The Clinton Foundation is in Severe Financials Crisis

The Junkyard Dog denied he had sex with Monica and wagged his finger in the world's faces to help sell how ademently he was proclaiming his innocence, and would have gone to his grave thinking he'd sold it to everyone.

But then one day someone in his inner circle had to sit him down and ask, "Sir, um...ah, sir, do you you ever recall blowing your load on a blue knit dress Ms. Lewinsky was wearing?" Sir...SIR!!! Help! The president's fainted..."

As I've posted before, I'd pay a lot for a pic of the look on Slick's face the instant he'd processed his aide's damning revelation.

Just curious how many married ladies in here would buy their husband's assertion that a BJ does not constitute having sexual relations with a woman?
The Junkyard Dog denied he had sex with Monica and wagged his finger in the world's faces to help sell how ademently he was proclaiming his innocence, and would have gone to his grave thinking he'd sold it to everyone.

But then one day someone in his inner circle had to sit him down and ask, "Sir, um...ah, sir, do you you ever recall blowing your load on a blue knit dress Ms. Lewinsky was wearing?" Sir...SIR!!! Help! The president's fainted..."

As I've posted before, I'd pay a lot for a pic of the look on Slick's face the instant he'd processed his aide's damning revelation.

Just curious how many married ladies in here would buy their husband's assertion that a BJ does not constitute having sexual relations with a woman?

Blowjobs are not sex

A woman can give a blowjob and still be a virgin. You can't get pregnant from a blowjob
The Junkyard Dog denied he had sex with Monica and wagged his finger in the world's faces to help sell how ademently he was proclaiming his innocence, and would have gone to his grave thinking he'd sold it to everyone.

But then one day someone in his inner circle had to sit him down and ask, "Sir, um...ah, sir, do you you ever recall blowing your load on a blue knit dress Ms. Lewinsky was wearing?" Sir...SIR!!! Help! The president's fainted..."

As I've posted before, I'd pay a lot for a pic of the look on Slick's face the instant he'd processed his aide's damning revelation.

Just curious how many married ladies in here would buy their husband's assertion that a BJ does not constitute having sexual relations with a woman?

He didn’t deny he had sex with Monica. He denied having “sexual relations with that woman”. He didn’t have actual sex with her but he had a highly sexualized relationship with her.

Clinton tried to get by on a technicality but there is no way of describing his relationship with Monica as anything but sexual. So that failed.

But it’s still nowhere near as damaging to the country as letting Russia run roughshod over your election process to get a guy elected as President who will do Putin’s bidding. That’s treason.
The Junkyard Dog denied he had sex with Monica and wagged his finger in the world's faces to help sell how ademently he was proclaiming his innocence, and would have gone to his grave thinking he'd sold it to everyone.

But then one day someone in his inner circle had to sit him down and ask, "Sir, um...ah, sir, do you you ever recall blowing your load on a blue knit dress Ms. Lewinsky was wearing?" Sir...SIR!!! Help! The president's fainted..."

As I've posted before, I'd pay a lot for a pic of the look on Slick's face the instant he'd processed his aide's damning revelation.

Just curious how many married ladies in here would buy their husband's assertion that a BJ does not constitute having sexual relations with a woman?

He didn’t deny he had sex with Monica. He denied having “sexual relations with that woman”. He didn’t have actual sex with her but he had a highly sexualized relationship with her.

Clinton tried to get by on a technicality but there is no way of describing his relationship with Monica as anything but sexual. So that failed.

But it’s still nowhere near as damaging to the country as letting Russia run roughshod over your election process to get a guy elected as President who will do Putin’s bidding. That’s treason.
As I posted a couple of months ago Sessions and an investigation team have been gathering details about U1 and the 'dossier' Clinton paid for and the C.F. and the illegal unmasking and leaking to the WAPO for months now.
I'm telling you all here and now there is already a Grand Jury seated. Look for the first formal charges to be filed against both the Clintons and Ben Rhodes Samantha Powers and a dozen other Clinton insiders very soon.
Some of the Clinton Machine insiders have already rolled on the Clintons.
As I have noted it is only going to take one sentence in some obscure email that will put Hillary in federal prison.
Someone better put both the Podesta's on suicide watch.
They are both up to their necks in all this corruption.
Don't the Pubs have better things to do; like worry about how Tillerson has given a 30% interest in some of Exxon's properties, or how about how Russia interferred in our election. Maybe how Russia is drilling for Cuba in the Gulf, or is now owning Venezuela's oil
Enough evidence already exists, according former watergate prosecutors.
But Trump was just being sarcastic, right?
Nobody has rolled on the Clintons. There is no grand jury seated. There are no investigations currently under way.

Jeff Sessions is mulling appointing a special prosecutor to shut Trump up but nothing will come of it. These matters have already been thoroughly investigated and the last time I checked you have to commit an indictable offence to get indicted and the Clintons know better than anyone there will always be another investigation. They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years. That’s not going to change.
The Junkyard Dog denied he had sex with Monica and wagged his finger in the world's faces to help sell how ademently he was proclaiming his innocence, and would have gone to his grave thinking he'd sold it to everyone.

