The Clinton Foundation is in Severe Financials Crisis

Nobody has rolled on the Clintons. There is no grand jury seated. There are no investigations currently under way.

Jeff Sessions is mulling appointing a special prosecutor to shut Trump up but nothing will come of it. These matters have already been thoroughly investigated and the last time I checked you have to commit an indictable offence to get indicted and the Clintons know better than anyone there will always be another investigation. They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years. That’s not going to change.

They haven’t been caught doing anything illegal for 27 years.

Lying under oath concerning the sexual harassment of a state employee isn't illegal?

It wasn’t sexual harassment. It was a consensual relationship. There is no evidence that Monica was anything but ready and willing to be Bill’s sex toy.

The Paula Jones case, which was a sexual harassment claim, was dismissed with prejudice, for lack of evidence that Jones or her husband suffered damage to either of their careers over her refusal to have sex with Clinton. The “with prejudice” part is important. It meant the case could never be refiled and that Jones had to pay Clinton’s legal fees. The judge came up just short of calling it “malicious prosecution”, which it was.

Republicans go on and on about Bill settling this case or “losing the Paula Jones case”. He didn’t lose it. He won - in a big way. But the Republican lawyers took the only path open to them by the judge’s ruling and appealed the dismissal. Already dealing with a special prosecutor and an impeachment trial for perjury. Clinton settled the Jones case to get rid of it.

Republicans like to focus on the settlement and to hell with the details but the witch hunt is in the details.

I always love the lying under oath about sex.
I'm still trying to find a guy who didn't.
Maybe the holier than thou old white fart trumpettes??
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions
As your president circles the drain you`re still stalking Hillary. Good grief!
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions
As your president circles the drain you`re still stalking Hillary. Good grief!

Kills me, Clinton foundation does all kinds of good, A rated
Our C grabber cult never mention his was fined and closed down.
And I'll bet the cult never helped anyone in their lives.
Just spewing from their bath chairs enjoying their socialist VA SS Medicare benefits
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions
As your president circles the drain you`re still stalking Hillary. Good grief!

Kills me, Clinton foundation does all kinds of good, A rated
Our C grabber cult never mention his was fined and closed down.
And I'll bet the cult never helped anyone in their lives.
Just spewing from their bath chairs enjoying their socialist VA SS Medicare benefits

The Clinton Foundation is a fucking joke among non profits. It’s known throughout the industry.

Look at the IRS 990 form filed by the Clinton Foundation and compare it to legit charities.

It’s a fucking scam used to bribe a HIllary and that’s why it’s dying on the vine now that she lost the election.

What you are saying is simply 100% bullshit.
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions
As your president circles the drain you`re still stalking Hillary. Good grief!

Kills me, Clinton foundation does all kinds of good, A rated
Our C grabber cult never mention his was fined and closed down.
And I'll bet the cult never helped anyone in their lives.
Just spewing from their bath chairs enjoying their socialist VA SS Medicare benefits

The Clinton Foundation is a fucking joke among non profits. It’s known throughout the industry.

Look at the 990 form filed by the Clinton Foundation and compare it to legit charities.

It’s a fucking scam used to bribe a HIllary and that’s why it’s dying on the vine now that she lost the election.

What you are saying is simply 100% bullshit.

Love your foul mouth. Reduced to that?
College again?
So we know among non profits?
Info wars and gateway pundit??
Believe we landed on the moon?
Breitbart and knees news next
Apologies but I have a life and don't have time to sit in my bath chair and pick out anti hill items.
And what did you do to help 911 families?
Ever googled her accomplishments?
Dying to see yours
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions
As your president circles the drain you`re still stalking Hillary. Good grief!

Kills me, Clinton foundation does all kinds of good, A rated
Our C grabber cult never mention his was fined and closed down.
And I'll bet the cult never helped anyone in their lives.
Just spewing from their bath chairs enjoying their socialist VA SS Medicare benefits

The Clinton Foundation is a fucking joke among non profits. It’s known throughout the industry.

Look at the IRS 990 form filed by the Clinton Foundation and compare it to legit charities.

