,000 speaking fees, amassed $150 million in personal wealth and $2 billion in foundation contributions without pay to play, you can't.
She has no more access to sell off little pieces of America for her own Benefit, so she's got nothing to sell.

Or corporations are scared shitless over the upcoming special counsel investigation into the Clintons foundation pay to play schemes.
That's a good point, and now sorta makes sense why NO ONE will INVESTIGATE THEE MOST OBVIOUS CASE of Blatant and Repeated Criminal Political Activity in our history. The WHOLE Fucking Swamp is involved in it.

BINGO we have a winner ^^^
the biggest bs on the net today congrats You've won dinner with Trump,the guy who brought the swamp to the WH

Go ahead, explain how the Clintons won $500,000 speaking fees, amassed $150 million in personal wealth and $2 billion in foundation contributions without pay to play, you can't.
Pardon me Blues while I call BS
The most current estimate comes from Hillary Clinton’s federal financial disclosure filing, something she had to provide as a presidential candidate. That form states explicitly that the assets of both the candidate and his or her spouse must be included, and they are reported in ranges.

The Clintons reported assets between $11.3 million and as much as $52.7 million. The couple listed no liabilities.

Add in $9 million for the value of the Clintons’ two homes in New York and Washington, and the net worth estimate reaches a high of about $62 million.

The Clintons have done very well. Between multimillion-dollar book contracts and speaking fees of $225,000 or more, they have earned an estimated $230 million in the 15 years since they left the White House.

But income is not wealth. As high as those earnings are, that still doesn’t bring them close to the $100 million mark, much less take them beyond it.

The ad’s claim about the role of the Clinton Foundation is suggestive but unclear. The foundation has grown rapidly, raising more than $2 billion to fight AIDS, reduce hunger and poverty, and rein in climate change. It has received millions from several Middle Eastern kingdoms, mega-wealthy businessmen, and major corporations. But according to the foundation’s tax filings and its website, none of the Clintons are paid by the foundation.

Trade turn
Or corporations are scared shitless over the upcoming special counsel investigation into the Clintons foundation pay to play schemes.
That's a good point, and now sorta makes sense why NO ONE will INVESTIGATE THEE MOST OBVIOUS CASE of Blatant and Repeated Criminal Political Activity in our history. The WHOLE Fucking Swamp is involved in it.

BINGO we have a winner ^^^
the biggest bs on the net today congrats You've won dinner with Trump,the guy who brought the swamp to the WH

Go ahead, explain how the Clintons won $500,000 speaking fees, amassed $150 million in personal wealth and $2 billion in foundation contributions without pay to play, you can't.
Pardon me Blues while I call BS
The most current estimate comes from Hillary Clinton’s federal financial disclosure filing, something she had to provide as a presidential candidate. That form states explicitly that the assets of both the candidate and his or her spouse must be included, and they are reported in ranges.

The Clintons reported assets between $11.3 million and as much as $52.7 million. The couple listed no liabilities.

Add in $9 million for the value of the Clintons’ two homes in New York and Washington, and the net worth estimate reaches a high of about $62 million.

The Clintons have done very well. Between multimillion-dollar book contracts and speaking fees of $225,000 or more, they have earned an estimated $230 million in the 15 years since they left the White House.

But income is not wealth. As high as those earnings are, that still doesn’t bring them close to the $100 million mark, much less take them beyond it.

The ad’s claim about the role of the Clinton Foundation is suggestive but unclear. The foundation has grown rapidly, raising more than $2 billion to fight AIDS, reduce hunger and poverty, and rein in climate change. It has received millions from several Middle Eastern kingdoms, mega-wealthy businessmen, and major corporations. But according to the foundation’s tax filings and its website, none of the Clintons are paid by the foundation.

Trade turn

The Clintons trading political influence for money is all just a giant coincidence...:laugh:
That's a good point, and now sorta makes sense why NO ONE will INVESTIGATE THEE MOST OBVIOUS CASE of Blatant and Repeated Criminal Political Activity in our history. The WHOLE Fucking Swamp is involved in it.

BINGO we have a winner ^^^
the biggest bs on the net today congrats You've won dinner with Trump,the guy who brought the swamp to the WH

Go ahead, explain how the Clintons won $500,000 speaking fees, amassed $150 million in personal wealth and $2 billion in foundation contributions without pay to play, you can't.
Pardon me Blues while I call BS
The most current estimate comes from Hillary Clinton’s federal financial disclosure filing, something she had to provide as a presidential candidate. That form states explicitly that the assets of both the candidate and his or her spouse must be included, and they are reported in ranges.