But then one day someone in his inner circle had to sit him down and ask, "Sir, um...ah, sir, do you you ever recall blowing your load on a blue knit dress Ms. Lewinsky was wearing?" Sir...SIR!!! Help! The president's fainted..."

As I've posted before, I'd pay a lot for a pic of the look on Slick's face the instant he'd processed his aide's damning revelation.

Just curious how many married ladies in here would buy their husband's assertion that a BJ does not constitute having sexual relations with a woman?

He didn’t deny he had sex with Monica. He denied having “sexual relations with that woman”. He didn’t have actual sex with her but he had a highly sexualized relationship with her.

Clinton tried to get by on a technicality but there is no way of describing his relationship with Monica as anything but sexual. So that failed.

But it’s still nowhere near as damaging to the country as letting Russia run roughshod over your election process to get a guy elected as President who will do Putin’s bidding. That’s treason.
So a blow job isn't sex? Also ole Obama let the Russians get away with whatever you claim they did. Yet you don't say anything about that. Means your just acting like a child, because Hillary lost.
I think Clinton is in trouble because the dems don't want her around anymore.

Soros won't let them go after Obama so HRC is the next, best target.

It allows the dems to get in a win-win situation. They can take the high ground
and call for her to get locked up with the other half of the country and at the same time, keep her away from democrat politics.

Clinton machine vs the Soros machine...Gonna be an interesting fight.

The dems know what she did so they can cut her off, every step of the way.

Brazile's book makes a bit more sense now, doesn't it.

btw...they ain't gonna defend Wasserman-Schultz either


Brazile's book was designed to keep hiLIARy from being the candidate in 2020. Now the rest of the part is going to turn on the awful couple. After decades of abuse and power mongering, the resent within the party must be very deep indeed.

The Dem party threw Hillary under the bus in 2008, including many former prominent Clinton supporters.

I guess the US was not ready for a female in the WH, and the Republicans weren't as well. How many female Senators are there, 21, and how many sat in on the ACA meetings=0.

Oh, the U.S. is ready for a female President, just not hiLIARy. It takes more than an old vagina to lead the country.
Also a crooked old vagina.
Funny how Trump's people that were leading the chanting "lock her up" were arrested & Clinton was not. Proof that Repubtards are mindless drones like muslim suicide bombers.
The Clinton crime family is shitting themselves.

Hardly. They have plenty of money left to live out what is left of their lives like kings.

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I don't know, they were dead broke after living for free in the white house for eight years.

You don’t live “free” in the White House. There is a monthly bill rendered. The Clintons left the White House with very little because legal fees and constant investigations ate up their resources. Hillary’s definition of “broke” may not be yours but they didn’t leave Washington flush with cash.

They have recovered financially through book deals and speaking engagements though. One of the perks of being an ex-President is making a lot of money for your speeches - like the $1 million St. Ronnie was paid for his speech in Japan.

Sadly Ronnie’s Alzheimer’s preventing him from truly cashing in on that bonanza, but other ex-presidents have done well and Obama’s is in huge demand throughout the world. People would rather have Obama speak than Trump. He lies less, speaks in complete sentences that are coherent and not self-aggrandizing. Refreshing after listening to Trump speaking like some yutz from the Bronx.
The Clinton crime family is shitting themselves.

Hardly. They have plenty of money left to live out what is left of their lives like kings.

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I don't know, they were dead broke after living for free in the white house for eight years.

You don’t live “free” in the White House. There is a monthly bill rendered. The Clintons left the White House with very little because legal fees and constant investigations ate up their resources. Hillary’s definition of “broke” may not be yours but they didn’t leave Washington flush with cash.

They have recovered financially through book deals and speaking engagements though. One of the perks of being an ex-President is making a lot of money for your speeches - like the $1 million St. Ronnie was paid for his speech in Japan.

Sadly Ronnie’s Alzheimer’s preventing him from truly cashing in on that bonanza, but other ex-presidents have done well and Obama’s is in huge demand throughout the world. People would rather have Obama speak than Trump. He lies less, speaks in complete sentences that are coherent and not self-aggrandizing. Refreshing after listening to Trump speaking like some yutz from the Bronx.
You have heard Obama without a teleprompter? He sounds like a retard.
Don't the Pubs have better things to do; like worry about how Tillerson has given a 30% interest in some of Exxon's properties, or how about how Russia interferred in our election. Maybe how Russia is drilling for Cuba in the Gulf, or is now owning Venezuela's oil
Enough evidence already exists, according former watergate prosecutors.
But Trump was just being sarcastic, right?

Trump didn't ask anyone to hack anything.
Try again?
Nobody has rolled on the Clintons. There is no grand jury seated. There are no investigations currently under way.