It’s a fucking scam used to bribe a HIllary and that’s why it’s dying on the vine now that she lost the election.

What you are saying is simply 100% bullshit.
The foundation is only rated 4 of 4 stars.
Charity Navigator - Rating for The Clinton Foundation
In 2014 they spent 88% directly on programs not overhead.
What Bill and Hillary Clinton's Controversial Foundation Actually Does
You might be better off stepping away from FOX.
If the Clinton Foundation is such an amazing charity, why are donations stopping once Hillary can exact political influence for those donors?

Seems odd.
Virtually all of the children living in with HIV in Third World Countries and 75% of adults with HIV, receive their life saving drugs from the Clinton Foundation.

Foreign governments continue to donate to the CF because of their work for development and relief in Africa, including opening schools, providing clean water sources for villages, micro loans to women’s cooperatives and working to reduce female genital mutilation there.

The Clinton Foundation gets high praise not only from the recipients of their work, but from the governments they work with for their response, and hands on work in troubled countries.

The Trumps? They’re being investigated for skimming and pocketing over $3 million dollars off the money Eric purportedly raised for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
Virtually all of the children living in with HIV in Third World Countries and 75% of adults with HIV, receive their life saving drugs from the Clinton Foundation.

Foreign governments continue to donate to the CF because of their work for development and relief in Africa, including opening schools, providing clean water sources for villages, micro loans to women’s cooperatives and working to reduce female genital mutilation there.

The Clinton Foundation gets high praise not only from the recipients of their work, but from the governments they work with for their response, and hands on work in troubled countries.

The Trumps? They’re being investigated for skimming and pocketing over $3 million dollars off the money Eric purportedly raised for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

This means Russia did not pay $150 million bribe to the Clinton Foundation for Control of 20% of the us uranium reserves?

Donors are heartless to pull funding from the Clinton Foundation.
Virtually all of the children living in with HIV in Third World Countries and 75% of adults with HIV, receive their life saving drugs from the Clinton Foundation.

Foreign governments continue to donate to the CF because of their work for development and relief in Africa, including opening schools, providing clean water sources for villages, micro loans to women’s cooperatives and working to reduce female genital mutilation there.

The Clinton Foundation gets high praise not only from the recipients of their work, but from the governments they work with for their response, and hands on work in troubled countries.

The Trumps? They’re being investigated for skimming and pocketing over $3 million dollars off the money Eric purportedly raised for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

This means Russia did not pay $150 million bribe to the Clinton Foundation for Control of 20% of the us uranium reserves?

Donors are heartless to pull funding from the Clinton Foundation.

Russian did not donate 150 million for the Uranium One deal. The Russians donated $150 million but it had nothing to do with Uranium One. The guy who donated the money sold his stake in Uranium One before they tried to buy the US mine.

Please get facts from someone other than FOX. There’s a reason Shep Smith won’t report anything to do with Trump’s lies about the Clintons.
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions

Yup when you actually read, 40% didn't give last q .
Now that's a huge crisis to our anti hills old white farts who never did a damn thing for anyone in their lives
Virtually all of the children living in with HIV in Third World Countries and 75% of adults with HIV, receive their life saving drugs from the Clinton Foundation.

Foreign governments continue to donate to the CF because of their work for development and relief in Africa, including opening schools, providing clean water sources for villages, micro loans to women’s cooperatives and working to reduce female genital mutilation there.

The Clinton Foundation gets high praise not only from the recipients of their work, but from the governments they work with for their response, and hands on work in troubled countries.

The Trumps? They’re being investigated for skimming and pocketing over $3 million dollars off the money Eric purportedly raised for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

This means Russia did not pay $150 million bribe to the Clinton Foundation for Control of 20% of the us uranium reserves?

Donors are heartless to pull funding from the Clinton Foundation.

Russian did not donate 150 million for the Uranium One deal. The Russians donated $150 million but it had nothing to do with Uranium One. The guy who donated the money sold his stake in Uranium One before they tried to buy the US mine.

Please get facts from someone other than FOX. There’s a reason Shep Smith won’t report anything to do with Trump’s lies about the Clintons.