The Clintons reported assets between $11.3 million and as much as $52.7 million. The couple listed no liabilities.

Add in $9 million for the value of the Clintons’ two homes in New York and Washington, and the net worth estimate reaches a high of about $62 million.

The Clintons have done very well. Between multimillion-dollar book contracts and speaking fees of $225,000 or more, they have earned an estimated $230 million in the 15 years since they left the White House.

But income is not wealth. As high as those earnings are, that still doesn’t bring them close to the $100 million mark, much less take them beyond it.

The ad’s claim about the role of the Clinton Foundation is suggestive but unclear. The foundation has grown rapidly, raising more than $2 billion to fight AIDS, reduce hunger and poverty, and rein in climate change. It has received millions from several Middle Eastern kingdoms, mega-wealthy businessmen, and major corporations. But according to the foundation’s tax filings and its website, none of the Clintons are paid by the foundation.

Trade turn

The Clintons trading political influence for money is all just a giant coincidence...:laugh:
wasn't it the repub god reagan getting paid a million for a speech in japan?
BINGO we have a winner ^^^
the biggest bs on the net today congrats You've won dinner with Trump,the guy who brought the swamp to the WH

Go ahead, explain how the Clintons won $500,000 speaking fees, amassed $150 million in personal wealth and $2 billion in foundation contributions without pay to play, you can't.
Pardon me Blues while I call BS
The most current estimate comes from Hillary Clinton’s federal financial disclosure filing, something she had to provide as a presidential candidate. That form states explicitly that the assets of both the candidate and his or her spouse must be included, and they are reported in ranges.

The Clintons reported assets between $11.3 million and as much as $52.7 million. The couple listed no liabilities.

Add in $9 million for the value of the Clintons’ two homes in New York and Washington, and the net worth estimate reaches a high of about $62 million.

The Clintons have done very well. Between multimillion-dollar book contracts and speaking fees of $225,000 or more, they have earned an estimated $230 million in the 15 years since they left the White House.

But income is not wealth. As high as those earnings are, that still doesn’t bring them close to the $100 million mark, much less take them beyond it.

The ad’s claim about the role of the Clinton Foundation is suggestive but unclear. The foundation has grown rapidly, raising more than $2 billion to fight AIDS, reduce hunger and poverty, and rein in climate change. It has received millions from several Middle Eastern kingdoms, mega-wealthy businessmen, and major corporations. But according to the foundation’s tax filings and its website, none of the Clintons are paid by the foundation.

Trade turn

The Clintons trading political influence for money is all just a giant coincidence...:laugh:
wasn't it the repub god reagan getting paid a million for a speech in japan?

We are discussing how the Clintons ahem 'earned' $150 million dollars and amassed $2 billion in contributions to a foundation slush fund while at the same time being involved in all sorts of political dealings, and why you think that's just a giant coincidence.
the biggest bs on the net today congrats You've won dinner with Trump,the guy who brought the swamp to the WH

Go ahead, explain how the Clintons won $500,000 speaking fees, amassed $150 million in personal wealth and $2 billion in foundation contributions without pay to play, you can't.
Pardon me Blues while I call BS
The most current estimate comes from Hillary Clinton’s federal financial disclosure filing, something she had to provide as a presidential candidate. That form states explicitly that the assets of both the candidate and his or her spouse must be included, and they are reported in ranges.

The Clintons reported assets between $11.3 million and as much as $52.7 million. The couple listed no liabilities.

Add in $9 million for the value of the Clintons’ two homes in New York and Washington, and the net worth estimate reaches a high of about $62 million.

The Clintons have done very well. Between multimillion-dollar book contracts and speaking fees of $225,000 or more, they have earned an estimated $230 million in the 15 years since they left the White House.

But income is not wealth. As high as those earnings are, that still doesn’t bring them close to the $100 million mark, much less take them beyond it.

The ad’s claim about the role of the Clinton Foundation is suggestive but unclear. The foundation has grown rapidly, raising more than $2 billion to fight AIDS, reduce hunger and poverty, and rein in climate change. It has received millions from several Middle Eastern kingdoms, mega-wealthy businessmen, and major corporations. But according to the foundation’s tax filings and its website, none of the Clintons are paid by the foundation.