Jeff Sessions is mulling appointing a special prosecutor to shut Trump up but nothing will come of it. These matters have already been thoroughly investigated and the last time I checked you have to commit an indictable offence to get indicted and the Clintons know better than anyone there will always be another investigation. They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years. That’s not going to change.

They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years.

Lying under oath concerning the sexual harassment of a state employee isn't illegal?
Nobody has rolled on the Clintons. There is no grand jury seated. There are no investigations currently under way.

Jeff Sessions is mulling appointing a special prosecutor to shut Trump up but nothing will come of it. These matters have already been thoroughly investigated and the last time I checked you have to commit an indictable offence to get indicted and the Clintons know better than anyone there will always be another investigation. They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years. That’s not going to change.

They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years.

Lying under oath concerning the sexual harassment of a state employee isn't illegal?

It wasn’t sexual harassment. It was a consensual relationship. There is no evidence that Monica was anything but ready and willing to be Bill’s sex toy.

The Paula Jones case, which was a sexual harassment claim, was dismissed with prejudice, for lack of evidence that Jones or her husband suffered damage to either of their careers over her refusal to have sex with Clinton. The “with prejudice” part is important. It meant the case could never be refiled and that Jones had to pay Clinton’s legal fees. The judge came up just short of calling it “malicious prosecution”, which it was.

Republicans go on and on about Bill settling this case or “losing the Paula Jones case”. He didn’t lose it. He won - in a big way. But the Republican lawyers took the only path open to them by the judge’s ruling and appealed the dismissal. Already dealing with a special prosecutor and an impeachment trial for perjury. Clinton settled the Jones case to get rid of it.

Republicans like to focus on the settlement and to hell with the details but the witch hunt is in the details.
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions

Not the uranium garbage again.
8 depts, Canada, 2011-14 for a measly non weapon grade supply?
Don't you raise how dumb it sounds? We have 2000 nuclear weapons.
Not enough for you?
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions

Not the uranium garbage again.
8 depts, Canada, 2011-14 for a measly non weapon grade supply?
Don't you raise how dumb it sounds? We have 2000 nuclear weapons.
Not enough for you?


$150million bribe paid to The Clinton Foundation by Russia, then 20% us uranium reserves go to Russia seems odd to me.

If it’s all above board, why the $150million bribe?

You are stupid if you think Uranium is only useful for nuclear weapons,
Nobody has rolled on the Clintons. There is no grand jury seated. There are no investigations currently under way.

Jeff Sessions is mulling appointing a special prosecutor to shut Trump up but nothing will come of it. These matters have already been thoroughly investigated and the last time I checked you have to commit an indictable offence to get indicted and the Clintons know better than anyone there will always be another investigation. They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years. That’s not going to change.

They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years.

Lying under oath concerning the sexual harassment of a state employee isn't illegal?
Bigger legal minds than though don't think so.
Don't you think the treys of the world (13 Benghazis?) would have charged her if there was anything there?
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions

Not the uranium garbage again.
8 depts, Canada, 2011-14 for a measly non weapon grade supply?
Don't you raise how dumb it sounds? We have 2000 nuclear weapons.
Not enough for you?


$150million bribe paid to The Clinton Foundation by Russia, then 20% us uranium reserves go to Russia seems odd to me.

If it’s all above board, why the $150million bribe?

You are stupid if you think Uranium is only useful for nuclear weapons,

Oh so we don't care about the weapons?
Well, I don't call people stupid who don't know even the def of liberal.
No Latin in Scottish high schools I guess
To save me sorting through the drivel can you post a link where it's proven the Russians gave $150mm.
They must be getting shoddy
Nobody has rolled on the Clintons. There is no grand jury seated. There are no investigations currently under way.

Jeff Sessions is mulling appointing a special prosecutor to shut Trump up but nothing will come of it. These matters have already been thoroughly investigated and the last time I checked you have to commit an indictable offence to get indicted and the Clintons know better than anyone there will always be another investigation. They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years. That’s not going to change.

They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years.

Lying under oath concerning the sexual harassment of a state employee isn't illegal?

It wasn’t sexual harassment. It was a consensual relationship. There is no evidence that Monica was anything but ready and willing to be Bill’s sex toy.

The Paula Jones case, which was a sexual harassment claim, was dismissed with prejudice, for lack of evidence that Jones or her husband suffered damage to either of their careers over her refusal to have sex with Clinton. The “with prejudice” part is important. It meant the case could never be refiled and that Jones had to pay Clinton’s legal fees. The judge came up just short of calling it “malicious prosecution”, which it was.

Republicans go on and on about Bill settling this case or “losing the Paula Jones case”. He didn’t lose it. He won - in a big way. But the Republican lawyers took the only path open to them by the judge’s ruling and appealed the dismissal. Already dealing with a special prosecutor and an impeachment trial for perjury. Clinton settled the Jones case to get rid of it.

Republicans like to focus on the settlement and to hell with the details but the witch hunt is in the details.

The trumpies don't read are sex starved and jealous of Bill.
Maybe why they love the C grabber/bragger and mr moore

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