Hey there's gateway pundit and info wars
These guys whine and never did anything for anyone
What do they think?
A Russian came over with $ ?
If you factcheck the charges they are almost all garbage, the clintons never took a dime.
But then these C grabber cult believe don the con too so what can one say?
Isn’t it amazing how all the disease and poverty on the planet have been stopped and now the Clinton Foundation isn’t getting donations.

The Clinton Foundation is so successful, they created their own obsolescence.
Either that, or it’s tough to bribe Hillary if she isn’t in Government. No Secretary of State or POTUS, no need to bribe $150 million from Russia for 20% of the US supply of uranium.

REPORT: Clinton Foundation Under Severe Financial Strain After World's Largest Corporations End Contributions

Yup when you actually read, 40% didn't give last q .
Now that's a huge crisis to our anti hills old white farts who never did a damn thing for anyone in their lives
Yep. They never gave to the Foundation or received anything from it but whining about Hillary is all they've known for the last 20 years. It`s more fun for them than watching Jeff Sessions change his story regarding Russia for the fourth time this morning.
The Clinton Foundation 990 form is a public document.

Look at this shit.

About 40% of donations go to salaries for the Foundation?

What percentage of donations made it to those suffering from famine and disease?

Just review the source document and draw your own conclusions.

The Clinton Foundation is unlike other charities in that it runs the programs in the field. It doesn’t just hand the money over to someone else to spend.

Too often the equipment and supplies purchased never make it to the intended recipients, even when they’re given to local governments. Often the trucks are just offloaded and the goods and equipment are sold on the black market and the money is pocketed by the regime in power.

The salaries are for doctors, teachers, medical staff to administer the AIDS drugs. Truck drivers to transport equipment and supplies so that they aren’t “diverted” from those who need them most. Teachers for the schools.

The work of the Clinton Foundation is all hands on - boots on the ground stuff. But note that none of the Clintons are paid a salary. In fact, Bill and Hillary donate a lot of their own money to the work.
The Clinton Foundation 990 form is a public document.

Look at this shit.

About 40% of donations go to salaries for the Foundation?

What percentage of donations made it to those suffering from famine and disease?

Just review the source document and draw your own conclusions.
I look at fact checks
So only 60% go to people?
Maybe $1 is worth it?
Maybe a tad more than you give?
You never do say how many of your millions go to 911 families etc.
Prefer to whine?
I must look up why the foundation is A rated
$3 milllon payout to the needy on $108 million in donations is shit, if you ask me.

Break down that 990 that I posted.

$40 million in salaries for Clinton Foundation employees on $108 million of donations?


Come on...they should at least try to not make it an obvious Clinton Family slush fund.
The Clinton Foundation 990 form is a public document.

Look at this shit.

About 40% of donations go to salaries for the Foundation?

What percentage of donations made it to those suffering from famine and disease?

Just review the source document and draw your own conclusions.

The Clinton Foundation is unlike other charities in that it runs the programs in the field. It doesn’t just hand the money over to someone else to spend.

Too often the equipment and supplies purchased never make it to the intended recipients, even when they’re given to local governments. Often the trucks are just offloaded and the goods and equipment are sold on the black market and the money is pocketed by the regime in power.

The salaries are for doctors, teachers, medical staff to administer the AIDS drugs. Truck drivers to transport equipment and supplies so that they aren’t “diverted” from those who need them most. Teachers for the schools.

The work of the Clinton Foundation is all hands on - boots on the ground stuff. But note that none of the Clintons are paid a salary. In fact, Bill and Hillary donate a lot of their own money to the work.

OH be quiet with facts.
Col Angus is over there sweating away doing more good than the clintons ever did.
Maybe the foundation should finance self portraits as the trump foundation.
Oh whoops, it got shut down?
$3 milllon payout to the needy on $108 million in donations is shit, if you ask me.

Break down that 990 that I posted.

$40 million in salaries for Clinton Foundation employees on $108 million of donations?


Come on...they should at least try to not make it an obvious Clinton Family slush fund.

How is it a slush fund when the clintons pocket zero according to the IRS and actually give their own money?
Who are these employees? Helping African kids? Omg what a corruption

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