Trade turn

The Clintons trading political influence for money is all just a giant coincidence...:laugh:
wasn't it the repub god reagan getting paid a million for a speech in japan?

We are discussing how the Clintons ahem 'earned' $150 million dollars and amassed $2 billion in contributions to a foundation slush fund while at the same time being involved in all sorts of political dealings, and why you think that's just a giant coincidence.

No that’s not what we’re doing at all. We’re pointing out that the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million and that given their income from book publishing deals and speaking fees over the past 15 years, their net worth is not excessively high.

Furthermore, IRS filings show that 88% of all money’s donated to the Clinton Foundation are spent on programs run by the Foundation. 12% is spent on fundraising and administration, and none of it was paid to any member of the Clinton Family.

So your fancy lies about the Clinton Cash notwithstanding, the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million. They don’t have a $2 billion “slush fund”.

And you’ve been caught trying to deflect from Trumps Russia investigation mess yet again. 3 indictments already and it’s only been 8 months.

27 years of Clinton investigations. 0 indictments. 0 charges. 0 evidence.
Go ahead, explain how the Clintons won $500,000 speaking fees, amassed $150 million in personal wealth and $2 billion in foundation contributions without pay to play, you can't.
Pardon me Blues while I call BS
The most current estimate comes from Hillary Clinton’s federal financial disclosure filing, something she had to provide as a presidential candidate. That form states explicitly that the assets of both the candidate and his or her spouse must be included, and they are reported in ranges.

The Clintons reported assets between $11.3 million and as much as $52.7 million. The couple listed no liabilities.

Add in $9 million for the value of the Clintons’ two homes in New York and Washington, and the net worth estimate reaches a high of about $62 million.

The Clintons have done very well. Between multimillion-dollar book contracts and speaking fees of $225,000 or more, they have earned an estimated $230 million in the 15 years since they left the White House.

But income is not wealth. As high as those earnings are, that still doesn’t bring them close to the $100 million mark, much less take them beyond it.

The ad’s claim about the role of the Clinton Foundation is suggestive but unclear. The foundation has grown rapidly, raising more than $2 billion to fight AIDS, reduce hunger and poverty, and rein in climate change. It has received millions from several Middle Eastern kingdoms, mega-wealthy businessmen, and major corporations. But according to the foundation’s tax filings and its website, none of the Clintons are paid by the foundation.

Trade turn

The Clintons trading political influence for money is all just a giant coincidence...:laugh:
wasn't it the repub god reagan getting paid a million for a speech in japan?

We are discussing how the Clintons ahem 'earned' $150 million dollars and amassed $2 billion in contributions to a foundation slush fund while at the same time being involved in all sorts of political dealings, and why you think that's just a giant coincidence.

No that’s not what we’re doing at all. We’re pointing out that the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million and that given their income from book publishing deals and speaking fees over the past 15 years, their net worth is not excessively high.

Furthermore, IRS filings show that 88% of all money’s donated to the Clinton Foundation are spent on programs run by the Foundation. 12% is spent on fundraising and administration, and none of it was paid to any member of the Clinton Family.

So your fancy lies about the Clinton Cash notwithstanding, the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million. They don’t have a $2 billion “slush fund”.

And you’ve been caught trying to deflect from Trumps Russia investigation mess yet again. 3 indictments already and it’s only been 8 months.

27 years of Clinton investigations. 0 indictments. 0 charges. 0 evidence.

Lets score your post, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong. They have made too many enemies within the Dem party, losing to Trump was the last straw. They are about to get the Weinstein treatment.
Go ahead, explain how the Clintons won $500,000 speaking fees, amassed $150 million in personal wealth and $2 billion in foundation contributions without pay to play, you can't.
Pardon me Blues while I call BS
The most current estimate comes from Hillary Clinton’s federal financial disclosure filing, something she had to provide as a presidential candidate. That form states explicitly that the assets of both the candidate and his or her spouse must be included, and they are reported in ranges.

The Clintons reported assets between $11.3 million and as much as $52.7 million. The couple listed no liabilities.

Add in $9 million for the value of the Clintons’ two homes in New York and Washington, and the net worth estimate reaches a high of about $62 million.

The Clintons have done very well. Between multimillion-dollar book contracts and speaking fees of $225,000 or more, they have earned an estimated $230 million in the 15 years since they left the White House.

But income is not wealth. As high as those earnings are, that still doesn’t bring them close to the $100 million mark, much less take them beyond it.

The ad’s claim about the role of the Clinton Foundation is suggestive but unclear. The foundation has grown rapidly, raising more than $2 billion to fight AIDS, reduce hunger and poverty, and rein in climate change. It has received millions from several Middle Eastern kingdoms, mega-wealthy businessmen, and major corporations. But according to the foundation’s tax filings and its website, none of the Clintons are paid by the foundation.

Trade turn

The Clintons trading political influence for money is all just a giant coincidence...:laugh:
wasn't it the repub god reagan getting paid a million for a speech in japan?

We are discussing how the Clintons ahem 'earned' $150 million dollars and amassed $2 billion in contributions to a foundation slush fund while at the same time being involved in all sorts of political dealings, and why you think that's just a giant coincidence.

No that’s not what we’re doing at all. We’re pointing out that the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million and that given their income from book publishing deals and speaking fees over the past 15 years, their net worth is not excessively high.

Furthermore, IRS filings show that 88% of all money’s donated to the Clinton Foundation are spent on programs run by the Foundation. 12% is spent on fundraising and administration, and none of it was paid to any member of the Clinton Family.

So your fancy lies about the Clinton Cash notwithstanding, the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million. They don’t have a $2 billion “slush fund”.

And you’ve been caught trying to deflect from Trumps Russia investigation mess yet again. 3 indictments already and it’s only been 8 months.

27 years of Clinton investigations. 0 indictments. 0 charges. 0 evidence.

Bill Clinton committed perjury, was disbarred, had his law license suspended and paid nearly $1 million to settle his sexual harassment lawsuit.
Pardon me Blues while I call BS
The most current estimate comes from Hillary Clinton’s federal financial disclosure filing, something she had to provide as a presidential candidate. That form states explicitly that the assets of both the candidate and his or her spouse must be included, and they are reported in ranges.

The Clintons reported assets between $11.3 million and as much as $52.7 million. The couple listed no liabilities.

Add in $9 million for the value of the Clintons’ two homes in New York and Washington, and the net worth estimate reaches a high of about $62 million.

The Clintons have done very well. Between multimillion-dollar book contracts and speaking fees of $225,000 or more, they have earned an estimated $230 million in the 15 years since they left the White House.

But income is not wealth. As high as those earnings are, that still doesn’t bring them close to the $100 million mark, much less take them beyond it.

The ad’s claim about the role of the Clinton Foundation is suggestive but unclear. The foundation has grown rapidly, raising more than $2 billion to fight AIDS, reduce hunger and poverty, and rein in climate change. It has received millions from several Middle Eastern kingdoms, mega-wealthy businessmen, and major corporations. But according to the foundation’s tax filings and its website, none of the Clintons are paid by the foundation.

Trade turn

The Clintons trading political influence for money is all just a giant coincidence...:laugh:
wasn't it the repub god reagan getting paid a million for a speech in japan?

We are discussing how the Clintons ahem 'earned' $150 million dollars and amassed $2 billion in contributions to a foundation slush fund while at the same time being involved in all sorts of political dealings, and why you think that's just a giant coincidence.

No that’s not what we’re doing at all. We’re pointing out that the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million and that given their income from book publishing deals and speaking fees over the past 15 years, their net worth is not excessively high.

Furthermore, IRS filings show that 88% of all money’s donated to the Clinton Foundation are spent on programs run by the Foundation. 12% is spent on fundraising and administration, and none of it was paid to any member of the Clinton Family.

So your fancy lies about the Clinton Cash notwithstanding, the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million. They don’t have a $2 billion “slush fund”.

And you’ve been caught trying to deflect from Trumps Russia investigation mess yet again. 3 indictments already and it’s only been 8 months.

27 years of Clinton investigations. 0 indictments. 0 charges. 0 evidence.

Lets score your post, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong. They have made too many enemies within the Dem party, losing to Trump was the last straw. They are about to get the Weinstein treatment.

The Clintons aren’t running for office dolt. You’re so busy pretending that they are you make yourselves continue to look foolish.

The problem is Trump needs an enemy to focus attentions on and there are no Democrat front runners at the moment. Biden, Clinton and Sanders are all too old to run for election.

Trump is the oldest President ever and occasionally comes across as suffering from early onset dementia with his fractured syntax and short attention span.
The Clintons trading political influence for money is all just a giant coincidence...:laugh:
wasn't it the repub god reagan getting paid a million for a speech in japan?

We are discussing how the Clintons ahem 'earned' $150 million dollars and amassed $2 billion in contributions to a foundation slush fund while at the same time being involved in all sorts of political dealings, and why you think that's just a giant coincidence.

No that’s not what we’re doing at all. We’re pointing out that the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million and that given their income from book publishing deals and speaking fees over the past 15 years, their net worth is not excessively high.

Furthermore, IRS filings show that 88% of all money’s donated to the Clinton Foundation are spent on programs run by the Foundation. 12% is spent on fundraising and administration, and none of it was paid to any member of the Clinton Family.

So your fancy lies about the Clinton Cash notwithstanding, the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million. They don’t have a $2 billion “slush fund”.

And you’ve been caught trying to deflect from Trumps Russia investigation mess yet again. 3 indictments already and it’s only been 8 months.

27 years of Clinton investigations. 0 indictments. 0 charges. 0 evidence.

Lets score your post, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong. They have made too many enemies within the Dem party, losing to Trump was the last straw. They are about to get the Weinstein treatment.

The Clintons aren’t running for office dolt. You’re so busy pretending that they are you make yourselves continue to look foolish.

The problem is Trump needs an enemy to focus attentions on and there are no Democrat front runners at the moment. Biden, Clinton and Sanders are all too old to run for election.

Trump is the oldest President ever and occasionally comes across as suffering from early onset dementia with his fractured syntax and short attention span.

The Clinton's corruption and collusion are spilling out for all to see, hell the head of the DNC has now thrown them under the bus in a tell all book. Its Dem's throwing the Clintons under the bus not us.
Go ahead, explain how the Clintons won $500,000 speaking fees, amassed $150 million in personal wealth and $2 billion in foundation contributions without pay to play, you can't.
Pardon me Blues while I call BS
The most current estimate comes from Hillary Clinton’s federal financial disclosure filing, something she had to provide as a presidential candidate. That form states explicitly that the assets of both the candidate and his or her spouse must be included, and they are reported in ranges.

The Clintons reported assets between $11.3 million and as much as $52.7 million. The couple listed no liabilities.

Add in $9 million for the value of the Clintons’ two homes in New York and Washington, and the net worth estimate reaches a high of about $62 million.

The Clintons have done very well. Between multimillion-dollar book contracts and speaking fees of $225,000 or more, they have earned an estimated $230 million in the 15 years since they left the White House.

But income is not wealth. As high as those earnings are, that still doesn’t bring them close to the $100 million mark, much less take them beyond it.

The ad’s claim about the role of the Clinton Foundation is suggestive but unclear. The foundation has grown rapidly, raising more than $2 billion to fight AIDS, reduce hunger and poverty, and rein in climate change. It has received millions from several Middle Eastern kingdoms, mega-wealthy businessmen, and major corporations. But according to the foundation’s tax filings and its website, none of the Clintons are paid by the foundation.

Trade turn

The Clintons trading political influence for money is all just a giant coincidence...:laugh:
wasn't it the repub god reagan getting paid a million for a speech in japan?

We are discussing how the Clintons ahem 'earned' $150 million dollars and amassed $2 billion in contributions to a foundation slush fund while at the same time being involved in all sorts of political dealings, and why you think that's just a giant coincidence.

No that’s not what we’re doing at all. We’re pointing out that the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million and that given their income from book publishing deals and speaking fees over the past 15 years, their net worth is not excessively high.

Furthermore, IRS filings show that 88% of all money’s donated to the Clinton Foundation are spent on programs run by the Foundation. 12% is spent on fundraising and administration, and none of it was paid to any member of the Clinton Family.

So your fancy lies about the Clinton Cash notwithstanding, the Clintons aren’t worth $150 million. They don’t have a $2 billion “slush fund”.

And you’ve been caught trying to deflect from Trumps Russia investigation mess yet again. 3 indictments already and it’s only been 8 months.

27 years of Clinton investigations. 0 indictments. 0 charges. 0 evidence.
just one more outright lie of 100's spread by lol honest republicans
As for the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, what's needed is a complete audit, from day one, of all donations and then the paper trails of when and where it went. If it ain't still sitting in their bank accounts and they can't account for its distribution, the whole place smells like Hillary's crotch.
The Clinton Foundation is respected around the world

They do great work

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